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부동산/홈 인테리어

Domownik - home organizer

Domownik turns all your devices into perfect organizers with a shared calendar shopping lists and things to do The application allows you to create and assign tasks to selected users There are also recipes from which the menu is created FAMILY CALENDAR A clear calendar with colored markings for added tasks events and a schedule available for the whole family Overview of the menu and goals Reminders so that no one misses an important event SHOPPING LISTS Shared shopping lists synchronized and updated between users39 devices Quick marking off of purchased products and adding new ones Possibility to add quantities and units eg Milk 1 pc Personalization of the color of the lists RECIPES AND FOOD Keeping all your recipes in one place Adding recipes to a menu available to all household members Possibility to plan meals for the following days Service available to premium users Move ingredients to your shopping list with one click LISTS Cocreating lists that allow you to control the stage of their implementation eg a list of things to pack for a trip a list of places to visit for children or emergency articles Option to set the privacy of the list only the creators see the list WIDGETS Access to the favorite functions of the application from the home screen of the device without opening the app TIMETABLE Possibility to introduce a daily schedule for each of the household members with the option of dividing into weeks A B Schedule view for easy viewing of multiple timesheets GOALS Adding goals motivating to be done by marking off the completed items Summary graph and display of already achieved goals MESSAGES Possibility to communicate with family members in a family chat Service available to premium users TASKS Creating tasks for which realization you receive points and exchange them for prizes Household chores management cleaning or gardening TASKS AND REWARDS Designing rewards motivating to realize tasks Adding or subtracting points for good / bad behavior CONTACTS family most important people addresses and phone numbers in one place Premium subscription unlocks all features and disables advertising One payment provides premium to all home users
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부동산/홈 인테리어




부동산/홈 인테리어

Ostrom Energie - Smart & Grün

Spare bis zu 35 oder bis zu 500 pro Jahr bei deiner Stromrechnung Ostrom ist dein intelligenter kostromanbieter mit flexiblen monatlichen Vertrgen die du jederzeit kndigen kannst Nutze unsere App verfgbar auf Deutsch und Englisch Als Mitglied der OstromFamilie erhltst du vollen Zugriff auf die OstromApp deine AllinOneLsung mit der du deinen Energieverbrauch deine Zahlungen deine eingesparten COEmissionen und vieles mehr nachvollziehen kannst DEIN STROMVERBRAUCH Nutze unsere App um deinen Stromverbrauch und deine monatlichen Abschlagszahlungen zu verfolgen Je fter du einen Zhlerstand eingibst desto genauer kannst du deinen Verbrauch verfolgen Halte diesen auf dem Laufenden indem du regelmig deine Zhlerstnde eintrgst SMART METER amp DYNAMISCHER TARIF Hast du ein Smart Meter Mit uns kannst du deinen Energieverbrauch ganz einfach verfolgen und zum aktuellen Stundensatz abrechnen lassen ABRECHNUNGSVERWALTUNG Hast du diesen Monat mehr Strom verbraucht Passe deine monatlichen Abschlge direkt in der App an und vermeide so mgliche Nachzahlungen am Jahresende Durchsuche alle deine Rechnungen und Zahlungen und passe deine Zahlungsmethode an alles unter einem Dach FREUNDLICHER SUPPORT Unser engagiertes Team ist im Chat fr dich da Chatte direkt in der App mit uns und geniee exzellenten Kundinnenservice mit blitzschnellen Antwortzeiten SMARTE GERTE VERBINDEN Verbinde deine Wrmepumpe Klimaanlage oder dein smartes Thermostat mit der OstromApp um die Temperatur und Betriebsart einfach zu planen und anzupassen LADE DEIN ELEKTROAUTO EFFIZIENT Lade dein Elektrofahrzeug zu den gnstigsten und umweltfreundlichsten Zeiten mit voller Transparenz auf Lege die Zeit fest zu der dein Elektrofahrzeug einsatzbereit sein soll und lade es dann wenn die Preise am gnstigsten sind dynamischer Tarif erforderlich WEITEREMPFEHLUNGSPROGRAMM Hol dir deinen exklusiven Weiterempfehlungscode teile ihn mit deinen Freundinnen und sieh zu wie dein Weiterempfehlungsbonus wchst Fr jede erfolgreiche Empfehlung bekommst du entweder 50 auf deine Rechnung gutgeschrieben oder einen 100 Gutschein fr den OstromStore ganz wie du mchtest EINKAUFEN IM OSTROMSTORE Im OstromStore findest du alles rund um Smart Home und Elektromobilitt Erhalte Rabatte auf Produkte mit deinem Weiterempfehlungsbonus aus dem Wallet GENIEE PARTNERVORTEILE Als geschtztr Kundin kannst du Vorteile und Sonderangebote unserer Partnerunternehmen nutzen ENTDECKE UNSERE SOLARPARTNER Ostrom arbeitet mit etablierten Anbietern rund um Solarenergie zusammen damit du die Kraft der Sonne in dein Zuhause holen kannst KOLOGISCHE BILANZ Beobachte deinen positiven kologischen Fuabdruck der durch den Wechsel zu kostrom entsteht und sieh wie er sich verbessert wenn du weitere Menschen auf die OstromReise mitnimmst JETZT MITMACHEN Du bist noch kein Mitglied der OstromCommunity Kein Problem Die Anmeldung dauert nur 5 Minuten und wir bernehmen alle administrativen Aufgaben einschlielich der Kndigung des Vertrags mit deinem bisherigen Anbieter Wechsle noch heute mit Ostrom zu kostrom Hinweis Unsere App ist nur fr Smartphones verfgbar da wir uns darauf konzentrieren die Nutzung auf den meistgenutzten Gerten zu optimieren So knnen wir unsere Ressourcen in innovative Funktionen und Verbesserungen investieren
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Armor Air TN

