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New Zealand Topo Maps

Easy to use outdoor navigation app with most recent topographic maps of New Zealand Cook Islands and Tokelau This app gives you similar mapping options as you might know from Garmin or Magellan GPS handhelds Main features for outdoornavigation Create and edit Waypoints GoToWaypointNavigation Track Recording with speed elevation and accuracy profile Tripmaster with fields for odometer average speed bearing elevation etc GPXImport / Export KMLExport Search placenames POIs streets Customizable datafields in Map View and Tripmaster eg Speed Distance Compass Share Waypoints Tracks or Routes via eMail Facebook Use Coordinates in UTM WGS84 or MGRS and many more Available base map layers Topomaps New Zealand seamless coverage at scales 1250000 and 150000 NZMariner RNC Nautical Charts LINZ Aerial Imagery Google Maps Satellite images Road and TerrainMap Open Street Maps Bing Maps ESRI Maps Overlay layers Public Conservation Areas Open Hunting Areas DOC Camp Sites DOC Freedom Camping Restrictions DOC Huts DOC TRacks Taupo Trout Fishing District Hillshading Use this navigation app for outdoor activities like hiking biking camping climbing riding skiing canoeing or offroad 4WD tours Preload FREE map data for areas without cell service Pro version only LIMITATIONS OF THE FREE VERSION Ads Max 3 Waypoints Max 3 Tracks No Routes No import of waypoints and tracks No Bulkdownload No Local City DB Offline Search The topographic maps were created by Land Information New Zealand LINZ Topo50 is the official topographic map series used by New Zealand emergency services How topographic information is used Defence planning New Zealand39s defence forces use topographic information for planning military exercises and swapping information with international partners Location and routing Search and Rescue defence ambulance fire service police and civil defence agencies use topographic information in a wide range of planning and operational situations from natural disasters to community policing Usage may involve mobile/field and control room situations and the combination of topographic information with other data Land management Topographic information is used by local government for regional planning and operations and by power gas and telecommunications companies In addition LINZ maps are used for a great variety of purposes by businesses and government departments such as the Department of Conservation and by recreational users such as trampers and tourists All topographic maps have additional labels for better readability at higher zoom scales Maps are rendered with Atlogis hillshading to enhance topography Topo Map Coverage New Zealand and Islands Antipodes Auckland Bounty Campbell Chatham Kermadec Raoul Snares and Stewart Islands at scale 150000 and 1250000 Cook Islands Aitutaki Atiu Mangaia Manihiki Mauke Mitiaro Palmerston Penrhyn Pukapuka Rakahanga Rarotonga Suwarrow Takute at scale 125000 Tokelau Islands Atafu Nukunonu Fakaofo at scale 125000 Please send comments and feature requests to nzmapsatlogiscom
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UTA eCharge

UTA eCharge Simply electrifying With UTA eCharge its easier than ever to charge your electric or hybrid vehicle Youll get full access to our Europewide charging network of over 750000 public charge points with a unified tariff in Germany In addition you can use UTA eCharge to refuel your hybrid vehicle settle tolls or access services such as vehicle washes and tyre repairs With the UTA eCharge app you can quickly and easily locate the charging station nearest to you wherever youre travelling in Europe either in list form or on a map The app provides details about the charging station the realtime availability of charge points and the UTA eCharge tariff that applies Key benefits of UTA eCharge app include Find charge points nearby or at your destination Avoid unnecessary journeys by