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Fongo - 자유롭게 대화하고 문자를 보내세요

Fongo Mobile은 진정으로 무제한인 유일한 통화 문자 메시지 앱입니다 연간 수백 달러를 절약하세요 이것이 Dell Voice의 진화입니다 FONGO MOBILE로 얻을 수 있는 것 자신의 캐나다 현지 전화번호 원하는 번호를 선택하세요 캐나다 10개 주 전역 및 전 세계 모든 Fongo 번호로 무제한 통화 무제한 전화 수신 및 SMS 문자 메시지 수신 전 세계 어디에서나 그룹 및 사진 메시지를 포함한 무제한 FongotoFongo 문자 메시지 보내기 캐나다 밖으로 여행하시나요 비싼 장거리 로밍 요금을 피하기 위해 Fongo Mobile을 사용하여 캐나다로 다시 전화하세요 추가 기능 포함 시각적 음성메일 통화 표시 통화 대기 통화 전달 회의 통화 통화 전달 팩스 수신 기존 연락처 및 Facebook 친구와 동기화 영어 프랑스어 스페인어 독일어 중국어 지원 낮은 국제전화 요금 2센트 미국 중국 인도 영국 홍콩 프랑스 루마니아 3센트 폴란드 포르투갈 그리스 한국 더 많은 통화 요금을 알아보려면 당사 웹사이트 Fongocom을 방문하세요 Fongo Mobile은 서비스를 이용하기 위해 어떠한 구매도 요구하지 않습니다 인터넷 연결을 통해 캐나다 밖에서 Fongo Mobile을 사용하세요 해외로 여행하는 경우 Fongo 모바일을 사용하여 전화를 걸거나 메시지를 보내기 전에 WiFi에 연결하여 값비싼 장거리 및 데이터 로밍 요금을 피하세요 WiFi에 연결되면 캐나다 10개 주 어디든 전화를 걸거나 다른 Fongo 사용자에게 무료로 전화하고 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다 세계 어느 곳에서나 FONGO 모바일 인터넷 사용 통화 중일 때 Fongo Mobile은 분당 05MB를 사용하므로 500MB 데이터 요금제를 사용하면 1000분의 통화 시간을 얻을 수 있습니다 WiFi로 통화하는 경우 원하는 만큼 거의 통화할 수 있습니다 통화 중이 아닐 때 Fongo Mobile은 최소한의 데이터를 사용하여 수신 전화를 듣습니다 중요한 지원기기 AndroidNougat OS 70 이상 Chrome OS 지원 지원되는 Wear OS 기기 Wear OS 20 이상 Fongo Mobile을 사용하려면 활성 인터넷 연결셀룰러 데이터 WiFi 또는 유선이 있어야 하며 Fongo Mobile 계정을 만들어야 합니다 데이터 신호 강도가 약하거나 연결 속도가 느린 경우 이 앱이 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다 WiFi 네트워크 또는 이동 통신사가 VoIPVoice Over Internet Protocol 트래픽을 지원하는지 확인하십시오 알림을 비활성화하면 수신 전화를 받을 수 없습니다 질문이 있거나 장치 구성에 도움이 필요하십니까 계정 화면에서 지원을 탭하세요 Fongo Mobile을 개선할 방법에 대한 아이디어가 있습니까 계정 화면에서 피드백을 누르세요 Fongo Mobile을 기본 다이얼러로 사용하면 911 긴급 서비스에 전화하는 데 방해가 될 수 있습니다 캐나다 모바일 기기에서 911에 전화하려면 휴대폰에 내장된 전화 통화 앱을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다SIM 요금제가 필요하지 않음 소셜 Twitter FongoMobile Facebook /fongomobile Instagram fongomobile 이용 약관 및 제한 사항은 wwwfongocom/legal/911/에서 확인할 수 있습니다
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Tepnot Small things invite big happiness Start Messaging and connect with your friends amp family and see what they around you up to and into Explore your feelings moments and post things to daily life39s highlights Tepnot is a Free messaging and video calling app It is simple to use reliable and has a private post area In which you can easily connect and keep in touch with your friends and family You can use it on both mobile and desktop even at any low internet connection and no subscription required for use this app All you need is your phone number because only the way you are login and after you can quickly view your contacts are on Tepnot and dive into your interests Tepnot features for users good experience Endtoend encrypted personal private messaging and calls across the world in real time no one outsider or not even Tepnot can read watch and listen to them where you can share your location only those your individual or group chat and stop sharing at any time Private post with contact and group customization in which only user can set the criteria that who can seen the post Also customize your post with exclusive templates stickers and filters Share Stories and Notes with your bonds allows you to share text photos videos and GIF39s which are disappear after 24 hours You can choose to share Story posts with all your contacts or just selected ones Create your own Circle and share business ideas securely through posts Build a team by inviting members manage privacy settings and collaborate seamlessly Only the Circle owner can see all members while participants can connect without revealing their details Group chat post and calling to keep you in touch with your friends and family by endtoend encrypted private messaging where you can share photos videos messages and documents across mobile and desktop or record a voice message to connect quickly only those your individual or group chat make high quality Resolute secure video and voice calls from across any smartphone mobile devices using your phone39s internet service Some Tepnot features may not be available in your country or region Terms and Policies https//tepnotcom/tepnottermsofservice/ https//tepnotcom/tepnotprivacypolicy/
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Our SMS messenger app helps you by categorizing all MSG and you view different text messages according to category Enjoy SMS messenger chat with new features like emoji stickers GIF default message and other features This app offers classifieds in various categories like Personal OTP Transactions and Offers Also new features like theme message font and font size emoji sticker message bubble etc have been updated for your enjoyment

