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ABL Configuration

Mit der ABL Configuration App knnen Elektrofachkrfte schnell und einfach die ABL Wallbox eM4 installieren und konfigurieren Einfache Installation Mit der ABL Configuration App knnen Elektrofachkrfte in nur wenigen Schritten Wallboxen eM4 installieren und konfigurieren entweder als Standalone Variante oder Teil einer Gruppeninstallation aus Wallbox eM4 Controller und Extender Varianten Die App ermglicht die Konfiguration verschiedener Netzwerktopologien mit WLAN Ethernet oder LTE je nach den spezifischen Anforderungen am Installationsort Technische Konfiguration Mit dieser App knnen technische Konfigurationen gem allen elektrischen Spezifikationen durchgefhrt werden Dazu zhlen die Einstellung der korrekten Ausgangsleistung und der Ladeeinstellungen um den reibungslosen Betrieb der Ladestation zu garantieren Lastmanagement ABL Configuration umfasst auch Funktionen fr statisches und dynamisches Lastmanagement mit denen die Stromausnutzung der Ladeinfrastruktur optimiert werden kann Mit dem statischen Lastmanagement kann die maximale Leistungsabgabe fr die Ladestation festgelegt und so sichergestellt werden dass die verfgbare Stromversorgung nicht berschritten wird Mit dem dynamischen Lastmanagement hingegen kann die Ladestation die Leistungsabgabe automatisch an den Stromverbrauch im Gebude anpassen um die Nutzung des verfgbaren Stroms zu optimieren Dadurch wird sichergestellt dass auch grere Ladeinfrastrukturen Fahrzeuge effizient aufladen ohne Strungen im Stromnetz zu verursachen Herstellen einer Verbindung zu einem LadeBackend Mit der ABL Configuration App knnen Elektrofachkrfte eine Verbindung zu einem LadeBackend herstellen das Anwenderinnen den Zugriff auf zustzliche Funktionen wie Abrechnung Fernverwaltung und mehr ermglicht So kann die Wallbox eM4 mit anderen Systemen und Diensten integriert und ein nahtloses und integriertes Ladeerlebnis gewhrleistet werden Verwaltung von Ladevorgngen Mit der App knnen Elektrofachkrfte Ladevorgnge starten stoppen und berwachen sowie den Status der Ladeinfrastruktur einsehen Auerdem knnen RFIDNutzerinnen zur Authentifizierung verwaltet und so sichergestellt werden dass nur autorisierte Nutzerinnen Zugang zur Ladestation haben Darber hinaus kann mit der App das Ladekabel permanent in der Wallbox verriegelt werden Diagnose ABL Configuration enthlt Tools zur Fehlerdiagnose mit denen Elektrofachkrfte auftretende Probleme an der Ladestation schnell erkennen und beheben knnen So wird der reibungslose Betrieb der Ladestationen aufrechterhalten und Ausfallzeiten auf ein Minimum reduziert OTASoftwareAktualisierungen Mit OTASoftwareUpdates der App stellen Sie sicher dass Ladestationen immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind und ber die neusten Funktionen und Verbesserungen verfgen
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Carplay for Android

Easily connect your Android phone to your car39s display using Carplay for Android Carplay Android let you connect your phone to your car in different ways like Bluetooth WiFi or cast With Bluetooth you can connect to the car39s system wirelessly These options make it easy to access your phone39s features and smoothly link it to your car39s infotainment system Link your smartphone to the car39s system via WiFi Bluetooth or cast and enjoy your favorite apps right on the car39s dashboard Whether you39re using Samsung or another brand Carplay Android Auto works with all mobile devices The Carplay for android app is simple to use and provides an excellent experience making long drives more enjoyable With Carplay for Android you can watch movies view photos and play games on your car39s big screen Once your phone is connected everything starts and stops automatically The setup process is quick and hasslefree Carplay android Auto ensures smooth and seamless interaction between your phone and car Its userfriendly and handsfree features make accessing apps safe and convenient while driving With the CarPlay app staying connected on the road has never been easier The Carplay app works with many cars and makes managing multiple vehicles simple You can access all your cars in one app Whether you drive a Honda Toyota Tesla MercedesBenz Kia Hyundai or even a RollsRoyce the app has you covered Enhance your driving experience with Carplay for Android Download now and take full control of your car39s infotainment system like never before
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Scania Driver