Reduce the Cost of Ownership Armor Air TN can reduce your HVAC systems operating costs It provides precise temperature control reducing energy usage This smart thermostat app also ensures you get the services you need when you need them It incorporates the following innovative features Remote monitoring Predictive maintenance alerts Onetouch appointment booking Service at the touch of a button A crisp LCD screen ensures all functions are easy to find and use Is your home not comfortable or are energy costs going up Use the onscreen service request feature to get prompt assistance from your local HVAC company Get the Most Out of Your Climate Control System The Armor Air TN app lets you control and monitor temperature fan speed and other functions via the main control panel or a smartphone The future of home comfort and ondemand service it delivers benefits including Smart Notifications Receive instant notifications on changes in system performance so you can be proactive with maintenance RealTime Monitoring By monitoring the health of your HVAC system Armor Air TN can provide predictive maintenance alerts which can prevent downtime and increase equipment lifespan Service Alerts Receive notifications of service reminders membership renewals and more Even receive custom messages from your HVAC provider Diagnostic Tools An overview of system health and air quality are available at the touch of a button at no extra cost System Health and Air Quality Alerts If a problem with your climate control system or an indoor air quality issue is detected you and your service provider will be automatically notified Quick and Simple Installation The convenience of a Armor Air TN thermostat begins even before you start using it Swapping out an old unit is simple A technician removes the old thermostat mounts the new one and connects the wiring Theyll even help you set up the app The new models settings are adjusted to meet your climate control requirements It provides an instant response so you experience immediate comfort Settings from the old thermostat instantly transfer over using the serial numbers of both units so the process is fast simple and convenient Forge an Instant Connection with Your HVAC Provider The Armor Air TN thermostat and app display your HVAC companys logo onscreen Their help is available at the touch of a button so you can put your trust and confidence in a local contractor Its not just a modern thermostat Armor Air TN is a direct link between you and your AC/heating services provider Be a Part of the NuveNetwork Nuve has partnered with local HVAC companies so you benefit from new services and smart technologies Realtime access to your system allows contractors to quickly diagnose and resolve system issues This can result in fewer emergency calls and inhome visits so you can save time and money Get Started Today Getting a Armor Air TN thermostat and app is easy Once youre ready a representative will contact you and schedule an appointment Visit the App Store or contact your HVAC dealer to learn more
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Fotocasa - Casas y Pisos

