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Stride: Mileage & Tax Tracker

Track miles amp mileage automatically Get affordable insurance Save on everyday expenses Simplify taxes File stress free Save an average of 710/year on taxes by using Stride All for free with no hidden fees Join 2600000 people saving for FREE HIGHLIGHTS Save big on taxes Automatically track and calculate miles distance and trips Log amp track daily bills amp expenses like phone gas and transportation File taxes as selfemployed stressfree Find hundreds of tax deductions amp writeoffs Get affordable insurance health life dental vision amp more REVIEWED BY THOUSANDS I39ve been doing quotgigquot driving for just a couple months now pretty much full time amp it39s already recorded about 1300 worth of deductions Stride literally has been the difference between me owing and getting money back 4 years in a row Stride is exceptional I have been with them for 8 years as a Postmates and Uber Eats driver and I love the mileage tracker BEST app ever for tracking mileage and taxes for my two sources of income photography and Shipt I used to write it manually because NONE of the other apps did what I needed them to MAXIMIZE MILEAGE DEDUCTIONS Built amp designed for freelancers gig workers rideshare drivers and more Strides mileage tracker helps you discover business expenses you can claim as selfemployed and makes filing a breeze Strides mileage tracker will automatically maximize your mileage deductions and capture them in an IRSready standard mileage log format Strides mileage expense tracker gets users 670 back for every 1000 miles they drive Automated GPS mileage tracking Set notifications for mileage tracking reminders IRSready mileage logs Track amp manage your bills DISCOVER HUNDREDS OF WRITEOFFS We find all the expenses and deductions based on all the work you do as someone selfemployed On average Stride finds users 200 worth of writeoffs each week Discover what expenses you can deduct and how to best track Bank integration to easily import expenses EASILY FIND AFFORDABLE INSURANCE Find a plan that fits your life and budget Discover affordable health insurance for less than 10/mo Stride also offers Health insurance Vision insurance Life insurance Dental insurance Get the best plan at the lowest price Stride users save an average of 447/mo on health insurance IRSREADY TAX REPORTS We prepare everything you need to file in IRSReady reports for easy filing Strides mileage and expense tracker users cut their tax bill in half on average 56 Gather all the information needed to file in an IRSready report Support with all filing methods efile tax filing software accountant Have all the information you need to auditproof your taxes FIling as selfemployed doesnt have to be stressful TRACK YOUR INCOME Stride is perfect for any independent worker Rideshare drivers Uber Lyft Curb etc Delivery drivers DoorDash Grubhub Postmates etc Truckers Freelancers selfemployed workers gig workers individuals with side hustles etc Entertainers Creative professionals Food service professionals Business consultants Sales agents Real estate agents Home service professionals Medical professionals Cleaners And many more
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SAIB Mobile

Apple Wallet
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Webull - Stock Quotes & News

Webull strives to keep its vast depth of news realtime market data analysis tools We pride ourselves on continually improving our platform and bringing intuitive and useful tools to help you make smarter financial decisions We believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to control their own financial future REALTIME DATA Get live stocks market quotes charts detailed company profiles financials key statistics and much more CUSTOMIZABLE PORTFOLIO Add holdings create alerts and save notes to keep track of your portfolios Set alerts seamlessly to get apprised of live price movements and daily P/L to make better investment decisions SMART FINANCIAL TOOLS Explore indepth analytic tools and charts Webull has over 50 technical indicators and 12 charting tools designed to help you analyze and interpret market information from free realtime quotes Access to all of worldclass tools including IPO amp Earnings Calendar Capital Flows Press Releases Advanced Quotes and more CUSTOMIZED WIDGET amp ALERTS Add mobile stock widget to know latest price movements and access quickly to your favorite stocks Set personal alerts to get informed of live stock price movements and invest fast PRACTICE WITH FREE PAPER TRADING Practice and enjoy trading without spending real money Test out your trading skills with free Paper Trading feature LEVEL 2 ADVANCE NASDAQ TOTALVIEW ACCESS Access Level 2 Advance Nasdaq TotalView for a deeper look into the market Dont forget about the NOII which provides next level transparency and insight into the supply and demand in the marketplace DISCLOSURES No content in the App shall be considered a recommendation or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities options or other investment products All information and data in the App are for reference only and no historical data shall be considered to reflect future market trend
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FxPro: 주식 파생상품 거래

어디서나 프로처럼 거래하는 FxPro FxPro는 120개 이상의 업계 수상 경력을 보유한 세계 최고의 브로커로 평가받는 회사입니다 또한 25년 이상의 경력을 바탕으로 완전히 규제되고 신뢰할 수 있는 FxPro는 전 세계 트레이더들이 가장 선호하고 선택하는 브로커로써 탁월한 거래 경험을 제공합니다 FxPro 트레이딩 앱을 다운로드 하세요 거래 및 계좌 관리 자금 관리를 한번에 할 수 있는 올인원 솔루션입니다 정기적으로 업데이트되는 새로운 기능을 통해 최신 도구와 리소스를 간편하게 모바일로 이용할 수 있습니다 2100 이상의 상품 거래 금속 금 은 등 글로벌 지수 나스닥 Dax SampP FTSE 등 선물 지수 농업 에너지 주식 미국 영국 유럽의 2000 에너지 원유 및 천연 가스 주요 특징 한 개의 앱으로 자금 계좌 거래 관리 및 메타5 지원 전체 화면 TradingView 차트로 제공되는 주식 시황 및 주식 지표 메타 5 통합 분석 다양한 분석 도구 및 주식 지표 메타5 사용자 친화적인 환경 중요한 증시 뉴스 및 시장 움직임에 대한 푸시 알림 메타 5 실시간 알림 즐겨 찾기 및 인기 주식 사이트 목록 리스크 없는 데모 거래 지원 메타5에서 주식 실시간 거래 알림이 포함된 통합 경제캘린더로 미국 증시 실시간 알림 받기 수수료 없는 다양한 자금 예치 방법 lt12ms 미만의 실행 속도를 자랑하는 NDD 실행 다국어 지원 서비스 빠른 거래 및 원탭 거래 기능으로 해외 주식 투자 낮은 스프레드 및 훌륭한 거래 조건 리스크 관리를 위한 FxPro Wallet 24/5 라이브 채팅 지원 UFAwards에서 선정한 39전 세계 최고의 모바일 트레이딩 앱39 2018년부터 맥라렌 레이싱 포뮬러 원 팀을 후원해 온 FxPro와 함께 번개처럼 빠른 실행 속도를 경험하세요 질문이 있으신가요 당사가 제공하는 서비스에 대한 보다 자세한 정보는 FxProcom을 방문하시거나 24/5 지원되는 라이브 채팅을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다 이메일 mobilehelpfxprocom 앱을 다운로드하고 단 몇 분 안에 등록하여 프로처럼 거래를 시작하세요 인베스트와 인베스팅 투자를 보다 편리하게 경험하세요 책임 있는 거래 자본 리스크 FxPro는 Global Ltd의 브랜드 명이자 거래 명입니다 회사 주소는 Lyford Manor Western Road Lyford Cay New Providence N7776 The Bahamas입니다
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호