displaying the realtime availability status of charge points See the UTA eCharge charging tariff with prices Check opening hours location details and the station operator Practical filters for availability preferred operators charging power connector type and more Transfer route planning to your own navigation app or share the destination with your vehicle app Start and stop your charging session via app without using your physical UTA eCard View your charging session history and statistics and much more To learn more about UTA eCharge visit https//wwwutacom/echargeen NOTES The app can be used without registering for a user account but in this case certain features will be limited or unavailable To register an account please contact your fleet manager or our customer service team echargeutacom
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DiDi Rider: Affordable rides

Do you need a ride Or are you craving for a pizza Ride wherever you want or order food delivery with DiDi the world39s largest mobility app and professional food delivery platform Order a car in just three taps and travel more relaxed a comfortable Order delicious food from your favorite restaurants with fast delivery Download the app and enjoy our special discounts Download the DiDi Rider app now and guarantee a quality economical and safe private transport service You can also enjoy great food anytime anywhere Order your favorite pizza hamburger and tacos A complete app to make your day easier DiDi offers these services DiDi Express cheap and safe trip with a qualified driver DiDi Economy cheaper travel but with the same quality as the DiDi Express DiDi Taxi request a taxi by cell phone to travel more comfortably available in some cities DiDi Delivery deliver or receive your order package or document cheaply DiDi Flex you choose the price of your trip DiDi Food enjoy great food anytime anywhere DiDi Moto Enjoy better rates and faster rides More savings on your travels and safe deliveries With the DiDi Rider you can travel economically Order a taxi or a private driver and take cheap trips wherever you want Do you want a mobility app where you can save money Then download DiDi Rider Food Delivery Order food from restaurants easily with DiDi In just 3 simple steps you can enjoy your favorite delivery without leaving your home Your safety is the most important thing Safe travel first All DiDi drivers go through a selection process where only the best are judged With an extra step of security you can share your trip in real time with trusted contacts In an emergency press the safety button Travel safely with DiDi Choose your payment method Select the best payment method credit or debit card via the app or cash payment only available in some cities DiDi offers discount coupons and exclusive promotions for you to travel cheap Enjoy it Ease of ordering cheap travel deliveries With DiDi Rider you can travel or order package deliveries with ease Just enter your current location and destination and we39ll find the nearest private driver or taxi driver You can see the driver39s location in realtime and how long it will take to arrive Request one of our services such as DiDi Taxi to travel cheaply on the largest transport platform in the world How to request a trip on the DiDi platform Download the DiDi Rider app and create an account Enter your location and destination Select payment method credit card debit card or cash payment available in some cities Click quotConfirmquot and we will find a driver nearby You will be able to see all vehicle and driver information including their realtime location and how long it will take to arrive Give your opinion at the end of the trip so that DiDi maintains its quality of service With DiDi Rider you can order safe travel fast deliveries and enjoy a low fare and a private transfer service with a qualified driver Also you can choose to pay cash or card when ordering a cheap trip Need some help Visit https//mexicodidiglobalcom/centrodeayuda or contact us at helpmxdidiglobalcom or call 800 988 8888
