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ChildGuard App

ChildGuard is a product of ChildTrack Suite that provides a 360 Degree Protection for your child from three dangerous factors that if tracked can keep your kids safe from any threat Food Location amp Money The application is a tool for any Parent to control these three factors and minimize threats to their child Imagine if you can control these three factors to the extent that the child will never feel unsafe ChildGuard shouldnt be confused as a Child Spy Tool or any tool to impact the freedom of any child it is a powerful tool to monitor and take preventive actions to keep things away which can harm the child or bring problems from external factors Food Safety is a critical subject we talk every day when we talk about Child Safety We cannot be around our kids all the time to guide them what is good or bad for their health in School Canteen which cannot control menu items due to strong demand by children like junk foods soft drinks chocolates etc BUT if we can control the menu for our child amp inform Canteen about our preferences through some means they can help to keep these things out of childs reach ChildGuard is a tool to help you Customize Menu for your child to restrict food as per allergies from certain food religious reasons or unhealthy foods which can inform School Canteen to allow only food items that are permitted by Parents This also helps to avoid certain unforeseen events that may happen if a child is exposed to allergens which Canteen is never aware amp cannot prevent unless being informed Other factors that can help in food safety include PreOrder Meals for your child RealTime Chat with Canteen for additional information about food RealTime Notifications on order status for comfort Access to Food Details along with Nutritional Facts Fats Calories Vitamins etc for each item in the menu Ability to cancel the order if not suitable Location Knowhow gives the most comforting feeling to any parent about their child than any other information Parents would like to be aware of the exact location of their child at all times without spying on them to help take action if they find anything suspicious Today child is exposed to many external factors that excite them to miss school get lost in big malls or provide false information about their location which can now be prevented through ChildGuard To prevent a childs privacy as well the application will not keep track of Childs Location throughout the day but records the information of their last location only for parents to track for their comfort only amp take corrective actions if something is not as per plan Get a view of all your children in One View on Map or access to the location of each child individually Money Handling is the most dangerous factor that impacts a childs safety Every school allows the supply of healthy meals for lunch now amp due to a busy schedule or childs wishes parents need to either hand over Cash to the child to buy items from School Canteen Availability of Cash with the child often attracts unpleasant company or distract the child to get attracted towards unwanted or restricted items which affect their safety ChildGuard helps you to Go Cashless with Digital Wallet which the child will have access with just his Student ID amp some basic information about parents for Canteens Verification The wallet is protected with the highest level of security amp with real time notifications to avoid misuse by Child or Canteen Now keep your child away from Cash and keep him safe Also enjoy additional benefits 1 Detailed Home Page 2 Unified View of all Orders 3 Simple Screens 4 Quick Menu with a description 5 24X7 Support Now stay in control and keep your child safe at all times with ChildGuard For more information please feel free to visit http//www/mychildtrackcom/ or mail us at supportmychildtrackcom
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May - Bébé, Grossesse, Parents

DES FUTURS PARENTS SEREINS ET CLAIRS Du dbut de la grossesse lentre lcole de votre enfant May est votre alli quotidien dans la merveilleuse et difficile aventure de la parentalit Que vous cherchiez la meilleure information ou que soyez en qute de srnit May est toujours l pour vous Posez toutes vos questions notre quipe mdicale compose de sagesfemmes d39infirmires puricultrices et de pdiatres Nous vous rpondons 7j/ 7 de 8h 22h Recevez chaque jour un conseil 100 personnalis adapt lavancement de votre grossesse et/ ou lge de votre bb Dveloppez vos connaissances grce aux masterclass audio des meilleures experts Abordez chaque tape cl grce nos programmes personnaliss Ne ratez rien grce notre slection darticles et de fiches rdigs par des professionnels de sant UNE QUIPE MDICALE DANS VOTRE POCHE Quand on attend un enfant ou quon est parent dun petit bb on a toujours plein de questions auxquelles il nest pas toujours facile de trouver des rponses Sur May vous pouvez poser vos questions une quipe mdicale dans un environnement 100 scuris Des sagesfemmes des infirmires puricultrices et des pdiatres vous rpondent tous les jours de 8h 22h toujours avec bienveillance DES CONTENUS PERSONNALISS ET VRIFIS Sur May tous les contenus sont produits par des professionnels de sant spcialiss en prinatalit et en pdiatrie Ils sont mis jour rgulirement pour tre la pointe des dernires recommandations May a t conue pour que tous les parents et futurs parents aient facilement accs une information de qualit et adapte leurs besoins Plus besoin de chercher des rponses vos questions sur internet les experts de May vous proposent chaque semaine une slection de contenus adapts lavancement de grossesse et/ ou lge de votre bb UNE SEULE APP POUR TOUTE LA FAMILLE Sur May vous trouverez des ressources pour le suivi de votre grossesse pour le postpartum mais aussi les trois premires annes de vos enfants Vous pouvez crer autant de profils denfants que vous le souhaitez Plus besoin de naviguer entre plusieurs applications tout est regroup dans May Et videmment ds que vous ajoutez un enfant ou une grossesse votre profil les contenus proposs sadaptent automatiquement COMBIEN A COTE Afin de rmunrer les professionnels qui vous accompagnent tout en vous proposant un tarif accessible nous vous proposons 2 formules dabonnement Labonnement mensuel sans engagement partir de 699/ mois Labonnement annuel partir de 5/ mois 599 factur l39anne RAPPEL Il est ncessaire de prendre un avis auprs d39un mdecin en plus des informations fournies dans l39application avant de prendre une dcision concernant votre sant ou celle de votre enfant
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아기수유시간: 모유와 분유 기록. 아기 수면 추적기

