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Epoxy Resin Art Ideas

Epoxy Resin is becoming more and more popular Epoxy resin or resin is a material that can be used for many different purposes and is created by mixing two components that are matched to each other If the liquid resin is mixed with a suitable hardener a chemical reaction is set in motion that usually lasts several hours After the components have been mixed with each other not only heat is radiated but the material is also converted from a liquid to a solid / cured state Usually the mixing ratio of resin to hardener is 1 to 1 or even 1 to 2 so that the material can cure perfectly Different epoxy resins or casting resins each with individually different properties can be used for a variety of different applications according to the manufacturers specifications There is a wide range of different resins which differ considerably in terms of the duration of the curing process and the hardness and durability of the finished transformed surfaces Further parameters for the selection of a specific epoxy resin can be factors such as the maximum layer thickness that can be formed with the material or its heat resistance Essentially epoxy resin is very versatile and can be used for different types of art and craft projects The following examples are only a small sample from the multitude of possible applications Soil sealing in living spaces Fixing of stone carpets indoors and outdoors Cutresistant sealing of worktops in the kitchen Pieces of epoxy resin and wood such as cutting boards Modern renovation ideas for old buildings Jewelry made of epoxy resin Quick repairs with special UV resin Epoxy resin art objects such as resin art pictures Casting of molds and figures of all kinds Decorative objects such as Resin Geodes and Resin Petri Dishes Finishing of paintings and works of art of all kinds Timeless resin furniture such as tables made of epoxy resin Resin floors for shower trays Waterproof sealants for garage floors Resin Casting of artifacts and materials in resin Selfconstruction of aquariums and terrariums Repairing and gluing small parts together Resin as topcoat or gelcoat for boat building Selfmade kit boards Model building projects This app offers some very interesting epoxy resin ideas especially for beginners who wish to make project at home Disclaimer All contains used in this app are copyright to their respective owners and usage falls within the Fair Usage guidelines This images is not endorsed by any of the perspective owners and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes This application is an unofficial fan based application No copyright infringement is intended and any request to remove one of the images/logos/names will be honored
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Festival Poster Maker & Post

Makar Sankranti Poster Maker Festival Post is 1 Indian Festival Poster Maker for Uttarayan Poster Maker Pongal Poster Lohri Poster Kite Poster Maker Magh Bihu Poster amp Happy Makar Sankranti Poster Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Poster Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Poster amp Makar Sankranti Video Maker creative designs via Indian Festival Poster Maker with Photo Name amp Image in all major Indian languages including Hindi Marathi Gujarati Tamil Telugu Bengali Punjabi and Kannada Festival Post includes Festival Poster Maker 2025 for all upcoming National amp International Days Festival Poster Maker has readytouse designs for Election Banner Political Posters Digital Card Intro Video Maker etc Festival Post offers unique Indian Festival Flyer Maker Online Posters amp Videos with Status amp Story Create a short video status with Festival Poster Maker with Name and Image How to Use Festival Post Festival Poster Maker With Photo And Name Signup in Festival Poster Maker App Add details choose Category to Create Post amp Choose Festival Poster Maker Frame or Video Save your Festival Post in Gallery Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Poster Maker to design a vibrant Swami Vivekananda Jayanti poster celebrating his inspirational teachings Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Poster Maker to create an outstanding Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti poster honouring his valour and wisdom Indian Army Day Poster Maker to create Indian Army Day poster saluting the bravery soldiers who serve our country with pride and honour MAKAR SANKRANTI POST MAKER 2025 When is Makar Sankranti in 2025 in India Makar Sankranti 2025 is celebrated on 14th January in India When to design Makar Sankranti Poster in 2025 in India Design Makar Sankranti Poster Maker on 14th January to create Happy Makar Sankranti Poster Create Makar Sankranti Poster 2025 amp Kite Status Makar Sankranti Photo Frame 2025 Makar Sankranti Templates and Uttarayan templates Customize Makar Sankranti Post Maker with business info Makar Sankranti Videos Status Maker with song The Festival Post app also allows users to share their Makar Sankranti posters with all Kite Poster Maker to create amazing Kite Poster for Makar Sankranti Festival Happy Makar Sankranti Status Maker with photo UTTARAYAN POSTER MAKER 2025 The Uttarayan posters can be customized with text images amp colors Uttarayan Post Maker to share on social media Happy Uttarayan Status Maker 2025 with song photo amp stickers Ready to use Uttarayan Video Status Maker amp Uttarayan templates Uttarayan Poster Maker to create Happy Kite Wishes greeting amp status Uttarayan Banner amp Makar Sankranti Banner Background in full hd quality PONGAL POSTER MAKER 2025 Making a Pongal Poster is a fun and easy way for the holiday Select Pongal template from the given option or design your own with your photos With Pongal Poster Maker you can easily create beautiful posters Pongal Post Maker is the perfect way to add a personal touch to your celebrations Pongal Photo Frame amp Pongal Banner Editing App with latest background LOHRI POSTER MAKER Lohri Poster Maker is a great way to create beautiful posters for your next event Lohri Poster you can easily create stunning posters MAGH BIHU POSTER MAKER With Magh Bihu Poster Maker you can create Magh Bihu Poster in 1 minute amp can also share festival post with friends or family 2025 Poster Maker with Festival template layout is for forthcoming days Maharana Pratap 26 January Republic Day etc with Festival Post App Festival Poster Maker is a simple app with powerful features to help you create posters in minutes Daily Festival Post with photos amp video songs of upcoming festive Call us on 9979044449 for more details
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Divoom:픽셀 아트 편집기(Pixel Art)