Scania Driver gives you as a driver access to all the information you need for a smooth and safe trip directly on your mobile phone With the help of the app you can be sure that the vehicle is in good condition safe and ready for the next trip The app also helps you improve your driving so that you minimise emissions and contribute positively to your company39s results Check the vehicle Through checks before and after driving you can be sure that the vehicle is in good and safe condition before the next trip Remote control of the heater By controlling the heater remotely you can make sure that the temperature in the cab is comfortable before the next trip Service bookings Stay one step ahead and plan your working days by receiving reminders before future service events The reminders contain times for drop off and collection workshop address and contact information Improve your driving Minimise emissions by understanding the patterns of your driving behaviour and getting interesting tips on how to improve your driving style Your driving and rest times Get help planning your upcoming trips so that your driving and rest times are correct Vehicle health By checking the necessary information relating to your vehicle you can be sure that you are ready to drive Create defect reports Report any defects with the vehicle and send them with images to inform the office staff Find Use the map to find all authorised workshops in your zone at any time so that your vehicle works properly wherever you are You can also view charging stations near by and get information that will support you when getting ready for the next charging session Assistance in your pocket Keep Scania Assistance on your mobile 24/7 if you need urgent help To access Scania Driver You need a Scania ID which you can create at myscaniacom  Your Scania ID needs to be associated with a company that has a subscription to one of the Fleet Management Services Depending on which subscription you have you will have access to all or some of the functions If you do not have a user account yet there is a demo mode where you can see all functions and evaluate the app
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APLICAIA IAI BILET unele functionalitati vor fi disponibile ulterior Aplicaia IAI BILET este un portal de cltori oferit de Compania de Transport Public Iai n aplicaie se pot realiza toate aciunile necesare facilitrii utilizrii transportului public Aplicaia permite achiziia de titluri de cltorie cu ajutorul cardului bancar calcularea traseului optim pentru cltor i vizualizarea liniilor a staiilor i a mijloacelor de transport n timp real pe hart Dup crearea contului i asocierea acestuia cu un card de transport utilizatorul i poate ncrca respectivul card cu titluri de cltorie direct n aplicaie folosind plata online cu card bancar Utilizatorul poate consulta n orice moment starea cardului i titlurile de cltorie active la un anumit moment Un utilizator poate gestiona mai multe carduri de transport pe un singur cont i poate realiza aciuni de ncrcare a cardurilor respective fie c este vorba de ncrcarea portofelului electronic fie de cumprarea de noi abonamente sau prelungirea celor existente n urma realizrii diferitelor aciuni de cumprare/validare/control utilizatorul va avea posibilitatea de a vizualiza un istoric detaliat al tranzaciilor efectuate Utilizatorii care beneficiaz de subvenii conform cu legislaia n vigoare vor putea solicita aprobarea unui profil subvenionat direct din aplicaie prin trimiterea documentelor justificative n urma aprobrii din aplicaie sau de la ghieu a unui astfel de profil utilizatorii vor putea achiziiona/solicita direct din aplicaie titluri de cltorie cu reducere sau gratuitate Persoanele juridice care au o colaborare cu regia de transport vor putea si gestioneze portofoliul de carduri direct din portalul web sau aplicaia mobil n momentul achiziiei unui titlu tarifar cnd acesta se apropie de data de expirare sau cnd se efectueaz alte aciuni pe card utilizatorul poate opta pentru a primi notificri pe dispozitiv sau pe email Aplicaia ofer cltorului mijloacele de a gsi ruta optim ntre punctul de plecare A i punctul de sosire B folosind locaiile vehiculelor de pe traseu Cltorul poate s nceap cltoria din locaia curent sau dintro alt locaie de pe hart i i poate alege destinaia cutnd o adres un punct de interes o staie dorit sau chiar plasnd un pin pe hart De asemenea poate alege o locaie pe care a cutato anterior sau a adugato la favorite Aplicaia arat ct de mult va trebui s mearg pn la cea mai apropiat staie cnd va ajunge vehiculul n staie i ct va dura cltoria Aceasta ofer cltorului posibilitatea de a salva locaiile utilizate frecvent ntro pagin desemnat din meniu sau n momentul n care caut acele locaii pe pagina principal Astfel utilizatorul poate ncepe un traseu mult mai rapid i mai uor n viitor Aplicaia va afia n timp real vehiculul pe care cltorul trebuie s l ia i l va anuna cnd trebuie s schimbe linia Utilizatorul poate vizualiza pe hart traseul complet al unei linii sau doar un sens al traseului i poate salva liniile favorite Va primi un mesaj cnd apare o problem cu una dintre acestea n cazul n care respectiva problem iar putea afecta cltoria n pagina dedicat liniilor poate cuta linia dorit i apoi poate vizualiza pe hart n timp real vehiculele aflate pe un sens de mers al respectivei linii Poate selecta o staie din pagina principal sau de pe traseul unei linii i astfel poate vedea toate liniile care opresc n acea staie i care sunt timpii de sosire pentru fiecare linie Poate vedea urmtorii trei timpi i planificarea pentru toate liniile din staia respectiv Punctele de vnzare ale regiei pot fi regsite pe hart Prin selectarea unui astfel de punct se poate vedea programul de funcionare al acestuia Aplicaia este disponibil n limbile romn i englez n funcie de limba setat n dispozitivul utilizat
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호