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Solid Starts: Baby Food App

Trusted by more than 4 million parents around the world Solid Starts provides you everything you need to know about introducing solid food to babies with babyled weaning or within a transition from spoon feeding or pures to finger foods Built by a team of boardcertified pediatricians infant feeding therapists swallowing specialists allergist and dietitian to guide you no matter where your child is in their food journey This app will be a trusted tool to help you feel confident when starting solids and to create joyful mealtimes Our features Only food database in the world just for babies Learn how to safely introduce more than 400 foods to baby Each food has detailed nutrition information choking amp allergen guidance specific instructions on how to cut and serve the food based on baby39s age videos of real babies eating the food and more Easy introduction of babys first foods No more wondering what your baby should try next Swipe to discover new meal ideas that introduce your baby to over 100 foods at your chosen pace Personalized content for your babys unique journey Get customized meals tips and articles relevant to your babys age and stage A pediatric pro in your pocket Developed by a team of pediatricians infant feeding therapists swallowing specialists allergist and dietitian to bring you the latest and expert guidance for feeding your baby Baby food tracker Record baby39s progress with a digital food log track baby39s favorite foods make a list of foods you39d like to try later and track any foods baby has had a reaction to which you can download to share with doctors and caregivers Meal ideas and recipes 300 meal ideas and simple baby recipes What parents are saying Its really the only app one NEEDS to have for a baby Stephanie I just want to thank you guys at Solid Starts from the bottom of my heart Your app really helped me in preparing to introduce solids to my little one and also keep track of the new foods that I have introduced to her Vaishnavi Every new parent needs this app I am SO thankful for this app and the Solid Starts team As a first time mom I had zero idea of how to start solids The content provided by Solid Starts gave me the confidence to start solids when my baby was ready shortly after 6 months Shelley The Solid Starts app is one of the most used on my phone as Im constantly checking to make sure Im preparing food for my daughter safely and to keep an eye out for what to watch for Phoebe Thank you for everything youve done and put into making this app/page You gave me the confidence to do baby led weaning and also stand my ground with grandparents / child care of how I want my child to be fed and food served Laura Subscription options Upgrade to unlock all the features to make starting solids even easier with our Compass monthly or yearly plan which you can try with a free trial All subscriptions can be canceled anytime Payment will be charged at confirmation of purchase Subscription automatically renews unless canceled or turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period Manage your subscriptions by visiting your account settings in the Google Play Store Prices may vary per country and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence Have feedback or questions Please send an email to appsolidstartscom Terms of Service https//solidstartscom/termsofuse/ Privacy Policy https//solidstartscom/privacypolicy2/
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신생아 모유 수유 일지 육아일기 Erby

수유베이비타임 Erby 는 손쉽게 모유 수유 신생아의 활동들 숙면 통계를 기록하고 살펴볼 수 있게 도와줍니다 그에 더해 아기와 모유 수유 중인 엄마를 위한 식단 일지로도 사용 가능합니다 신생아가 충분할 만큼 모유 수유가 이루어지는지 확인할 수 있으며 아기의 데일리케어를 계획할 수 있습니다 음식 음료 의약품과 섭취 중인 보조 영양제에 대한 정보를 입력할 수 있습니다 그로인해 아기의 알러지 반응을 찾아내는데 도움이 될 것입니다 모유 수유 모유 수유 타이머를 한번의 클릭으로 시작하세요 먹인 간격을 기록하고 마지막으로 먹인 가슴이 어느쪽인지 쉽게 기록하세요 그렇게 함으로 모유 수유를 계획하여 체유를 예방하세요 펌핑한 데이터를 기록하고 보충 식품에 대해 기록하세요 펌핑 각각의 가슴 혹은 동시에 양쪽 가슴을 섭취 타이머를 실행하여 착유한 모유의 용량을 계산하세요 냉동 모유를 기록하세요 보관함에 충분한 양의 모유가 저장되있도록 하세요 숙면 숙면 기록을 통하여 아이가 언제 잠이들고 깨어나는지 기록하세요 야간 숙면과 주간 숙면을 기록하여 아이가 언제 깨어나고 자는지에 대한 패턴을 알아보세요 기저귀 기저귀가 얼마나 필요한지 알아보기 위해 기저귀를 갈아주기 위한 스케줄을 짜보세요 배뇨를 기록하고 필요하다면 용량까지도 배변도 따로 기록해보세요 건강 섭취 다양한 증상과 체온을 측정하고 비타민 의약품 그리고 백신에 대한 정보를 입력하세요 보충식에 대한 정보를 기록하고 아기의 반응을 기록하세요 아이의 몸무게와 성장을 관찰해보세요 아이의 이갈이를 관찰하세요 Erbys는 소아과를 방문할 때 매우 유용합니다 활동 목욕과 산책 엎드리기 놀이 마사지 등을 기록하세요 통계와 히스토리 일과의 통계자료를 살펴보고 전반적인 추세가 어떤지 확인하고 필요하다면 아기의 케어를 조정하세요 하루 일과를 살펴보세요 모든 과거 일과 그중에서 내가 원하는 종류만 필터 예를 들어 산책기록만 혹은 펌핑 기록만 할 수 있는 기능은 손끝에 달려있습니다 리마인더 일과를 위한 리마인더를 설정하세요 약을 먹는 걸 잊지 않을 것이며 지정된 시간에 아기에게 음식을 먹이거나 잠을 재우는 걸 잊지 않을거에요 수유베이비타임 Erby 는 단순한 아기의 성장 일지가 아닌 첫달의 귀중한 추억이 될 것입니다 여러 자녀를 위한 개개인을 위한 일지 작성이 가능합니다 쌍둥이에게 제격이죠 우리의 모유 수유 앱은 심각한 수면 부족을 겪는 부모님들 까지도 매일의 활동과 음식 섭취 상태를 사용하기 쉬운 일지를 통해 기록하여 아이가 한살이 되기까지의 성장을 잘 기록할 수 있도록 돕습니다 질문이나 의견 댓글은 언제든지 환영입니다 supportwhisperartscom로 이메일 보내주세요
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24baby.nl – Pregnant & Baby

