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The Guardian - News & Sport

Understand the events shaping our world with the Guardian Never miss breaking news dive into diverse opinion pieces follow stories minutebyminute with our dynamic live blogs from world news and politics to business news and sport The Guardian news app is free to download and offers you a beautiful intuitive mobile experience so you can read watch and listen to our independent reporting whenever it suits you To give you a taste of our app were offering you free access to a limited number of articles which refreshes on a regular basis If youre a regular reader you might consider subscribing Subscribe to get full access to Guardian articles in our app so you can read quality international journalism with no restrictions Why download today Enjoy a generous number of articles every month for free before we ask you to subscribe Receive breaking news alerts so youll never miss a story Save articles to read later creating your own reading list Make our homepage your own by choosing the topics that interest you most Follow your favourite columnists series or sports teams to get personalised notifications Listen to your favourite podcasts and articles in the app And when you subscribe youll unlock Unlimited reading in the app with no subscription messages Adfree so your experience is uninterrupted Offline reading download articles to explore on the go Whats more subscribing to our news app is a great way to show your support for fearless independent Guardian journalism As a readerfunded news organisation we rely on your funding to power our future Thank you All content in the Guardian app is copyright Guardian News amp Media 2024 All rights reserved Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply when accessing content via the Guardian app Privacy Policy http//wwwtheguardiancom/help/privacypolicy Terms of Service http//wwwtheguardiancom/help/termsofservice If you subscribe to the Guardian app our subscription terms will also apply https//wwwtheguardiancom/info/2023/feb/24/theguardiannewsapptermsconditions Your subscription will auto renew and you will be charged before the next renewal date unless you cancel
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L'Équipe : live sport and news

Find all live sports news on your Android smartphone or tablet with the new L39quipe App You can follow in particular the French soccer Ligue 1 the new Formula 1 season and a special focus on the Champions League Specially designed for Android devices the L39quipe App is constantly modernizing From now on all the L39quipe39s contents and services are gathered in the same App WHAT TO DISCOVER IN THE NEW VERSION LIVE SPORTS Find all sports Soccer Tennis Rugby Basketball Golf Cycling Winter Sports etc and all competitions Champions League the French soccer Ligue 1 Grand Slams ATP tournaments WTA tournaments Six Nations Championship French Top 14 Rugby Olympic Games etc You can also follow transfers news with a regular updating CHRONO all the sports news continuously and in real time RESULTS Find out all calendars and results for each sport Soccer Rugby Tennis Cycling etc and each competition the French soccer Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 Champions League the English soccer Premier League the Spanish soccer Liga the Italian soccer Serie A the German soccer Bundesliga results and ranking of the NBA Masters 1000 tournaments Formula 1 etc LIVES Follow all games Foot Rugby Tennis Basket etc Choose your favorites teams and follow their results in real time VIDEOS Discover the latest videos and tops videos of your favorite sport Soccer Basketball Tennis Rugby Winter Sports Golf etc ALERTS Dont39 miss anything of sports news by receiving notifications from us We inform you in real time about last news results French soccer Ligue 1 ranking Champions League results ATP ranking French Top 14 rugby ranking Transfers etc Personalize the Lquipe App to get scores and news alerts about all of your favorite teams and leagues The L39quipe TV channel Follow live replay and highlights on the L39quipe TV channel formerly LEquipe 21 DONT MISS SPORTS NEWS SOCCER Calendars and results of the French soccer Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 Champions League the English soccer Premier League the Spanish soccer Liga the Italian soccer Serie A the German soccer Bundesliga and all others championships TENNIS Calendars and ATP Ranking WTA Ranking all results of Wimbledon Roland Garros Us Open Australian Open Fed Cup Davis Cup etc RUGBY Calendars and results of the Six Nations Championship the French Top 14 World Cup Champions Cup etc BASKETBALL Calendars and results of the NBA Euroleague French basketball Pro A etc CYCLING Results and Ranking of the Tour de France the Giro and the Vuelta but also of all the classic races Milan San Remo Liege Bastogne Liege etc FORMULA 1 Results and Ranking of Australian Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix and all others Grand Prix WINTER SPORTS Alpine Skiing Figure Skating Biathlon Cross etc BUT ALSO AutoMoto Baseball Boxing Golf Handball Olympic Games Judo Swimming Triathlon etc To get a fully enjoyment of LEquipe App you can also have a premium subscription From 1230 AM the L39QUIPE newspaper in digital format and other Lquipes news are available on our App Visit our new version called The Digital the best of L39quipe39s content in a special edition adapted to your screens Choose the right offer your Google Play account will be charged directly Purchase of a single premium article 099 Purchase of a pack of 10 premium articles 399 Purchase of a complete edition of L39quipe 099 or an edition of another title L39QUIPE Magazine HorsSrie Sport amp style etc Enjoy your reading with L39quipe Please fell free to send us your feedbacks and suggestions mobileslequipefr
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Le Figaro : Actualités et news

