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Family GPS Locator・Kids Safety

Introducing GPS Tracker and Family Locator the ultimate parental control app that empowers you to safeguard your children39s wellbeing in the digital age With our robust suite of features you can seamlessly monitor their online activity and keep them connected wherever they go

Unparalleled GPS Tracking and Family Locator

Realtime Location Tracking Keep tabs on your child39s whereabouts with pinpoint accuracy ensuring their safety and peace of mind Receive instant notifications when they arrive at or depart from designated locations such as school home or friend39s houses Geozone Establish virtual boundaries around areas you deem safe like neighborhoods or parks Receive alerts when your child enters or exits these zones empowering you to stay informed about their movements Location History Access a detailed timeline of your child39s past locations allowing you to retrace their steps and gain valuable insights into their whereabouts

Additional Features for Enhanced Protection

Panic Button Provide your child with an immediate SOS alert that sends a notification to your device enabling you to respond promptly in case of emergencies

Peace of Mind for Modern Parents

GPS Tracker and Family Locator empowers you to navigate the digital world with confidence ensuring your child39s safety and wellbeing while fostering open communication and trust Download GPS Tracker and Family Locator today and experience the ultimate parental control solution for the modern family Safeguard your child39s digital journey with GPS Tracker and Family Locator Download now and experience unparalleled parental control and family connection
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LILI - Jeux éducatifs 3-12 ans

Superprofs et superparents Tlchargez gratuitement Lili la 1re appli audio pour faire grandir la confiance en soi des 412 ans Laurate du Grand Prix des Trophes de lducation Choisie par lEducation Nationale pour amliorer le bientre en classe Enseignants ou parents vous trouverez des podcasts et activits cratives inspires de Montessori et Freinet pour apprendre chaque enfant apprivoiser ses motions renforcer sa confiance loral et saffirmer en collectif Notre mission donner des cls de confiance et de russite aux enfants ds le plus jeune ge en leur permettant dacqurir les comptences du XXIe sicle ou soft skills ce que nous appelons les superpouvoirs LA PRESSE ET LES EXPERTS PARLENT DE LILI Lili lappli de bientre des moins de 12 ans Le Monde Cest comme Petit Bambou mais pour les enfants France Bleu Lili va taider mieux grer tes motions et prendre confiance en toi Okapi Lili rpond un vrai besoin pour les enseignants Sylvie DEsclaibes pionnire Montessori 5 BONNES RAISONS DUTILISER LILI Conue par des enseignants et des spcialistes de lenfance Sans publicit Des podcasts et activits cratives pour samuser loin de lcran Des supports pdagogiques ddis aux superprofs et aux superparents Des ateliers adapts aux besoins spcifiques de chaque enfant DYS TDAH HPI hypersensibilit TSA TESTEZ GRATUITEMENT LES ACTIVITS JE ME POSE trouver le calme et le sommeil et renforcer sa concentration mditations pour trouver le calme mditations pour sendormir yoga respiration bulles sonores jeux dattention JE MEXPRIME dvelopper laisance loral et la capacit dadaptation thtre dimprovisation mime virelangues jeux de cartes jeux dmotions et dcoute origami dessins expression artistique JE GRANDIS nourrir l39empathie et l39esprit critique et saffirmer en collectif podcasts et carnets de philo pour enfants dbats de philosophie pour enfants LES BNFICES POUR LENFANT Apprivoiser ses motions Muscler sa concentration Dompter lerreur Oser loral La jouer collectif Rflchir sur la vie Croire en soi Installer sa routine du jour le parcours d39entranement offert et sa routine du soir les mditations pour sendormir LILI L39COLE POUR LES SUPERPROFS Conu par des enseignants Lili lcole est un programme dateliers enrichi de supports pdagogiques et de modules de formation pour vous aider superprofs de maternelle dlmentaire et du collge amliorer le bientre et le climat dans votre classe installer le calme dvelopper la concentration amliorer la coopration entre vos lves en leur apprenant apprivoiser leurs motions renforcer leur confiance loral et favoriser le vivre ensemble LILI LA MAISON POUR LES SUPERPARENTS 7 superprogrammes pour apprendre la confiance et aider votre enfant acqurir ses superpouvoirs Mieux vivre ses motions dpasser sa timidit ou saffirmer en groupe autant de forces essentielles pour son bientre et sa russite acadmique et professionnelle Superparents le Manuel du coach de superhros vous est offert avec des conseils dexperts en pdagogie et en neurosciences LES OFFRES PREMIUM Avec les offres Premium librez pleinement les superpouvoirs de chaque enfant accdez en illimit toutes les activits de lapplication profitez de lintgralit des supports pdagogiques bnficiez dune pratique sans interruption tlchargez les activits sur votre tlphone pour un usage sans connexion internet en classe ou dans le train par exemple collectionnez tous les badges imprimer Lili lcole Premium 24 pour 3 mois 55 pour 12 mois Lili la maison Premium essai gratuit 7 jours puis abonnement de 499/mois ou 3499/an SUPPORT Vous aimez Lili Souteneznous en dposant un avis et 5 toiles Pour nous contacter supportlilicool
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Parental Control - Child Safe