Are you pregnant or having a baby Follow your pregnancy and your baby39s development from day to day keep track of all the milestones of your pregnancy and baby in your personal diary join your birth club and make new friends find your favorite baby name and much more The 24baby app has been voted App of the Year 2022 Track your pregnancy and baby The pregnancy calendar and baby calendar of 24babynl are read online by hundreds of thousands of visitors every month With this app you can track your baby39s growth even more easily and in more detail Receive reliable information every day about the developments of your pregnancy and baby Is your baby now the size of an avocado or a mango Find baby names Find your favorite baby name with the handy baby name tool Discover what they mean where they come from and how many other babies are called that way of more than 2500 boys39 and girls39 names Not sure yet Let yourself be surprised with a name via the 39surpriseme39 function Join the community Some topics you prefer to discuss with others who are in the same situation Because who knows better what it39s like when you have a strong desire to have children what it feels like to be 18 weeks pregnant or how you get through the first weeks with your baby than other future parents Therefore become a member of your birth club or join the conversation on our forum 24babynl is the community for everyone who wants to have children who is pregnant or who is the parent of a baby or toddler Everything about your pregnancy and baby in one app Daily information about the developments of your pregnancy in our pregnancy calendar Daily information about your baby39s developments in the baby calendar Find your baby name with over 2500 names with meaning Get in touch with other future parents on our forum Meet future parents who are expecting their child in the same month in your birth club With many useful tips and life hacks funny facts interesting quiz questions fun polls and recognizable quotes And much more
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keleya - Schwangerschafts-App

