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EasyPeasy - Parenting Tips

Get realworld tips and activity ideas personalised for you and your 05 year old from our vibrant playful community of parents and experts At EasyPeasy we know it takes a village to raise a child Thats why EasyPeasy brings together the best ideas advice and inspiration from a global community of parents experts and even your favourite early years brands such as LEGO the Scouts and more and delivers it right into the palm of your hand And because we know that you and your child are unique your feed is personalised for your childs age and the specific challenges you are facing now Our philosophy is evidencebased and simple Early child development is fueled by realworld interactions between you and your child Weve designed EasyPeasy to help you create the playful positive connections that will help your child grow and thrive with everyday materials that youll already have access to at home We know it can be hard to be the parent you want to be while you manage work personal commitments and your everyday parenting routine EasyPeasy offers new inspiration to transform daily challenges like mealtimes bedtimes and teeth brushing into opportunities for playful connection Download EasyPeasy to Discover new personalised tips and activity ideas every time you refresh your feed Explore content tags so that you can easily understand the developmental benefits associated with each parenting tip Select custom content feeds such as listening concentration problemsolving in order to find relevant content for you Connect with the EasyPeasy community of parents and experts through your comments favourites and by highlighting tips that you love Create and share your own parenting tips and ideas with the EasyPeasy community Well use each time you play comment and favourite to tailor the tips and ideas in your feed to create a personalised experience for you and your child Subscription details EasyPeasy is available to download and use for FREE forever Use EasyPeasy for free to get your personalised feed use tags to search by area of development make comments and save favourites Youll be able to explore tips and ideas until you reach your weekly content limit Upgrade to EasyPeasy Premium to unlock unlimited content which includes great tips and ideas from our trusted experts and many of the childrens brands that you know and love Your subscription also enables free access to EasyPeasy for a family facing challenges your Plus One and importantly youll join us in our mission to give ALL children the best start in life Premium Plans Sign up for a monthly EasyPeasy subscription for 499 or its equivalent in local currency Sign up for an annual subscription for 4999 or its equivalent in local currency Please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Terms of Use https//wwweasypeasyappcom/terms Privacy Policy https//wwweasypeasyappcom/privacy
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Namly - Baby Boy and Girl Name

Namly is a baby name app It is for baby girl names and baby boy names It helps parents to choose the right name for their baby It shows girl and boy names with their meanings in alphabet order It has Gender and Origin options to filters the names You can swipe cards from trending names to move it into your bookmark list Every card gives an idea of how significant the name is popular right now so you never miss the best trending names It has a Bookmark feature to add favorite names to the bookmark list It gives options to share favorite names with friends and family members The app is completely free We believe that parents spend so much time to figure out the right name for their child How to choose a right baby name is a big question for parents always The Namly is here to help them Trending Trending names are cute and unique baby names uncommon baby names and popular baby names 2023 These are beautiful rare baby names Namly has az of baby names by origin and meanings It has baby names unisex selection option too Namly is baby name swipe app The app gives feature to swipe to the right if you like the name and swipe to the left if you don39t Book The book gives all names You can browse and search your favorite names You can check the meaning of names You can change Origin and Gender easily You can bookmark your favorite names You can type any initial alphabet in search and it will show you corresponding names Bookmark You can add your favorite names by just clicking on the bookmark button next to any name and all the names will be available on your Bookmark list You can check and track your favorite names at your fingertips You can share the favorite names with your loved ones through social media and instant messengers Features Baby Girl and Boy Names Name Meanings Name Pronunciation Genders with All option in Gender selection for early parents Origin filters Search with initial alphabets so you never need to scroll more Trending and Popular Names analysis give idea about current popular names Bookmark and Favorite Names at your fingertips Share via instant messengers and emails Know your Name Meaning Contribute New Name
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Baby Cuisine – Brei Rezepte


