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A Plandurance programba mindent beletettnk amire szksge lehet azoknak akik most indulnak a futsban Segtnk az els futlpsektl hogy a felkszlsed szemlyre szabott s srlsmentes legyen s vgs soron rmforrs nem pedig nyg legyen Mirt vlaszd a Plandurance programot Emailek helyett applikci Mi nem kldnk emailben edzstervet inkbb megalkottuk az els magyar nyelv edzstervez s edzsnaplz alkalmazst Az applikci letlthet a Google Play s AppStore ruhzakbl Heti visszajelzs Edzsmonitorozs Nincs mg egy olyan applikci a vilgon ahol a teljestett edzseidet monitoroznk Mi nyomon kvetjk az elvgzett edzseidet s azokat kirtkelve heti visszajelzst adunk Ha kell akkor biztatjuk ha kell akkor megdcsrnk Kell ennl tbb motivci Kezd futknak szl vide sorozat Tudjuk hogy tele vagy krdsekkel Tudjuk hogy mi jr a fejedben s hogy min msz keresztl az els hetekben Nem engedjk el a kezed Hetente jelentkeznk egyegy szakmai videval szre sem veszed s mr be is vezettnk a futs vilgba Edzstervek valdi edzktl Az edzsterveinket nem egy automata egy sportra kalkultora vagy valamifle szemlytelen mestersges intelligencia rta Edzsterveink mgtt vals edzi vgzettsggel rendelkez szakemberek vannak akikkel akr tallkozhatsz vagy beszlgethetsz is Mit tud az applikci A 12 hetes program sorn itt kapod az edzseidet itt tudod leveznyelni azokat s az elvgzett edzsek adatait is trolja a program Az edzsek htrl htre lthatak lesznek az applikciban csakgy mint a pihennapok Edzsnapon nincs ms dolgod mint elindtani az adott napi edzst s ha vgeztl ksznek jellni Ha neked van pulzusmrd vagy sportrd azt is knnyedn csatlakoztatni tudod az applikcival Minden edzs mellett megtallod annak lerst melyben rszletesen lerjuk hogy mire figyelj hogyan vgezd el az adott napi edzst Segtnk hogy milyen rzsek trsulnak egyegy edzshez intenzitshoz Fogjuk a kezed s segtnk fenntartani a motivcit Az edzs sorn telefonod kpernyjn figyelheted hogy mennyi id van vissza az edzsbl s az adott szakaszbl milyen pulzuson/intenzitson futsz ppen s milyen temp trsul ehhez Ne ijedj meg az elejn nagy esllyel te mg csak stlni/gyalogolni fogsz De idvel ebbl intenzv gyalogls lesz amit hamarosan felvlt a futmozgs Mirt vlaszd a Plandurance programot Beszljenek helyettnk sportolink Szmomra ez tbb volt mint egy interneten megtallhat s letlthet sablonos edzsterv Nagy rmmel olvastam mindig a heti rtkelst mg akkor is amikor nem futottam egy egsz hetet mert az volt az rzsem hogy egy egsz edzi csapat ll mgttem figyeli ha gyesen futok s ha nem sikerl akkor motivl Pttendi Bea Amellett hogy szakmailag nagyon jl felptett program rendkvl jl alkalmazhat is Szuper kzssgbe csppen a kezd fut amely szintn sokat hozztesz hogy a lelkeseds ne cskkenjen Pap Veronika Megmutatjk hogy a futs lehet rm is s minden szinten rhetsz el sikereket Jzsa Tmea
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Actif Sport and Leisure

With the Actif Sport and Leisure app you always have your Actif facility in your pocket with quick and easy access to book your favourite fitness classes and activities Get uptodate information news fitness class timetables public swim timetables offers events and receive push notifications for important news LEISURE CENTRES to view the app in welsh add your leisure centre using its welsh name as per below Amman Valley Leisure Centre / Canolfan Hamdden Dyffryn Aman Carmarthen Leisure Centre / Canolfan Hamdden Caerfyrddin Llanelli Leisure Centre / Canolfan Hamdden Llanelli Newcastle Emlyn Leisure Centre / Canolfan Hamdden Castell Newydd Emlyn St Clears Leisure Centre / Canolfan Hamdden Sancler Llandovery Swimming Pool / Pwll Nofio Llanymddyfri FITNESS CLASS TIMETABLES Get realtime access to your centres timetable for