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Couply: The App for Couples

Couply is a free app and has a simple goal We help couples increase understanding and foster communication to enhance your relationship If youve been together 10 years or 10 months Couply can help If youre in a Long Distance Relationship we can help Looking to get the spark back That39s what we do How does Couply help thousands of couples be the best partner they can be Researchbased personality quizzes We use quizzes with decades of research to help you understand each other Learn about you and your partner39s Love Style Turn Ons Attachment Style Enneagram number and now the Couply 16 Personality Types built on the work by Katharine Cook Briggs Isabel Briggs Myers and Carl Jung Understand how this all can affect your relationship and what you can do about it Custom Date ideas Couply will suggest custom date ideas and relationship articles based on you and your partners specific personality type You can book these dates which are synced to both your calendars right from Couply Daily Questions Go beyond surfacelevel conversations with our conversation cards that spark deep discussion and new topics that foster connection Long Distance Mode If youre in a Long Distance Relationship weve got you covered Couply has a Long Distance mode with custom articles date ideas and questions just for those in an LDR Conversation Packs That dive deep on specific topics from exploring Moving In Turn Ons Marriage to help craft your future together Photo Memories A shared private album a space just for you two Milestones Your anniversaries birthdays and important dates all in one place These generate gift and date ideas in advance giving you plenty of time to plan the perfect moment Download Couply to help you become the best partner to your lover Couply encourages communication understanding and helps you futureproof your relationship
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Gluroo: Diabetes Log Tracker

Simplify Diabetes Together Worry about diabetes less and live life more with Gluroo a free collaborative diabetes logger that works like a chat app The simplest yet most comprehensive diabetes tool you may ever need DiabetesMine COLLABORATE STREAMLINED FOR DIABETES MANAGEMENT Work together to manage the diabetes of your loved one by streamlining groupchat messaging blood glucose and insulin levels exercise device health and more all in one place for everyone to see Stay connected with your GluCrew whether youre in the same room or across the globe LOGGING COMPREHENSIVE AND EASY Whether with a few simple taps of the intuitive UI or text recognition dosed 5u Gluroo gives you a fast way to log everything you need Food Insulin doses Exercise CGM readings and manual finger pricks Opening a new insulin vial or pen Adding a new pump site CGM sensor or transmitter Custom hashtags that you can search for later NOTIFICATIONS SMARTER FEWER Alerts and notifications invade our lives and can be distracting and overwhelming Gluroo uses a new method of coordinated smart notifications which makes sure the right set of people get alerted at the right times Every alert is actionable For example if the person with diabetes PWD has low blood sugar Gluroo will alert them first and give them a chance to address the low If they dont address it within a few minutes the alert will roll over to the rest of the GluCrew This lets the PWD develop responsibility and confidence while always having someone else ready to back them up and reducing alarm fatigue in the process SEARCH As you log meals doses exercise and more you build up a valuable data source Look back at how you handled a tricky sushi lunch or your favorite pizza joint in the past expand an inline chart of your blood glucose readings during that period and use that information to help you handle it better in the future INTEGRATIONS Continuous Glucose Monitors CGM Dexcom G7 G6 G5 Freestyle Libre blood glucose meters and more planned Insulin Delivery Types Gluroo supports pumps like Omnipod DASH Omnipod OP5 DIY Loop and Nightscout instances with more planned You can also easily log your daily injections with SmartPens pens vials syringes and more Gluroo is also available for Wear OS based on GWatch Wear and provides a watch face and several Gluroospecific data complications the IOB and COB data complications are shown The data chart on the watch requires the Gluroo phone app to be installed and configured with a supported CGM More Information Caution Dosing decisions should not be made based on this device The user should follow instructions on the continuous glucose monitoring system This device is not intended to replace selfmonitoring practices as advised by a physician Not available for patient use Gluroo is neither reviewed by nor approved by the FDA and is free to use For more about Gluroo see also https//wwwgluroocom Privacy policy https//wwwgluroocom/privacyhtml EULA https//wwwgluroocom/eulahtml Dexcom Freestyle Libre Omnipod DIY Loop and Nightscout are trademarks of their respective owners Gluroo is not affiliated with Dexcom Abbott Insulet DIY Loop nor Nightscout
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Height increase exercise

