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Seguretat Ciutadana- Gava

LAppM7 s una aplicaci de seguretat ciutadana i urbana que la Policia o Guardia Urbana del teu municipi posa a la teva disposici per MILLORAR LA TEVA SEGURETAT PERSONAL en qualsevol situaci de risc o perill Principals funcions de lAppM7 TRUCADES I MISSATGES DEMERGNCIA Enviant la teva ubicaci per a una localitzaci i rastreig immediats Novetat WIDGET daccs directe a lemergncia sense necessitat dobrir laplicaci envia una emergncia de forma ms rpida ENVIAR INCIDNCIES A la Policia Local dels municipis adherits amb possibilitat de situarla en el mapa i/o adjuntar documents o fotografies REBRE ALERTES Ciutadanes enviades des de la Policia Local com avisos personalitzats en funci del teu rol social missatges collectius o alertes interterritorials PROGRAMAR UNA ALERTA PREVENTIVA Desplaat amb total seguretat programant una alerta preventiva que avisa a qui tu vulguis inclosa la policia de la teva ciutat CREA LA TEVA PRPIA XARXA DE SEGURETAT PERSONAL Posem a la teva disposici un Protocol de Localitzaci de Persones permet ENVIAR UNA PETICI de cerca duna altra persona si consideres que aquesta pot estar EN UNA SITUACI DE RISC Lactivaci daquesta funcionalitat es realitza des dels departaments de Benestar Social i Policia de cada municipi Protocol CONTRA LA VIOLNCIA DE GNERE I LASSETJAMENT Tria el widget especfic installa en la pantalla principal del teu telfon intelligent i nosaltres ens encarreguem de la resta Ni una ms a un nivell superior informat al teu municipi INFORMACI PER AL CIUTAD Farmcia de gurdia ms prxima mapa de desfibrilladors comeros implicats en la xarxa de seguretat Ciutadana institucions telfons dinters telfons demergncies cossos de Policia Bombers ambulncia administraci pblica etc M7Citizen Security s molt ms que una App s un sistema connectat entre si formant una xarxa interterritorial pensada a ajudarte amb leficincia ms gran possible tant en el teu territori com en qualsevol part del mn Mxima seguretat a un sol clic El Sistema neix en 2012 i lanomenem M7 pel comproms i esfor dexperts i tcnics principalment dels 7 municipis fundadors En lactualitat sn molts ms municipis empreses lders i institucions Si et registres podrs accedir a les funcions clau de lAppM7 com enviar un missatge demergncia quan la situaci timpedeix parlar una agressi situaci de pnic accident A ms pots installar i registrarte en lAppM7 del municipi on treballis sense necessitat destar empadronat en aquella ciutat Ets un turista Valida de forma immediata el teu registre i gaudeix dels avantatges i seguretat personal que ofereix lAppM7 durant la teva estada i per a viatges professionals de congrs o negocis posem a la teva disposici M7 WELCOME Sollcita informaci a travs de lAppM7 Et recomanem que no hagis de buscar lAppM7 quan ms la necessites destacala en la base del teu telfon intelligent Sollicita laplicaci M7 installable en altres dispositius diferents del telfon mbil o suggereixnos altres formes per a fer entre tots una comunitat i amb seguretat en el teu lloc de treball si tens installada LAPLICACI ESCRIPTORI PER A ORDINADORS Personals Dissenyat amb la teva collaboraci per ferte la vida amb ms seguretat i ms fcil
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Love Stickers for WhatsApp

Cute love stickers for WhatsApp are now available for all couples in love WASticker Love emoji stickers for WhatsApp tell more than words Beautiful sets of WASticker love sexy love emojis and many cute romantic stickers for your loved ones that you can share on WhatsApp on social networks and chats Make communication with your loved one romantic and beautiful with cute love stickers in your daily conversations Give your loved one a special feeling using the best romantic stickers for WhatsApp Whatsapp love stickers will help you show your love in the best possible way WASticker Love stickers app contains more than 1000 new stickers Love Story I Love You Hot Kiss Heart Emoji Sexy Kisses Romantic emojis Broken Heart and many more love emojis and romantic love stickers for WhatsApp that you can send to your loved one Download love stickers and share romantic sexy emoji stickers directly on WhatsApp with your loved one In addition we regularly add new stickers the best romantic love emojis You39ll never run out of emojis to express any situation in any conversation Key features of romantic stickers for WhatsApp A lot of hot kiss stickers and sexy stickers Send WASticker emoji stickers to anyone via this stickers app easy and simple You can add a new sticker package to your WhatsApp stickers for chat Contains many emoticons and GIF stickers which can be shared with your friends and loved ones New stickers are added regularly Important This stickers app is fully compatible only with the latest version of WASticker love romantic emoji stickers for WhatsApp
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Deaf Connect-Video Call & Chat

There are over 10 million people in the UK living with hearing loss and according to the World Federation of the Deaf more than 70 million deaf people worldwide Our app Deaf Connect Video Call amp Chat is designed to benefit this community by providing a simple text messaging service overlaid during video calls This feature enhances communication and makes it easier for users to connect meaningfully With Deaf Connect you can enjoy highquality video calls and live video chat with friends and family Our deaf video call app allows you to connect visually making it easier to use sign language and facial expressions In addition our app includes a text messaging feature for quick deaf communication making it a complete deaf chat app that integrates video and text communication seamlessly You can choose between video calling or deaf texting depending on your preference The importance of effective deaf communication is especially crucial for those facing language barriers In 2021 the UK saw 48540 asylum applications a 63 increase from the previous year Being able to communicate effectively in the host country39s language is vital for dealing with government officials hospitals GPs schools and more Our video and text communication app supports this need by allowing users to bridge language gaps through our integrated features enhancing their ability to make phone calls for deaf individuals and engage in meaningful deaf talk Whether you are making phone calls for deaf individuals or having a friendly deaf talk Deaf Connect provides all the tools needed for effective deaf communication You can also use our deaf connect feature to reach out to other users in the community creating a supportive environment for meaningful interaction As a versatile video and text communication app Deaf Connect Video Call amp Chat gives you the freedom to choose how you want to connect Many users are enhancing their lives through this video and text communication app Its time to break down barriers and make communication more accessible Experience the joy of video chat and see how our deaf texting app can change the way you interact Download Deaf Connect Video Call amp Chat today and enjoy a new level of connection Whether you want to talk to deaf people or connect with hearing individuals our app is your easy gateway to communication Dont miss out on the opportunity to connect in meaningful ways Embrace the power of Deaf Connect and join our vibrant community now
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호