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Backyard & Garden Design Ideas

The perfect source of inspiration and practical advice featuring the entire garden space from layout and design to furniture plants and maintenance Backyard Design Ideas is an informationpacked magazine dedicated to bringing you the most innovative ideas for turning your backyard into the ultimate lifestyle arena We devote more space to garden design layout furniture products plants pools structures and maintenance than any other publication on the market Topics include but are not limited to Planning a Garden Makeover Ideas Design Advice Water Wise Gardening Outdoor Lighting Pool Design Outdoor Furniture Garden Art Shade Solutions and Paving Options This is a free app download Within the app users can purchase the current issue and back issues Subscriptions are also available within the application A subscription will start from the latest issue Available subscriptions are 6 months 3 issues 12 months 6 issues The subscription will renew automatically unless cancelled more than 24 hours before the end of the current period You will be charged for renewal within 24 hours of the end of the current period for the same duration and at the current subscription rate for the product You may turn off the autorenewal of subscriptions through Google Play Account settings however you are not able to cancel the current subscription during its active period Users can register for/ login to a pocketmags account inapp This will protect their issues in the case of a lost device and allow browsing of purchases on multiple platforms Existing pocketmags users can retrieve their purchases by logging into their account We recommend loading the app for the first time in a wifi area If you have any problems at all please do not hesitate to contact us helppocketmagscom
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The Sunderland Echo Newspaper

The Sunderland Echo newspaper app brings you a full colour digital replica of the Sunderland Echo newspaper and every newspaper supplement all presented in pristine detail and designed to be enjoyed on your smartphone and tablet device Updated early each morning six days a week the app gives you the opportunity to read the full edition of the paper and its supplements over breakfast or download them for offline reading later When viewing a paper or supplement you can pinch and zoom to enlarge the pages and articles swipe through or jump to the next or other pages use the search functionality to find specific articles and view full pages either in single page portrait or double page spread landscape mode Download the Sunderland Echo newspaper app now and discover uptotheminute latest news from your local area via sunderlandechocouk Updated throughout the day and including photos videos improved digital content which can all be shared on social media We have live news notifications sent direct to your device The app features The latest live news and daily digital edition newspaper Live updates with interactive article elements New easytouse navigation Read essential content offline when it suits you Responsive design complimenting the print edition 30 day archive of the newspaper The Sunderland Echo newspaper app brings you the very best in news sport entertainment other features and more from Sunderland East Durham Durham City and the surrounding area with full daily editions exactly as the printed version
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Stay informed and save time with SmartNews the ultimate app for quickly summarizing news articles and blog posts Harnessing the power of advanced AI technology SmartNews delivers concise accurate and relevant summaries of the latest news and blog content so you can stay uptodate without the need to read lengthy articles Key Features AIPowered Summaries Our cuttingedge AI algorithms analyze and condense news articles and blog posts into brief easytoread summaries ensuring you get the most important information at a glance Wide Range of Sources SmartNews covers a broad spectrum of topics from various reputable news outlets and popular blogs providing you with a wellrounded view of current events and trending topics Personalized Content Customize your news feed by selecting your preferred categories and sources SmartNews learns from your reading habits to deliver more of the content you care about RealTime Updates Stay ahead of the curve with realtime updates on breaking news and trending blog posts SmartNews keeps you informed as events unfold UserFriendly Interface Enjoy a clean intuitive interface designed for easy navigation and a seamless reading experience Quickly swipe through summaries and dive deeper into full articles if you want more details Offline Reading Save your favorite summaries for offline reading Access important information anytime anywhere even without an internet connection Privacy Focused No login required and we do not collect any personal or sensitive user data Your privacy is our priority Why Choose SmartNews In today39s fastpaced world staying informed can be challenging With SmartNews you can efficiently keep up with the latest developments without spending hours reading through lengthy articles Our AIpowered summaries ensure you get the essential information quickly allowing you to make the most of your time Whether you39re interested in politics technology sports entertainment or any other topic SmartNews has you covered Download SmartNews today and experience the future of news and blog summarization Download SmartNews Now and Stay Informed Effortlessly
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Le Soir – Info en direct

Le Soir est le journal de rfrence en Belgique francophone Suivez linfo en direct retrouvez toute l39actualit en Belgique et l39international Politique conomie sportrecevez toute linfo en direct avec lapplication Le Soir Accdez aux analyses entretiens et reportages de la rdaction et plongez dans nos dossiers thmatiques et grands formats avec un confort de lecture optimal Ainsi que les dernires news dans le podcast du jour News internationales guerre en Ukraine voile en Iran Toute linfo en direct dcrypte par notre rdaction Politique en Belgique mesures de la crise nergtique le budget fdral tous les grands dossiers politiques en Belgique News nationales restez au courant des dernires infos nationales Le journal lisez le journal quotidien et retrouvez toutes les ditions de la semaine News sportives suivez les grands vnements sportifs en direct Podcasts coutez nos podcasts quotidiens ou thmatiques disponibles sur notre site et application Dcouvrez toutes les fonctionnalits Accdez toute linfo en direct dcrypte par la rdaction Tlchargez le journal et tous ses supplments en version numrique pour y accder o que vous soyez mme hors ligne Recevez des alertes news en direct grce aux notifications Sauvegardez vos articles prfrs pour les retrouver facilement Recherchez des articles sur un sujet spcifique politique conomie sport rapidement et facilement Profitez dune facilit dutilisation et dun confort de lecture optimal sur votre smartphone Partagez facilement les articles qui vous intressent avec votre entourage Informez vous autrement grce nos vidos et podcasts Divertissez vous grce nos jeux en ligne Lapplication vous permet daccder diffrentes rubriques telles que les news en Belgique et dans le monde la politique plante le sport la sant les ditos et chroniques de la rdaction le Kroll la rubrique culture avec le meilleur de la musique et du cinma ou encore la rubrique techno Grce la liseuse intgre vous pouvez dsormais tlcharger le journal ainsi que tous ses supplments tels que So Soir TV news Lesoir Immo ou encore le MAD Profitez pleinement de cette application de toutes ses fonctionnalits et de lintgralit du contenu en vous abonnant avec notre offre 099 le premier mois Sans aucun engagement Accdez nos conditions gnrales de vente cet endroit https//wwwrosselbe/mentionslegales/rosselcie2/cgv3/
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호