Sind Sie Eltern eines Babys und auf der Suche nach Rezepten fr Brei und feste Nahrung fr Ihr Baby um Ihren Ernhrungsplan zu ergnzen Baby Cuisine ist hier um alle Ihre Bedrfnisse fr Babynahrungsrezepte zu erfllen Unsere einfache und schnelle App fr gesunde Babynahrung fr Familien ermglicht es Ihnen Babynahrung selbst zuzubereiten Stbern Sie in ber 120 Rezeptideen fr Babynahrung und bereiten Sie sie schnell und einfach zu Nutzen Sie unsere App als Ihren Ratgeber fr Babynahrung Babysnacks breifreie Rezepte und Gerichte fr Kleinkinder Gesunde und leckere Babyernhrung beginnt mit der Baby Cuisine Baby Essen Beikost Rezepte App

Einfache Suche nach Rezepten fr Babynahrung und Babybrei

Suchen Sie in unserer kostenlosen App viele Rezepte fr Babynahrung um Ihr Baby mit gesunden und nahrhaften Mahlzeiten zu fttern Unsere einfache Benutzeroberflche und Rezeptfilter ermglichen es Ihnen Rezepte leicht zu finden Daher ist diese App fr Babybrei und Babynahrungrezepte perfekt fr alle Eltern und Grosseltern Bereiten Sie einfache und leckere Rezepte fr feste Nahrung zu die baby und kinderfreundlich schmackhaft und gleichzeitig nahrhaft sind BABYCUISINE REZEPTE APP FEATURES KOSTENLOSE REZEPTE zum ausprobieren 7 Tage Risikofrei gratis testen Leicht verstndliche Beschreibung Erstellen Sie eine Einkaufsliste direkt in der Baby Cuisine App Rezeptsuche nach Mahlzeit Frhstck Mittagessen Snacks und Abendessen Zubereitungszeit 520min 2030min 3060min und nach Alter 612 Monate ber 12 Monate Innovative Rezeptsuche/Rezeptfilter ber Navigationsrad Rezeptsuche speziell bei Durchfall App teilen und 4 Wochen PREMIUM gratis Intuitive Bedienung Kann offline genutzt werden ohne Internetzugang EINFACHE amp SCHMACKHAFTE BABYREZEPTE Mit BabyCuisine erhalten Sie einfache schnelle und schmackhafte Kochrezepte die man mit nur wenigen Zutaten zubereiten kann Fr ein glckliches und sattes Kind Vor allem fr frischgebackene Mtter die bevorzugen zu Hause selbst gesunde Mahlzeiten fr Ihre Kinder zu kochen oder einen Brei selbst zubereiten wollen als alternative zu Fertigessen im Glschen HAUSMANNSKOST MIT EINER MISCHUNG AUS TRADITIONELLER amp GESUNDER BABYERNHRUNG Bei Baby Cuisine haben wir alle Rezepte fr Babys und Kleinkinder selbst getestet Fr uns ist es eine Herzensangelegenheit dass alle Eltern ohne Weiteres leckere Mahlzeiten kochen knnen Im Laufe der Jahre wurden die Rezepte von vielen Babys und Kindern getestet und als sehr lecker bezeichnet Es sind Speisen die Kinder lieben und die gleichzeitig nahrhaft und gesund fr sie sind TOP BABY amp KLEINKINDER REZEPTE Einfach und schnell zubereitet Wenige Zutaten Keine grosse Vorbereitung notwendig GESUND und schmackhaft Rezepte von Omas Kche und Mttern KEINE knstlichen Zusatzstoffe Nie mehr verkochte Babybrei Rezepte auch fr unterwegs Einkaufslistengenerator fr schnelles Einkaufen Wissen welche Zutaten im Babybrei enthalten sind Fr kleine Portionen und grere Mengen Mglichkeit den Brei vorzukochen FR WEN IST UNSERE REZEPT APP lt /bgt Hungrige Suglinge von 6 Monaten bis zum Kleinkindalter Junge Familien Familien mit dem ersten Baby/Kind Fr neue Eltern frisch gebackene Mtter Erstlingsmtter aber natrlich auch Vter Fr die Groeltern Tanten Onkel und Freunde die gerne helfen Kinderbetreuerin und Babysitter Als alternative zu Hipp Alete und Milupa Laden Sie Baby Cuisine jetzt KOSTENLOS herunter lt /bgt Wir wnschen Ihnen viel Spa beim Kochen und guten Appetit GENIESSEN SIE DIE VORTEILE UNSERER APP FR BABYNAHRUNGSREZEPTE Machen Sie Ihr Leben als Elternteil ein bisschen einfacher und glcklicher Wir wrden uns sehr freuen ber eine Bewertung mit Rezenssion
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From the makers of the beloved Dohm sound machine the Yogasleep Baby companion app for the Ohma AllinOne Baby Monitor allows you to instantly connect with your little one no matter where you are Features of the app include   Realtime video monitoring in HD over secure WiFi   Adjust Ohmas night light from the device or from the app   Set sleep training schedules with lights and sounds   Receive motion sound temperature and humidity alerts   Play 20 sounds from the creators of white noise machines to soothe your child to sleep   Communicate with your child with our twoway audio intercom  The Ohma is the newest addition to the Yogasleep Baby family Its the complete solution to your nursery monitoring needs Features include   Full 1080 HD camera with wide 170degree view digital pan tilt and zoom and superior night vision  Secure and safe streaming over your WiFi network  Superior night vision so you can monitor your child at all hours of the day   20 soothing sounds including the signature Dohm fan sound nature sounds and lullabies  Twoway intercom so you can communicate with your child   Multicolored night light and integrated sleep training tools help your child develop good sleep habits as they grow  Sensors on the device to monitor the temperature and humidity in your childs room   Child lock prevents your little one from changing any settings or pushing any buttons    OHMA comes with a oneyear limited warranty  If youre a fan of the Ohma leave us a review Need help with your device Contact us with any feedback or comments Learn more about Yogasleep products at wwwyogasleepcom
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Screen Time 자녀 통제

