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Additifs alimentaires

Additifs alimentaires est une application gratuite sans pub et fonctionne sans connexion internet sauf pour notre nouvelle option scanner Lapplication inclue Le niveau de danger Lorigine Animale vgtale chimique le type Le nom et toutes les appellations possibles le statut qui vous permet de savoir si l39additif est halal/casher/vgtarien ou vgtalien Un mode de recherche Trs optimis par numro ex E124 ou par nom ex Rouge cochenille Un mode de tri intgr pour simplifier la navigation travers notre base de donnes Une base de donnes complte et jour plus de 650 additifs alimentaires Un dictionnaire des mots les plus utiliss dans le monde des additifs FAQ est cr via un groupe Facebook Les fiches encore plus dtailles sont accessibles en utilisant l39accs internet Un service de scan de produits Depuis la version 20 lapplication propose un service de scan payant Plus de 500 000 produits internationaux disposition via la base de donnes dOpen Food Facts do les nouvelles demandes de permissions suivantes Permission dutilis la camra pour pouvoir scann un produit lapplication utilise lappareil photo Note il nest pas possible de prendre des photos ni denregistrer des vidos via lapplication permission dutilis internet comme vous vous en doutez une base de donnes de plus de 500 000 produits ne peut tre tlcharger sur lappareil par consquent lapplication accde internet pour recueillir les donnes de chaque produit scann Que propose le service de scan La liste des additifs alimentaires o chaque additif est cliquable pour afficher les dtails La liste des ingrdients avec les allergnes en gras Les traces possibles de gluten fruits coques laitetc Nom du produit la Marque Lorigine des ingrdients Nous sommes joignables par Email pour toutes questions ou suggestions pour lamlioration de lapplication
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Qi Gong

Mit der Qi Gong App hast Du Dein Qi Gong Akademie Dresden direkt in der Hosentasche immer mit dabei Verbinde Dich mit Deinem Qi Gong Zentrum Dresden in einer eigenen App und tauche ein in eine neue digitale Welt News Du erhltst so einfach und direkt wie mglich die wichtigsten News und Updates Deines Qi Gong Zentrum Dresden Besondere ffnungszeiten neue Coaches Technikvideos der Woche oder limitierte Clubangebote Du bleibst stets auf dem neuesten Stand Zustzlich lassen sich die NewsBeitrge schnell und einfach an Freunde und Bekannte direkt aus der App heraus weiterleiten Club Bekomme eine neue Art der persnlichen Verbundenheit zu Deinem Qi Gong Zentrum Dresden Das volle Clubangebot in Form von Training Coaches und Zusatzleistungen oder der richtige Ansprechpartner und individuelle Kompetenzschwerpunkte Deiner Trainer Du erlebst einen facettenreichen Einblick hinter das Cluberlebnis Kalender Fr einen stets klaren berblick des gesamten Qi Gong Angebots hast Du in der Funktion des Kalenders die Mglichkeit den fr Dich passendsten Kurs oder die passendste Veranstaltung ausfindig zu machen Durch den zustzlichen Einblick wie Kursinhalt Trainer oder Teilnehmerzahl nimmst Du noch aktiver am Clubprogramm teil PushBenachrichtigungen Mit individuell anpassbaren PushBenachrichtigungen erleichterst Du Dir die Integration Der Trainingseinheiten in Deinen Alltag Du hast die Mglichkeit Dir eigene PushBenachrichtigungen zu individuellen Ereignissen wie bei lngerer Trainingsabwesenheit oder bei Erinnerungen fr Deine Kursteilnahme direkt auf Dein Smartphone schicken zu lassen Ebenfalls erhltst Du die wichtigsten Clubnews direkt via PushBenachrichtigung auf Dein Handy Du Clubereignisse und aktionen Shop Du hast von berall und jederzeit Zugriff auf den Qi Gong Zentrum Dresden Shop um einfach mal im Sortiment zu stbern und Dir auch direkt Deine Wunschklamotten zu kaufen
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Blood Sugar & Pressure Tracker

Introducing Blood Pressure amp Sugar Tracker a great assistant to help you easily track your blood pressure and track blood sugar levels This app is designed to record blood pressure data and record blood sugar levels at home This Blood Pressure amp Sugar Tracker app features an intuitive interface that supports recording the monitoring results of vital body indicators of activities and fitness including blood sugar and blood pressure levels helping users better understand and manage the BP aspects of their health records Explore the core features of the Blood Pressure Sugar Tracker Blood pressure and Blood Sugar diary Record edit update or delete blood sugar log and blood pressure log Systolic Diastolic Pulse View your blood pressure and blood sugar records with graphs Track blood pressure and blood sugar changes over time Trend analysis visualize Visualize blood pressure and blood sugar trends through graphs Easily track your health changes for diseases and conditions management like diabetes high blood pressure and lifestyle improvements Smart statistics Provides clear visualizations of blood pressure and blood sugar levels of user Thoughtful reminder Set reminders so you don39t forget to log blood glucose level and blood pressure Information from medical reference and education reputable resources Provide health topic information on managing high blood pressure and low blood pressure to help implement lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar levels Health Disclaimer The Blood Pressure amp Sugar Tracker app is designed for recording and tracking blood sugar and blood pressure levels It is not intended for measuring or diagnosing medical conditions Users can input their blood sugar and blood pressure readings daily into the app The Blood Pressure amp Sugar Tracker app provides graphs for users to monitor their health based on the data they enter It should be noted that the app itself does not measure these readings but records the userinput data for tracking purposes The Blood Sugar amp Pressure Tracker app is intended for users aged 18 and above who have a need to monitor their blood sugar and blood pressure levels Currently the app utilizes data from reputable sources like the American Heart Association AHA etc to provide information to users However the provided data might differ from reallife scenarios The app is intended for informational purposes only and is not a medical device Users experiencing any health issues should seek advice and consultation from doctors and healthcare professionals Take Charge of Your Health Today Try the Health monitoring App Blood Pressure Sugar Tracker today Thank you for your interest in our health tracker app Blood Pressure Sugar Tracker We always listen to your feedback to be better Please send your feedback via email supporttechnifyvn Privacy Policy https//sitesgooglecom/view/technifybloodsugarpolicy Term of Service https//sitesgooglecom/view/bloodsugartosuspsharing
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Luna Ring: Rise to brilliance

