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부동산/홈 인테리어

Bonsai Care App

Track and optimize the progress of your Bonsai With the Bonsai Care App you39ll be able to keep track of all your trees it will remind you to take seasonal photos and you39ll receive smart notifications that are based on the tree species and time of year You can also share your work on the Social Feed and interact with fellow enthusiasts Lastly you39ll have free access to our library of Bonsai care articles and videos The app is developed for starting and expert bonsai enthusiasts alike Your Bonsai all in one place Finally there is an app to track the progress of your Bonsai over time Quick overview See your trees neatly listed in the app with care info and photos Track progress The app tracks your trees over time and you can add notes Take seasonal photos The app will remind you to take seasonal photos so youll see the progression The Social Feed You can now share your trees with other users write comments like posts and add their trees to your personal favorites Identify trees Use the Bonsai Care App to easily add and identify your trees Set timely reminders Never forget to water fertilize or repot your trees again Your todos in one place See the todo39s of all your trees in one glance Receive smart tips Let the app optimize the care for your trees based on species and local climate Setup notifications Enable notifications to never forget important maintenance Seasonal work Perform seasonal maintenance at the optimal time of year for each of your tree species Build your skills Let the Bonsai Care App help you master the art of Bonsai Tree species information Learn about the specific care guidelines for the trees in your personal collection Learn from our database Read up on the latest Bonsai articles from our database from beginner to advanced level Dozens of quality videos Access dozens of quality free Bonsai videos created by Bonsai Empire
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부동산/홈 인테리어

3D Küchenplaner Marquardt

Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer Kche fr Ihr Traumzuhause renovieren oder ziehen demnchst um Mit unserem kostenfreien 3DKchenplaner knnen Sie Ihre Traumkche ohne Vorkenntnisse nach Ihren Wnschen gestalten Durch die einfache Bedienung und die Auswahl an Details finden Sie schnell heraus was Ihnen gefallen knnte Der 3DKchenplaner ist speziell darauf zugeschnitten Ihnen eine einfache App zu bieten in der Sie Inspiration sammeln und Ihre Ideen kreativ umsetzen knnen Der 3DKchenplaner konzentriert sich auf die wesentlichen Funktionen einer einfachen Kchenplanung und stellt kein umfassendes Planungstool aus dem Kchenhandel dar Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen zur Kchenplanung haben knnen Sie jederzeit zu einem persnlichen Kchenexperten Kontakt aufnehmen Wir werden uns schnellstmglich mit Ihnen zu Ihrem Anliegen in Verbindung setzen Mit dieser 3DKchenplanerApp stehen Ihnen folgende Funktionen zur Verfgung Visualisieren Sie Ihre Ideen fr Ihre Traumkche Betrachten Sie die Kchenplanung in 2D und 3D Ansicht aus allen Winkeln Durchsuchen Sie die verschiedenen Kategorien nach passenden Kchenschrnken Elektrogerten und Fronten fr die Gestaltung der Kche nach Ihren Wnschen Hinzufgen verschieben und lschen der Objekte ist jederzeit mglich Speichern und teilen Sie Ihre Kchenplanung mit Ihrem Partner Freunden Familie oder Ihrem Architekten Planen Sie Ihr Kchenprojekt aus der App optional auf dem Tablet oder Desktop weiter Fgen Sie Notizen an wie beispielsweise Raummae oder weitere Wnsche die bei der optionalen Angebotserstellung bercksichtigt werden sollen und Ihnen nicht zur Auswahl standen Fordern Sie aus der App heraus ein unverbindliches und kostenfreies Angebot von einem Kchenexperten auf Basis Ihrer 3DKchenplanung an So funktioniert die 3DKchenplanerApp Laden Sie sich die App kostenfrei herunter und starten Sie ohne Registrierung direkt mit der Kchenplanung Keine Werbung Keine versteckten Kosten Sie haben Fragen zur Bedienung der App Ihrer Kchenplanung oder ein technisches Problem mit der App Dann kontaktieren Sie uns gern unter AppPlanungenmarquardtkuechende Wir werden uns schnellstmglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen um Ihr Anliegen zu klren FAQ zum 3D Kchenplaner https//wwwmarquardtkuechende/faqapp Datenschutzrichtlinien https//wwwmarquardtkuechende/datenschutzkuechenplaner Kontakt https//wwwmarquardtkuechende/kontakt Impressum https//wwwmarquardtkuechende/impressum
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부동산/홈 인테리어




