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Pass Santé Jeunes – Région Sud

L39application Pass Sant Jeunes Rgion Sud permet aux jeunes de faire leur demande de Pass Sant et d39utiliser leurs ecoupons auprs des professionnels de sant partenaires La mme application permet aux partenaires de scanner les ecoupons des jeunes et de suivre leurs oprations en temps rel Questce que le Pass Sant Jeunes Se prsentant sous forme dune application et de 12 ecoupons le Pass Sant Jeunes de la Rgion Sud permet daccder de faon autonome gratuite et scurise lensemble de loffre contraceptive 4 consultations psychologiques des protections priodiques une consultation sant et sexualit ainsi qu un rattrapage de la vaccination Human papillomavirus Qui peut en bnficier Le Pass Sant Jeunes sadresse aux jeunes de moins de 26 ans rsidant en rgion ProvenceAlpesCte DAzur 04 05 06 13 83 84 pouvant justifier dun des statuts ligibles lycens tudiants apprentis Comment l39obtenir La demande de Pass Sant Jeunes se fait exclusivement sur le site ou lapplication Pass Sant Jeunes Rgion Sud jusquau 31/07/2024 Elle se fait en deux tapes Premire tape cre ton compte et saisis tes coordonnes Deuxime tape fais ta demande de Pass Sant Jeunes avec les pices justificatives de ton statut Comment lutiliser Pour utiliser ton Pass Sant Jeunes partir de lapplication ou du site Pass Sant Jeunes Rgion Sud Choisis ton professionnel de sant ou psychologue libral Scanne son QR code Saisis la dpense Valide la transaction Lopration senregistre automatiquement sur ton compte et celui du professionnel O et jusque quand lutiliser Les ecoupons sont utilisables auprs des professionnels de sant partenaires jusquau 31/08/2024
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Hello Proxy Pro

In terms of enhancing your online security Virtual Private Network is your best friend It also allows you to hide sensitive information such as your IP address location and browsing history After using Hello Proxy Pro encryption you will not be afraid to use public WiFi at airports or hotels Avoid targeted bandwidth restrictions If you do anything on the Internet that consumes a lot of Internet bandwidth such as games your ISP may use bandwidth limiting technology to deal with you When your ISP attempts to alleviate bandwidth congestion and control network traffic this is called bandwidth throttling which directly affects your Internet speed You can circumvent bandwidth restrictions and slow connection speeds by using Hello Proxy Pro connections ISP will restrict customers who consume a large amount of data and deliberately slow them down so that everyone can access the Internet at the same time If you use Hello Proxy Pro to encrypt your network data your ISP will no longer be able to observe your active sessions Allow access to your favorite websites while traveling Hello Proxy Pro is undoubtedly beneficial to all travelers The most popular streaming media websites are limited in multiple regions In this case it can help you overcome geographical restrictions and quickly access the materials you need Improve the security of public WiFi Using public WiFi is not always safe Connecting to an unencrypted WiFi network or a network set by a hacker may reveal your browsing information By encrypting your Internet connection Hello Proxy Pro can prevent your payment information from being stolen when using public WiFi Keep your messages private and secure Hello Proxy Pro 39s powerful encryption technology ensures that your private communications are always private Every communication video call and meeting is secure and confidential When Hello Proxy Pro is used all data is encrypted As a result it seemed to be illegible to all who saw it Hello Proxy Pro will cover your IP address and location making hackers unable to access your sensitive information You can safely download and upload files
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호