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Synergo Technologies presents Sygo the allinone work management app Chat built for work Keep your conversations within people in your organization remove complete access from chat history once employees are terminated Communicate effectively by using emojis and threads to keep your chat groups organized and decluttered Tap amp hold to convert any message into a Todo amp create a shared task list to keep your team accountable recognize your team members for hard work send fun praises to the group and collect points Digitalize amp automate workflows easily Create customized workflows that are unique to your organization with custom steps amp approvals Provide business services from leave approvals reimbursements etc in a single app Manage and track operations by creating workflows for Sprints Incident Management Track your salespeoples productivity with our Sales Pipeline amp Visit Tracking Track projects and billable hours Attendance for the modern workforce Clock in from anywhere using GPS and a selfie simulate the environment of a single office wherever you are Send an automatic message to your team to inform them you are ready for work Need to quickly look for someone from hundreds of other employees Simple mention them with and let Sygobot find them or if theyre on leave someone in their division that can assist you Focus on Performance Use all available data from chat workflows and feedback amp link to your companys KPIs or OKRs and get the most updated picture of how your organization is performing down to each employee Create action plans with our Check Ins feature and keep each discussion point accountable with automated follow up meetings Easily give performance reviews amp provide your employees with the most updated training material
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omunione is the store offering of Arvind Internets omnichannel platform omuni Arvind Internet AI is Asias leading omnichannel enablement company built by retail practitioners and industry insiders who understand the complexities of omnichannel retail transformations both technological and operational The omuni platform powers the omnichannel roadmap of 45 global brands covering a network of 4500 stores Why omunione The omunione app has an extensive roadmap to be the single app needed by the store staff to serve customers get more walkins and manage the store What it means For the Consumers Each consumer gets a personalized consistent and a fulfilling brand experience For the Retailers / Brands In turn the business gets incremental revenue many more loyal amp returning consumers As with any product the omunione app will keep getting better and more powerful with each release A few highlights of the current version are below Overall Whole app tailored to the Brand experience styling look amp feel Journey driven flows to make it extremely easy for the store staff to use Visual Merchandising Multiple dynamic templates to showcase whats new whats trending season stories and much more Save the Sale Ability to find and shop any size / colour across the brand network stores warehouses Mobile Checkout With capability to complete the purchase journey within the app itself powered with all payment options like cash on delivery debit/credit cards netbanking pay at store etc Endless Aisle Showcase products in different ways with omni capabilities like filtering by store etc Advanced search with dynamic filtering tailored to the brand Ability to find similar amp complementary products to allow upsell crosssells making sure no customer is unsatisfied Fulfilment Ability to fulfil orders handover to courier/customer New order alerts and notifications Track fulfilled or placed orders The omunione app can run on any resolution from phones to phablets to tablets Although tablets are probably the best suited for an enriching experience they dont become a blocker to get to market faster The app can efficiently run even on low end phones probably already available with the store staff For any feedback or support please contact us at storesupportomunicom or 91 8046465501
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Navita EMM

Introduo Navita EMM uma plataforma de gesto de dispositivos mveis pensada para operaes e projetos de pequena e mdia complexidades atendendo as necessidades corporativas de maneira prtica e fcil Usando nosso sistema as empresas se beneficiam de funcionalidades como definio de polticas de senha envio de configuraes e envio de aplicativos bem como a aplicao de modo quiosque onde se pode controlar totalmente o dispositivo a ponto de limitar o acesso a configuraes e permitir acesso a um ou poucos aplicativos usados para a atividade laboral Instrues de utilizao Baixe o aplicativo no seu dispositivo Android Leia e aceite o termo de uso Digite o cdigo de ativao fornecido pelo seu administrador de TI Fornea os dados exigidos em seu primeiro acesso Funcionalidades

Administrao simples e fcil

Inventrio lgico do dispositivo software e hardware

Maior agilidade na entrega de aparelhos

Envio e atualizao de aplicativos remotamente

Administrao por grupos

Controle de funcionalidades e restries

Modo quiosque controle total dos dispositivos limitandoos a uma nica finalidade

Envio de configuraes de WiFi

Envio de configuraes de Email

Definio de polticas de senha

Segregao de contedo pessoal e contedo corporativo BYOD

Inventrio de aplicativos corporativos instalados

Informaes de geolocalizao dos dispositivos

Segurana da informao atravs de polticas controles e segregao de contedo em conformidade com a LGPD

Controle de aplicativos por horrio

Envio de documentos e arquivos para os dispositivos

Ganhos Segurana da informao Visibilidade dos dispositivos corporativos Conformidade e boas prticas de IT Gesto de dispositivos mveis Controle remoto Conhea Institucionais Navita
https//navitacombr/ https//navitacombr/conteudos/ 55 11 30456373 Dvidas suporteprodutosnavitacombr
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호