Are you ready to take your health and wellbeing journey to the next level Introducing Luna Ring the ultimate companion that empowers you to live your best life Harness the power of cuttingedge technology packed into a stylish ring designed to enhance your wellbeing in ways you never thought possible Key Features Comprehensive Health Insights Get accurate insights about your body by monitoring 3 scores daily Sleep Readiness and Activity along with personalized nudges Advanced Sensor Technology Our PPG sensor and a 3axis accelerometer ensure precise tracking allowing you to monitor subtle changes in your heart rate sleep patterns movements and other biodata Intelligent Design for Comfort amp Durability With its ultralightweight sleek design and fighter jet grade titanium body you can wear Luna Ring confidently 24/7 Period Tracking amp Ovulation Prediction Smartly predict menstrual cycles log symptoms track period flows and receive detailed insights to help you manage your menstrual wellness Stress Management amp Relaxation Understand and manage stress with our advanced stress detection feature Get personalized recommendations to help you relax and maintain mental acuity Holistic Health Support Luna Ring supports your overall wellness journey providing guidance on improving sleep activity and readiness for a balanced life Luna Ring is more than an app it39s a lifestyle transformation tool that guides you towards a better you Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to a life of balance purpose and vitality Ready to embark on this transformative journey The future of holistic health is at your fingertips Download Luna Ring now and start living your life to the fullest Luna Ring Privacy Policy https//wwwgonoisecom/pages/lunaringprivacypolicy Luna Ring Terms of Service https//wwwgonoisecom/pages/termsofuse
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Simge Fitness

Fiziksel zelliklerine hayat standartna ve hedeflerine gre hazrlanan antrenman ve beslenme programlar ile hayal ettiin vcuda ulamak mmkn 2 Kez Trkiye ampiyonluu bulunan Milli sporcu Simge Topcu danmanlnda aklna taklan tm sorularn cevabn alarak geirecein eitim sreci sana antrenman ve doru beslenme hakknda pek ok ey retecek Bu eitim sisteminin en byk amac sana gzel alkanlklar kazandrmak Salkl beslenmeyi ve antrenman bir eziyete dntrmeden dengeli bir hayat srdrmeni salamak en byk amacmz Salk nceliimizdir Srdrlebilir beslenme alkanlklar kazandrmak iin dengeli beslenme prensibini gzeterek listeler hazrlanr Bu uygulama iinde neler bulacaksn Kiiye zel hazrlanm antrenman plan ve her bir hareketin videolu gsterimi ve her harekete eklenen zel notlar bulunur Antrenman yaplan gnlerde antrenmandan fotoraf ykleyecein bir takip sistemi vardr Bu ekilde aylk yaplan deerlendirmede baar istatistiklerin deerlendirilir Sistemde esneme ve foam roller rutinleri snma ve souma rutinleri dahil detayl videolar bulunur Tamamen sizin durumunuza zel hazrlanan antrenmanlarda snma ve esneme iin dahi takip ederek uygulayabileceiniz tamamen uygulamay kullanan rencilere zel videolar bulunur 350den fazla hareket videosu olan sistemde mthi bir hareket eitlilii bulunur Her trl seviyeye gre mkemmel planlanm antrenmanlar iin bu eitlilik olduka nemlidir Ev ve spor salonuna zel antrenmanlar iin her trl alternatif hareket vardr En yksek verimi alabileceiniz ekilde her detay dnlr Kiiye zel hazrlanm beslenme plan vardr Tm plann toplam kalorisi makro deerleri ve her bir nn toplam kalorisi ve makro deerleri belirtilir Her n iin alternatif n nerileri ve sadece uygulama iinde bulunan rencilere zel tarif videolar bulunur Her n ncesi bildirim ile hatrlatma yaplr ve fotoraf yklemen istenir nlerini taban ekip ara nler dahil sisteme ykleyerek dahil olacan bir takip sistemi bulunur Bu ekilde hem disiplini salaman hem de hatal bir n varsa gnderdiin n grntsne gelen uyar ile hatan grmen mmkndr Sisteme yklediin n fotoraflar ile aylk yaplan deerlendirmede baar istatistiklerin deerlendirilir statistiklerini sen de grebilirsin Sistem iinde dilediin gibi soru sorabilecein bir blm vardr Tm sorularn dilersen fotoraf da ekleyerek sorabilirsin Her ay beslenme ve antrenman programlarn son durumuna gre deerlendirme yaplarak titizlikle gncellenir Eitime katlan herkesin ulamna ak indirebilen 4 adet ok faydal ekitap kaynaklar bulunur Simge Fitness Uzaktan Eitim Sistemi hem erkeklerin hem kadnlarn kullanm iin uygundur
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호