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Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib App

Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Application is a free and provides a wide range of Electronic Services to all Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Services Group39s Clients The Application reflects the medical group focus on quality services and commitment towards providing premier healthcare services and Cutting Edge technology to its valued patients Also please note that this app has functionality to book appointments for Covid19 Testing amp the results can be accessed in the quotLab Resultsquot option of the patient39s Medical File This app requires following permissions as well GPS Location to show the nearest hospitals amp ER Locations from your location Bluetooth permission is to connect blood pressure amp blood sugar devices with the app to analyze the data Camera permission is to enable virtual consultation between patient amp doctor Calendar permission to set reminders for Virtual amp Normal Appointments Audio permission is to access voice command features Wifi state permission is to connect to HMG Wifi when you visit the hospital Read amp write external storage to upload images amp documents in EReferral function Physical Activity permission to read heart rate steps amp distance from your smart watch amp send it to your doctor The Application supports the Arabic amp English Languages and has the following features Open a new medical file Online Appointment Booking amp rescheduling Online Appointment Booking for Covid19 Test Add and manage family files Insurance approval status and view insurance cards Find a doctor and ask your doctors Doctor profiles Lab results Medical prescriptions View radiology reports and images Sick leave reports Eye measurements Vital signs Track your blood sugar pressure and weight My vaccines Child vaccines reminders Receive monthly medical reports Request medical report Notifications and reminders Hospitals contact numbers Hospitals Pharmacies Locations Latest Jobs Hospitals Virtual Tour Official Social Media Health calculators and converters Latest news Blood donation Accessibility for partially bind Direct customers support Dr Sulaiman AlHabib Medical Services Group is a highly reputable and one of the largest providers of comprehensive healthcare services in the Middle East Its continuous success in providing the highest quality of medical care has set a benchmark in the Arab region as it is currently operating 18 Medical Projects in Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates and Bahrain For our complete privacy policy Please visit the below URL https//hmgcom/en/Pages/Privacyaspx
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The easytouse CONTOURDIABETES app is designed for adults of all ages with diabetes1 Since 2016 there have been over 12 million downloads2 Start your download and enjoy your journey People using the system say they13 better understood their diabetes significantly decreased HbA1c values didn39t find it to be a hassle that compromised their quality of life The CONTOURDIABETES app syncs with a CONTOUR connected meter for seamless blood glucose monitoring This easytouse app can give you a better understanding of how your daily activities affect your blood glucose results to help you manage your diabetes In addition to using the CONTOURDIABETES app always consult with your Health Care Professional before making any changes to your diet exercise or treatment regimen The CONTOURDIABETES app presents your blood glucose results in a simple and easytoreview way thats personalized to you Download the CONTOURDIABETES app today and start receiving meaningful information on your progress with some of the latest features My Patterns can notify you of trends in your blood glucose readings by presenting you with potential causes and guidance on how you may improve Test Reminder Plans let you optimize your testing regime to give you results that are more insightful Record allows you to record events such as diet activities and medication and also add photos notes or voice memos to help put your results in context View if you use insulin and/or log your carbs you can now see your insulin doses carb intakes and blood glucose results in one simple view Share give your healthcare professional greater insight with the easytoread diary report send this report in advance or take it with you on the day of your appointment Apple Health is now integrated with the CONTOURDIABETES app Learn more about the CONTOURDIABETES app and CONTOUR connected meters at wwwdiabetesascensiacom compatibilitycontouronecom Note Screenshots