Fotocasa te ofrece una experiencia fcil a la hora de buscar pisos de alquiler alquilar habitaciones comprar casa o cualquier tipo de inmuebles ya sean de segunda mano o viviendas de obra nueva Te acompaamos en la bsqueda de casa o piso de alquiler en la mayor oferta de anuncios de inmobiliarias de Espaa Ests buscando alquilar una habitacin pisos en alquiler o comprar una vivienda Descarga nuestra app en la que confan las inmobiliarias y descubre el alquiler de pisos que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades Si buscas comprar o alquilar un piso Fotocasa pone a tu alcance la mayor oferta inmobiliaria de viviendas en Espaa con ms de 15 millones de inmuebles FILTRA POR NECESIDADES Y LOCALIZACIN Quieres alquilar habitaciones Te interesa el alquiler de pisos o buscas pisos de alquiler en Madrid Barcelona o Sevilla Puedes hacer una bsqueda de pisos y casas por municipio barrios e incluso por tiempo de desplazamiento hasta un punto de inters Tambin puedes dibujar en el mapa la zona exacta en la que quieres encontrar tu piso Pisos de alquiler alquiler de habitaciones en cualquier municipio Casas de obra nueva pisos de segunda mano y todo tipo de viviendas Marca en el mapa tu zona favorita y buscar tu prximo alquiler Crea tu lista de favoritos comprtela y crea un grupo con amigos que te ayuden en la bsqueda de tu prximo piso de alquiler o compra TE INTERESA UN PISO O ALQUILAR HABITACIONES ADELA EN FAVORITOS Fotocasa lanza en exclusiva las listas de favoritos para facilitarte la bsqueda de vivienda una funcionalidad que te permite ordenar tus pisos de alquiler y casas para que no se te pierdan entre todos los marcados Edita la lista de pisos de alquiler o compra y aade los anuncios de pisos que te interesan con otras personas Colabora en un grupo de hasta 5 personas y encuentra tu prxima vivienda

Descrgate Fotocasa y comienza a buscar tu piso o casa de alquiler o compra

Descubre el alquiler de pisos que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades Con Fotocasa ests a un slo click de encontrar tu piso de alquiler Buscar alquiler de pisos y casas nunca haba sido tan fcil Tienes un piso y quieres ponerlo en alquiler Te ayudamos a encontrar a personas interesadas en alquilar tu piso INFORMACIN DE PISOS Y CASAS DETALLADA En Fotocasa puedes encontrar informacin detallada sobre los inmuebles disponibles fotos caractersticas cmo llegar al inmueble el nivel de certificacin energtica etc Aplica filtros a tu bsqueda para afinar todava ms y encontrar el piso o casa de tus sueos de la forma ms rpida Si quieres comprar o alquilar un pisos buscar nuevas viviendas alquilar habitaciones o compartir piso Fotocasa es la app que buscas VISITA EXPRESS LA NUEVA FORMA DE ALQUILAR PISOS O CASAS Unimos la visita presencial y la virtual con la funcionalidad Visita Express de Fotocasa Una visita virtual guiada con la que ahorrars tiempo podrs hacer una seleccin ms eficiente para alquiler piso o compra desde casa Otras funcionalidad de Fotocasa para alquilar pisos casas y alquilar habitaciones Alertas con las mejores ofertas en alquiler compra de pisos y casas Activa alertas y te avisaremos cuando se publiquen viviendas similares a las bsquedas de pisos que hayas realizado Mensajes directos para alquiler pisos de anunciantes o inmobiliarias Encuentra tus casas y pisos favoritos y contacta directamente con los anunciantes Fija una visita a los pisos a travs de mensajes directos o llamadas y resuelve cualquier tipo de duda Las mejores ideas para decorar tu piso En el blog encontrars consejos de decoracin de pisos para la compra y alquiler de viviendas y las ltimas noticias sobre el mercado inmobiliario Descarga Fotocasa la mejor app para alquilar pisos alquilar habitaciones o casas Fcil rpido y seguro
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Homegate - Real estate