Child Safe application is designed for parents to keep eye and control on their child39s device as day by day abuse and misuse is growing on internet

How to setup or configure Child Safe application on child39s device

Using QR code scanning Video Guide https//youtube/UP8jZa7oKUQ QR Code Refer QR code present in play store screenshots

This application offers below features

Parent can force this application on child device

After configuration of this application on child39s device child will not be able to remove/uninstall this application from child device until it is allowed by parent from parent application After child39s device configuration parent must have to disallow Child Safe uninstall from child39s device by enabling option on parent device This will enable parents to avail below all features

Location Tracking

Parents can see live location of their child39s device in Realtime

Change Password

At any time parents can change/update child39s device password without knowing current password

Lock Device

At any time parents can lock child device

Application management

Parents can uninstall any non system application from child39s device Any application can be hide or suspended Allow/Disallow any permission of any application Set any application usage time daily or weekly Install any application to child device Planned for Future release Parents can set any application as home application that no other application is allowed to use Planned for Future release


Parents can apply below restrictions to child39s device Disallow Camera Disallow Tethering Disallow Location Disallow Factory Reset Disallow Debugging Disallow Install App Disallow Wallpaper Change Disallow Adjust Volume Disallow Airplane Mode Disallow Bluetooth Disallow Bluetooth Configuration Disallow Brightness Configuration Disallow Date Time Change Disallow Screen Timeout Configuration Disallow VPN Configuration Disallow WIFI Configuration Disallow Account Modification Disallow Mount Physical Media Disallow Outgoing Call Disallow Share Location Disallow SMS Disallow Uninstall Apps Disallow UnMute Microphone Disallow USB File Transfer And many more others

Parent can disable uninstall of this application from child device Parents can also hide this application from launcher

Read Chat Planned for Future release

Parents can read fragments of child39s chat if it contains abusive or bullying words

Multiple device Control

Multiple children devices can be managed/controlled from single application

Application security

This application will be completely hidden and non removeable on child39s device

Parent can also disable some annoying system applicationsBloatware on their device

To use this feature on Parents device please follow steps quotApp setup on child devicequot

This application have almost all permissionsfor future feature implementation but some permissions needed to enable manually on child39s device to use respective features

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SleepWellBaby: Support & Tips

Feel confident Stress less Sleep soundly The last baby sleep app youll ever need SleepWellBaby is the babyled sleep and soothing app that educates and empowers you to feel confident as your child39s sleep expert while providing critical mental health support for parents in times of need Supporting you from birth to 3 years old More than 70 of new parents like you experience improved sleep for the whole family after just 7 days of using SleepWellBaby HOW IT WORKS Your sleep program is personalised to your babys unique sleep patterns age and any issues they may be struggling with Our program changes as your little one grows to ensure youre always on top of their sleep regressions feeding and daily routine Based on the latest cuttingedge baby sleep research this evidencebased program has helped more than 80000 babies and toddlers By signing up you become equipped with expertise guidance and mental health support 24/7 SleepWellBaby supports you with an agepersonalised sleep and feed tracker sleep and soothing tips breastfeeding and nutrition advice tips on teething play and even childcare and how all these aspects of parenting relate to sleep KEY PROGRAM FEATURES Smart Planner Imagine starting your day already ahead Our Smart Planner is intuitive helping you uncover your babys natural rhythms and plan your day effortlessly Sleep Schedule Tracking Track trends in your babys sleeping and feeding habits using our tracker This feature helps you log and learn from patterns making it easier to adjust routines as your baby grows Baby Soothing Tips Ever wish parenting came with a manual Our Wisdom Cards are the next best thing Packed with proven tips and quick insights theyre your goto resource for those quotWhat do I do nowquot moments White Noise Lullabies amp Sleep Sounds SleepWellBaby offers a library of soothing white noises and lullabies for your little one plus relaxing guided meditations just for you Share the Love It does take a village Easily share your babys profile with grandparents aunts uncles and friends so everyones in on the joy and yes the challenges too Professional Support Were here aroundtheclock understanding your postpartum needs and connecting you to helplines and support whenever you need them Growing with you Babies dont stay little for long Our agespecific programs evolve with your child providing targeted advice and activities from newborn coos to terrific toddler leaps 03 years WHAT PARENTS ARE SAYING So helpful The first few weeks bringing our baby home was exhausting and truly overwhelming SleepWellBaby is simple to use and easy to track feeding and sleeping which is so helpful when both parents are exhausted We started to see a pattern within the first week of using the app couldnt recommend enough OB1504 SleepWellBaby is a blessing Best app Ive ever been on I had a lot of difficulties getting my son to sleep This app changed one thing feed to play and I saw huge changes in my sons energy and in mine too Wvhindehn Download SleepWellBaby now FAQs https//wwwsleepwellbabyio/faq Terms of use https//wwwsleepwellbabyio/termsandconditions Privacy policy https//wwwsleepwellbabyio/privacypolicy
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아기 모니터 Saby 3G Baby Monitor