Get taller with the ultimate Height Increase App Height Increase Exercise is your goto app for achieving your desired height with proven exercises customized meal plans and expert guidance Unlock your height potential with personalized exercise routines and diet plans designed to help you grow taller naturally Whether you39re a teen an adult or looking to maximize your height potential this app provides all the tools you need to start your journey to a taller you today Key Features Height Increase Exercises A comprehensive library of exercises designed to increase height including stretching and yoga 1 Week Height Increase Exercise Follow a dedicated 1week exercise plan aimed at maximizing your height Height Increase Exercise for Girls Tailored exercises designed specifically for girls to help them grow taller Height Increase Exercise at Home Perform effective heightincreasing exercises right at home Stretching Height Increase Exercise Incorporate stretching into your routine to elongate your spine and improve posture Height Increase Exercise for Boys Tailored exercise plans for boys looking to maximize their growth potential Fast Height Increase Exercise Speed up your growth with exercises designed for quick results Height Increase Exercise Before 18 Maximize your growth potential before turning 18 with targeted exercises Height Increase Exercise After 18 for Boys Even after 18 boys can grow taller with the right exercises and routines Height Increase Exercise in Gym Utilize gym equipment to enhance your height growth routine Height Gain Height Increase Exercise Boost your height gain potential with a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises Get Taller with Effective Exercises Achieve your desired height with daily exercise routines tailored to your needs Why Height Increase Exercise Height Increase Exercise combines sciencebacked methods personalized routines and easytofollow instructions making it the ultimate app for anyone looking to grow taller Whether you39re just starting or have been trying for years this app provides all the tools and knowledge you need to achieve your goals Ready Height Increase Exercise today and start your journey to a taller you Our app offers functionalities that relate to the following categories Activity and Fitness Nutrition and Weight Management
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Plant Nanny² - 물 알림

Google Play 2019의 최고의 앱 대만 홍콩 태국 인도네시아 이탈리아 및 스페인에 이르기까지 전 세계 국가의 Google Play는 2019 년 최고의 앱 목록에 앱을 선보였습니다 가장 귀여운 수화 앱 물은 생명에 가장 중요하지만 가장 소홀히 하기 쉬운 영양소입니다 Plant Nanny 는 당신의 물 마신 발자취를 기록하고 마신 물 한 컵으로 식물을 배부르고 촉촉한 생활을 할 수 있게 합니다 매일 식물들을 돌보고 채집하여 함께 물 마시는 습관을 기르세요 물 마시기의 장점은 무엇일까요 몸을 가볍게 만들고 일상생활에서 쉽게 다이어트를 하고 싶으신가요 변비 요도염 등과 같은 신체 문제를 개선하고 싶으신가요 인체의 70는 물로 구성되어 있습니다 신체의 건강은 매일 물 마시는 습관에 달려있습니다 지금 손에 들고 있는 물 한 잔부터 시작하여 물 마시는 습관을 지속해서 기르면 건강을 효과적으로 개선하고 체중 감량 더 효과적으로 할 수 있으며 신체의 피로와 병을 줄일 수 있습니다 Plant Nanny 는 당신과 함께 맞춤화 물 마시기 계획을 간단한 도표와 인터페이스를 통해 물 마시기의 진행 상황을 보여드립니다 귀여운 식물들을 모으다 보면 어느새 몸이 더욱 건강하고 가벼워집니다 식물들의 몸과 마음을 치유하면 당신은 물 마시기의 좋은 습관을 기를 수 있습니다 개인 맞춤화 물 마시기 목표 관리 개인 신체 정보 및 운동량을 토대로 매일 마실 물의 양을 추천해드립니다 물 마시기 알림을 설정해놓으면 좋은 물 마시기 습관을 만들 수 있도록 도와드립니다 자주 사용하는 컵의 용량을 쉽게 설정하세요밀리리터 ml 온스 oz 연속 출석 보상과 작은 미션을 통해 당신의 물 마시기 계획과 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 도와드립니다 한눈에 볼 수 있는 간단한 도표와 인터페이스 일일 수분 섭취 비율과 진행 상황을 이미지화로 조회할 수 있습니다 당신의 물 마시기 기록을 하고 일일/주간/월간으로 빠르게 볼 수 있습니다 쉽고 간단한 화면 설계와 사용자 인터페이스로 물 마시기 습관을 쉽게 기를 수 있습니다 다양한 화면 크기에 맞게 화면 최적화 다양한 플랫폼 장치에 사용 가능합니다 다양한 귀엽고 생생하게 살아있는 듯한 식물들 당신이 마시는 물 한 컵 한 컵마다 식물에 수분을 주고 당신과 함께 성장합니다 각양각색의 특색있는 화분으로 당신의 식물에 귀여운 집을 선물해주세요 다양한 식물들을 잠금 해제하고 신비한 생물을 만날 기회를 놓치지 마세요 문의나 건의사항이 있으시다면 Plant Nanny 메뉴 gt 설정 gt FAQ 및 지원에서 해결 방법을 찾으실 수 있습니다 만약 질문에 대한 대답이 없으면 우측 상단에 있는 편지 봉투 아이콘을 터치해서 고객서비스 센터로 연락 부탁드립니다 그럼 저희가 신속히 답변해드리겠습니다 지원팀으로 연락하기 Facebook과 Instagram 팔로우를 하시면 Plant Nanny 의 최신 소식을 보실 수 있습니다 Plant Nanny Facebook https//wwwfacebookcom/plantnannyapp/ Plant Nanny Instagram https//wwwinstagramcom/plantnannyus/ 개인 정보 보호 및 서비스 관련 규정 https//fourdesirecom/terms
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STAmina Apnea Trainer

