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Vidogram is an UNOFFICIAL Telegram client
 Vidogram uses Telegram API to give you a secure and fast messaging experience Not only Vidogram has all the Telegrams features but also it has an enormous package of useful amp unique extra features prepared for you to get the most out of your messaging experience If you got excited about our app and want to know more just keep reading the description to get familiar with Vidogram and what it brings to the table 

Free Video amp Voice Call Always wanted to make video calls while using Telegram Our free high quality amp secure video call service is here to give you what you always wished for
 Advanced Forward Have you ever wanted to forward a message to someone but you didnt want to mention the source of it or the message had some links and you wanted them removed or even you wanted to send the message to several people at once With Advanced Forward you can do all the said above at the same time 
Tabs amp Tab Designer If you have too many channels groups bots amp contacts then definitely you always have a hard time reaching the one you need Now with tabs you can manage your chats by their type and if you think it is not enough you can also design your favorite tab from its name and icon to the chats that its going to manage for you 
Speech to Text Converter When you dont want to send voice messages but you also not in the mood for typing try the Speech to Text feature Just talk and we turn it to text for you 
Timeline Are you tired of constantly entering and exiting channels when you want to read them all With Timeline you can see all your channels messages in one place just like the way Instagram and Twitter work
 Confirmations Sending an unwanted sticker gif or voice message by mistake definitely at least once have happened to you but that could be prevented if there was something like a confirmation stuff before sending such things Dont worry we have this security option too 
Hidden Chats Section Do you have some chats or channels that you dont want anyone to know about their existence With Hidden Chats feature you can hide them somewhere that only you know about its place amp password Even you can set your fingerprint as the key for its lock 
Fonts and Themes If you got tired of your messenger39s look just try some new fonts and themes that we have gathered for you Package Installer With Vidogram you can download amp install APK files which are sent to you by your contacts And so many other features like Live Stream Contacts Changes Painting Tool Online Contacts Voice Changer Download Manager Chat Marker Video Mode For GIFs Username Finder and many more that you should discover yourself 
 Now is the time to click the Download button and have the real experience of what you have been reading all along 
Dont forget to check our website for news and updates
 Website https//wwwvidogramorg/
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투타노타 : 쉽고 안전한 메일 서비스

오픈소스 앱인 투타노타로 완벽히 암호화된 이메일을 누구에게나 쉽게 보내세요 암호화 없이 보낸 이메일과 주소록도 투타노타 서버에 암호화해 저장해 드립니다 암호화된 데이터를 볼 수 있는 사람은 오직 비밀번호를 아는 당신 뿐이므로 프로파일링이 불가능 합니다 보안과 편의성을 모두 갖춘 투타노타로 누구나 완벽한 암호화 이메일을 사용할 수 있습니다 더 이상 프라이버시를 어렵게 지킬 필요가 없습니다 공식 웹사이트 https//tutanotacom 소스 코드 https//githubcom/tutao/tutanota tutanotacom tutanotade tutamailcom tutaio keemailme 로 끝나는 이메일 주소를 만드시면 메일함 1GB가 무료입니다 보낼 때부터 받을 때까지 완벽히 암호화된 메일을 주고 받으세요 투타노타 이용자끼리는 자동으로 암호화되고 외부 이용자는 비밀번호가 필요합니다 암호화되지 않은 메일을 주고 받을 때도 투타노타 서버가 자동으로 암호화해 저장합니다 제목은 물론 본문과 첨부파일까지 자동으로 암호화합니다 새 메일이 도착하면 푸시로 알려 드립니다 투타노타에 올렸거나 스마트폰에 저장한 연락처를 자동으로 불러옵니다 투타노타는 오픈소스 기반이라 누구나 코드를 살펴보고 보안성을 검증하고 있습니다 다음 기능을 추가하기 위해 노력중입니다 폴더 기능 웹브라우저와 모바일 기기간 동기화 쉬운 파일 첨부를 돕는 공유 기능 투타노타 앱은 프라이버시의 단계를 극대화 하기 위하여 거의 허가를 요청하지 않습니다 전체 네트워크 접속 이메일을 주고 받는데 사용 인터넷 데이타 수신 새 이메일이 도착했을 때 알리기 위함 네트워크 연결 보기 인터넷 접속이 가능한지 알기 위함 주소록 읽기 전화 주소록에서 보낼 사람을 선택하기 위함 SD 카드 읽기 SD카드로 부터 이메일에 첨부화일을 더하기 위함 진동 조절 새 이메일이 도착했을 때 알리기 위함 수면 모드 해제 새 이메일이 도착했을 때 알리기 위함
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전화 위치: 발신자 ID 및 번호 찾기 및 통화 차단

