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Louis Second French Bible

Avec l39volution de la technologie il est dsormais possible d39avoir le texte complet de la Bible dans votre tlphone Il suffit tout simplement d39installer notre application et puis lire et couter la Sainte Bible trs facilement Tlchargez la Bible Louis Segond version LS 1910 la version la plus populaire connue des francophones Cette Bible franaise est gratuit et fonctionne en ligne et horsligne Principales fonctionnalits de lapplication 1 BIBLE GRATUITE Vous pouvez tlcharger lire couter ou partager la Sainte Bible gratuitement 2 AUDIO BIBLE Dcouvrez la Bible audio et restez connect la Parole de Dieu en dplacement lorsque vous faites du sport ou que vous coutez vos passages prfrs chez vous Le menu permet de changer le volume la vitesse et les tonalits de l39audio 3 TRADUCTION BIBLIQUE Profitez de la Bible la plus lue en franais Louis Segond dans sa rvision de 1910 lquivalent franais de la version anglaise King James Louis Segond fut un pasteur et thologien suisse qui la demande de la Compagnie des Pasteurs de Genve a traduit la Bible en franais partir des textes originaux hbreux et grecs La traduction de Louis Segond voit le jour en 1880 Aprs sa mort on a fait une rvision de la Bible ce qui a abouti la version de 1910 4 ACCS sans WIFI Tlchargez et lisez La Bible horsligne Louis Second French Bible est une application pour les chrtiens qui ne disposent pas dune connexion internet sur leur portable Accdez la Bible librement et partout o vous allez 5PERSONALISEZ VOTRE BIBLE Grande varit d39options personnalisables Gardez en mmoire vos versets de rfrence pour y accder directement quand vous le dsirez Ajouter des notes supplmentaires aux versets Augmentez ou diminuez la taille du texte Appliquez le mode nuit lorsque vous lisez dans des conditions de faible luminosit sans blesser les yeux Recherche par mots cls vous saisissez le ou les mots cls qui correspond au sujet qui vous intresse Utilisez toutes les fonctionnalits gratuitement et sans connexion Internet Passez tous les jours du temps lire la Bible elle changera votre vie La Bible est une collection de livres divise en deux grandes parties l39Ancien et le Nouveau Testament Au total la Bible se compose de 66 livres dont 39 correspondent l39Ancien Testament et 27 correspondent au Nouveau Testament Livres de l39Ancien Testament Le Pentateuque Gense Exode Lvitique Nombres Deutronome Les Livres historiques Josu Juges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras Nhmie Esther Les Livres potiques de la Bible Job Psaumes Proverbes Ecclsiaste Cantique Les Grands Prophtes Isae Jrmie Lamentations Ezchiel Daniel Les 12 Petits Prophtes Ose Amos Miche Jol Abdias Jonas Nahum Habacuc Sophonie Age Zacharie Malachie Livres du Nouveau Testamentgt Les vangiles Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Les Actes des Aptres Les Eptres de Paul Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 Corinthiens Galates phsiens Philippiens Colossiens 1 Thessaloniciens 2 Thessaloniciens 1 Timothe 2 Timothe Tite Philmon Hbreux Les autres Eptres Jacques 1 Pierre 2 Pierre 1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Livre de lApocalypse
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Bible Audio en Français mp3

La Bible est un ensemble de textes considrs comme sacrs chez les juifs et les chrtiens Les diffrents groupes religieux peuvent inclure diffrents livres dans leurs canons dans un ordre diffrent Les textes des livres euxmmes ne sont pas toujours identiques d39un groupe religieux l39autre Histoires hors ligne avec audio et vido Sans internet Bible absolument gratuite Caractristiques de notre application gratuite quotaudio bible en francaisquot installer sur la carte SD Minuterie de sommeil pratique pour dormir Images de fond de qualit HD pour chaque son de l39histoire Possibilit de supprimer des annonces pour de l39argent supplmentaire via l39achat inapp Telecharger gratuitement la bible audio Mp3 books fonctionne hors ligne pas besoin d39internet fonctionne en arrireplan lorsque vous utilisez d39autres applications ou lorsque l39cran est verrouill appuyez simplement sur le bouton quotAccueilquot Contrle du volume de l39application bible recherche Notre application quotla bible en mp3 audio en francaisquot contient les chapitres suivants Choisir un livre de la Bible ANCIEN TESTAMENT NOUVEAU TESTAMENT L39Ancien Testament ou Ancienne Alliance est l39expression utilise dans la tradition chrtienne pour dsigner l39ensemble des crits de la Bible antrieurs JsusChrist L39Ancien Testament est donc la Bible juive Pour les chrtiens il forme la premire partie de la Bible la deuxime partie appele Nouveau Testament tant constitue de l39ensemble des livres relatifs la vie de JsusChrist Bible audio en franais gratuit hors ligne Le Nouveau Testament est lensemble des crits relatifs la vie de Jsus et l39enseignement de ses premiers disciples qui ont t reconnus comme canoniques par les autorits chrtiennes au terme d39un processus de plusieurs sicles La liste des textes retenus par l39glise pour former le Nouveau Testament a t fixe en 363 lors du Concile de Laodice cependant elle ne comprenait pas encore le texte de l39Apocalypse
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Red Letter KJV Bible