Demato 앱은 신규 부모님들에게 필수적인 도우미로 베이비타임 모유수유 어플 신생아 수유텀 등의 기능을 하나로 통합한 종합적인 아기 관리 앱입니다 이 앱은 신생아의 모유 및 분유 수유 수면 패턴 기저귀 교환을 정밀하게 추적하며 아기의 성장 지표 건강 지표 및 발달 이정표를 세심하게 기록합니다 특히 모유수유를 위한 직관적인 트래커는 한 번의 터치로 시작/중지 기능을 간편하게 사용할 수 있게 해 수유 시간 사용한 쪽 그리고 세션 타이밍을 능숙하게 기록합니다 또한 트래커는 트림이나 재배치를 위한 일시 정지 기능을 제공하며 상세한 통계를 통해 부모님들이 패턴을 파악하고 모유수유 루틴을 최적화할 수 있도록 합니다 분유와 모유 수유를 넘어서 Demato는 강력한 유축어플 기능을 자랑하며 수유 어머니들이 유축량 세션 타임 추가 노트를 기록하게 하여 모유 공급 및 저장 상황을 조직적으로 개요할 수 있게 합니다 또한 이후 유축 세션을 위한 알림 기능으로 유축 과정을 더욱 간소화합니다 Demato는 고형식 및 분유 수유 추적 기능을 포함하여 부모님이 아기의 식사 섭취를 기록할 수 있게 하여 식사 유형과 분량을 포함한 아기의 영양 섭취를 모니터링하는 데 필수적입니다 아기의 수면 추적 치아 성장 모니터링 기저귀 교체 기록 체온 몸무게 신장 및 머리 둘레를 포함한 종합적인 아기 추적 기능을 제공합니다 또한 배시간 예방 접종 증상 등 아기 발달의 모든 세부 사항을 놓치지 않도록 합니다 앱의 협업 기능은 데이터 동기화를 통해 가족 구성원이나 돌보는 이들 사이의 일관된 접근 방식을 촉진하여 모든 이가 아기 돌보기에 통합된 접근 방식을 유지할 수 있게 합니다 사용자 맞춤형 위젯과 각 이벤트에 대한 코멘트 및 노트 추가 옵션을 통해 Demato는 모든 가족의 개별적인 요구에 부응하며 첫 아이를 키우든 경험이 풍부한 부모든 아기 돌보기를 원활하고 즐거운 경험으로 만들어주는 필수 도구입니다
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Prodigy Baby - Parenting App