호출자의 휴대폰 번호 위치를 찾으려고요 지속적으로 모르는 전화를 받았어요 호출자 ID와 전화 로케이터 앱이 원하세요 모바일 로케이터는 모든 수요를 만족시킬 겁니다 휴대폰 번호 위치 앱 휴대폰 번호 찾기 정확한 발신자 번호 및 번호 찾기 앱 발신자 ID를 표시하고 전화 번호를 통해 위치를 찾으십시오 본 모바일 위치 앱은 간결한 인터페이스 및 사용자의 간편한 설명으로 더욱 매력적입니다 발신자 전화 표시 알림 플래시 기능이 모든 전화를 알려 주고 이번호뭐야 스팹 전화 올 때 스팸차단 그리고 발신자 위치나 거는 사람 확인 및 전화 번호 위치 숫자를 찾으십시오 본 숫자로 모바일 로케이터는 발신자 번호 및 번호 찾기 앱으로 거는 사람 확인하고 지도에 실제 위치 휴대 전화 번호의 위치를 표시합니다 그 외 이 전화 로케이터 앱은 상세한 발신자 정도 예를 들어 전화 전호 서비스 제공업체 전화 번호 유형과 전화 번호 위치 등입니다 실시간 휴대폰 번호 위치 휴대폰 번호 찾기 휴대 전화 번호 찾기 등 기능 외 본 모바일 위치 앱은 아래와 같은 다른 기능도 있습니다 호출 알림 플래시 반짝하는 LED 플래시 경보는 들어오는 모든 전화를 알려 줍니다 이 휴대폰 번호 위치 앱이 있으면 당신은 어떤 중요한 전화도 절대 놓치지 않을 것입니다 무료 스팹차단 기능 후후 스팸 차단 국민 1등 전화 앱후후의 기능을 원하시죠 스팸차단은 이번호뭐야 스팸 전화를 받을 때 스팸 사기 스토킹 전화를 블랙리스트에 추가하고 휴대 전화 번호 위치를 찾을 수 있게 해줍니다 필요 없는 전화를 절대 받지 않을 것입니다 발신자 위치 앱/ 발신자 정보 표시 이 전화 번호 위치 앱을 통해서 어떤 전화를 받을 때 발신자의 상세 정도가 모니터에 표시됩니다 당신은 정보에 따라 전화를 받을 지 결정하게 됩니다 기타 기능 전화 위치 앱 뿐만 아니고 전화번호부 어플이기도 함 통화 역사 기록 연락인 관리 전화번호검색/휴대폰번호구번조회 실시간 전화 번호 위치 앱은 전화 위치를 찾을 수 있게 도와 줍니다 휴대폰 로케이터는 휴대폰 전화 위치를 찾아 주는 서비스를 제공합니다 수많은휴대폰 전화 위치 앱을 선택 가능합니다 하지만 이 전화번호검색 가능한 전화번호부 어플 기능도 있는 전화 위치 앱을 사용하면 절대 후회하지 않을 것입니다 이 전화 위치 앱은 핸드폰 숫자를 찾으십시오 그는 어떤 전화 번호 찾기도 가능합니다 어서 다운 받아서 이 휴대 전화 번호 찾기 앱을 사용하십시오
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Co Co Beta: Browse securely

