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Tractive GPS for Cats & Dogs

Keep your pet safe and healthy with this companion app for Tractive GPS trackers See exactly where your pet is at all times Detect potential issues early with Health Aerts Keep them fit and healthy with Activity Monitoring Don39t have a Tractive GPS cat or dog tracker yet Get yours at https//tractivecom Main features Track your cat or dog in realtime with unlimited range Monitor activity amp sleep compare with similar pets and see how they39re doing with Wellness Score Get Health Alerts when your pets activity or sleep have shown unusual changes See your pet39s location history Get escape alerts if your buddy leaves a safe zone or goes somewhere they shouldn39t with Virtual Fences Share location let friends and family track your pet and share realtime location with others Tractive GPS trackers work in over 175 countries Get yours along with the free app to start enjoying these features Unlimited Range Tractive GPS trackers are the ideal pet accessory to track movement and keep an eye on your pet39s location GPS Tracking Need extra reassurance Go into LIVE mode to follow your pet39s every move and get location updates in realtime Activity Monitoring See how your cat or dog is doing Track activity and compare with others Spot sleep patterns and make sure they get enough rest and exercise Health Alerts Your tracker monitors and tracks the sleep quality and activity patterns of your pet when it detects something unusual you39ll get an alert via email Virtual Fence Safe Zones amp NoGo Zones Set safe zones like your garden as well as nogo zones your buddy should avoid like a field near a busy road You39ll get a quick alert when they leave or enter one of them You can set up several virtual fences make them big or small and move them easily across the map Radar Pinpoint your dogs location in close range The closer you get the more circles fill up on your screen Perfect for indoor tracking and when GPS signal is weak Record Dog Walks Save everything from morning strolls to big hikes with the Walk feature Look back on your adventures any time Location History amp Heatmap Find out your pet39s favorite spots where they39ve been recently and what they39ve been up to Location Sharing Let friends family and others you trust like walkers or petsitters track location and activity You can also share realtime location with anyone with a single tap very useful if your pet runs off and you need help bringing them back home The Tractive GPS app works with all Tractive GPS trackersquot
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Old Me:늙은 얼굴 시뮬레이션

Old Me는 당신의 얼굴을 수십 년 더 늙어 보이게 만들어주는 환상적인 무료 사진 편집기입니다 우리는 AI 기술을 사용하여 얼굴에 질감을 추가하고 머리 색깔을 변경합니다 몇 초 안에 변신하고 자신을 늙어 보이게 만듭니다 친구들과 어울리고 재미있게 놀아보세요 갤러리에서 사진을 선택하거나 셀카를 찍어보세요 당신이 20세 40세 60세일 때 사실적인 노인 얼굴 룩을 생성하세요 얼굴이 늙어가고 피부가 늙어가고 주름이 생겨서 부모님이나 조부모님을 닮아가세요 노후된 비디오/사진을 갤러리에 저장하거나 Facebook Twitter Instagram Whatsapp 또는 Google Plus와 같은 인기 있는 소셜 서비스에 공유하세요 사진에 적용하여 오래되어 보이도록 할 수 있습니다 참고 이 앱은 오락용일 뿐이며 선택한 나이에 따라 얼굴이 바뀌지는 않습니다 미래를 알려주는 앱이 아니라 단지 연령 필터일 뿐입니다 운세 예측 오늘 내일 이번 주 월 연도에 대한 예측을 휴대폰에서 받을 수 있도록 별자리 운세를 기본값으로 설정하세요 사랑의 호환성 그 사람이 당신의 꿈에 나타나나요 사랑에 빠질 기회가 있나요 전문적인 분석을 통해 답을 얻을 수 있으며 진정한 사랑을 결코 잃지 않을 것입니다 모든 조디악 표지판 별자리 양자리 3/21 4/19 황소자리4/20 5/20 쌍둥이자리 5/21 6/21 암6/22 7/22 레오 7/23 8/22 처녀자리 8/23 9/22 천칭자리9/2310/22 전갈자리 10/23 11/22 사수자리 11/23 12/21 염소자리12/221/19 물병자리1/20 2/18 물고기자리2/19 3/20 Old Me를 무료로 다운로드하고 당신과 당신의 친구들이 늙어가면 어떤 모습일지 확인해 보세요 엄청난 재미를 느끼고 친구들에게 장난을 치는 재미있는 얼굴 교환기 우리는 구독이 필요한 몇 가지 고급 기능을 제공합니다 이는 필요에 따라 선택할 수 있는 3일 무료 평가판이 포함된 자동 갱신 구독입니다 저희 앱을 구독하시면 Google Play 계정에 요금이 청구되며 현재 기간 종료 후 24시간 이내에 갱신 비용이 청구됩니다 구독 후 Google Play 설정을 통해 언제든지 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다 저희 앱을 구독하고 싶지 않으시더라도 무료 기능을 계속 이용하실 수 있습니다
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Swile cest la carte et lapp pour les employs On ne peut pas faire plus simple que a Swile cest la carte qui permet de dpenser tous vos avantages employs sans vous posez de questions titresresto titrescadeaux titresmobilits et mme votre argent perso Cest vrai a pourquoi multiplier les cartes et les carnets quand on peut tout faire dun coup la carte qui dispose du plus large rseau dacceptation Si vous tes dans la rue cet instant levez la tte entrez dans ce resto ou cette boutique en face de vous Et l votre Swile card passe la carte qui permet de payer au centime prs Termin les Ah par contre on ne rend pas la monnaie la carte avec laquelle vous pouvez tout payer sans vous souciez du montant actuel du plafond ni du solde qui vous reste Le calcul mental cest utile mais avec nous vous nen aurez pas besoin aussi la carte 100 virtuelle Vous avez le choix de ne lavoir QUE dans votre tlphone pas dans votre portefeuille Donc pas de plastique mme si jadis ctait fantastique Swile cest aussi lapplication qui permet de consulter votre solde vos transactions et votre code PIN En gros tout ce qui est consultable vous pouvez le consulter lapplication qui facilite les dons aux associations de votre choix Seule lapp Swile est la hauteur de votre gnrosit Et bien sr encore plein de nouveauts venir compltement dingues incroyables et merveilleuses mais on ne voudrait pas en faire trop Si vous voulez nous dire quel point on est formidable cest l helloswilefr Si vous voulez nous suivre vous pouvez le faire sur Linkedin Twitter Instagram Facebook mais pas dans la rue Bonne journe avec Swile
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Messages touchants le cœur