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Offline Map Navigation

휴대폰 신호가 없는 상태에서 길을 잃어본 적이 있나요 오프라인 지도 offline maps 및 오프라인 내비게이션 offline navigation을 사용하여 앱으로 현재 위치를 파악하고 장소를 검색하며 안전하게 집으로 돌아갈 수 있는 정확한 GPS 경로 GPS directions를 받을 수 있습니다 휴가를 계획 중이신가요 오프라인에서 검색하고 여행 중에 호텔 식당 및 기타 관심 장소를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다 이 앱은 정확한 도착 예정 시간 날씨 업데이트 및 여러 정류장을 추가할 수 있는 기능을 통해 효율적인 여행 계획을 보장합니다 자동차를 운전하든 오토바이를 타든 자전거를 타든 걸어서 가든 항상 앱이 곁에 있어 마음의 평화를 제공합니다 Offline Map Navigation은 가장 필요할 때 도움을 줄 수 있는 신뢰할 수 있는 백업 솔루션입니다 주요 기능 단계별 내비게이션 자세한 경로 안내를 받을 수 있습니다 다양한 모드 자동차 오토바이 자전거 또는 도보에 가장 적합한 경로를 찾을 수 있습니다 오프라인 관심 장소 인터넷 연결 없이 근처의 호텔 식당 병원 ATM 은행 충전소 및 매장을 찾을 수 있습니다 교차로 보기 복잡한 교차로를 쉽게 탐색할 수 있습니다 음성 안내 여러 언어로 정확한 안내를 받을 수 있습니다 차선 안내 차선 전환에 대한 명확한 정보를 제공합니다 전기차 경로 전기차용 충전소에 대한 정보가 포함되어 있습니다 날씨 업데이트 실시간 날씨 정보를 제공합니다 여러 정류장이 있는 경로 최적화된 경로 및 정확한 도착 시간을 위해 여러 정류장을 추가합니다 자동 경로 재계산 즉각적인 경로 재설정으로 경로를 유지할 수 있습니다 목표 나침반 어떤 목적지로든 정확하게 탐색합니다 대체 경로 여러 경로 제안 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다 경로 공유 경로 안내를 쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다 위치 저장 즐겨찾는 위치를 저장하여 빠르게 접근할 수 있습니다 빠른 GPS 업데이트 빠른 GPS 업데이트를 즐길 수 있습니다 주간 및 야간 모드 하루 중 어느 시간대에도 명확한 지도를 제공합니다 다운로드 가능한 지도 지도를 오프라인으로 사용할 수 있습니다 오프라인 검색 인터넷 없이도 위치 및 주소를 검색할 수 있습니다 속도 경고 속도 경고로 안전을 확보할 수 있습니다 지역 이벤트 지역 이벤트를 발견할 수 있습니다 사용자가 생성한 명소 사용자가 생성한 명소를 탐색할 수 있습니다 완전한 오프라인 기능 모든 기능이 온라인 및 오프라인 모두에서 작동합니다 Offline Map Navigation을 선택해야 하는 이유 로밍 요금 절약 오프라인 지도 offline maps를 사용하여 돈을 절약할 수 있습니다 효율적인 여행 계획 위치를 저장하고 정류장을 추가하고 최적화된 경로를 찾을 수 있습니다 여행 계획 공유 여행 세부 정보를 쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다 다국어 지원 여러 언어로 제공됩니다 포괄적인 범위 전 세계 다양한 지역의 지도 및 내비게이션에 접근할 수 있습니다 사용자 친화적인 인터페이스 직관적이고 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스를 즐길 수 있습니다 정기적인 업데이트 정기적인 업데이트 및 개선의 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다 높은 정확성 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 내비게이션을 신뢰할 수 있습니다 맞춤형 옵션 다양한 설정으로 내비게이션 경험을 개인화할 수 있습니다 커뮤니티 기여 사용자가 생성한 콘텐츠와 지역 정보를 탐색할 수 있습니다 개인 정보 보호 개인 정보 보호를 중시하며 안전하게 탐색할 수 있습니다 Wear OS와 통합 Wear OS 스마트워치와 동기화하여 원활한 단계별 내비게이션을 제공합니다 Wear OS 지원을 사용하는 단계 1 Android 기기와 Wear OS 스마트워치에 앱을 설치합니다 2 두 기기에서 앱을 열고 설정을 완료합니다 3 모바일 기기에서 내비게이션을 시작합니다 4 Wear OS 기기에서 내비게이션 지침을 받습니다 면책 조항 Offline Map Navigation은 GPS 기반 애플리케이션으로 앱을 사용 중이거나 백그라운드에서도 항상 위치 정보를 사용하여 정확한 위치 결정과 신뢰할 수 있는 내비게이션을 제공합니다
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Yanosik: antyradar i nawigacja

JED BEZPIECZNIE I BEZ MANDATW Yanosik to aplikacja z bezkonkurencyjnym systemem ostrzegania docenionym przez miliony kierowcw Powiadomi Ci o kontrolach prdkoci fotoradarach wypadkach a nawet nieoznakowanych radiowozach Najwiksza aktualizowana online baza zgosze i urzdze pomiarowych na terenie Polski pomoe Ci w bezpiecznym dojedzie do celu POSTAW NAM KAW I WYCZ REKLAMY Nasza aplikacja zawiera reklamy dziki czemu pozostaje bezpatna Jeli jednak chcesz korzysta z Yanosika bez reklam moesz skorzysta z opcji ich wyczenia Wystarczy e wykupisz w aplikacji redni lub du kaw a wyczymy Ci reklamy Szczegy w aplikacji OMIJAJ KORKI I KORZYSTAJ Z AKTUALNEJ MAPY Nawigacja w Yanosiku opiera si o nowoczesny system SmartTraffic dziki ktremu ominiesz korki Skorzystaj z aktualnej mapy i wielomilionowej bazy adresw Nowe drogi dodawane s zaraz po otwarciu Monitorujemy zmiany w organizacji ruchu i wprowadzamy je na bieco SUCHAJ RADIA YANOSIK W TRASIE I POZA NI Yanosik nie tylko pomaga na drodze ale take umili Twoj podr Wcz Radio Yanosik posuchaj dobrej muzyki i gosuj na najlepsze utwory Czekaj tu te na Ciebie ciekawe audycje podcasty i informacje z kraju i wiata Radia Yanosik moesz sucha nie tylko w trasie ale wszdzie gdzie masz dostp do internetu MAMY WSZYSTKO CZEGO POTRZEBUJE KIEROWCA Yanosik to najlepszy przyjaciel kadego kierowcy Pomoe Ci w wielu kwestiach zwizanych z prowadzeniem i posiadaniem samochodu Dziki nowoczesnemu dashboardowi aplikacji w Yanosiku