Take advantage of the wonder years of your newborn baby toddler or young child With the Prodigy Baby app there is no limit to what your newborn or young child can learn and achieve Created by an expert team of educators doctors and engineers from Stanford amp IITs this baby learning program will help you uncover your childs incredible hidden potential Do you feel confused or concerned about what to expect when it comes to infant development Do you worry that your child may fall behind on skill development Whether your baby is just a newborn an infant a toddler or a young child Prodigy Baby has the solution for your child to be both happy and successful as they grow older DEVELOP TALENTS Prodigy Baby is a unique learning system for 06 year olds that allows you to develop your childs allround talents and abilities through a variety of developmental activities and exercises And best of all the framework includes NO SCREENTIME for the child and it only takes 5 Minutes A Day TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS When you download the Prodigy Baby app you will be able to take a quiz regarding your childs stage of development and the skills and developmental milestones you wish to jumpstart Once youve completed the quiz you will receive a tailored customized daybyday recommendation for your baby care and learning system Whats more each activity is specifically designed to help unlock particular abilities not just as a random collection of things to do the difference will show SIMPLE EASY CONVENIENT The wonder weeks from age 06 are an important but we dont want to overwhelm the child or the parenting experience With this in mind the Prodigy Baby programs are super easy and convenient and require only 5 minutes of daily developmental activities with the child without any screentime HOW IT WORKS The Prodigy Baby app is based on the Prodigy Framework that was developed by worldclass experts educators and approved by paediatricians When you download the app you will also learn the process that was undertaken to create this unique framework that is now being used in over 150 countries around the world The framework combines the methodologies of the greatest parenting minds in the world including Glenn Doman Makoto Shichida Maria Montessori Waldorf and others to create a fun accelerated learning system that helps your child unleash their hidden talents WEEKLY PLANS Explore our learning system for newborns which is carefully planned with weekly schedules for newborn baby games We know parents are not teachers and we dont want you to be So dont worry about the development planning thats all on us Simply follow the program laid out and watch the baby learning activities take root Try keeping a baby learning growth chart and watch yourself be blown away You may think youre seeing things but the milestone tracker cant lie Download today and see why weve been featured in The Economic Times The Times of India Entrepreneur Magazine and more Prodigy Baby because you want more than a child development app you want a genius development app
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MMGuardian Parental Control

Use MMGuardian Parental Control on your child39s phone to view messages receive safety alerts and set limits for screen time and app usage This is the app is for the parent39s phone you must also install a different app on your child39s phone If you install this app first you will be guided on how to download the child phone app from the relevant app store for your child39s iPhone or Android phone Receive alerts when your child39s text messages certain social media chat messages or web searches are indicative of drugs sexting cyberbullying child grooming violence suicidal thoughts and more What does MMGuardian Do With the MMGuardian Parental Control Child app installed to your child39s Android phone you will also be able to monitor and block SMS text messages Web browsing activity Application usage To whom phone calls are made Social Media Chat Monitoring In addition to normal SMS texts chat messages from Facebook Messenger WhatsApp Snapchat Instagram Kik TikTok and Discord are reported Alerts will be sent to you if the content in a chat message appears to relate to one of nine special categories including sexting cyberbullying and suicidal thoughts The benefits of using MMGuardian Parental Control when your child has an Android phone include Alerting you when text messages or web searches are indicative of sexting cyberbullying suicidal thoughts and more Alerting you when pictures on your child39s phone or sent in an MMS message are of an adult nature or indicative of sexting Comprehensive reports for text messages app usage web browsing and voice calls Additional Functions Locate your child39s phone Quickly lock or unlock your child39s phone Set limits for screen time app usage web filtering This app on your phone and the one on your child39s phone must be registered using the same parent39s email address Both your phone and your child39s phone should have network data capability as the app uses data to send and receive configuration commands reports and alerts Free 14 day trial After the free 14 day trial period of the app on the child39s phone has ended unless the child phone app is licensed or has an ongoing subscription the functions in this Parent App that relate to premium functions on the child39s app will be disabled However you can still use MMGuardian to locate your child39s phone remotely Subscriptions You may purchase a subscription to apply to the MMGuardian Parental Control app installed on your child39s phone from within this parent phone app Subscriptions are 499/mo or 4999/year for one child phone Family plans for up to 5 child devices are twice these amounts We encourage parents to discuss the reasons to use a parent control app with their children which include to help protect them from potential risks of their own actions and the actions of others such as excessive screen time cyberbullying and sexting
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Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor

