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Doctolib Pro

Nouveau L39application Doctolib Pro intgre dsormais la messagerie instantane Doctolib Team Notre mission faciliter la coordination des soins entre plus de 400 000 professionnels de sant en France via une messagerie instantane gratuite simple et scurise Vous ntes pas client Doctolib Lapplication Doctolib Pro est gratuite pour tous les professionnels de sant Tlchargez ds prsent lapplication pour accder gratuitement la messagerie instantane Doctolib Team Vous tes dj client Doctolib Accdez Doctolib Team mais aussi toutes les fonctionnalits de votre agenda tout moment o que vous soyez et en toute scurit Nous avons conu et nous dveloppons lapplication en collaboration avec des milliers de praticiens et secrtaires mdicales pour quelle rponde au mieux vos besoins Les raisons qui vous feront aimer notre application changez avec vos confrres sur la messagerie instantane Doctolib Team Crez des cas patient dans Doctolib Team et collaborez en temps rel avec l39quipe de soin Partagez des documents avec confrres et patients de manire 100 scurise Consultez vos agendas en un clin doeil Crez ou ditez des rendezvous en temps rel Grez vos absences et plages douverture en quelques clics Consultez des informations sur vos patients juste avant ou pendant vos rendezvous Amliorez la gestion de votre salle dattente et prvenez rapidement vos patients en cas de retard Recevez en temps rel des notifications lorsqu39un patient prend ou modifie un rendezvous Avec lapplication Doctolib Pro gardez tous vos services Doctolib dans la poche porte de main 24h/24 et 7j/7 Et en cas de perte ou de vol de votre mobile vous tes sr que vos donnes et celles de vos patients restent en scurit grce Touch ID et Face ID vous tes la seule personne pouvoir accder votre agenda Les messages et documents partags sur la messagerie Doctolib Team sont chiffrs de bout en bout seuls vous et votre destinataire pouvez y accder Doctolib en chiffres cest 150 000 praticiens qui utilisent Doctolib quotidiennement 400 000 professionnels de sant avec qui changer sur Doctolib Team 1 franais sur 2 qui gre ses rendezvous sur notre site 96 des patients qui nous recommandent leurs proches 2 400 personnes entirement ddies votre satisfaction Rejoignez sans plus attendre notre communaut de 135 000 praticiens pour vous faciliter la vie conomiser du temps de secrtariat mieux vous coordonner avec vos confrres ou dvelopper votre patientle Disponible gratuitement pour une liste dfinie de professionnels de sant mdicaux et paramdicaux possdant un numro RPPS ou ADELI
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PulsePoint Respond

PulsePoint Respond is a 911connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when CPR is needed nearby PulsePoint helps create an informed and engaged community that drives a Culture of Action a key strategy in strengthening the Chain of Survival for cardiac arrest victims In addition to nearby CPRneeded notifications you can choose to be notified of significant events that may impact you and your family These informational notifications provide an early headsup to local threats such as wildland fires flooding and utility emergencies You can even monitor live dispatch radio traffic for most PulsePointconnected communities with a simple tap on the speaker icon PulsePoint currently provides coverage for thousands of cities and communities with many more on the way For more information visit pulsepointorg contact us at infopulsepointorg or join the conversation at Facebook and Twitter PulsePoint not yet available in your community Although we are working hard to make public safety agencies aware of PulsePoint you can help by expressing interest to your local fire chief EMS official and elected officials such as your mayor council member or supervisor A simple note phone call or public meeting comment would ensure that they are aware of PulsePoint We have found that City Hall does listen and is quite willing to bring PulsePoint to the community PulsePoint is a 501c3 public nonprofit foundation
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MaNaDr for Patient

YOU are the reason for the MaNaDr app This app is your link to your trusted doctor You can book appointments and chat with YOUR doctor rather than a random doctor that you are unsure of You will be able to book appointments for your family and friends with your trusted doctor You will be able to schedule home care visits with your doctor and his/her trusted providers Soon you will also be able to buy products that your doctor has curated and screened for you The key is TRUST Appointment bookings are secure and in realtime Your trusted doctors available time slots can be viewed from the app and you can choose the date time and location to suit your convenience Booking can be done 24/7 anytime anywhere You will receive reminders of your upcoming appointments and can view previous appointments Reschedule or cancel your appointments through the app within specified time limits Chat with your trusted doctor Maybe you have a quick question that doesnt need a trip down to the doctor Your trusted doctor knows you and your medical history He or she will be the best person to give you advice With MaNaDr you can quickly open a chat or a video consult with your trusted doctor At the end of the chat get a summary report from your doctor Need a home visit Not just a doctors visit but perhaps for nursing care physiotherapy or other home care services Look for your trusted doctors home care provider and book an appointment directly Children and the elderly without mobile devices are not left out Add them as your family or friends and book appointments on their behalf MaNaDr aims to be the one app for you and your familys healthcare needs from infancy to the golden years For now we connect you to your trusted healthcare provider but there will be much more to come Stay tuned Your healthcare data is secure All communication between the mobile apps and our servers is secured by 256bit SSL This app is currently applicable only in Singapore Malaysia and Australia
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Shoppers Drug Mart

Designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle the Shoppers Drug Mart App helps Canadians conveniently shop for beauty products and everyday essentials and manage prescriptions in just a few taps Shop amp Savings Everyday living just got simpler Easily shop for life essentials and deliver them straight to your door Shop from an assortment of 1000s of everyday essentials Easily find instore inventory at your local Shoppers Drug Mart Earn and redeem PC Optimum points when you shop online amp instore Receive personalized exclusive PC Optimum offers Shop Beauty With over 400 beauty brands there39s something just for you and all your beauty needs Shop over 20000 beauty products at home or onthego Discover a wide variety of brands you know and love Quickly filter products by brand price skin type and more Virtually try on makeup to find your look right from your phone Pharmacy Securely manage refill or renew your prescriptions all in one place Manage and track the status of prescriptions for you and your family Easily request a refill or renewal for your prescriptions Receive refill and pickup reminders right on your phone Automatically refill all your prescriptions with one tap Submit your prescription online by photo Quick access to your prescription history Login with PCid PCid is your universal email login to access all your accounts across various Shoppers Drug Mart Inc and Loblaws Inc online platforms IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES AND CONSENT To understand current and future consumer interests and to improve and develop new products services programs promotions contests or events President39s Choice Services Inc may track and analyze your use of the application including offers viewed optout preferences clickthroughs and other use of features We may collect personal information and nonpersonal information electronically directly from you or through third parties For instance we may access personal information about you when you share information about yourself on social media networks and also when you interact with us electronically such as through our information technology systems websites email mobile applications social media properties or online advertising If you choose to download or use this application quotAppquot we may receive personal information and nonpersonal information about your current location and about your mobile device tablet or such browser such as unique identifier for your device Most devices tablets and browsers allow you to turn off the tracking of your location However if you do so you may not be able to use some of the app features
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Immer in Kontakt mit Ihrer Lieblingsapotheke Medikamente bequem zur Abholung in der Apotheke reservieren immer die nchste NotdienstApotheke finden Hausapotheke in der App auf dem Laufenden halten FEATURES Whlen Sie Ihre Lieblingsapotheke und bleiben Sie immer mit ihr in Kontakt ber den Chat Finden Sie mit der ApothekennotdienstSuche an jedem Ort in Deutschland die nchste NotdienstApotheke Finden Sie aktuelle Angebote und Rabatte und bestellen Sie Medikamente zur Abholung in Ihrer Lieblingsapotheke oder zur Lieferung vor Senden Sie Ihre Rezepte und ERezepte an Ihre VorOrtApotheke und bestellen ganz bequem und einfach Vereinbaren Sie VorOrt oder OnlineTermine bei Ihrer Lieblingsapotheke Verwalten Sie Ihre Hausapotheke in der App und planen Sie Medikamenteneinnahmen fr verschiedene Personen Erhalten Sie aktuelle News rund um Ihre Gesundheit ber die App GET STARTED Suchen und Speichern Sie Ihre Lieblingsapotheke und reservieren Sie Medikamente zur Abholung oder Lieferung Scannen Sie den Barcode Ihres Medikaments zu Hause ab und fgen Sie das Verfallsdatum hinzu So haben Sie den Stand Ihre Hausapotheke immer dabei Planen Sie die Einnahmen von Medikamenten und lassen Sie sich erinnern wann die nchste Einnahme fllig ist FEEDBACK amp SUPPORT Alle Fehlermeldungen und Verbesserungsvorschlge helfen uns weiter Wir freuen uns wenn Sie uns mit Ihrem Feedback dabei untersttzen die App noch besser zu machen Wenn Sie Fragen zur Bedienung haben helfen wir Ihnen gerne weiter appapothekende
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호