이것은 통합된 온라인 픽셀 아트 갤러리 및 커뮤니티가 있는 픽셀 아트 편집기 APP입니다 픽셀 아트 애니메이션을 만들고 공유하며 전 세계의 다른 픽셀 아트 팬과 상호 작용합니다 픽셀아트 커뮤니티 70만 개 이상의 픽셀 아트 디자인과 백만 명의 사용자 커뮤니티 동료 커뮤니티 구성원과 의사 소통하고 상호 작용합니다 12개 이상의 카테고리 및 선택한 주제로 디자인을 해시태그 커뮤니티의 전문 중재자 팀은 AI의 애니메이션을 추천합니다 포인트 상환 프로그램 추천 애니메이션은 무료 상품으로 교환할 수 있는 추가 포인트를 받게 됩니다 픽셀아트 드로잉 콘테스트 월간 드로잉 콘테스트 콘테스트 주제 디자인을 제출하여 무료 상품을 받을 수 있는 기회 수입 수출 사진/GIF/애니메이션을 가져오기 및 디자인으로 변환하고 디자인을 내보내 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 공유 픽셀 아트 편집기 다중 레이어 컬러 캔버스 텍스트 편집기 등을 포함한 전문 드로잉 및 애니메이션 도구 애니메이션 생성 복제 병합 bgm 녹음 기능을 지원합니다 완벽한 RGB 채색을 지원하는 페인팅 캔버스 지원 지역 선택 복제 이동 레이어 복제 이동 결합 숨겨진 기능을 지원합니다 Gif 및 비디오 GIF 및 비디오를 픽셀 아트 애니메이션으로 변환 숫자별 색상 숫자 게임으로 무료 색상 지정 메세지 좋아요 댓글은 알림을 따릅니다 인앱 인스턴트 메시징을 지원합니다
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Head Model Studio