classes including times fitness instructors and class description FITNESS CLASS BOOKINGS Check availability make a booking amend a booking and cancel a booking all on the move SWIMMING TIMETABLES Get realtime access to your centres timetable for lane swimming recreational public swim and Family swimming sessions CENTRE INFORMATION Find out about our opening times and facilities NEWS AND PUSH NOTIFICATIONS Instantly get notified of centre news and events direct to your phone With our app youll immediately know when there are new events or classes ensuring that youll never miss a thing OFFERS Get push notifications for new offers so you always know about special promotions MEMBERSHIPS AND ONLINE JOINING View our different types of membership to find the one which best suits you and join online CONTACT US Easily contact us with site telephone numbers and email addresses or view directions and maps SHARE THROUGH FACEBOOK TWITTER AND EMAIL Share fitness classes news centre information and offers with your friends and family at the touch of a button
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생리달력 그리고 생리주기 - 여성생리달력

생리가 언제 시작하고 끝날지 추측하는 데 지쳤습니까 생리주기 달력 생리달력 생리어플를 추적하고 임신 가능성이 가장 높은 시기를 알고 싶습니까 생리 추적기 앱만 있으면 됩니다 배란일 계산기 당사의 생리 추적기 앱은 월경 주기 생리달력를 추적하려는 모든 여성에게 완벽한 도구입니다 이 생리주기 달력을 사용하면 생리 시작일과 종료일 배란일 가임일 안전일을 쉽게 추적할 수 있습니다 당신은 다시는 당신의 기간에 방심하지 않을 것입니다 우리 생리어플의 가장 좋은 기능 중 하나는 정확성입니다 생리 추적기는 고급 알고리즘을 사용하여 월경 주기 생리달력를 계산하고 배란일과 가임일을 예측합니다 즉 생리어플을 사용하여 생리 주기에 대한 정확한 정보를 제공하고 해당 정보를 사용하여 그에 따라 인생을 계획할 수 있습니다 배란일 계산기는 생리 주기 데이터를 기반으로 배란일을 계산하는 기능입니다 이 배란일 계산기는 임신 계획을 세우거나 임신을 피하려는 여성에게 유용합니다 우리 생리어플의 또 다른 뛰어난 기능은 단순성입니다 사용하기 쉽고 단 몇 분만에 시작할 수 있습니다 생리주기어플 월경 주기 생리달력에 대한 몇 가지 기본 정보를 입력하기만 하면 생리어플이 나머지를 처리합니다 필요와 선호도에 맞게 생리주기 달력을 사용자 지정할 수도 있습니다 이 기간 추적기 및 생리달력 기능을 사용하여 기간의 길이와 이 기간 동안 발생할 수 있는 증상을 추적하세요 생리주기어플 기간 추적기의 주요 기능 생리어플 생리주기어플 배란일 계산기 생리주기 달력 생리 추적기 생리달력 주기 배란 예측 독특한 생리주기 다이어리 디자인 생리주기어플 불규칙한 기간에 대한 개인 기간 길이 주기 길이 및 배란을 사용자 지정합니다 매일 임신 가능성을 계산합니다 임신 중이거나 임신을 끝냈을 때를 위한 임신 모드 기록할 증상 생리주기 달력 생리 가임 및 배란 추적기에 대한 알림 무게 및 온도 차트 생리주기어플 배란일 계산기
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CalmRadio.com - Relaxing Music

Calm Radio delivers over 700 channels of calming sounds sleep music sleep sounds bedtime stories guided meditations and meditation music that will have you feeling grounded and refreshed in no time Its no secret that calming music can reduce stress and enhance daily harmony thats why you need Calm Radio the worlds largest selection of relaxing melodies including sleep sounds guided mindfulness meditations naturefusion classical music and the calming sounds of smooth jazz and pop Dont take it from us heres what our listeners have to say about this relaxing classical radio Described by The New York Times as The most popular spiritual author in America Eckhart Tolle is just one of our loyal listeners stating I very much enjoy listening to Calm Radio Its my favorite station Life is stressful and chaotic balancing our personal and professional lives is never easy Our daily stress doesnt just magically disappear thats why we all need a little help creating optimal wellness amp mindfulness Download the Calm Radio app and start harmonizing your day KEY FEATURES OF THE UNIQUE CALM RADIO APP Sleep timer allows you to program your calming music in intervals Equalizer tone controls ensures you get the best out of this classical radio Favorites list allows you to easily access your preferred relaxing melodies Threelayered nature sound channels with music Calming night sounds and sleep music Trackskip easily allows you to skip between your favorite classical music Unlimited listening relax all day to your favorite calming music there is no limit