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서울 메트로 지하철 지도 및 경로 플래너

quotSeoul Metropolitan Subway은 서울에서 서울 메트로 운송 교통수단을 손쉽게 이용할 수 있도록 도와주는 내비게이션 앱입니다 경복궁부터 동대문 시장까지 FC Seoul 경기를 보러 가거나 Doosan Bears을 응원하거나 서울에서 출근하는 토박이 직장인이거나 인천 국제 공항을 갓 빠져나온 관광객이거나 서울 곳곳을 가장 빠르게 찾아갈 수 있는 길을 알려드립니다 우리는 지하철을 복용을 더 빠르게 만듭니다 누구나 아주 쉽게 Tmoney에 익숙해질 수 있습니다 탭 탭 탭 간편한 인터랙티브 지도를 이용해 서울 곳곳을 살펴보고 확대해보세요 지도에 사용자 검색 경로도 직접 표시합니다 가장 빠른 이동 경로 찾기 세계에서 가장 빠른 경로 탐색기를 이용해 각종 경로와 대중교통 승차역을 찾아보세요 인터넷이 없다고요 문제 없습니다 지도와 경로 검색 기능은 오프라인 상태에서도 작동합니다 정기 지도 업데이트 자동 업데이트 기능을 통해 지도 데이터를 항상 최신 상태로 유지합니다 정확한 상세 경로 절대 경로를 이탈하지 않도록 상세하게 각 과정을 안내합니다 즐겨찾는 장소 저장 집으로 가는 경로를 찾거나 출퇴근길 교통 정체를 피하는 등 다양한 용도로 활용할 수 있습니다 화면을 옆으로 밀기만 하면 개인 즐겨찾기 목록이 열립니다 Seoul Metropolitan Subway VIP 기능 광고 없는 깔끔한 환경 제공 VIP 유료 회원에게는 절대 광고를 표시하지 않습니다 우선순위 고객지원 앱 사용 중 문제가 있으신가요 무엇이건 언제든지 도와드리겠습니다 지금 현재 세계 최고의 운송 앱으로서 전 세계 사용자들에게 널리 알려진 런던 지하철 지도 뉴욕 지하철 지도 파리 지하철 지도 등 다른 앱도 확인해보세요 앱을 어디서나 사용할 수 있으며 Google Playquot
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Die exklusive GdPApp bietet funktionelle Tools die im tglichen Dienst der Polizei untersttzen sowie fr die Arbeit weiterer interessierter Personen und Institutionen hilfreich sind Mit der neuen Version geht die Bedienung noch leichter von der Hand Schichtkalender Das Anlegen einer Schichtfolge ist mithilfe des neuen Schichtplaners nun noch einfacher Einzelne Termine lassen sich mit wenigen Klicks hinzufgen lschen oder bearbeiten Angelegte Schichtfolgen knnen exportiert und an Familienmitglieder oder Bekannte versendet werden Streifenhelfer Das bekannte und einzigartige Nachschlagewerk im Hosentaschenformat haben wir nutzerfreundlich digitalisiert Der Streifenhelfer beinhaltet die gngigen Tatbestandsnummern von Ordnungswidrigkeiten des bundeseinheitlichen Bugeldkataloges auf einen Blick sowie praktische Kurzbersichten Storys Immer gut informiert sein was die GdP macht die aktuellen News der Gewerkschaft der Polizei direkt auf das Smartphone Tatbestandskatalog Die Suche nach der richtigen Tatbestandsnummer berhaupt kein Problem Hufig bentigte Tatbestnde knnen jetzt ganz leicht auf dem Dashboard hinterlegt werden KFZKennzeichen Wer schon immer wissen wollte welcher Landkreis zu welchem KFZKennzeichen gehrt wird hier schnell fndig brigens inklusive einer Kartenansicht Fahrerlaubnisse Auf der Suche nach der richtigen Fahrerlaubnisklasse Schnelleres Finden ist garantiert Mit dabei natrlich auch Altfahrerlaubnisse die vor dem 19 Januar 2013 in der BRD und in der ehemaligen DDR ausgestellt wurden NauticDict Mit allen Wassern gewaschen und nicht ins Schwimmen geraten Das Wrterbuch mit zahlreichen Eintrgen vereinfacht die Suche nach dem richtigen nautischen Fachvokabular in deutsch/englisch sowie englisch/deutsch Volle Fahrt voraus
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Not a Map app Aviation Only Aviation US FAA materials and more No support in Reviews Please use our Friendly helpful Support Forum 24/7 at https//groupsgooglecom/forum/forum/apps4avforum NOTE Avare can39t function fully until you turn on BOTH of Avare39s requested Permissions Location amp Storage Avare pronounced quotah vAirquot like quotawarequot with a quotvquot is a free movingmap Aviation GPS amp EFB app Note Internet access is required only for installing the free app aviation Database and at least 1 of the free charts and for any updates We recommend that you TURN OFF Play Store AUTOMATIC UPDATE for Avare manually update it and all Downloads then fly in Airplane Mode to save battery Avare offers offline moving map on all FAA charts VFR Sectional IFR lo/hi enroute Approach Plate WAC amp TAC plus A/FD info Airport Diagrams w/GPS Taxi and Terminal Procedures Also GPS status Terrain/Elevation Maps 50 Nearest airports Obstacles and more Some FAA Charts cover Puerto Rico plus parts of Canada Mexico and the Caribbean All of this is Completely Free with no ads Note Like all apps for portable devices Avare is not FAA certified for primary navigation but may be used as outlined in FAA documents See our NOTICE below and the FAQ on our website for links to FAA documents Avare Advantages Made by amp for pilots Easy to learn amp use Quick amp responsive All free FAA materials amp more Runs on most Android devices No ads or invasive permissions More Features Type in any address or coordinates NOTAMS METAR TAF and Winds Internet fetch or ADSB ADSB TISB Traffic UAT/1090 PIREP free AddOn apps Graphic amp text TFRs Internet fetch or ADSB Canada topo plus terrain maps for most of the world External GPS autopilot and flite sim options Obstacles Any over 50039 AGL within 20039 of GPS altitude Frequencies runways fuel availability amp all A/FD info 13000 GeoReferenced approach plates and taxi diagrams Landscape/Portrait North Up/Track Up NU/TU display Draw notes onscreen or Pan freely on charts Draw/Pan LongPress any two points for approximate distance Location icon Center or track from your own placement GPS compass direction Bearing and Distance to and FROM any point on the map by longpressing one finger on that point Great for your ATC and CTAF radio calls Avare installation begins with the small app and then fetching an aviation Database and at least one chart You can of course choose additional charts and materials for Avare to Download free at any time Note The FAA occasionally changes their charts such that outdated charts may incorrectly display your location in Avare so be sure to Update any charts you may use in flight ANY time you plan to Update a chart first ensure that you have the latest version of Avare and its Database After installing Avare please use the Help feature to begin New features are being added very quickly in response to user feedback and may not be reflected in this Description page You are invited to Contact us directly via our apps4av google group Forum to share your questions feedback and feature requests Launch Note To access Help in the Avare app on the Map screen tap the round Menu button then the rectangular Help button at lowerleft NOTICE This software is provided quotas isquot and any express or implied warranties including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed In no event shall the copyright holder or contributors be liable for any direct indirect incidental special exemplary or consequential damages including but not limited to loss of use or data however caused and on any theory of liability whether in contract strict liability or tort including negligence or otherwise arising in any way out of the use of this software even if advised of the possibility of such damage
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호