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R5: SOAT, Multas, Tecno y más

Tu vehculo en una app R5 app te facilita acceder a informacin sobre tu SOAT Comparendos Revisin tecnomecnica Licencia de conduccin Fuentes de informacin Si ya eres cliente de R5 tendremos informacin de primera mano sobre tu SOAT y tu vehculo RECUERDA Esta app no pertenece ni representa a ninguna entidad gubernamental Si lo autorizas tambin tendrs informacin disponible proveniente de entidades oficiales de transito y del gobierno para contrastar la informacin presentada con la fuente oficial accede a https//wwwruntgovco/ https//wwwmovilidadbogotagovco/web/SIMUR/sigatjs/consultaPlaca/ https//nuevaoficinavirtualshdgovco/bogota/es/login https//fcmorgco/simit/ https//webfenixmovilidadbogotagovco//consultapagos https//wwwfasecoldacom/ramos/automoviles/historialdeaccidentesdevehiculosasegurados/ https//wwwagentemotorcom/ https//wwwcomparaonlinecomco/utmsourcecomparaonlinecomamputmmediumreferralamputmcampaignoriginalorganic Ms informacin sobre R5 Poltica de privacidad https//wwwgrupor5com/politicasprivacidadappr5 Poltica de tratamiento de datos https//wwwgrupor5com/avisoprivacidadappr5 Visita nuestro sitio web https//wwwgrupor5com/ Visita nuestro blog https//wwwgrupor5com/blog Instagram https//wwwinstagramcom/r5col/ Facebook https//wwwfacebookcom/R5grupo/ Twitter https//twittercom/r5grupo YouTube https//wwwyoutubecom/channel/UCth1JmNFZyECrepA1zjJqaA Ante cualquier pregunta envanos un correo a soportegrupoR5com RENUNCIA DE RESPONSABILIDADES Esta aplicacin mvil no hace representacin ni garanta de ningn servicio o entidad estatal No nos hacemos responsables de ningn dao directo o indirecto derivado del uso de la informacin de entes estatales que mostramos en la aplicacin
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Zapay: pagar IPVA 2025, Detran

Com o App da Zapay voc consegue pagar seu IPVA 2025 ativar o alerta de multas contratar seguro automotivo e at comprar tags de pedgio para suas viagens Parcele seu IPVA 2025 multas e licenciamento em at 12x Basta acessar nosso app consultar a placa do seu veculo e ter acesso aos dbitos veiculares atualizados para pagar como preferir Carto de crdito em at 12x Boleto bancrio PIX para pagamento instantneo Rpido Seguro e 100 Digital Com a Zapay voc pode consultar e pagar IPVA consultar multas ou quitar o licenciamento atrasado sem complicaes Antecipese para o IPVA 2025 e aproveite opes de parcelamento exclusivas Zapay parceira oficial dos DETRANs de todo o Brasil Somos uma empresa credenciada e por isso oferecemos informaes confiveis diretamente dos sistemas estaduais Confiana e agilidade para resolver todos os dbitos do seu carro moto ou caminho em poucos minutos Mais de 500 mil clientes j usam o App da Zapay para Pagar dbito atrasado Pagar Multas de trnsito e economizar com descontos de at 20 Parcelar licenciamento anual em at 12 vezes Receber alertas de multas e notificaes veiculares Contratar um seguro auto acessvel Comprar tag de pedgio tag de abastecimento e pedgio freeflow IPVA e licenciamento nunca foram to fceis de pagar Com o app da Zapay voc pode consultar e quitar todos os dbitos do seu veculo em um s lugar sem precisar sair de casa Resolva tudo em menos de 1 minuto TAG DE PEDGIO Simplifique suas viagens com a Zapay Compre sua tag Sem Parar e tenha acesso a Pedgios eletrnicos freeflow Tag de estacionamentos automticos Tag de abastecimento em postos conveniados Planos com descontos e benefcios exclusivos PROTEO VEICULAR Seguros a partir de R 1590 por ms Garanta a tranquilidade do seu veculo com um seguro automotivo que cabe no seu bolso Contrate em poucos cliques e tenha Cobertura com preos acessveis Planos sem fidelidade cancele quando quiser Assistncia veicular sempre que precisar ALERTA DE MULTAS No perca os prazos e economize Ative o alerta de multas e monitore as infraes do seu veculo automaticamente Receba notificaes e economize at 20 em multas pagas no prazo Alm disso voc pode parcelar multas diretamente no app e pagar de forma prtica e segura ALERTA VEICULAR Todas as informaes do seu carro em um s lugar Consulte dbitos como Multas RENAINF Calendrio de licenciamento Recall e muito mais CONSULTAS RPIDAS E GRATUITAS Com a Zapay voc pode Consultar o IPVA SP IPVA RJ e de outros estados Verificar multas licenciamento atrasado e dbitos ativos Consultar pela placa do veculo em poucos segundos Essa consulta de graa e voc pode fazer a qualquer momento no nosso App Pode confiar somos parceiros credenciados dos DETRANs em todo o Brasil Assim que o pagamento for confirmado seu pedido ser processado e atualizado no sistema Baixe o App da Zapay agora e aproveite Consultar placa Pagar licenciamento e multas atrasado Parcelar dbitos em at 12x Contratar seguro veicular a partir de R 1590 por ms Comprar tags de pedgio e tag de abastecimento com vantagens exclusivas Zapay pagamento facilitado via PIX carto de crdito ou boleto Faa tudo de forma prtica e segura diretamente pelo seu celular A fonte dos nossos dados so detranspgovbr wwwdetranmggovbr wwwdetranbagovbr wwwdetranrjgovbr wwwdetrandfgovbr wwwdetranrsgovbr Nossa empresa est localizada em Braslia DF SCN Q 4 Asa Norte 70714900 e parceira oficial dos DETRANs de todo o Brasil Zapay Servios de Pagamento SA CNPJ 28593387/000156 Taxas podem variar com mdia de 45
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Pandora Online