Screen Time 자녀 보호 Screen Time은 무료로 사용하실 수 있는 자녀 시청 보호 앱으로 부모님들께서 자녀의 스마트폰 및 타블렛 사용 시간을 관리할 수 있도록 도와 드립니다 본인의 폰에서 자녀의 일일 사용량을 제한하거나 특정 앱을 차단 신규 앱 허가 특정 시간대 사용을 금지 예 취침 시간할 수 있으며 좋은 행동에 대한 보상으로 추가 시간을 더 줄 수도 있죠 Screen Time으로 아이들에게 건전한 사용 시간을 깨닫게 할 수 있습니다 동시에 지긋지긋한 기기 관련 논쟁도 피할 수 있죠 이것은 Android 자녀 보호용 앱입니다 이 앱을 사용하여 Android 기기 Apple iOS 기기 Amazon Kindle Fire 기기의 사용 시간을 감독하고 제어하실 수 있습니다 저희 앱은 무료 기능과 유료 프리미엄 기능으로 구성돼 있습니다 무료 버전은 영구히 무료입니다 기능은 다음과 같습니다 자녀분들이 스마트 기기에 실제로 얼마나 많은 시간을 쓰고 있는지 모니터링 해보세요 본인의 스마트폰에서 편리하게 어느 특정 앱이 얼마나 빈번하게 얼마나 오래 사용되는지 확인해 보세요 자녀가 새 앱을 설치할 때 알림을 받으실 수 있습니다 자녀의 기기에서 어떤 웹사이트를 서핑하는지 확인해 보세요 또한 자녀의 기기에서 어떤 검색어가 사용됐는지도 볼 수 있습니다 39가족 스크린 타임 조약39을 맺되 사전에 자녀분들과 대화를 통해 양자간에 합의하세요 자녀의 이해를 얻는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다 본 앱은 프리미엄 버전으로도 제공해 드리며 여기서는 자녀의 스크린 타임에 능동적인 제약을 걸 수 있습니다 구독을 하시면 모든 무료 기능과 정말 쓸모있는 프리미엄 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다 다음 내용을 참조하세요 하루 중 특정 시간대에 자녀의 스크린 타임 제한을 설정합니다 버튼 하나로 자녀의 기기를 즉시 정지시킵니다 특정 시간대에 특정 앱을 차단합니다 잘 시간이 되면 모든 작업을 차단합니다 학교에 있는 동안 작업을 제한합니다 필요에 따라 기타 차단할 시간대를 설정합니다 자녀께서 스마트 기기로 어떤 일을 하는지 일별 요약을 보고받습니다 자녀께서 과제를 완료하면 추가 시간을 보상으로 허가합니다 월별 6개월 또는 1년 구독을 하시면 자녀분 모두의 기기를 관리하실 수 있습니다 가격은 균일합니다 관리 권한은 배우자 또는 조부모들과 공유하실 수 있습니다 제한은 없습니다 신규 고객에게는 7 일 무료 평가판이 제공됩니다 프리미엄을 사용할 필요가 없으며 프리미엄을 사용할 때까지 청구 정보를 제공 할 필요가 없습니다 또한 무료 7 일 평가판 이후에 사용할 수있는 웹 필터링 및 위치 추적 서비스를 시작했습니다 참고 모든 보호자 통제 응용 프로그램과 마찬가지로 Screen Time은 때때로 Huawei 장치에서 작동 문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다 프리미엄 가격 관련 정보는 다음 사이트에서 참조하세요 https//screentimelabscom/pricing 피드백 문제가 있으시면 당사 도움말 페이지를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다 또는 당사 웹사이트의 연락처 페이지를 통해 문의해 주시기 바라며 리뷰 페이지에 질문을 올리시면 바로 답해 드리지 못할 수도 있습니다 https//screentimelabscom/help https//screentimelabscom/contact
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Speech Blubs: Language Therapy