masz pod rk to co najwaniejsze Oprcz komunikatora drogowego i nawigacji moesz skorzysta z wielu usug OMIJAJ KORKI Z YANOSIK TRAFFIC Yanosik to Twoje rdo informacji drogowych zarwno na drogach szybkiego ruchu jak i w najwikszych polskich miastach Otrzymasz z wyprzedzeniem informacje o utrudnieniach na trasie aby mg sprawnie dojecha do celu bez stania w korkach Bdziesz te na bieco z wydarzeniami w Twoim miecie ktre mog utrudni ruch W aplikacji wystawisz ZA DARMO ogoszenie o sprzeday auta i przejrzysz oferty sprawdzonych aut Autoplac kupisz tanie ubezpieczenie samochodu sprawdzisz histori swojego pojazdu przebieg naprawy czy liczb wacicieli skorzystasz z ewidencji wydatkw zwizanych z Twoim autem sprawdzisz gdzie zatankujesz najtasze paliwo znajdziesz warsztat sprawdzisz opinie o nim i umwisz wizyt skorzystasz z dodatkowych rabatw wykupisz abonament na profesjonaln myjni rczn sprawdzisz aktualny taryfikator mandatw i punktw karnych dodasz do ulubionych swoje stae trasy i sprawdzisz aktualny czas dojazdu i pogod w danej lokalizacji wezwiesz pomoc drogow i suby ratownicze zamwisz produkty z naszego sklepu lub podczysz dodatkowe urzdzenia W naszej aplikacji wykorzystujemy Accessibility API w celu umoliwienia Wam min autostartu InMobi z innymi aplikacjami nawigacyjnymi Korzystanie z tej funkcjonalnoci jest dobrowolne Nie zbieramy przy tym dodatkowych danych uytkownika Opcja autostartu jest widoczna w Ustawieniach aplikacji dostpna po zalogowaniu uytkownika
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be - Nền tảng đa dịch vụ

ng dng Be cung cp dch v t xe my xe hi v my bay xe khch giao hng nhanh cng vi cc tin ch tuyt vi i km khc Cho n nay ng dng c s dng v tin dng bi 10 triu khch hng Tri nghim ngay cc im hp dn ni bt m bn c th tm thy Be nh Mng li dch v t beTaxi khp 28 tnh thnh i ng 100000 ti x vui v chuyn nghip v c o to bi bn Tch im i cc u i cc d dng nh cao gii tr vi tr chi Th thch Thanh ton qua ngn hng s Cake rinh v tay y p cc u i i km dch v bo him chuyn i hoc bo him n hng gip bn an tm trong qu trnh s dng dch v cng nh chnh sch n b tha ng H tr khch hng 24/7 DCH V CA BE Cc dch v di chuyn ca Be lun t s an ton ca hnh khch l u tin hng u t xe nhanh chng tin li cc ph hp l vi nhiu chng trnh khuyn mi d dng theo di hnh trnh trn ng dng be Xe my t xe 2 bnh tin li tit kim nht be Xe hi t xe t 4 ch v 7 ch thoi mi sang trng be i tnh Thu xe t ng di 1 chiu v 2 chiu n cc tnh thnh ln cn vi cc ph hp l be Thu theo gi Thu xe t theo gi l trnh linh ng ty chn thu t 2 gi 10 gi be Giao hng Giao hng nhanh ph hp l d dng theo di tnh trng n hng be V my bay t v my bay d dng vi nhiu u i gim gi v hp dn cc t khuyn mi lin tc t Be v t cc i tc hng khng uy tn be i tc Gii php di chuyn trn gi cho doanh nghip be thanh ton lin kt c quyn vi ngn hng s Cake by VPBank khi s dng dch v c hng u i c bit v tit kim chi ph Ngoi ra be cn lin kt vi cc phng thc thanh ton khc nh th ngn hng v in t gip bn tin li hn trong vic s dng dich v v thanh ton khng tin mt V cn rt nhiu dch v tnh nng hp dn khc ch bn tri nghim T BE SIU NHANH Ti ng dng Be ng k ti khon MIN PH Chn dch v nhp a ch chn m khuyn mi v hnh thc thanh ton Tin hnh t xe C bc ti n ngay Theo di l trnh v lin h vi bc ti ngay trn ng dng Tr s chnh Tng 16 Ta Nh Sai Gon Tower 29 L Dun Phng Bn Ngh Qun 1 Thnh ph H Ch Minh Vit Nam Thng co bo ch xp hng tn nhim https//wwwasiamoneycom/article/27i6gralrq1bhg3whzzls/awards/bestbankawards/vietnamsbestbankfordigitalsolutions2022cakebyvpbank https//wwwvpbankcomvn/tintuc/thongcaobaochi/2021/moodynangxephangtinnhiemvpbanklenngangmucxephangquocgia https//wwwgsogovvn/tintuckhac/2022/01/moodysnangxephangtinnhiemcuavpbanklenngangmucxephangquocgia/ https//vircomvn/begrouppartneringupwithvpbanktolaunchcakedigitalbank82038html https//wwwretailbankerinternationalcom/news/begrouplaunchesdigitalbankcakeincollaborationwithvpbank/ KT NI VI BE Email hotrobecomvn Hotline 1900 23 23 45 Website https//becomvn Fanpage https//facebookcom/begroupvn
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호