와이파이 3G LTE 네트워크를 통해 당신의 아기를 오디오/비디오로 모니터 하세요

Saby 아기 모니터링 앱을 통해 이제 당신의 아기가 무엇을 하고 있는지 매우 간단하게 볼 수 있습니다 단순히 2개의 스마트폰을 통해 아기가 자거나 놀 때 비디오로 볼 수 있고 알림을 받을 수 있습니다 주 모니터링 기능들 아이가 잠에서 깰 때 인공지능으로 인식 아기가 깰 때 자동으로 식별 기존의 잡음수준의 관찰을 뛰어넘어 뇌신경 네트워크를 기초로 한 완전한 목소리 및 울음 인식을 적용 아기가 일어나는 첫 신호에 Saby가 알람을 보낼 것입니다 어디서든 HD스트리밍 전 세계 얻이서든 클라우드를 통한 아기 모니터링 와이파이 3G LTE 네트워크를 통해 지구상 어디에서든 당신의 아기를 보고 들을 수 있습니다 Saby가 네트워크 속도에 맞춰 자동으로 비디오 화질을 조절하여 느린 네트워크 속도에서도 언제나 접속이 유지됩니다 빠른 초기 설정 아기 모니터링 설정이 최고로 간단화 같은 와이파이 네트워크 상에 있는 2개의 안드로이드 장치들에서 Saby를 시작하며 앱이 자동으로 이들을 인식할 것입니다 간단히 각 장치에서 연결을 확인해 주기만 하면 됩니다 공유하는 와이파이가 없나요 고유하게 생성된 4자리 숫자를 입력하여 서로의 장치를 발견하고 양측의 확인 후 연결됩니다 최근 수면들의 총 기록 당신 아이의 과거 수면들을 분석하는 것은 언제나 유용합니다 이 정보를 이용하여 언제가 당신의 아기를 잠재울 가장 적절한 시간인지 발견할 수 있습니다 무료 아기 모니터링과 함께 당신의 아기를 모티너 하는 것이 매우 쉽게 되었습니다 Saby의 최고의 와이파이 비디오 모니터링 저희의 개인정보 정책는 여기를 클릭해 주세요 https//sabyapp/privacypolicy/ 무료 3 일 무료 평가판을 다운로드하십시오 3 일 무료 평가판 이용 약관 가입 기간이 1 주 이상이고 평가판 기간은 3 일이며 가입 갱신은 선택한 기간에 따릅니다 요금은 299부터 시작합니다 o 구매 확인시 Google Play 계정으로 결제 요금이 청구됩니다 o 구독이 취소되지 않으면 자동으로 갱신됩니다 o Google Playgt 구독에서 구독을 취소 할 수 있습니다

Audio and Video monitor your baby through WiFi 3G and LTE networks

With Saby Baby Monitor App now is super simple to see what your baby is doing you just need to use two smartphones to video watch your baby while sleeping or playing and get notifications Main Monitoring Features AI Recognition for Waking up Child Automatic detection of your child awakening It goes beyond classic noiselevel observation by implementing full voice and cry recognition based on neuralnetworks You will get a notification from Saby at the first signs of your babys waking HD Stream Anywhere Baby monitor from any place in the world You can see and hear your baby from any place on Earth via WiFi 3G and LTE networks Saby automatically adjusts video quality according to network speed so youll always be connected even on low speed networks All Data Encrypted All data is encrypted by the latest SHA256 protocol We encrypt all data and do not purposefully collect any personal information You can use our application without inputting any personal data plus you can always see the number of connected parents at any given moment Fast Initial Setting Baby monitoring set up is as simple as it gets Start Saby on two Android devices on the same WiFi network and the app will automatically detect them You only need to confirm connection on each device Dont have a mutual WiFi network Enter a uniquely generated fourdigit code to find each other and get connected after reciprocal confirmation Automatic Silent Mode Mute all Notification On your childs station Device Your baby will not be awakened by an undue message or call After turning off the Saby Baby Monitor it will go into silent mode Aware of Battery Get a notification when it get to 20 battery left The app shows how much charge remains on the baby station device and it notifies you when the charge lessens to 20 Full log of Recent Sleeps It is always useful to analyze your childs past sleeps You can use this information to discover the most suitable time to put your child to bed Now is super easy to monitor your baby with Baby Monitor Free Best Wifi Video Nanny By Saby You can find our Privacy Policy here https//sabyapp/privacypolicy/ Download It Now Free
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호