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Car Rental Booking Planner Pro

Unlock seamless car rental booking management with Car Rental Booking Planner Pro the ultimate app for businesses in the car rental industry This powerful tool designed to streamline team collaboration client interactions and realtime updates enables you to run your rental operations smoothly and efficiently Key Features Team Collaboration amp Screen Sharing Coordinate effortlessly with your team using realtime screen sharing Whether you39re reviewing car availability adjusting schedules or managing fleet logistics Car Rental Booking Planner Pro allows your team to work together no matter where they are Share live screens and make decisions faster with all the information at your fingertips RealTime Updates Stay ahead with live updates on bookings cancellations and fleet status Car Rental Booking Planner Pros instant notification system ensures everyone is always on the same page preventing double bookings and missed opportunities Manage changes in realtime and keep everything running smoothly Client SelfBooking Empower your customers with the option to book their own rentals directly With a simple intuitive booking interface clients can easily choose their preferred vehicle pickup/dropoff locations and schedule all in just a few taps Provide a selfservice option while you focus on optimizing your business operations Collaborative Interface Whether you have a large team or a small fleet Car Rental Booking Planner Pros userfriendly interface adapts to your business needs Assign roles track tasks and maintain clear communication all within one integrated platform 24/7 Customer Support Do you have questions or need help Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues or inquiries Why Choose CarRent Pro Boost Team Efficiency Collaborate onthego with screen sharing client confirmation messages and live updates Enhance Client Experience Let customers easily manage their bookings increasing satisfaction and retention Scale Your Business Car Rental Booking Planner Pro grows with your business needs from local fleets to larger operations Simplify Operations Streamline booking processes reduce errors and optimize your rental business in realtime Whether you manage a small fleet or run a largescale rental service Car Rental Booking Planner Pro is your allinone solution for efficient collaborative car rental booking and management Car Rental Booking Planner Pro and take your car rental business to the next level with smarter team collaboration and seamless client bookings Compare to others quotONETAPquot RESERVATION Tap any free mainboard cell add the name and the Planner will do all the rest SEND CONFIRMATION MESSAGES Send a friendly confirmation message by email WhatsApp or SMS to get their immediate feedback the thumbsup indication on the reservation palette for quotI confirmquot or thumbsdown for quotI declinequot DRAG AND DROP Quickly shift reservation palettes on the main board INVITE YOUR COWORKERS So they can log in and do almost everything except change the app39s Settings OFFLINE MODE On supported devices Even if no internet is available the planner will show you today39s and tomorrow39s activities WAITING LISTS Never miss a reservation the Planner will then suggest integration when possible RESERVATION HISTORY Keep track of all your reservations for any CRM uses RESERVATIONS FOR DAYS AHEAD Even a year ahead Planner remembers all MULTIVIEW SELECTOR Choose between daily weekly or monthly mainboard overview with smart zoomin and zoomout TAG VIP CLIENTS And on the contrary if there is NO SHOW will add it to a blacklist CONTACT LIST If needed easily fetch your contact list when opening a new reservation RESERVATION TAGS Attach a preset icon regarding what you must know about this reservation Visit planneraapp
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호