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부동산/홈 인테리어

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Visualisieren Visualisieren und organisieren Sie Ihr Gebude Strukturieren Sie Ihr Gebude und gestalten Sie die App mit Ihren eigenen Rumen um immer und berall einen schnen berblick zu behalten Navigieren Sie durch die Etagen und finden Sie immer Ihren gewnschten Bereich oder Raum Ausgewhlte Icons informieren Sie darber ob in diesem Raum gerade ein Licht brennt oder wie hoch die Raumtemperatur im Moment ist Design Platzieren Sie Objekte direkt auf Ihrem Raumhintergrund Sie knnen Ihre individuellen Rume schnell und einfach als Bild in unsere App hochladen Alle schaltbaren Objekte knnen Sie direkt in Ihrem Raum platzieren und von dort aus schalten Funktionalitt Steuern Sie Licht Jalousien Steckdosen Sequenzen und vieles mehr in Ihrem Gebude Steuern Sie alle Objekte gemeinsam in einer App so haben Sie Ihre Steuerzentrale immer im Gepck Sie knnen eigene Sequenzen oder Szenen erstellen die auf Knopfdruck eine Reihe von Ereignissen auslsen wie z B eine Abschieds oder GutenMorgenSequenz Sie knnen auch eigene Zeitplaner verwalten die Ihre gewnschten Ereignisse zu einer bestimmten Uhrzeit oder an einem bestimmten Tag abspielen Komfort Managen Sie Ihr Raumklima und sorgen Sie immer fr eine angenehme Atmosphre Mit unserer Wrme und Kltevisualisierung steuern Sie alle Objekte die mit Ihrem Klima zu tun haben mit einem einzigen Modul Mit unserem TemperatureRad knnen Sie immer und berall die exakte Solltemperatur einstellen Zustzlich behalten Sie alle relevanten Sensoren wie z B Sauerstoff oder Luftfeuchtigkeit im Blick
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부동산/홈 인테리어


En idealista tenemos la app ms completa para comprar vender o alquilar cualquier inmueble en Espaa Italia y Portugal Si quieres vender o alquilar un inmueble en nuestra app tendrs todas las herramientas para publicarlo y encontrar comprador o inquilino en un tiempo rcord En caso de que busques casa plaza de garaje habitacin en alquiler u otro tipo de inmueble tenemos ms de un milln de anuncios a tu disposicin Algunas de las cosas que puedes hacer con nuestra app si ests buscando un inmueble son Dibujar tu zona de inters en el mapa Entra en el mapa de idealista y dibuja con el dedo la zona en la que quieres vivir Una vez dibujada te mostraremos todos los anuncios disponibles y podrs ver sus precios para compararlos de un vistazo As de fcil Encontrar viviendas cerca de ti Permite a la app de idealista acceder a tu ubicacin para mostrarte los inmuebles disponibles que se encuentran a tu alrededor Activar alertas y avisos para ser el primero Si ests buscando habitacin o casa sabrs lo importante que es ser de los primeros Para ello tenemos nuestro sistema de avisos inmediatos Haz una bsqueda en idealista con la zona y los requisitos que te interesan y gurdala con un nombre que te ayude a identificarla Activa los avisos para esa bsqueda y cada vez que se publique un nuevo anuncio que cumpla tus criterios o que un inmueble rebaje su precio te avisaremos con una notificacin inmediata en tu mvil Chatear con los anunciantes para resolver todas tus dudas o concertar una visita para ver un inmueble Crear un perfil de inquilino En nuestra app puedes crear un perfil para presentarte cuando contactas con los anunciantes y tener ms posibilidades de ser el inquilino de la vivienda que te interesa No dudes en probar nuestra app
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Redfin Houses for Sale & Rent