Main Fetures about the SMS Messenger App

Tax Message app is simple fast and easy to use with many features Organize Messages into Different Categories All types of MSG appear together on the main screen of our app in your phone Which contains messages of all categories you can view them according to different categories Block Unnecessary Numbers Unnecessary and annoying contacts instantly block those you don39t want to talk to Also you can block spam contact or unblock contacts when you want and need Archive Chat A message that you want to keep private or that no one but you can see For that secure your chat and make private chat by archiving that chat Group Chat Create groups and send messages to multiple people at once Along with sending messages together you can also send Emoji Stickers and GIFs Send and Receive Messages with Emoji Stickers and Gifs Express your feelings through emoji stickers and GIFs with text messages to make your conversations more lively and expressive And make your chats more attractive

Some of the Features Provided In Personalise

Personalise provides some features which make your message app better and more interesting It is explained here below Use Various Themes Customize the appearance of the application with the use of different wallpaper themes Use other attractive and beautiful themes with black and white theme and make the chat attractive Choose a Font and Font Size Customize the appearance of the text for a more comfortable and personalized reading of the chat in which you can customize the font and font size to your liking Here you can keep the text small or large to make it easier for you to read and you can choose different fonts of your choice Use Different Bubble Chat Box Use a variety of bubble chat boxes to personalize your messaging Customize your chat box bubbles with different shapes colors text colors and designs Choose Stickers and Send Them Choose and send different stickers to make your conversations more fun and expressive With different stickers you can express your feelings or reactions in a creative way Which makes your chatting more interesting and personal Set Ringtone for Message Notification Set the notification ringtone for incoming messages in your SMS messenger as per your choice Choose your favorite ringtone from a variety of tones to alert you to new incoming messages

Does SMS Messenger App Work Offline

Yes No internet connection is required to send and receive messages and you can send emoji stickers GIFs etc offline Allows texting anytime anywhere without WiFi or Internet

Can Swipe Actions Be Customized

Yes swipe right and swipe left in this option you can set as per your choice in swipe actions In which you can keep actions like block call delete archive pin etc Aftercall Feature Take control of your postcall tasks with our intuitive aftercall screen designed to help you stay organized and efficient Instantly manage your inbox send quick replies or follow up on important conversations without delay Whether you need to respond to messages schedule a meeting or add notes about the call this feature ensures you stay on top of your communications and never miss a step Contact Us iceborgappclubegmailcom
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wCall: Phone Call Blocker

ng dng Nhn din Ngi gi amp Chn Rc Hiu qu ng dng gip bn d dng chn cc cuc gi khng mong mun v nhn cnh bo v cuc gi cng tin nhn nh Trnh chn tin nhn v cuc gi rc Trnh gi in mc nh Qun l cuc gi hiu qu S dng lm ng dng gi in mc nh thc hin v nhn cuc gi cng nh qun l lch s cuc gi linh hot hn Chn cuc gi spam Nhn din v chn ngay lp tc cc cuc gi spam v la o Bo v cng ng Tham gia vo n lc cng ng bo co v chn cc s la o nng cao an ton cho tt c ngi dng Trnh SMS mc nh Qun l tin nhn thng minh S dng lm ng dng SMS mc nh d dng qun l tin nhn Chn tin nhn khng mong mun T ng xc nh v chn mi tin nhn SMS khng r ngun gc spam la o hoc tip th qua in thoi Phn loi tin nhn T ng sp xp tin nhn thnh cc danh mc Hp th n Spam amp Chn An ton cho cuc gi i Bo v ch ng Trnh ri ro vi tnh nng bo v cho cc cuc gi i Cuc gi thng minh Thc hin cuc gi vi thng tin chi tit v ngi gi Bo v thng tin c nhn m bo an ton cho d liu c nhn trong mi cuc gi Tra cu s ton din Xc nh danh tnh s l D dng nhn din danh tnh ca nhng s cha bit Chn cuc gi khng mong mun i trc cc cuc gi khng mong mun Trao quyn cho bn Nng cao kin thc trnh nhng ri ro tim n Ti sao chn chng ti Cng ngh tin tin ng dng x l hng t cuc gi mi thng xc nh spam v la o t nhiu nh mng ton cu Chng ti lin tc cp nht m hnh AI pht hin cc cuc gi la o mi nht Mi trng gi an ton H thng qun l cuc gi hon chnh m bo mi cuc gi bn thc hin hoc nhn u c bo mt v thng tin y chnh xc cao nh AI Hng li t chnh xc cao c h tr bi phn tch AI nng cao v phn hi t cng ng S mnh v cng ng Tham gia mng li ngi dng tch cc chng th rc v la o gip mi ngi c tri nghim gi in an ton hn Tham gia cng hng triu ngi tin tng chng ti c tri nghim gi in thng minh v an ton hn Ti xung ngay by gi cch mng ha hot ng giao tip ca bn Tn trng quyn ring t ca ngi dng Chng ti cam kt tn trng quyn ring t ca ngi dng v tnh minh bch Chng ti ch yu cu quyn cn thit cho cc chc nng chnh ca ng dng bao gm nhn din ngi gi v chn spam Cc tnh nng ca chng ti c thit k nng cao tri nghim giao tip hng ngy m khng nh hng n quyn ring t Chng ti khng bn hoc chia s bt k d liu c nhn no c truy cp thng qua ng dng
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호