Co Co is the best browser with builtin video adblocker smart AI chatbot as well as lots of interesting information lookup and entertainment features POWERFUL ADBLOCK Integrating Adlock Plus technology Allow you to browse the web without malicious and annoying ads Even more enhanced than Adblock Plus Effectively block ads that interrupt the video you are watching popup ads and auto redirect ads UNLIMITED ENTERTAINMENT Fast Download Download files 8X faster than using other browsers Cinema Mode Watch video in fullscreen mode and personalize your experience with advanced settings such as adjusting volume brightness and seeking in video using touch gestures disabling touch gestures selecting play speed screen ratio subtitles and setting sleep timer Pin Video Continue watching video in PictureinPicture mode PiP when switching to another app Play Audio in Background Listen to music when the screen is off while you39re surfing social media chatting or playing game on another app Connect with TV Scan QR code once only to connect with Co Co TV browser and enjoy the same entertainment experience as on computer and mobile Easily send links or any website you want for quick access on TV SMART AI CHAT ASSISTANT Ask whatever you need and get things done faster Our Cc Cc AI Chat GPT35 assistant can help you do anything from idea generation content creation text translation to planning a travel itinerary workout routine and so much more MULTIPLE BROWSING UTILITIES Search More than 20 vertical searches about news entertainment and education Voice search and QR code scanner AI Search Summarizer Assistant Automatically summarize information from multiple sources for you on howto queries Save time with more concise and relevant answer right at the top of the search result page Browser Lock Lock Co Co app with PIN code Touch ID or Face ID Dark Mode Change browser appearance from light to dark theme helping to save battery and reduce eye strain Synchronization Get the same bookmarks passwords and browsing history across all your devices Earn Points Exchange Gifts Earn Cc Cc Points for your daily browsing activities Redeem points to exchange gifts or join interesting games with valuable rewards Set Co Co as your default web browser on your Android device Follow the instructions on Co Co app or go to Settings gt Apps gt Co Co gt Set as your default browser Choose Entertainment Choose Co Co Download Co Co Mobile today and enjoy Follow us Website https//wwwcoccoccom/ YouTube https//wwwyoutubecom/CocCocCom Facebook https//facebookcom/CocCocTrinhDuyet/ Blog http//blogcoccoccom/ Community https//facebookcom/groups/CocCocGroup/
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Auto Text: Message Scheduler

Tired of sending messages manually Say hello to Auto Text the powerful automation app that helps you automate text messaging on Android Schedule WhatsApp messages set custom automatic reply text and send bulk text messages with ease Compose your messages in advance and let Auto Text send them automatically for you Reduces the number of messages you need to remember to send Ensure your messages send at the right time No more repetitive messages Streamlined your marketing messaging Stay connected even when you39re busy or away Enhance customer service by sending instant responses Save a lot of time texting Bulk Message Scheduler Mass Texting Schedule WhatsApp and SMS messages to be sent automatically for any future time Ideal for birthdays reminders announcements promotions and more You can also send scheduled messages for Telegram and Messenger Send WhatsApp bulk messages or SMS mass text by adding multiple recipients to each message Send text blast or group text individually without saving any numbers Easily import a large number of recipients from files like CSV or TXT In case of sending bulk messages you can add a delay between each message to comply with messaging platform policies such as WhatsApp amp WA Business and avoid account restrictions Organize your regular contacts into specific groups for easy access later Save time by creating and reusing message templates Schedule posts for WhatsApp and WA Business status Schedule emails Currently the app supports Gmail only Automate regular messages with daily weekly monthly or custom schedules Ask me before sending Stay in control by reviewing scheduled message before theyre sent Countdown before sending Get a few seconds to cancel a scheduled message if needed adding a safety net for lastminute changes Set time to mute/unmute device volume Call reminder Set reminders to call someone Task reminder Read your task details aloud keeping you informed even without looking at your phone Simulate an incoming call to escape you from awkward situations SMS Auto Reply Text Response Send automated text responses triggered by incoming messages or call events Define custom response rules by specifying contacts or keywords in received messages Easily enable or disable autoreply tasks with a single tap Supports all popular messaging platforms such as SMS WhatsApp WA Business Instagram Telegram and Messenger Auto Forward SMS Automatically forward incoming SMS and missed call information to another device eg iPhone You can choose to forward messages via phone number or email You can use this app with complete confidence in its safety Your privacy and security are our top priority This app ensures that your messages and personal data are never collected or stored giving you complete peace of mind Note This app needs SMS permissions to read receive and send SMS messages This app needs Read Call Logs permission to read and receive phone call details Accessibility API This app uses Android Accessibility Services to automate sending scheduled messages on the user39s behalf and it will be only used for this purpose No user data is ever collected or shared through this permission This application is NOT affiliated with WhatsApp Messenger or Telegram WhatsApp and Messenger are registered trademarks of Facebook Inc Telegram is a registered trademark of Telegram FZLLC If you have any concerns or questions do not hesitate to contact us at kantdoitlaterco
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Ceno Browser: Share the Web