Dcouvrez l39application gratuite 39Messages touchants le cur39 Notre application vous permet d39exprimer vos motions de manire spciale grce une vaste slection de messages rpartis en 21 catgories uniques dont voici quelques exemples Amour quotMon amour pour toi est ternel Tu es ma joie et mon bonheurquot Anniversaire quotJoyeux anniversaire Que cette journe soit remplie de bonheur et de souriresquot Bonjour quotUn doux bonjour pour clairer ta journe Passe une journe merveilleuse quot Bonne Chance quotJe te souhaite toute la chance du monde dans tes projets Tu vas briller quot Bonne Nuit quotFerme les yeux et rve doucement Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rvesquot Confiance quotJ39ai une confiance absolue en toi Tu peux tout accomplirquot Encouragement quotN39abandonne jamais tu es plus fort que tu ne le pensesquot Excuse quotJe suis vraiment dsol Acceptestu mes excuses sincres quot Flicitation quotFlicitations pour cette ralisation exceptionnelle Tu es incroyablequot Gratitude quotJe suis reconnaissante d39avoir une personne aussi merveilleuse dans ma viequot Motivation quotRien n39est impossible quand tu crois en toi Continue te battrequot Pardon quotJe regrette mes actions Pouvonsnous mettre cela derrire nous quot Remerciement quotUn grand merci pour ta gentillesse et ton soutien inestimablequot Ralisation quotTu as atteint un nouveau sommet Ta persvrance paie toujoursquot Soutien quotJe suis l pour toi chaque tape du chemin Tu n39es pas seulequot Clbration quotFtons ensemble tes succs et accomplissements quot Manque quotTon absence cre un vide dans mon cur Tu me manques normmentquot Reconnaissance quotJe tiens exprimer ma gratitude pour tout ce que tu fais Merci infinimentquot Romantisme quotSous le ciel toil nos curs s39entremlent dans une danse romantiquequot Rconfort quotDans les moments difficiles sache que tu peux toujours trouver du rconfort dans mon amourquot Sduction quotTon charme envotant me captive chaque instant Tu es irrsistiblequot Notre application vous permet galement de personnaliser vos messages en les plaant sur de belles images pour crer une exprience encore plus mmorable De plus vous pouvez les tlcharger en tant qu39images ou textes pour les partager facilement avec vos amis et votre famille le tout sans avoir besoin d39une connexion Internet Exprimez vos sentiments de manire significative avec 39Messages touchants le cur39 Tlchargezla ds maintenant et partagez l39amour et la joie avec vos proches
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Eden Living Membership Site

With Eden Living youll have ongoing access to Donna Edens guidance Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner insights expert mini masterclasses plus the latest healing tips tools and techniques you wont find anywhere else Youll also get to experience a transformational guided journey to help you consistently reach higher levels of health and happiness every single month Plus youll connectin with a highvibrational loving community of kindred spirits from around the world who speak the language of energy When you join Eden Living youll receive Monthly LIVE QampA calls with Donna where you can ask her your question directly and receive her expert advice Weekly masterclasses designed to enhance and improve your Energy Medicine skills taught by our most experienced practitioners Help building a lifelong habit of using energy tools to improve your mental emotional and physical health no matter what else is going on in your life A focus on crucial lifeenhancing themes each month such as the art of activating authentic joy how to enjoy deep healing sleep every night building immunity to stay strong and healthy sharpening mental focus and clarity and more Improved intuition as well as practical skills around working with energy even if you39ve never taken an Eden Method class before The joy and freedom of being yourself as you finally stop hiding your love for quotwoo wooquot methods or quotstrangequot energy techniques thanks to a loving supportive community of kindred spirits who quotget itquot and get YOU The ability to take charge of your overall wellbeing and confidently address or even overcome health and emotional issues for yourself and your loved ones Access to findings innovations and upgrades around all things Eden Energy Medicine so you know you39re working with the latest and greatest tools and techniques at all times This unique space holds the essence of all that is wonderful about Donna Her joy her love her devotion to health and to helping people become the best version of themselves And it can be YOUR goto space to create a healthier happier life no matter who you are where you come from or where you are in the world Were confident that Eden Living is a learning and community space unlike anything else out there by us or anyone else
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호