STAmina Apnea Trainer the best apnea app to improve the breathholding time for freediving scuba diving and spearfishing with 5 different apnea tables types STAmina allows you to train static apnea at home without extra effort An apnea trainer is a great opportunity for beginner divers to prepare for diving effectively and for the professionals to improve their skills Features of the STAmina Apnea Trainer 5 apnea table options O2 deprivation table accustoms a body to lower oxygen levels This is achieved by increasing the amount of time that you hold your breath on each attempt while the resting time is fixed CO2 Tolerance table helps a body to adapt to high carbon dioxide levels This is achieved by decreasing the length of resting time between fixed breathhold periods Wonka table a variation of CO2 tables Apnea timer starts after the first contraction the rest time takes one breath Mix table tables where apnea time increases and rest time decreases with each round Custom table allows mixing different approaches to create a custom training thus to generate the most effective training program Personalized training with varying difficulty When you start working with the application you set your personal record in breath holding Based on this data the app will offer a personalized training program with exercises of 3 difficulty levels to choose from easy normal and hard Personalized exercise settings Each exercise can be edited by setting your own number of repetitions breath hold time rest time etc Training reminders Get the notification to start your apnea training In the application you can set a reminder for the day and the time which will send a notification that it is time to go through a training session Personal statistics and detailed training history All your workouts and exercises are recorded in the app You can track the detailed progress of each training Voice guidance Training may be accompanied by voice guidance with male/female voices recorded by professional voice actors STAmina supports English French and Russian voice guidance Broad language coverage STAmina app has English German Russian Franch Italian localizations Stamina Apnea Trainer is suitable for beginner or professional freedivers who want to learn how to hold their breath as long as possible spearfishers scuba divers to learn how to dive longer on one tank surfers in case of unexpected breath hold everyone who is involved in underwater sports such as underwater rugby hockey etc Stamina Apnea Trainer allows to train breath hold effectively for anyone who cares about all kinds of diving More info https//getstaminaapp/ Rate us https//wwwfacebookcom/staminamobile/ Questions and suggestions hellosquarecrowdappscom
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호