Head Model Studio를 사용하여 놀라운 초상화를 그려보세요 간단한 면부터 복잡한 기하학까지 얼굴을 자세히 연구하세요 얼굴을 자세히 배우고 연구하기에 최적의 iOS / iPadOS 애플리케이션입니다 당신의 스케치를 한 단계 높이세요 명가의 기술에서 영감을 받음 Head Model Studio는 유명한 방법론에서 영감을 받아 25가지 다양한 모델을 제공합니다무료 2가지 포함 얼굴의 면을 이해하면서 쉽게 진행되는 간단한 모델부터 더 자세한 모델까지 포함되어 있습니다 5가지의 고전적인 모델로 연습을 확장하세요 전체적인 제어 3D 모델을 완전히 제어할 수 있습니다 모델의 각 부분을 자유롭게 연구하기 위해 확대 기울이기 회전 등이 가능합니다 환경 및 스튜디오 조명 HDR 사진 기반으로 한 실제적인 환경 조명을 통해 일출 낮 혹은 일몰 조명을 재현합니다 스튜디오 조명으로 전환하여 여러 개의 스포트라이트와 다양한 색상으로 멋진 조명 구성을 만들어보세요 조명을 원하는 각도나 강도로 설정할 수 있습니다 얼굴의 면과 톤을 파악하기에 완벽합니다 사용자 정의 렌더링 윤곽선 강조를 통해 연습하기가 더 쉬워집니다 편안해지면 끄고 더 현실적인 환경에서 연습하세요 다른 소재 렌더링을 위해 광택을 수정할 수 있습니다 미리 만들어진 연습 그리는 것을 배우고 싶지만 어디서나 어떻게 시작해야 할지 모르겠나요 우리가 제공한 여러 장면으로 시작하세요 가격 Head Model Studio는 몇 가지 무료 모델을 제공합니다 나머지 모델에 액세스하려면 프리미엄 액세스가 필요합니다 평생 구독과 매년 구독원회성 옵션이 있습니다 피드백을 사랑합니다 코딩과 그리기를 사랑합니다 어떤 기능을 앱에서 보고 싶은지 알려주세요 이용 약관 https//headmodelstudiocom/termsconditions/
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art kaleidoscope Magazin

artkaleidoscope Magazin ist die mediengerechte Umsetzung fr TabletPC und Smartphone des seit 1995 quartalsweise erscheinenden Kunstmagazins art kaleidoscope Dieses Magazin berichtet ausfhrlich in Interviews Storys und Reportagen ber das aktuelle Kunstgeschehen ber Knstler und zahlreiche Ausstellungen in Museen Galerien und OffSpaces in Frankfurt/Main und dem RheinMain Gebiet Abgerundet wird das Magazin durch einen umfangreichen Ausstellungskalender der das Kunstgeschehen im Heftzeitraum von 3 Monaten zusammenfasst Fr alle art kaleidoscopeHeftkufer im Zeitschriftenhandel ist der AppDownload der aktuellen Ausgabe kostenfrei Der entsprechende Freischaltcode wird in jeder gedruckten Ausgabe verffentlicht Fr alle art kaleidoscopeAbonnenten und alle Inhaber der Jahreskarte der Frankfurter Museen Museumsufercard sind Downloads der aktuellen art kaleidoscope MagazinAusgabe ebenfalls kostenfrei Ein entsprechender Freischaltcode wird dem Inhaber mit seiner Frankfurter Museumsufercard zugeschickt Zustzlich erhlt er das gedruckte Heft im Abonnement nach Hause geschickt Wer ohne einen Heftkauf im Zeitschriftenhandel und ohne Frankfurter Museumsufercard artkaleidoscope auf seinem TabletPC oder Smartphone lesen mchte kann das in dieser KioskApp nach einem InAppKauf machen Ergnzend zu art kaleidoscope Magazin finden Sie im AppStore die kostenfreie App art kaleidoscope Termine Mit ihr erhalten Sie die umfangreichste Sammlung aktueller Kunstausstellungen Vernissagen Finissagen und Fhrungen der Museen Galerien und OffSpaces aus Frankfurt/Main und dem RheinMain Gebiet
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호