are for illustration purposes Availability of blood glucose meter model based on country of purchase Units of measurement in the app will match that of your synced meter For more information please refer to the user guide for your CONTOUR connected meter 2021 Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG All rights reserved Manufacturer Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG Peter MerianStrasse 90 4052 Basel Switzerland wwwdiabetesascensiacom Ascensia the Ascensia Diabetes Care logo and Contour are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG 1 Fisher W et al User Experience with a New Smartphone Application for Blood Glucose Monitoring BGM in an InformationMotivationBehavioral Skills IMB Model Study Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies amp Treatments For Diabetes ATTD February 2023 2019 Berlin Germany 2 Data on file Ascensia Diabetes Care DCAM1475682 3 FernandezGarcia D et al The ICONE Study A multicenter evaluation of the impact of CONTOURNEXT ONE and CONTOURDIABETES app on SelfManagement and Adherence in InsulinTreated Patients with Diabetes ePoster presented at European Endocrinology Society Congress ECE 59 September 2020
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App IOSEP es la aplicacin mvil oficial del Instituto de Obra Social del Empleado Provincial de Santiago Del Estero diseada exclusivamente para brindarte un acceso fcil y conveniente a toda la informacin que necesitas como afiliado Con App IOSEP podrs gestionar tu salud y bienestar de manera ms eficiente que nunca Funciones Principales Credencial Digital Accede a tu credencial digital en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar Tu credencial siempre estar en tu dispositivo mvil Historial de Consultas y Farmacia Consulta tu historial completo de rdenes mdicas y farmacuticas Mantn un registro de tus tratamientos y consultas pasadas Grupo Familiar Consulta fcilmente tu grupo familiar asociado Deudas y Pagos Mantn un control sobre tus deudas pendientes y genera tu comprobante de pago plan IOSEP SALUD nicamente Buscador de Prestadores Encuentra rpidamente mdicos o especialistas Filtra por especialidad para encontrar el mejor proveedor de atencin mdica Medicamentos y Cobertura Busca medicamentos y verifica su cobertura Sabrs cunto debes pagar y cunto cubre tu obra social en tiempo real rdenes Disponibles Mantn un registro de la cantidad de rdenes disponibles para consultas y medicamentos App IOSEP est diseada para simplificar tu experiencia como afiliado a la obra social Con esta aplicacin tendrs toda la informacin y herramientas necesarias para tomar el control de tu salud y bienestar Descrgala ahora y experimenta una forma ms inteligente y sencilla de gestionar tu atencin mdica
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ZP211 mobiln verze projektu Karta ivota Aplikaci mohou vyuvat nejen klienti Zdravotn pojiovny ministerstva vnitra esk republiky ZP MV R ale rovn i ostatn uivatel v omezenm rozsahu Upozornn pro uivatele Android 4 a star z dvodu certifikan autority pro ochranu internetov komunikace mohou nastat problmy s pihlenm k chrnnm funkcm aplikace ZP211 Vce informac k dispozici na webu ZP MV R https//wwwzpmvcrcz/pojistenci/moznostikomunikacesezp211/mobilniaplikace/ Pojitncm ZP MV R umouje zskat okamit pstup k nsledujcm informacm Zdravotn stav alergie chronick onemocnn krevn skupina uvan lky operace razy Registrujc lkai pehled oetujcch lka pojitnce podle databze ZP MV R s monost vkldn vlastnch lka Osobn et vdaje na poskytnutou zdravotn pi za posledn 3 roky Zdravotn stav a vykzan pi dt Zdravotn denk synchronizovan s kalendem slou k upozorovn pojitnce na termny okovn preventivnch prohldek a screeningovch program Zrove umouje zadvat vlastn udlosti Zdravotnick prvodce podle aktuln polohy nebo zadan adresy vyhled nejbli zdravotnick zazen a zobraz trasu v map pohotovost lkrna zuba Novinky ZP MV R aktualizovan informace o novinkch ZP MV R SOS v ppad nouze je mon zavolat nebo odeslat SMS osob blzk s emergentnmi daji vetn aktuln polohy Pojitnci jin zdravotn pojiovny mohou bez nutnosti pihlen v aplikaci ZP211 vyut Zdravotn denk synchronizovan s kalendem Zdravotnick prvodce SOS Pihlka k pojitn u ZP MV R Pro pstup k aplikaci pouijte stejn osobn identifiktory PIN a heslo jako k elektronick verzi Karty ivota Osobn identifiktory PIN a heslo zsk pojitnec star 18 let za pojitnce do 18 let vku d zkonn zstupce na kad poboce ZP MV R po pedloen dokladu totonosti lenov Klubu pojitnc kte ji tyto identifiktory maj zskvaj pstup ke slubm automaticky daje na Kart ivota je vak nutno vyplnit Dal informace o Kart ivota najdete na strnkch ZP MV R
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호