Introducing our remarkable Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor app a heartwarming journey into the precious moments with your little one There39s truly nothing more enchanting than to hear your baby39s heartbeat for the very first time Imagine capturing and cherishing that beautiful moment with the ease of an app designed to bring joy and connection to expecting parents Now you can use this heart beat monitor for pregnant women to check baby heartbeat with phone Just download the Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor app and start recording All you need in order to listen to baby heartbeat with phone is to follow these instructions Make sure you are in a quiet room Get your phone out of the case for better recording results Lean your phone microphone to the lower abdomen area and start recording With just a simple tap on your device utilizing our stateoftheart baby heart beat monitor you can effortlessly capture the rhythmic melody that signifies the life growing within you No need for additional accessories with fetal doppler heartbeat app for baby It is all you need to do a pregnancy test heartbeat and record your baby heart beat sound It39s as easy as can be ensuring that this special moment enriched with my baby heart sounds is effortlessly preserved for you to revisit whenever your heart desires Our intuitive baby heartbeat listener allows you to connect with your little one in a profound way Track baby heartbeat with phone and turn the joy of hearing those precious beats into a cherished experience With Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor you can record a fetus ultrasound heartbeat and carry it with you always But the magic of recording heartbeat baby doesn39t stop there Our app featuring the heart beat sensor baby extends beyond personal delight providing you with the opportunity to share this enchanting experience with your closest friends and family Our quothear my baby heartbeat appquot lets you send the recording and spread the joy and anticipation of your little one39s arrival It39s not just about using a hear baby heartbeat monitor for pregnancy it39s about creating a shared celebration of the miracle of life connecting hearts and building anticipation together simply by using a fetal heartbeat monitor recording app And Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor has got just the way to do that Whether you39re a techsavvy momtobe or someone who prefers simplicity our userfriendly heartbeat baby monitor app ensures a stressfree and delightful experience Discover the magic of technology allowing you to connect with your little one through baby heartbeat fetal monitoring With our app you can hear baby heartbeat app with phone effortlessly The baby heart beat sensor provides you with moments of pure happiness Moreover you can enjoy using the baby heartbeat listener free with phone and nothing else since it doesnt require any additional equipment Ready to embark on this heartwarming journey Download the Hear My Baby Heartbeat Monitor app now and make every moment truly unforgettable IMPORTANT NOTES This is not a substitute for professional medical care For any medical questions or concerns during your pregnancy please consult your doctor This app does not have a medical purpose at all If youve been pregnant for less than a few months you may have to wait until the babys heart is big enough It is recommended to activate the airplane mode while using the app for recording
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OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App

OurFamilyWizard makes coparenting easier We designed the app to help you reduce conflict so your kids can thrive after a separation or a divorce With our powerful and customizable tools you can free up time emotional energy and mental space With all your digital coparenting interactions rolled up in one secure app you can keep everything organized and documented Plus you can shield your kids from adult conversations they dont need to see NEW STAY CONNECTED THROUGH CALLS Stay close when youre apart When you miss your child or they miss you give them an audio or video call Connect virtually Calls offer an easy solution for virtual visitation midweek visits or longdistance coparenting Currently the calls feature is only available to users located in the United States Automatic documentation With Calls the details are documented all dates times and incall activity All in the same place as your other coparenting communications SIMPLIFY COMMUNICATION Use just one app No more searching for messages or attachments across DMs phone calls texts and emails Just use one secure app Track the truth Once you send a message its permanent Firstviewed timestamps mean no more arguing about who said what when or whether it was seen Communicate calmly ToneMeter catches language that could escalate conflict COORDINATE YOUR CALENDAR Create a parenting time schedule or custody schedule The colorcoded schedule shows whats coming up including events holidays and dropoffs/pickups Encourage reliability When everyone shares the same Calendar mixups are a thing of the past Schedule Change Requests Need to make a onetime change to the schedule Adjust the Calendar with an easy form STREAMLINE YOUR EXPENSES Simplify the math Keep clear secure records of your coparenting expenses and receipts Customize categories Create new categories with your own percentage splits Centralize everything With OFWpay you can reimburse your coparent in the appand you can even make scheduled payments for child support Or record payments via another method KEEP A MEANINGFUL JOURNAL Log when you arrive Verify your presence at dropoffs and pickups with GPS CheckIns Capture memories Record parenting observations and special close moments with photos and text SHARE INFO ABOUT YOUR KIDS Store essential details Share and view medical records clothing sizes school information and more Minimize messaging No need to message your coparent for basic stuffjust check the Info Bank DOCUMENTATION AND REPORTS If you need to go to court or mediation quick and simple documentation will make your life easier It only takes a couple minutes on the website to customize and download a report from any app feature GRANT YOUR PROS ACCESS With your permission and a Practitioner Account your family law pro can view all app activity help you manage the practical details and quickly download reportswhich potentially reduces your legal fees Available for Lawyers Mediators Parenting coordinators Guardians ad litem Therapists KEEP EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE OurFamilyWizard helps you coordinate with your coparent but you can also add accounts for your kids and anyone involved in childcare These accounts can only view limited features ABOUT OURFAMILYWIZARD For over 20 years OurFamilyWizard has been the leading coparenting app used by over 1 million coparents and family law professionals Throughout the United States and Canada courts often order and recommend OurFamilyWizard to coparents OurFamilyWizard has been featured in the New York Times Parentscom Verywell Family NPR WIRED the Today Show and more HAVE ANY QUESTIONS Our customer service and tech support are available 7 days a weekcontact us via phone chat or email Wed love to help Make coparenting easier download OurFamilyWizard today
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호