Ceno CensorshipNo is a decentralized mobile web browser It uses peertopeer technology to deliver websites to your phone and caches popular content with cooperating peers Ceno can be used to bypass Internet censorship and help others retrieve blocked pages Say NO to censorship Install Ceno Browser today and be prepared for the next time you get unplugged Resilient Ceno is designed with internet shutdown scenarios in mind Websites are shared by a global network of peers and stored in a distributed cache for availability when traditional networks are blocked or go down Unlock the web Access any website Frequently requested content is cached on the network and cannot be forcibly removed Reduce Data Costs By routing user traffic through peertopeer networks Ceno Browser incurs less data costs while still providing users with circumvention capability Free and open source Ceno Browser is powered by Ouinet an open source library enabling third party developers to incorporate the Ceno network into their apps for peertopeer connectivity Important Ceno has two modes of operation public and personal You can easily toggle between them Public mode offers the best connectivity but the least privacy websites that you visit or share are recorded in a publicly accessible registry BitTorrent Private mode eliminates this record but may be slower and less efficient at retrieving content See the User Manual for more details on Ceno usage About eQualitie eQualitie develops open and reusable systems with a focus on privacy online security and information management Our goal is to create accessible technology and improve the skillset needed for defending human rights and freedoms in the digital age To learn more about Ceno Browser and its distributed library Ouinet please visit https//censorshipno Questions / Need support Read more in the Ceno User Manual or contact us at supportcensorshipno We love receiving feedback and are continuously improving Ceno for its users Stay connected and help keep the web open and accessible to all
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Zoho Cliq - Team Chat

A realtime messaging app enables communication across teams Improve business productivity at your workplace Zoho Cliq is designed to get the work done on time and optimize your resources with this allinone business communication tool that39s more than just chat Be it Small or Medium Businessess and an enterprise Zoho Cliq enables business collaboration and automation through integration bots and commands With Android Auto make voice calls and share your location Also video communication made easy from anywhere as Cliq is available on both mobile and desktop version Also Zoho Cliq comes with Android Wear support in turn enable one to send and receive messages faster Now use Zoho Cliq to Communicate with an individual or a group channel via chat / audio / video Not just a team communication but also communicating with members outside your organization be it clients/ vendors and more Set custom reminders inchat for messages and get in action on time Organize your conversation with star notes Stay updated on your business through Bots Connect with third party applications including but not limited to Google Drive Mailchimp Zoho CRM Jira Github and Salesforce with our extensible platform Perform tasks faster and easier using slash commands right from your chat window Automate tasks using Schedulers to perform timely actions Plan and manage events easily Zia our AIdriven event manager handles your events from creating a group chat with all event participants till prompting to share the minutes of meeting If you have any questions please reach out to us at supportzohocliqcom
  • 평점
  • 평점 4.8
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호