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부동산/홈 인테리어


Vtejte v nov e klidu domcnosti zapomete na nekonen telefonty sloit domlouvn a nejistotu ve vbru sprvnho pomocnka S aplikac Tasker pinme revoluci v domcch klidech kde je istota vaeho domova na dosah ruky Sta jeden klik a profesionln uklzeka je na cest k vm pipravena transformovat vai domcnost do ozy klidu a istoty Dvra a bezpenost na prvnm mst U Tasker si velmi cenme va dvry a bezpenosti Kad n pracovnk proel dkladnm vbrovm zenm bezpenostn provrkou a profesionlnm kolenm Navc nae platforma nabz transparentn hodnocen a recenze take mte plnou kontrolu nad tm kdo vstoup do vaeho domova Sluby na mru vaim potebm A u potebujete generln klid zamen se na kuchy i koupelnu nebo pravideln udrovn istoty Tasker je zde aby vyhovl vaim specifickm potebm S na aplikac mete snadno specifikovat vae poadavky a zskat pesn takovou slubu jakou potebujete bez zbytench komplikac Transparentn a frov ceny U ns se nemuste obvat dnch skrytch poplatk Cena kterou vidte je cena kterou zaplatte Platby jsou jednoduch rychl a pedevm bezpen Ve probh pmo pes nai aplikaci take o penzch nemuste pemlet ani minutu navc Rychlost a pohodl Vme e v as je cenn Proto jsme zjednoduili proces objednvky na absolutn minimum Nkolik kliknut v mobiln aplikaci a do 30 minut me bt uklzeka u vs Bez dlouhho ekn bez komplikac A u potebujete rychl klid ped nvtvou nebo pravidelnou pi o v domov Tasker je tu aby vm usnadnil ivot Zkaznick servis na kter se mete spolehnout Mte otzky Potebujete pomoc N tm zkaznickho servisu je zde pro vs kad den pipraven poskytnout odpovdi a een Vae spokojenost je nam clem a to znamen bt tu pro vs kdykoliv ns potebujete Ekologick pstup V Taskeru se zavazujeme k ochran na planety Pouvme ekologicky etrn istic prostedky a metody abychom zajistili nejen istotu vaeho domova ale tak ochranu ivotnho prosted V Taskeru spojujeme technologii profesionln sluby a osobn pstup abychom vm pinesli nejlep mon zitek z klidu U dn starosti s klidem jen pohoda a as strven s tmi na kterch vm nejvce zle Sthnte si aplikaci Tasker jet dnes a zaijte novou dimenzi istoty a pohodl
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부동산/홈 인테리어

LQDCNVS (Liquid Canvas) Art

Tired of dull black screens in your living room or lifeless static art and photography on your TV Discover LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas the innovative solution designed to bring life and motion to any smart TV in your home or office Whether its the living room bedroom or boardroom many TVs remain idle and dark missing out on their potential to enhance your space With LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas you can transform your TV into a dynamic art gallery filled with beautiful subtly animated pieces that make every moment on your screen interesting and engaging LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas is now available as a mobile SaaS service on a convenient subscription basis Its an affordable easytouse and highly enjoyable way to elevate your viewing experience Gone are the days of static images and unused screens Instead enjoy a living breathing display that continuously captivates and inspires In response to user demand LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas has introduced exciting new features that allow subscribers to upload their own pictures and videos Share these personalized creations with family and friends turning each of your TVs into a connected picture frame that showcases your favorite memories This feature not only personalized your experience but also fosters a sense of connection by displaying shared moments across different screens in various locations LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas is dedicated to making every TV a liquid canvas continuously offering new ways to enjoy and personalize your display Our platform is designed with userfriendliness in mind featuring an intuitive interface that makes it simple for anyone to create and manage their art displays Whether youre techsavvy or not setting up and customizing your Liquid Canvas is a breeze Experience highquality visuals that bring your space to life with stunning highresolution images that look incredible on any screen Our commitment to quality ensures that every piece of art and photo you display is rendered beautifully making your TV a centerpiece of aesthetic appeal Security and privacy are paramount at LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas Your photos and videos are safely stored within our platform and shared only with those you choose You have full control over your content ensuring that your personal memories and artistic creations remain private and secure With LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas you also benefit from continuous updates and new art collections that keep your display fresh and engaging Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide new features and artistic options ensuring that your Liquid Canvas evolves with your tastes and preferences Getting started with LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas is straightforward Simply choose a subscription plan that fits your needs and begin transforming your TV in minutes Customize your display by uploading personal photos selecting from our curated art collections or letting our AI create masterpieces from your images Connect with family and friends to share stunning visuals across multiple TVs seamlessly creating a connected and interactive experience for everyone Join the Liquid Canvas revolution today and dont let your TV go to waste Elevate your space with LQDCNVS Liquid Canvas and enjoy a gallery of living art that inspires and delights every day Turn every viewing into a visual experience that enhances your environment and brings joy to all who see it Terms of Use and End User License Agreement at https//wwwlqdcnvscom/eula
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부동산/홈 인테리어