Experiencing ringing in the ears Audiologists agree that Calm Radios Sleep Sounds and calming Music channels help alleviate Tinnitus and other auditoryrelated uncomfortableness NEW FEATURES 1 Guided Sleep and Sleep Music channels are now available in lengths of 60 minutes to 8 hours 2 Relax like never before with tranceinducing scenic nature videos including forests waterfalls and seascapes 3 Guided Meditations in an array of soothing voices in lengths of five minutes to one hour LET THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Nearly six million monthly listening hours Over one million unique monthly users Over 700 channels of calming sounds and music The worlds largest collection of classical music 46star rating on Apples App Store Best New Update Apple 2019 TRY OUR CALM RADIO APP FOR FREE Still not convinced Sign up for a free trial membership today If you like what you hear and want adfree listening simply upgrade to a Premium membership MEMBERSHIP FEATURES Sleep music Guided meditation Meditation music Guided sleep Classical music Mindfulness music Relaxing sounds Adult contemporary Calming nature sounds Calming music Sounds for sleeping Sleep melodies Music for sleep Relaxing melodies Relaxing sounds Pop Rock Jazz Country music World music Nature sounds White noise ASMR Balance both your mind and body with sleep melodies download Calm Radio now to experience health and relaxation like never before Terms of service https//calmradiocom/en/terms Privacy policy https//calmradiocom/en/privacy
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Ascension Project

At Ascension Project our mission is to guide capable individuals on a transformative journey of selfascendence empowering them to reach their next level across all aspects of life Through our customised training nutrition mindset and habits plans we equip our clients with the tools and support they need to shed their old selves and embrace a new elevated version Grounded in tried and tested methods and industry standards we provide genuine care unwavering commitment and personalised recommendations to foster sustainable progress With a focus on topclass service and building a community of likeminded individuals we strive to create a supportive and empowering environment for our clients to thrive Our vision is to extend our reach globally enabling individuals worldwide to experience the transformative power of Ascension Project and ultimately achieve a more fulfilling and purposedriven life The idea of Ascension Project started through a transformation journey in 2021 The inspiration for the project came after understanding that whilst the most noticeable change undergone in health and fitness is the outside physique the most meaningful change happens within the mindset and lifestyle The Ascension Project targets individuals who have decided their current state is no longer where they wish to belong and are looking to ascend to the next level The Ascension Project comes in many forms but is most commonly found in a customised training nutrition mindset and habits plan to effectively capitalise on the strengths of the individual and upskill the weaknesses With a clear and obvious result of an improved and healthier physique the real difference for the individual comes from their new outlook on life when understanding that anything can be achieved with the right guidance and commitment Our app integrates with Health Connect and wearables to provide personalized coaching and precise fitness tracking By using health data we enable regular checkins and track progress over time ensuring optimal results for a more effective fitness experience
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호