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Clock In collector of punches using Facial Recognition QR Code or CPF entry A growing number of companies are seeking more complete and versatile systems embracing mobility and cuttingedge technologies to provide greater security and assertiveness to the attendance control of their employees whatever their specific needs may be Clock In has arrived to end their search With cuttingedge technologies it offers a set of applications capable of meeting all of your company39s attendance control demands regardless of the department in which it operates The Clock In app is the TOTVS HR Clock In mobile application an efficient and secure attendance control tool that provides greater mobility and security to your company39s HR management The app relies on artificial intelligence for facial recognition when the punch is performed Its interface is extremely simple and friendly accelerating the attendance control clocking process regardless of employee level of training The Clock In app also enables Geofence control through the mapping of addresses and electronic fence validation The application39s development is fully compliant with Brazilian labor laws particularly with Ordinance 671 of the Labor Ministry which regulates remote work and clocking collection without using a traditional employee time clock Thus the app reduces the cost of expensive equipment infrastructure facilitating the deployment of the system The Clock In app is available in the Android and iOS platforms running on tablets and smartphones Moreover the application works offline allowing the employee to clock in even without an Internet connection later syncing records with the TOTVS HR systems of the RM Protheus and Datasul lines Highly scalable the Clock In app easily meets the needs of business from small companies to large corporations The application is flexible allowing punch registration via facial recognition QR Code or even by typing the CPF Always with the same efficiency and security The punch record can be performed by the employee themselves or by a company manager depending on their needs Clock In can be contracted by subscription depending on the number of employees Main Features Clocking through static facial recognition using a photo Clocking through dynamic facial recognition or liveness identifying eye blinking Clocking through reading of QR code Clocking by input of CPF or any other identifier code Storage of punches history You can use it without an Internet connection all electronic attendance control methods Enables data syncing with the Carol Platform when required Full integration with the Carol Platform allowing data analysis Integrated with the main TOTVS HR solutions and with PIMS Geofence and Geolocation Control For further information about this product access our Help Portal through the link https//tdntotvscom/display/TCI/TOTVSRHClockInbyCarolHome Contact the TOTVS sales team for more information and to optimize your company39s attendance control process Not yet a customer Access https//produtostotvscom/aplicativo/appmeuclockin/
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호