HERZLICHEN GLCKWUNSCH ZU DEINER SCHWANGERSCHAFT Die Keleya Schwangerschafts App begleitete bereits tausende von werdenden Mamas durch ihre Schwangerschaft amp Geburt Die Keleya Schwangerschafts App wurde gemeinsam mit Hebammen und Gynkologen entwickelt und wird von Experten amp Krankenkassen fr die Schwangerschaft empfohlen Lade jetzt kostenlos die Keleya App herunter und trage deinen errechneten Geburtstermin ein ERLEBE DIE GRTE AUSWAHL AN SCHWANGERSCHAFTSWORKOUTS YOGA amp EXPERTENWISSEN PERFEKT ABGESTIMMT AUF DICH Die Keleya App fhrt dich durch 40 aufregende Schwangerschaftswochen und zeigt dir die Entwicklung deines Babys Mit Schwangerschaftsbungen Workouts Yoga Pilates amp Meditationen bleibst du fit und gewinnst Kraft fr die bevorstehende Geburt Entdecke tglich Videos Podcasts und HebammenTipps rund um die Schwangerschaft Bereite dich mit dem Geburtsvorbereitungskurs auf die Geburt vor KELEYA DEINE SCHWANGERSCHAFT DEINE APP DAS FINDEST DU IN DER KELEYA APP Schwangerschaftsbungen bestehend aus Yoga Workouts amp Fitness Wchentliches Updates amp Tipps zur Entwicklung von dir und deinem Baby Grafische Einblicke in die Gre deines Babys fr jede SSW echter Geburtsvorbereitungskurs LiveSessions mit Expertinnen SchwangerschaftswochenKalender Meditationen amp Atembungen Gesunde Rezepte Symptom amp SchwangerschaftsTracker Wissen von Hebammen Gynkologen Frauenrzten Prnatal und Postnatal Yoga Experten Sexual amp Sozialtherapeuten ERLEBE EINE VIELZAHL AN WORKOUTS VON FITNESS BER YOGA BIS PILATES Fhl dich fit dank sicheren amp personalisierten Schwangerschaftsbungen Erhalte das beste Yoga amp Pilates Angebot fr Schwangere Fitness passend fr jede SSW Kreiert von langjhrig erfahrenen Coaches BEREITE DICH FLEXIBEL AUF DEINE GEBURT VOR VON VIELEN KRANKENKASSEN ERSTATTET Erlebe den ersten App Geburtsvorbereitungskurs Whle aus unterschiedlichen Formaten wie Podcasts Videos und Artikeln Checke in der App ob deine Krankenkasse bereits den Kurs bernimmt VERFOLGE DIE ENTWICKLUNG DEINES BABYS ERFAHRE WIE SICH DEIN BABY WOCHE FR WOCHE ENTWICKELT Verfolge die einzelnen Entwicklungsprozesse von dir und deinem Baby Kalender fr die Schwangerschaftswochen ENTSPANNE DICH MIT AUSGEWHLTEN MEDITATIONEN FINDE DEINE INNERE MITTE UND REDUZIERE NGSTE Entspanne mit Meditationen in deiner Schwangerschaft fr ein besseres Wohlbefinden Geniee einen ruhigeren Schlaf TAUCHE IN DIE WELT DER KELEYA PODCASTS EIN VERTIEFE DEIN WISSEN MIT PODCASTS BER DIE SCHWANGERSCHAFT Lerne von unseren Experten mehr ber deine Schwangerschaft und die bevorstehende Geburt Podcast in der Keleya App ERHALTE ALLE WICHTIGEN VITAMINE FR DIE SCHWANGERSCHAFT DURCH PASSGENAUE ERNHRUNGSTIPPS Ob Sodbrennen oder Eisenmangel Keleya sagt dir genau welches Rezept dir hilft Erhalte fr jede Ernhrungsweise z B vegan Rezepte WERDE KELEYA PREMIUM MITGLIED Als Premium Mitglied hast du Zugriff auf alle Workouts Podcasts Videos Artikel amp Rezepte in der Schwangerschafts App Das KeleyaAbonnement wird automatisch verlngert sofern dieses nicht deaktiviert wird KELEYA SCHWANGERSCHAFTSAPP Keleya DigitalHealth Solutions GmbH lehnt jede Verantwortung fr den Missbrauch der App oder ihrer Inhalte ab Die Nutzung der App ersetzt weder die persnliche Beratung durch eine Hebamme oder einen Arzt noch verspricht sie die Schmerzen zu lindern die whrend der Schwangerschaft auftreten knnen Alle Informationen werden nur zu allgemeinen Informationszwecken zur Verfgung gestellt Solltest du Bedenken zu deiner Gesundheit haben wende dich an einen Arzt Fr weitere Infos besuche unsere AGB amp Datenschutzrichtlinien wwwkeleyade/agb wwwkeleyade/datenschutz
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Sitters Childcare, Babysitters

Sitters makes it easy to find and book trusted flexible inhome childcare that fits around you When you need evening babysitting daytime childcare or emergency backup cover at home we can help We can also provide childcare when you39re staying away from home in a hotel holiday let or staying with family Well also provide childcare for family gatherings reunions weddings and more Our amazing sitters all have years of professional childcare experience in roles such as childminders nannies teachers nursery nurses and midwives and are fully vetted Your family will always be in the safest of hands Sitters39 service has been loved and trusted by parents nationwide on millions of occasions since 1967 and were proud to be rated Excellent on Trustpilot Always friendly and professional sitters We have used this service for 10 years now and have never been disappointed Would recommend to everyone who has children They have saved the day with last minute sitters on many occasions Zoe B Most reliable and convenient babysitter service I have experienced Highly recommend for parents Professional sitters who know how to look after children Liliana M Sitters has been a life saver for me on so many occasions as a working mum of three who does have family round the corner but feels bad about asking them constantly for childcare Sitters is a fantastic option So easy to use and everyone that has sat for us has been amazing Joanne B HOW SITTERS WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER Flexible Booking Whether you need childcare for just a couple of hours a whole day or even overnight we can help Fast amp Easy Book a sitter in minutes Choose which sitter attends your booking or let us choose for you Youre in control Peace Of Mind All sitters are fullyvetted so you can relax knowing your children are in safe reliable hands InApp Secure Payments Say goodbye to cash Manage payments directly in the Sitters app powered by Stripe one of the worlds most trusted online payment providers RealTime Updates Stay in the loop with instant notifications about your booking HassleFree Access your Sitters account view booking history and update information with ease IT39S FREE TO GET STARTED Download the app and register for free No upfront fees you only pay after your first booking MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS Membership costs just 1799 for 3 months and renews every 3 months Theres no commitment and you can cancel online at any time SITTER RATES Hourly rates are clearly displayed on each sitter39s profile Rates are per hour not per child Download the Sitters app today and find your perfect childcare match INTERESTED IN BECOMING A SITTER If youre interested in applying to become a Sitters approved childcarer please note that applications can only be submitted through our website Find out more here https//wwwsitterscouk/becomeasitteraspx
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호