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Superr Kids App

Finding it hard to oversee your childs activities online Let Superr help you keep your child focused on studies and safe amp productive online at all other times Kids like to stay up all night chatting or gaming Its also hard to know if theyre focused on class or school work with so much digital media around them that has become a cause for distraction Children are also exposed to various risks online now more than ever Superr lets you regulate your childs screen time eliminate distractions during class and study time and helps you ensure that your child is using the web safely and productively With Superr you can stay abreast of your childs online activities and modulate behaviour to control or prevent a wide range of issues that stem from children39s unregulated and unsupervised internet use Features Routines Let the child know their schedules sleep class study outdoor tuition etc for each day and be more productive Block unwanted apps and games during class or homework hours Improve family interactions with regulated app access Screen Time Schedule Track how much time kids spend on devices App/Game blocker amp Usage Block or restrict specific games and inappropriate apps Limit the usage of apps like social media and games Website Filter and Browser History Filter websites to shield kids from porn gambling or other threatening sites Tasks amp Reminders Create tasks and get timely reminders Social Media Monitoring Detects suspicious chat Location Tracking amp Geofence Providing location related safety by sending current location to the parent whenever they requested Inform the parents when the kid enters or leaves the saved locations The app uses the Device Administrator permission and Accessibility services Accessibility services is used to 1 provide adult website protection 2 prevent access to the blocked apps and websites 3 prevent kids from uninstalling Superr from their device without parent39s password/PIN 4 detects the suspicious chats in social media like whatsapp instagram facebook messengeramp snapchat Optional feature Contact Us If you have any questions please talk to us at admincoinedone
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Chores 4 Rewards

Chores 4 Rewards is a modern version of the traditional paper chore chart/ privilege points chore tracker or behavior chart This parenting app is designed to work as a motivator to give kids routine and encourage them to complete household chores Compared to a paper chore chart/ behavior chart Chores 4 Rewards makes it easy for your kids to view and complete their assigned household chores buy rewards and review their behaviors If youre looking for a mom planner organizer/ chores app for adults to create chores for kids Chores 4 Rewards is here to help You can easily create chores specify the recurrence of the chore and assign it to your kids You can also create rewards and specify the number of coins required to purchase that reward Your kids will be keen to do some work You can download and use the Chores 4 Rewards parenting app for free but you will have to take a subscription to access the premium features Main features of Chores 4 Rewards Add your children Take or pick a photo to use as their profile photo Alternatively pick from the list of children/monster avatars to use instead Add and assign chores to your children Specify the recurrence of the chore and set the maximum number of coins available for completing the chore Add shop rewards Set the price and the maximum daily buying limit of the reward Link devices Children can access their accounts using the parent device or using their own compatible device Parents can access the same account by simply signing in with the same account details Push notifications To keep you updated on purchased rewards and completed chores Children can access child mode using the parents device or by linking their own compatible device Child mode is where children can mark chores as completed and buy rewards from the shop Review mode is where you approve childrens completed chores and mark purchased rewards as received Prior to approving a chore you can reduce the number of coins to award and add feedback to the chore Children can read the feedback after the chore has been approved Chores 4 Rewards premium features Behaviors amp points system With the behaviors amp points system you can create behaviors and specify how many happy/sad points each behavior is worth Behaviors can be sent to children whilst in parent mode which will then add the total amount of points to their account Games section Add at least 6 game prizes to enable the games section Children can play fun logical games to win prizes that have been set by you You can specify the number of happy points required for children to play the games Special rewards Send your children a special oneoff reward in the form of scratch to reveal Enter the reward name pick a photo or icon and optionally enter the reason for the reward The next time your child enters child mode a surprise reward will be waiting for them Text to speech Children can tap certain elements within child mode to have them read aloud For example children can tap on a chore to have the name of the chore read aloud Google texttospeech must be installed on device Detailed statistics View weekly monthly amp yearly data displaying how many chores your children have completed and how many rewards they have purchased See your childrens progress within a specified time range Download Chores 4 Rewards today and organize your household chores like a pro
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quotNortoyquot GPS GPS GPS SOS / quotAnorquotbu bolangizning joylashuvi va faoliyatini real vaqtda kuzatish uchun mo39ljallangan aqlli qurilma va mobil ilova Mahsulot GPS tracker geofence funktsiyalari faoliyatni kuzatish va mumkin bo39lgan tahdidlar to39g39risida ogohlantirishlarni birlashtiradi va uni zamonaviy otaonalar uchun ajralmas yordamchiga aylantiradi Asosiy Xususiyatlar GPS kuzatuvi o39rnatilgan GPS moduli yordamida bolangizning joylashuvini darhol toping Otaonalar xaritada chaqaloqning aniq manzilini Real vaqtda ko39rishlari mumkin Geofence sozlamalari xaritada maktab uy yoki o39yin maydonchasi kabi xavfsiz zonalarni yaratish qobiliyati Agar bola belgilangan zonadan tashqariga chiqsa otaonalar darhol xabardor qilinadi Faoliyat monitoringi farzandingizning jismoniy faolligini shu jumladan qadamlar bosib o39tgan masofa va faollik darajasini tahlil qiling va kuzatib boring Bu otaonalarga farzandining salomatligi va fitnesini kuzatishga yordam beradi Favqulodda ogohlantirishlar farzandingiz xavf tug39ilganda bosishi mumkin bo39lgan o39rnatilgan SOS tugmasi Otaonalar darhol bolaning aniq joylashuvi haqida ogohlantirish olishadi Sayohat tarixi ma39lum bir vaqt ichida bolaning marshrutlari va harakatlarini ko39rish qobiliyati Bu xavfsiz marshrutlarni tahlil qilish va rejalashtirishga yordam beradi Ilovadan foydalanish statistikasi farzandingizni telefonda kuzatish uchun telefon ekrani vaqt statistikasini ko39ring Ilovadan foydalanish chegarasini belgilash mumkin Telefon qulfi Aloqa va SMS monitoringi Batareya monitoringiInternetga ulanish monitoringiTelefon ovozini kuzatish Kamera funksiyalari mavjud
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아기 일기 & 추적기 - CuboAi