Concluding the Lord39s words in the Old and New Testament in the Holy Scriptures that one can share with friends and relatives and listen to get good habits in life Over the reading if you don39t know a word39s meaning no worries the Red Letter KJV Bible consists of a dictionary where one can get the same sense of the sentence The RedLetter King James Version Bible is defined as a distinctive edition of King James Version KJV Bible that highlights the words of Jesus Christ by printing them in red ink to make them appear different from other contents of the Bible This unique feature draws attention to the direct teachings sayings and dialogues attributed to Jesus throughout the New Testament The Red Letter KJV Bible visual distinction makes his teachings easily recognizable by the readers also allowing us to quickly identify and focus on His messages The Red Letter of the Bible represent the direct words of the Lord Jesus encompassing His teachings parables interactions and dialogues recorded in the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John These Red Letters provide an enhanced reading experience for the readers to grasp the significance of His messages in the broader context of the Bible By following Jesus Christ39s direct wording and contemplating their meanings implications and relevance to their faith journey the Red Letters of the KJV Bible define the teachings and life of Jesus Christ the format aligns with the central theme of salvation and redemption through Christs sacrifice There is always a pocket version of the Lord39s wordings in the name of RedLetter King James Version Bible Apps that showcase one39s proper path by enlightening their mind and heart with pure soul The Psalm of God becomes part of daily life with Red Letter KJV Bible reading at least one Verse a day can bring a vibrant change in your life Red Letter King James Version marks only a limited data packet connectivity to operate on displaying the wallpaper highlighting videos of God39s advice and so on in the list For individuals engaged in Bible study sermon preparation or personal meditation the Red Letters in the King James Version provide a convenient tool to quickly locate God39s word and use it The RedLetter Bible makes it easy for Christians to establish the foundation of their faith This format is utilized in personal devotion group studies and evangelistic efforts enhancing the reader39s understanding devotion and connection to the core principles of Christianity as taught by the Lord Jesus himself Now the dream has come true there is no need to carry the hard copy while picking up the Red Letter KJV Bible App within the smartphone and tablets Red Letter Bible Audio feature enhances the Bible listening experience Features Quotes Define the verses in different sections placed over an image that the user can use severally Videos Play the wordings of God Jesus and become a disciple of him in the video format Wallpapers The image that can fill as a colorful background on the main screen of your phone /Tablet representing the occasion of Gods and festivals Search Looking out for a particular word search then the result would bring matching in a marked visual of the whole Bible or New Testament or Old Testament Daily Verse Start each of your days with the random verse that appears on the Holy Bible app where it can be copied and shared My Library Bookmark Highlights and Notes are a collection of titles Bookmark Used to bookmark or save a verse Highlights Used to color theme a verse Notes Used to take or mark some notes on a verse Festive Calendar Let us know about all the Christian festivals and events in this Calendar Instantly share an image with an attached verse to others in WhatsApp and save it in Gallery
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Holy Bible King James + Audio

Holy Bible King James Version app by Tecarta has been downloaded over 10 million times and is the best FREE offline Bible app for Android Expertly crafted in Palo Alto this Bible app makes it easy and simple to read study and share the Bible Great features such as navigation search note taking sharing and audio allow you get the most out of your Bible study anywhere and anytime In addition this Bible app comes with the following premium tools Strongs Concordance makes it easy and fast to find every word occurrence in the Bible Dramatized Audio allows you to listen to the entire Bible to supplement your reading Scripture of the Day notifications and other features will keep you rooted in Gods word daily Download for free and try many more features available with this Bible app The Holy Bible King James Version Bible KJV is arguably the most read and influential Bible translation of the last 500 years The KJV Bible was commissioned by the Church of England and completed in 1611 FEATURES Full offline text of the Holy Bible King James Version Offline KJV Strongs Concordance Dramatized AUDIO of the entire Bible Take Notes offline Highlight or Underline words amp entire verses Bookmark Verses Add Margin Notes 4 types of Navigation Scroll Wheel 3Tap 2Tap amp Keyboard Full Screen Immersive Mode by a simple double tap Android KitKat and higher Folders to organize your notes amp bookmarks Access Study Bibles amp read the study notes beside the Bible Offline No Internet connection required for downloaded Bibles Red Letter text for Jesus39 words Search the Old amp New Testament to find verses containing the entered keyword Night mode for lowlit reading areas History folder to access past 50 viewed verses Splitscreen mode to read two Bible translations at once Share verses amp notes via Google Facebook Twitter email amp SMS Bible talks to you TexttoSpeech allows the Bible to be read to you out loud Change font size and font type Auto scroll allows the Bible to scroll automatically Backup all your purchases and created Bible data using a FREE TecartaBiblecom account Cross References amp Footnotes by longpressing on dottedunderlined words amp superscript letters INAPP CONTENT Try any Study Bible for free NIV Study Bible Life Application Study Bible NKJV Study Bible NIV Woman39s Study Bible Lucado Life Lessons Bible and more Bible translations NIV NLT NKJV ESV GW MSG NCV and more Compare and study different translations side by side Bible Commentaries Matthew Henry39s Concise Commentary Critical amp Explanatory on the Whole Bible John Wesley39s Explanatory Notes John Gill39s Exposition on the Whole Bible and more Bible Devotionals One Year Devos The free version of this app comes with a single ad limited to only the home screen to help cover development costs No ads while you are reading the Bible Any inapp purchase will remove ads If you have suggestions questions or comments we would love to hear from you Email us at androidsupporttecartacom If you need help or want to see all the features in your Tecarta Bible please visit our Help website at http//tecartabiblecom/help/
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호