Dans notre application gratuite Le Figaro Actualits et news notre rdaction vous propose chaque jour plusieurs centaines d39articles de news d39analyses de chroniques d39infographies et de vidos avec Figaro Live Nos journalistes couvrent plus de 30 thmatiques vous informant en direct sur la politique franaise la gopolitique l39conomie la culture la sant la socit et le sport garantissant une mise jour continue des informations en direct Actualits internationales Politique en France Actualits sportives y compris le foot L39info du jour coutez nos podcasts coutez la radio Sur l39application quotLe Figaro Actualits amp newsquot vous pouvez Suivre les infos en direct et les actualits avec le Flash Actu et les lives et la radio pour ne rien rater des grands moments de l39 info Commencer la journe en coutant le Figaro radio qui rcapitule les news Retrouver tous les titres du groupe Figaro lactualit au fminin avec Madame Figaro lactu les news et les programmes avec TVMag les grands entretiens du Figaro Magazine et podcast et les news du foot couter nos podcast sur divers sujets et des actualits Rouler en coutant la radio du matin au soir Nos articles et notre radio Le Figaro propose une couverture live des actualits y compris les plus rcentes news sur la politique et sur le sport y compris foot etc Que vous soyez passionn par les podcast d39actualits de bientre de science ou de culture pop et du sport notamment le foot le Figaro vous offre un accs une bibliothque de podcast Chaque podcast est soigneusement slectionn pour enrichir votre exprience d39coute Dcouvrez les dernires actualits en direct sur notre radio chaque jour nous couvrons les vnements majeurs en France et dans le monde y compris les actualits sportives comme le foot disponibles via des missions en direct et des mises jour de foot Nos missions radio diffusent des news en continu assurant que vous restiez inform peu importe o vous tes Restez connect inform avec notre station de radio le choix parfait pour les actualits en direct l39info de foot et bien plus encore le tout avec un accs nos podcast Que vous soyez amateur de foot de politique ou de culture notre radio sur Le Figaro vous propose des formats varis allant de la diffusion en direct des podcast accessibles et les news de foot Ainsi vous pouvez suivre les actualits en direct que ce soit en live ou travers des rsums concis de l39actualit du foot En coutant les news via la radio vous pouvez rester inform pendant vos dplacements sur lactualit et le foot Restez connect avec notre radio le choix pour les actualits et info en direct les news du foot et bien plus encore le tout avec une accessibilit amliore Libre de s39abonner libre de se dsabonner pour une info et news de qualit issue du plus ancien titre de la presse franaise Access 099 le premier mois puis 1199 pour dbloquer tous les articles et lire les newsletters abonns Premium 099 le premier mois puis 1699 les avantages Acces plus le journal et ses magazines 3 comptes et les applications Figaro Jeux et Figaro Cuisine Premium 099 le premier mois puis 2199 les avantages Premium plus le Figaro Histoire Figaro HorsSrie et Figaro Sant et le pack famille 5 comptes Les articles dactualit en illimit suivez les actusinfo les news les podcast et les dcryptages avec une navigation allge en publicits sur le journal et live sur la radio Linformation de qualit en direct et sur la radioinfo et podcast vous accompagne avec lapplication du Figaro grand titre de la presse franaise dactualit et de news Actualits podcast jeux cuisine directinfo Dcouvrez toutes les applications du Figaro https//applicationsmobileslefigarofr/ Vos commentaires et questions mobilitelefigarofr Mentions lgales https//mentionslegaleslefigarofr/lefigaro/cgufigaro
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Economic Times : Business News

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