Do you need more proof Check out the featured stories on Speech Blubs in Thrive Magazine Autism Parenting Magazine Speech Chick Therapy Beautiful Speech Life and The Speech Teacher Speech Blubs was also honored by winning the Social Impact award and is supported by Facebooks Start Program This voicecontrolled speech therapy app is designed to help everyone learn new sounds and words and to practice speaking in a stimulating educational environment We are proud though a bit flabbergasted that our 1500 activities have been used over 1000000 times to trigger sound and word production in everyone who tried it from toddlers late talkers speech delay children with Apraxia of Speech Autism Down Syndrome ADHD Sensory Processing Disorder to elders who lost their speech for various reasons WHY SHOULD YOU TRUST SPEECH BLUBS Jennifer Marron BS SLPA I use Speech Blubs with my articulation students who have a difficult time using their lips and tongue to produce certain sounds eg /b/ /p/ /th/ /l/ etc The clients I have used this to have so far loved it and are fully engaged Thank you for a great application If that doesnt give you confidence you should also know that Speech Blubs Uses scientifically proven video modeling for effective speech development Has over 1500 exercises activities funny hats videos minigames and more Releases brand new exciting content every week Uses 25 fun activity themes Early Sounds When I Grow Up Get into Shapes Living Colors This Is My Body Mouth Gym Animal Kingdom Ride Your Wheels Sing Along Guess the Word Guess the Sound NUMB3R5 and many more Has voiceactivated functionality that provides a fun interactive learning experience Makes fun use of special effects like funny hats and masks in realtime using facial detection Lets you collect stickers and fill your sticker book as you progress Provides funny and educational content designed to trigger conversation Try Speech Blubs activities for FREE SCIENTIFICALLYPROVEN LEARNING TECHNIQUES In a recent study published by the American SpeechLanguageHearing Association ASHA UCLA researchers proved that watching peers in realtime results in MIRROR NEURONS being activated which has been shown to be highly effective in speech development Speech Blubs uses video modeling to create an immersive learning environment that allows individuals to observe their inapp actors on video as they learn NEW REGULARLY RELEASED CONTENT Finally a rare gem among apps that provides a nearly endless supply of content for you to enjoy including over 1500 activities exercises funny hats and masks effects videos minigames and more Our team is always working hard to add exciting new content each and every week SUBSCRIPTION PRICING amp TERMS Start with a 7day free trial get access to unlocked content and test out the app To subscribe and keep access to all the practices you will be charged your monthly or annual subscription fee through your GooglePlay account A recurring transaction that will automatically renew unless you cancel your account at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription month You can manage your subscription cancel anytime or turn off autorenewal by accessing your GooglePlay account Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when you subscribe Read our full Terms amp Conditions and Privacy Policy here https//speechblubscom/legal/privacypolicyforapplications/
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호