The app is specially designed to work with Pandora telemetry systems The app allows you to control and manage a vehicle or fleet Pandora Online features Multiple cars under single account Monitoring the current state of your car statuses of all security zones and sensors current fuel level it depends on connections engine temperature car interior temperature outside temperature additional sensor is required current car location for systems with a GPS/GLONASSreceiver Advanced control of a telemetry system arming/disarming Active security remote engine start/stop control of Webasto/Eberspacher heaters Panic mode control of additional channels remote trunk opening History of events with coordinates time and states of all security zones sensors and other service information History of driving each track is accompanied by speed duration and other information You can use smart filters for track search Remote configuration of the main system parameters sensors sensitivity automatic engine start and stop parameters original and aftermarket engine heaters operation parameters Settings of alarm service and emergency notifications Advantages Multiple cars under single account Detailed information about the current car state its location at any time Exclusive Active Security function Advanced control of a telemetry system Over 100 event types in history Detailed driving history Scheduled automatic engine starts different conditions of engine starts and stops Proper automatic and remote engine control a system takes into account all the main parameters of the engine including the fuel in the tank Control of original and aftermarket Webasto/Eberspacher heaters Online system settings adjustment sensors sensitivity settings changing a schedule of automatic engine starts Select different types of notifications for different types of events Pushnotifications
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MAN Driver

The MAN Driver App supports you as a truck or bus driver with a variety of information and smart features The allround assistant on your smartphone helps simplify your daily driving routine At a Glance Free to download in many languages Many useful functions for drivers of MAN trucks and buses as well as NEOPLAN buses Also supports drivers of other vehicle brands with selected functions Provides drivers access to digital services on the RIO platform Connects drivers fleet managers and the MAN workshop Regular upgrades and expansions More information about the MAN Driver App at wwwdigitalman/driverapp Features for Truck Drivers Guided digital predeparture check including damage reporting View driving and rest times Individual driving style analysis Display of points of interest such as parking spaces Booking and cancellation of parking spaces as well as contactless handling of parking transactions Display of the state of charge for MAN eTrucks MAN workshop search MAN Mobile24 breakdown call with automatic location and VIN transmission Access to the Truckers World website Features for Bus Drivers Guided digital predeparture check including damage reporting View driving and rest times Individual driving style analysis MAN workshop search MAN Mobile24 breakdown call with automatic location and VIN transmission The download of the MAN Driver App and the basic functions are free of charge The use of certain functions requires registration on the RIO platform and the booking of corresponding partially chargeable digital services at wwwmaneu/marketplace For example to view driving and rest times for the vehicle the chargeable service Timed must be booked and for individual driving style analysis the chargeable service Perform must be booked For the fleet manager to view the data of the digital predeparture check and damage report on the RIO platform registration on the RIO platform is also required For forwarding the damage report to the MAN workshop the booking of the free service MAN ServiceCare S is also necessary Details on registering in the app and creating a RIO account for using the aforementioned services can be viewed by drivers at wwwdigitalman/driverapp The costs for these services can be found at wwwmaneu/marketplace Fees may be charged by the mobile service provider for calling the MAN Mobile24 breakdown service and using mobile internet The availability of individual functions may vary depending on the vehicle Only selected functions are available for drivers of other vehicle brands Operated by TB Digital Services GmbH The points of interest search parking space booking and cancellation and contactless transaction require the booking of the chargeable service MAN SimplePay at wwwmaneu/marketplace Additionally a UTA Edenred fuel card must be stored in MAN SimplePay on the RIO platform The contactless transaction is possible at selected UTA Edenred acceptance points and requires an internet connection
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호