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This app is designed to provide extended care for the patients and clients of Lone Star Animal Hospital in Victoria TX With this app you can One touch call and email Request appointments Request food Request medication View your pets upcoming services and vaccinations Receive notifications abouthospital promotions lost pets in our vicinity and recalled pet foods Receive monthly reminders so you dont forget to give your heartworm and flea/tick prevention Check out our Facebook Look up pet diseases from a reliable information source Find us on the map Visit our website Learn about our services Loyalty Program with virtual punch card And much more Having the right facility that will meet all your needs and provide comprehensive care for your animals makes a huge difference in granting you peace of mind Knowing your pet is in the care of a veterinarian or animal doctor that is licensed and able to treat your pet with the latest technology and trends is key At Lone Star Animal Hospital we consider your pet as one of ours We implement the highest standards of animal care and make every moment count Our staff offers compassion understanding and education for owners to make sure they are fully aware of the assessment diagnosis and treatment recommended for your pet An animal doctor or veterinarian is a physician strictly for the care of animals Every veterinarian at our facility undergoes extensive education and training to handle emergency cases any pending medical issues dental care and when needed surgery Our staff works collaboratively with each owner to build trust and a level of comfort where you can rest easy knowing your pet is in good hands We offer a kidfriendly comforting environment where everyone can relax while waiting for the veterinarian or one of our experienced staff members During surgery we provide topnotch service to waiting family members Lone Star Animal Hospital is a premier facility in Victoria TX demonstrating the latest advancements in technology and animal care We also offer pet boarding cat boarding and dog boarding Dr Lee Zeplin and Dr Shana Bohac believe in providing the best animal care solutions to prevent medical issues and alleviate those that may already exist Their extensive experience in pet wellness and treating serious conditions is wellknown throughout Victoria Theres a reason why our clients value our service Lone Star Animal Hospital offers a number of resources to assist our owners in the prevention and care of their pets We understand the complexity of certain situations and knowing firsthand what your pet may be experiencing will help in getting them the medical attention they need before things get too serious We help owners in formulating nutrition plans that will keep your pets healthy and active while providing regular scheduled checkups for maintenance and prevention The health of your pet is our concern and we are committed to working with you to preserve their health We service pet owners in Victoria and the surrounding areas If you have any questions about the care of your animal or are concerned about something going on with their health feel free to call or set up an appointment as soon as possible We employ a quick response rate for getting back to our clients as each call is important to us Directions to our facility can be located on our Contact page in the event your pet needs immediate medical attention
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Noz - Plataforma de comunicaçã

O NOZ uma plataforma que oferece uma experincia de comunicao personalizada de acordo com a segmentao do seu pblico e de maneira gamificada Acreditamos que ao centralizar a sua comunicao no NOZ podemos lhe ajudar a evitar distraes organizar informaes relevantes e transmitir o contedo de forma assertiva alm de promover o engajamento do seu time INTERAO Alm dos vrios formatos de contedo como fotos carrossel vdeos texto e links tambm possvel publicar sorteios enquetes e formulrios Todas as publicaes podem ser agendadas pelo administrador Os usurios podem curtir comentar e marcar outras pessoas nas publicaes promovendo a interao e fortalecendo o relacionamento com o seu time PERSONALIZAO Para aproximar a sua audincia e criar familiaridade voc pode personalizar o NOZ de acordo com a sua identidade visual do seu jeito com a sua marca e suas cores Voc tambm pode nomear os itens do menu como quiser SEGMENTAO Toda a plataforma segmentada por tags possibilitando contedos direcionados para grupos de pessoas S visualiza a informao quem realmente precisa dela As tags so criadas de acordo com a sua necessidade podendo ser por regio filial squads projetos setor cargo time etc GAMIFICAO Toda interao na plataforma e aes offline podem gerar pontos e com eles os usurios resgatam os produtos disponibilizados na loja incentivando assim o engajamento atravs da gamificao O administrador poder informar quantos pontos vale cada ao e poder pontuar usurios ou grupos manualmente atravs do painel administrativo CURSOS Promova treinamentos e capacitaes atravs dos cursos que so organizados por mdulos e possibilitam a insero de imagens vdeos textos e questionrios Emita certificados e tenha relatrios completos sobre a taxa de aproveitamento ARQUIVOS E GALERIA Crie pastas com diversos tipos de arquivos e galeria de fotos e compartilhe de forma segmentada EVENTOS Atravs de um calendrio o usurio visualiza os eventos cadastrados pelo administrador feriados nacionais aniversrios dos membros do time Assim que o administrador cadastra um novo usurio na plataforma a data de aniversrio ser apresentada automaticamente no calendrio VERSO WEB O aplicativo disponvel para iOS a Android possui uma verso desktop para que os usurios visualizem e interajam atravs do computador O site responsivo possibilitando o acesso o acesso tambm pelo navegador do celular o usurio tem acesso a qualquer hora em qualquer dispositivo PAINEL ADMINISTRATIVO Alm de fazer toda a gesto dos usurios e contedos no painel administrativo o administrador tem acesso a uma Dashboard contendo todas as mtricas sobre engajamento e interaes para visualizar o resultado das suas aes e o desempenho das publicaes de forma simples rpida e intuitiva
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호