부동산/홈 인테리어

Wood Door Design for Home

Wood Door Design for Home The Perfect Way to Add Elegance and Beauty to Your Home Wooden doors have been an essential part of home decor for centuries and for good reason They not only provide security and privacy but they can also add elegance and beauty to any home If you39re looking to spruce up your home39s interior or exterior then you should definitely consider installing wood doors And if you want to take things up a notch the Wood Door Design for Home app is the perfect tool for you The Wood Door Design for Home app is a comprehensive platform that provides a wide range of wood door designs for homes It is the ultimate solution for homeowners who want to add a touch of elegance to their homes The app offers an extensive collection of wood door designs ranging from classic to modern which can fit any home style With the Wood Door Design for Home app you can explore a variety of wood door designs and styles including panel doors French doors sliding doors and much more You can also customize the designs to fit your home39s specific needs whether you39re looking for a specific size color or texture The app39s userfriendly interface makes it easy to navigate and find the perfect wood door design for your home You can find such as quotcontemporary wooden doorsquot quottraditional wooden doorsquot or quotcarved wooden doorsquot In summary the Wood Door Design for Home app is an excellent tool for homeowners looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to their homes With its wide range of wood door designs customizable options and 3D visualization tool it39s the perfect solution for anyone looking for a highquality wood door Whether you39re looking for classic or contemporary wood door designs the Wood Door Design for Home app has got you covered
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부동산/홈 인테리어


Als Kunde der Dobler GmbH amp Co KG Baubetreuung profitieren Sie von einem besonders innovativen Kundenservice der Ihnen viele Freiheiten bietet Mit der DOBLER BB App knnen Sie uns rund um die Uhr Anliegen und Schden inklusive Fotodokumentation per Smartphone melden Zustzlich stellen wir Ihnen eine digitale Dokumentenmappe mit wichtigen Dokumenten fr Ihre Immobilien zur Verfgung ber das digitale schwarze Brett informieren wir via PushNachricht proaktiv ber wichtige Informationen rund um die uns anvertrauten Immobilien Alle Vorteile auf einen Blick Schnelle und effiziente Kommunikation In unserer DOBLER BB App finden Sie alle Informationen und Dokumentationen an einem Ort gebndelt in Ihrer Hosentasche und jederzeit digital verfgbar Immer informiert Sie haben Fragen zum Mietvertrag zur Nachbestellung von Schlsseln oder zu Eigentmerversammlungen In einem FAQBereich finden Sie Antworten zu den hufigsten Fragen Interaktiv Sie knnen in der DOBLER BB App direkt Schadensmeldungen oder andere Anliegen mit Fotos erfassen Ihr Sachverhalt wird schnell bearbeitet und Sie erhalten regelmige StatusUpdates per PushNachrichten Vernetzen Sie sich mit Ihren Nachbarn Tauschen Sie sich per Nachrichtenfunktion mit Ihren Nachbarn zu wichtigen Themen im Haus aus Transparent Alle wichtigen Informationen und Diskussionen knnen am schwarzen Brett nachverfolgt und kommentiert werden So registrieren Sie sich fr die DOBLER BB App Sie erhalten von uns eine personalisierte EMail mit einer Einladung zum Beitritt der DOBLER BB App Drcken Sie auf den Button Anmeldung besttigen und geben Sie Ihr persnlich gewhltes Passwort ein Laden Sie sich die DOBLER BB App fr Ihr Smartphone herunter Und schon knnen Sie alle Vorteile unseres digitalen Kundenservices nutzen Sie haben noch keine Einladung von uns erhalten Dann melden Sie sich bitte bei Ihrem zustndigen Objektbetreuer
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부동산/홈 인테리어