quot아기 일기 amp 추적기는 부모가 아기의 일상 활동과 건강을 기록하고 추적할 수 있도록 돕는 필수 앱입니다 이 앱은 수유 기록 수면 패턴 기저귀 교체 및 성장 발달을 쉽게 기록할 수 있게 하여 아기의 성장과 건강 상태를 손쉽게 모니터링할 수 있도록 합니다 주요 기능 한 손 조작 바쁜 부모를 위해 설계되어 한 손으로 아기의 활동을 쉽게 업데이트할 수 있습니다 타임라인 보기 수유 낮잠 및 기저귀 교체를 포함한 아기의 일일 일정을 검토할 수 있습니다 자동 데이터 요약 수유 수면 등 하루 종합 데이터를 즉시 확인할 수 있습니다 다중 사용자 지원 여러 보호자가 활동을 기록하고 기록에 액세스할 수 있습니다 아기 일기 사진과 메모로 성장 단계와 일상 활동을 기록하세요 건강 모니터링 아기의 건강을 상세한 기록으로 추적하세요 수유 및 유축 기록 수유 및 유축 세션을 양과 시간을 포함하여 추적하세요 개인정보 보호정책 우리는 사용자의 개인정보 보호를 중요하게 생각하며 정보를 안전하게 보호할 것을 약속드립니다 자세한 내용은 개인정보 보호정책을 참조하세요 https//storagegoogleapiscom/babydairypublicasset/staticsite/privacyhtml 이용 약관 https//storagegoogleapiscom/babydairypublicasset/staticsite/termhtml 지금 아기 일기 amp 추적기를 다운로드하여 아기의 성장과 건강을 손쉽게 추적할 수 있는 포괄적이고 사용하기 쉬운 도구를 시작하세요 육아를 더 체계적이고 간편하게 만들어 드립니다 회사 소개 CuboAi 스마트 아기 카메라는 세계 최초의 AI 기술이 적용된 아기 모니터로 부모의 필요를 고급 기능과 결합하여 아기의 안전 수면 건강을 종합적으로 보호합니다quot
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SoyMomo - Reloj para niños

Bienvenido a SoyMomo Comunicacin Segura y Divertida para Nios Explora el mundo de SoyMomo donde la tecnologa se encuentra con la diversin infantil Nuestro innovador telfonoreloj est especialmente diseado para nios ofreciendo una experiencia simple intuitiva y segura Con una pantalla tctil de fcil manejo SoyMomo es el compaero perfecto para los ms pequeos Funciones Destacadas de la Aplicacin SoyMomo Comunicacin Inmediata Haz y recibe llamadas o enva mensajes de voz a tu hijo a travs de su reloj SoyMomo Localizacin GPS en Tiempo Real Mantente tranquilo sabiendo dnde est tu hijo Revisa su ubicacin actual y el historial de lugares visitados Zonas Seguras Personalizadas Recibe alertas cuando tu hijo entre o salga de zonas seguras que t defines como la escuela el hogar o parques Alertas de Batera Baja Nunca te preocupes por la batera recibe notificaciones cuando el reloj de tu hijo necesite recargarse Alarmas y Recordatorios Personalizables Programa alarmas para despertar recordatorios para tareas escolares medicamentos o cualquier actividad importante Modo de Bloqueo para Clases Asegrate de que tu hijo se concentre en sus estudios programando el modo de bloqueo durante horas de clase Experiencia SoyMomo Estar Siempre Conectados Unirte a SoyMomo significa ms que solo un dispositivo es ser parte de una comunidad que valora la comunicacin segura y efectiva entre padres e hijos Descubre cmo SoyMomo puede transformar la manera en que tu familia se comunica Compra Fcil y Soporte Garantizado Listo para la experiencia SoyMomo Adquiere tu dispositivo fcilmente en nuestra tienda online wwwsoymomocom Para cualquier duda o consulta estamos disponibles en contactosoymomocom y en nuestras redes sociales Disfruta de un soporte tcnico local excepcional tanto en preventa como en postventa
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호