Download the Redfin App to get updated MLS real estate listings every 2 minutes Find the latest homes condos and townhouses for sale and for rent in your area Browse photos see uptodate home details and instantly book a free tour with a Redfin Agent to see homes for sale even faster Some of our most popular features Find New Homes First See Listings First Get notifications within 30 minutes for new listings in your area Redfin has more homes for sale than any other real estate app because were powered by the local MLS Quickly Share Your Favorite Homes Text or email new listings to your house buying partner Search on All Your Devices Save your favorite homes and property searches to your Redfin account and access them anytime anywhere on the app or Redfin website Customize Your Home Search See Every House Receive push notifications for any house condo or townhome that meets your search criteria Customize Your Home Filters Search by price property types like singlefamily condos townhouses mobile homes and desired features to find your dream house Even tiny houses Draw Your Custom Home Search Radius Outline your desired neighborhood or particular area to narrow down your house buying journey Start Touring Early Search for homes with open houses scheduled for the upcoming weekend Search by School Search for homes near specific schools and school districts Calculate Mortgage property tax HOA amp insurance with our mortgage calculator on real estate for sale Tour Homes for Sale Fast Schedule both video chat amp inperson Tours Instantly Book free tours with a local Redfin Real Estate Agent right from the app Plan Open House Visits Get directions and attend every open house in your area Share Homes Easily share your favorite homes via text message email and social media before you book a tour MLS Real Estate App Dont Miss Out Well tell you which homes are likely to sell the fastest so you dont miss the perfect home Learn to be a Home Buying Expert Sign up for free house buying classes and real estate events Gain Exclusive Insights Read comments about what a home is really like written by Redfin Real Estate Agents after they tour the home Sold Home Data Get the latest property data on sale prices of nearby homes in most markets Find Accurate Home Data Most MLS real estate listings refresh every 5 minutes Redfin operates in the following states Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Disclaimers 50 of MLS listing updates received by Redfin will post within 2 min Tours subject to property and agent availability Photos floor plans and 3D tours may not be available on all listings Photos for illustrative purposes only Screens simulated Individual results may vary Listing fee subject to change minimums apply Buyers agent fee not included eg if buyers agent fee is 25 seller will pay a total fee of 35 Sell for a 1 listing fee only if you also buy with Redfin within 365 days of closing on your Redfin listing Equal Housing Opportunity
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부동산/홈 인테리어


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부동산/홈 인테리어

Home Designer 3D: Room Plan

Our goal is to make creating a home plan interior plan or exterior plan easy for individuals Create a stunning interior design for your room or home with the Home Design 3D Floor Plan Creator Easily Build your home with love utilizing interior design plans available in the app with a 3D room planner to get advice and ideas Designing your dream house and visualizing each room is our specialty PROFESSIONAL ROOM PLANNER amp HOME DESIGNER You can quickly embody any interior or outdoor design by using readymade products and customizing them with your design furniture decor floors and measurements You can create bedroom kitchen and outdoors in perfect styles There are no limitations in this house design app when it comes to choosing a floor plan design constructing a plan or designing a space like a kitchen bathroom living room or bedroom It39s easy to make floor plans using our 5D home design gaming app even if you don39t have a professional39s help Virtual In 2D and 3D modes you can customize and view your house design and room decor Take an FPS tour of your home or room layout After that you can quickly rearrange or renovate your home change the interior style of the house or room and add missing decor pieces to your dream home 3D Room Exploration Feature a simple tool that allows you to quickly customize a layout design based on your room dimensions and view the final image in realtime Features of the Home Design 3D and Room Interior Design App Modern furniture models many products for utilization in your designs quotPhotographs of your ideasquot of homes and rooms in realistic images A huge gallery of project ideas and photographs of home designs rooms floor plans interior decor and landscape design provided by our users You can use the app to design your home and room interiors online and offline You may also get design ideas for your home Remodel Redecor Renovation CREATING YOUR HOMES39 INTERIORS AND EXTERIORS Design and create floor plans for your 3D home Select and personalize furniture accessories decor and other goods from the constantly updated catalog with a combination of hundreds of textures and colors Drag and drop things to any location on your room layout and change the size of any item You can also view completed projects in FPS mode with joystick controls If you are renovating or adorning your home home design 3D helps you to create edit and proportion your ground plans You could create stunning and great interior and exterior designs in 2D and 3D with home design 3D in just minutes It helps to feature dividers doors and home windows for your plot You could additionally change the peak and thickness of the walls and properties This may significantly reduce the time it takes to construct a house Download now and experience new features
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호