모든 TV용 리모컨 - 스크린 미러링

모든 TV용 리모컨 Screen Mirroring은 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스를 갖춘 매우 강력한 범용 TV 리모컨 앱입니다 이 TV용 WiFi 리모콘은 스마트 TV에서 휴대폰 화면을 미러링하는 데 도움이 되며 휴대폰에 내장된 IR 블래스터와 스마트 TV에서 다양한 원격 제어 시스템을 지원합니다 이 모든 TV용 화면 미러링 앱은 매우 유용하며 Android 화면과 오디오를 실시간으로 미러링하고 방송하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다 이 앱을 사용하여 스마트폰을 TV에 연결하기만 하면 됩니다 스마트 TV에서 휴대전화 화면을 미러링할 수 있도록 도와주는 Screen Mirroring 앱입니다 이 모든 TV용 리모컨 화면 미러링은 번들로 제공되는 리모컨을 사용하고 싶지 않거나 스마트폰을 리모컨으로 사용하는 유연성을 원하고 여러 장치를 다루기를 원하지 않는 Android 사용자를 위한 것입니다 스크린 미러링이란 무엇입니까 Screen Mirroring은 스마트폰을 TV 화면에 미러링하는 기술입니다 이 Screen Stream Mirroring 앱을 사용하면 큰 화면에서 모든 게임 사진 비디오 및 기타 애플리케이션에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있습니다 모든 TV에서 화면 미러링은 Sony Samsung LG Coocaa Hisense TCL Vizio Xiaomi Panasonic 등 모든 스마트 TV에서 작동합니다 이 평면 TV용 리모컨으로 지금 모바일 화면을 미러링하여 게임과 동영상을 플레이하세요 이 Screen Mirroring Assistant는 작업 프레젠테이션 및 Screen Android를 TV로 전송하는 데 도움이 됩니다 또한 Samsung TV Sony TV Android Vizio TV 등을 위한 이 Screen Mirroring을 사용하면 스마트폰에서 비디오 음악 사진을 재생할 수 있습니다 모든 TV에 대한 원격 제어 기능 화면 미러링 화면 미러링 삼성 TV용 스크린 미러링 Sony TV용 스크린 미러링 Android용 화면 미러링 Vizio TV용 화면 미러링 스크린 미러링 앱 전송 화면 화면 Android를 TV로 전송 모든 TV용 스크린 미러링 스크린 미러링 어시스턴트 모든 TV용 원격 제어의 기타 주목할만한 기능 스크린 미러링 모든 TV용 범용 리모컨 TV 볼륨을 높이거나 낮춥니다 전원 켜기 끄기 음소거 및 음소거 해제 제어 채널 숫자 버튼 볼륨 업다운 컨트롤 및 채널 업다운 컨트롤 위 아래 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 컨트롤이 있는 메뉴 버튼 TV용 오프라인 범용 리모컨은 인터넷 연결이 필요하지 않습니다 모든 TV 오프라인에 대한 스마트 TV 원격 제어 Android용 모바일 앱의 원격 제어 TV 셋톱박스용 범용 리모컨Airtel GTPL Free Dish Reliance Tata Sky Videocon 등 AC용 범용 리모컨Blue Star Samsung Daikin Godrej Whirlpool Lloyd Mitsubishi Voltas Philips Panasonic Carrier Media 등 이 Screen Mirroring 앱 범용 리모컨을 사용하면 번거로움 없이 셋톱 박스를 쉽게 제어할 수 있습니다 리모콘에는 HD 셋톱 박스를 간단하게 제어할 수 있는 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스가 있습니다 사용자 친화적이며 모든 브랜드와 모든 편안한 영역에서 사용할 수 있습니다 모든 TV용 리모컨으로 화면 미러링 화면 미러링은 모든 Android 기기 및 Android 버전에서 지원됩니다 기기에 문제가 발생하면 언제든지 이메일로 문의해 주십시오 지금 모든 TV용 리모컨 스크린 미러링을 다운로드하세요 다시 말하지만 문제 우려 사항 또는 기능 요청 이메일 krishnainnovation999gmailcom 부정적인 의견을 남기기 전에 도움이나 도움을 드리겠습니다 감사합니다
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Hepsiemlak – Property Listings

Turkey39s Leading Real Estate Listings Application Since February 2022 Explore real estate listings from both real estate agents and individual property owners with the Hepsiemlak mobile application which provides an enhanced user experience You can browse listings in various categories such as apartments for sale or rent commercial properties land timeshares and tourist businesses Additionally you can easily publish your own listings The more you know about a potential property and its surroundings the more confident and accurate your decisionmaking process will be when searching for a new home or workplace Hepsiemlak is designed to assist you in finding the perfect property that fits your lifestyle and needs With our userfriendly interface and comprehensive filtering options you can easily find the real estate listings you are searching for and further refine your search As Turkey39s digital real estate brand we have been working tirelessly for 17 years to offer the best experience to all of our users Our quotFind for Mequot feature can help you find the most suitable property that matches your criteria or if you prefer to work with a real estate agent instead of an individual property owner we can direct you to the right consultant With our advanced quotMap Viewquot feature you can search for your dream home land or workplace from a bird39s eye view on a map allowing you to find your ideal property as if you placed it there yourself If you are undecided use our new quotlisting comparisonquot module to compare your favorite listings and save time If you want to increase your interaction and share your listings with more people you are in the right place With our Instagram Story sharing feature you can attract attention and increase engagement on Instagram With our enhanced artificial intelligence algorithms your Turkish listings on Hepsiemlak can be published in English and Russian enabling your portfolio to reach global clients Whether you are an individual property owner or a professional real estate consultant Hepsiemlak mobile application is the key to reaching real estate customers The best way to enjoy your holiday is here With our brand new Seasonal Rentals category we offer everything you need to plan your dream holiday and accommodation Planning your holiday is now much easier and more enjoyable The start of your holiday is just a click away Download our hepsiemlak application now and start planning your dream holiday With our Residential Valuation feature it39s now much easier to find out the real value of your home You can use our new feature to find out the market value of your home Knowing the true value of your home can help you negotiate a better deal when you want to sell your property or you can evaluate investment opportunities Easily determine the value of your house or apartment in just a few steps with our Residential Valuation feature In our hepsiemlak application you can personalise and update your profile information as you wish You can easily change your information such as name surname email address mobile phone number and contact preferences You can now easily update your profile to optimise your personal experience and keep your information secure
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호