Home ProShield

Home ProShield Your onestop app for happy appliances Feeling overwhelmed by appliance manuals warranty papers and endless customer service searches Introducing Home ProShield your onestop app to transform you into an appliance management pro Wrangle those Warranties Say goodbye to lost paperwork Store warranty information for all your appliances in a single secure location No more digging through drawers in a panic Never miss a deadline again Set up helpful reminders that alert you when warranties are nearing expiration Proactive maintenance saves money and headaches down the road Become a Parts amp Accessory Guru No more compatibility confusion Home ProShield helps you identify the exact parts and accessories you need to keep your appliances running like new Effortless ordering Skip the shopping mall maze Order compatible parts directly from trusted retailers within the app saving you time and ensuring quality DIY like a champ Find user manuals and troubleshooting guides at your fingertips Learn how to perform basic maintenance and repairs with the help of clear stepbystep instructions Unlock the Power of HowTo Videos Visual learners rejoice Home ProShield offers a comprehensive library of video tutorials Watch expert demonstrations on cleaning troubleshooting common issues and even basic repairs Boost your confidence Whether you39re tackling a clogged filter or replacing a wornout gasket these instructional videos empower you to handle minor appliance issues confidently Unleash the Power of Brand Support No more endless searches for customer care Home ProShield provides easy access to contact details and online resources for various appliance brands Get the answers you need fast Eliminate the frustration of navigating complex brand websites Find the information you need quickly and efficiently Discover Your Next Appliance Dream Team Upgrade with confidence Browse product information for a wide range of appliances from various brands Effortless shopping Find links to purchase appliances directly from authorized retailers within the app ensuring authenticity and a smooth buying experience Download Home Pro Shield today It39s the ultimate companion for a happy and healthy home appliance ecosystem
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부동산/홈 인테리어

ZAP Imóveis | Compra e Aluguel

O Zap o maior portal para comprar e alugar imveis do Brasil Encontre casas condomnios kitnets apartamentos terrenos e outros tipos de imoveis a venda e aluguel de vrias imobilirias e construtoras do Brasil Seja para alugar ou comprar aqui tem opes para todos os tamanhos de sonhos e bolsos O imvel ideal para voc No Zap tem Para comear a fazer a sua busca fcil Defina o tipo de imvel e a localizao e pronto voc fica muito mais prximo de ter um cantinho s seu Defina a sua pesquisa e busque entre as propriedades listadas para encontrar o imvel certo de acordo com o seu oramento e a localizao que procura Na busca de aluguel de apartamento/aluguis de casa ou comprar seu apartamento ou casa o mais rpido possvel No ZAP Imveis as imobilirias e corretores publicam novos imveis diariamente prontos para venda ou aluguel Comprar sua casa ou apartamento atravs de nosso aplicativo fcil Encontre apartamentos casas kitnets condomnios e terrenos para compra e aluguel de qualquer regio do Brasil No importa onde voc esteja sempre possvel acessar nosso portal atravs do celular ou do computador em casa e buscar o imvel dos seus sonhos Imveis em qualquer regio do Brasil Milhes de opes para escolher seu novo lar sejam imveis mobiliados prontos para seu pet com mais espao para a famlia ou com moblia A sua nova casa est aqui no Zap No app ajudamos voc a realizar o sonho de vrias formas Confira Filtros para encontrar os melhores preos Filtros para encontrar casa para alugar Filtros para encontrar apartamentos para vender Listagens detalhadas dos imveis publicados por corretores construtoras e outros profissionais imobilirios Opo de buscar aluguel sem fiador Escolha a quantidade de quartos banheiros e at de vagas na garagem Mapa interativo para voc buscar imveis pela vizinhana ou no bairro que voc preferir Aplique os filtros de rea e opte pela metragem desejada Opo de Descobrir para que voc receba uma seleo de imveis do jeito que faz mais sentido para voc Opo para agendar visita ao imvel 100 online Casas apartamentos e outros imveis com Tour Virtual e Vdeos que oferecem mais detalhes do espao Veja centenas de fotos postadas de apartamento para alugar e comprar disponveis Faa a sua prpria avaliao imobiliria Boto de Favoritos para voc adicionar os que mais gosta e ver mais tarde Opo de conectar via email ou Facebook com login automtico Contato com o anunciante de forma digital Basta clicar no boto Contatar Anunciante e escolher a melhor forma com que ele pode conversar com voc email ou telefone Aqui voc pode alugar imovel comprar ou vender sua casa apartamento kitnet terreno loft etc com toda segurana e conforto que merece Encontre uma oferta com o seu estilo os filtros da lista incluem a rea nmero de quartos sutes banheiros vagas na garagem e a rea total da propriedade para que voc veja s o que te interessa Salve seus imveis favoritos conectandose ao Facebook e acesseos em qualquer dispositivo As contas so sincronizadas garantindo que tudo o que voc fizer no app estar disponvel no seu computador e viceversa Agora ficou fcil comprar ou alugar o apartamento dos seus sonhos Temos milhes de classificados postados por construtoras imobilirias e incorporadoras com fotos e informaes que voc precisa Pesquise por ofertas com todos os detalhes que voc possa imaginar tudo est em um nico lugar Acesse nosso app de qualquer lugar a qualquer hora Utilize nossos servios no seu telefone tablet ou online Baixe o app do Zap Imveis e confira esses e outros recursos exclusivos
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부동산/홈 인테리어





브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호