Would you like to rent an apartment/flat or buy a house At homegatech you can quickly and easily search for properties to rent or buy in Switzerland We are Switzerland39s largest real estate portal with more than 9 million visits each month you can also sell your home Now we offer you the Homegate app which from the very moment you start using it gives you the ability to select between rent and buy as well as set various search criteria very conveniently just by sliding your finger For some properties remote viewings are available Watch out for the quotremote viewingquot badge Your dream home is surely among our 100000 ads SEARCH FOR REAL ESTATE With our intuitive userfriendly interface Homegate has been transformed into an estate agent that fits in your pocket always there all the time Select properties according to criteria such as the location type of property house apartment parking etc rental price or number of rooms Using our GPS vicinity search you can quickly and easily find an apartment to rent or a house to buy in your desired neighbourhood or in cities such as Bern Zurich or Basel Set up and manage your personal user account for apartment or house searches After setting up your personal search subscription you will be informed about new ads with an email Keep an eye on interesting properties houses or apartments with a personal watch list Using the app get in touch directly with people who place ads to express your interest or ask questions Share interesting properties with your friends easily and conveniently Use the Homegate app to place orders for moving boxes directly so that your move goes smoothly ADVERTISE A PROPERTY Find a new tenant or buyer for your property Create an ad for your property quickly and easily to reach more than 9 million visits each month Set up and manage a personal user account with which you can comfortably advertise your residential property Upload photos of your apartment or house directly from your smartphone and by doing so leave a good impression of your property Please note We can collect your package information apps you have installed on your device and process that data for the purposes of allowing you to share content of our app with other apps on your device or if you want to open a PDF an URL or a distance calculation service within our app We look forward to hearing your feedback either as a review or an evaluation in the App Store Thank you Visit us at wwwhomegatech Like us on Facebook wwwfacebookcom/homegatech Follow us on Twitter https//twittercom/homegateEng Find us on YouTube https//wwwyoutubecom/user/homegate
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부동산/홈 인테리어




부동산/홈 인테리어

Rent.com.au Rental Properties

Finding your next rental property with Australias number 1 site dedicated to rental properties has never been easier When youre ready to move house were here to help Search for properties that match the lifestyle you want Make your rental application stand out by creating a Renter Resume and find tools designed just for renters TOP FEATURES Find your perfect home with unique features like Walk Score NBN status and commute times Create a Renter Resume your personal renting profile to make your application stand out Use Lifestyle Search to find a property that suits the way you want to live Get bond finance Organise your gas amp electricity connections Check your tenancy record with a RentCheck Pay your rent in the palm of your hand with RentPay SEARCHING FOR A RENTAL All the details you need Walk Score data can you ditch the car and walk everywhere 5G and NBN status realtime data that shows whether your property is NBN ready and has 5G mobile broadband availability Lifestyle Search use lifestyle filters to choose your new home which matches your lifestyle preferences Top 3 local features The key features of a suburb as voted by the people who live there Rental insights see your suburbs median rent for houses and apartments to help find areas that match your budget Easily toggle between map and list views find a home the way that suits you best Instant notifications Get em while theyre hot receive push notifications and emails when new houses or apartments become available Notifications when the price has changed be the first to know if anything changes Shortlist properties Save the apartments or houses that appeal to you Save your favourite search for later APPLYING FOR A RENTAL Renter Resume Create a Renter Resume your personal renting profile Generate enquiries applications or book an inspection with the click of a button Your pets are moving too create a Pet Resume to show off their best traits Review your suburb to improve the search experience Print and share your Renter Resume with whoever you like GETTING READY TO MOVE Tools to make your life easier Ready to apply Verify your ID against the Australian National Tenancy Database NTD Finance your bond and pay it off in smaller monthly instalments Get your utilities connected/disconnected before you move house PAYING YOUR RENT Pay your rent the easy way with RentPay Never miss a rental payment with email and inapp reminders Set and forget set up automatic rental payments so that your rent is always paid on time Secure payments by credit card or direct debit PayID and more Keep a record of all your payment history Access to our friendly Australian based customer experience staff Rentcomau is designed for Australians like you no matter what stage of the renting journey youre at With access to thousands of property listings of every kind across Australia and tools and resources you wont find elsewhere youll be ready to move in no time We love feedback and suggestions If theres a way we can make our app more useful for you reach out at feedbackrentcomau Privacy and legal Your use of this app is subject to our terms of use You can view our TampCs here https//wwwrentcomau/termsandconditions For information on how we collect and use your information while using this app view our Privacy Policy here https//wwwrentcomau/privacy
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호