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Gebruikersvoorwaarden MedGemak is onderdeel van het patintenportaal MijnGezondheidnet MGn Voordat u kunt starten met de app dient u te beschikken over een account op MGn Zonder dit account kunt u zich niet registreren/aanmelden voor MedGemak Om een account aan te maken op MGn en vervolgens MedGemak te registreren dient uw huisarts en/of apotheek deze modules aan te bieden Informeer daarom bij uw zorgverlener of dat het geval is Wat is MedGemak MedGemak helpt u om op een betrouwbare en veilige manier van uw zorgzaken bij uw huisarts en/of apotheker te regelen Via uw smartphone heeft u inzicht in uw medicatieoverzicht en kunt u herhaalmedicatie bestellen bij uw zorgverlener Ook maakt u eenvoudig online een afspraak bij uw huisarts of stuurt u een bericht met bijlage naar uw zorgverlener Op een rij Wat kunt u doen met MedGemak Online medicatie bestellen Online afspraak maken Berichten sturen met bijlagen Ontvangen van pushberichten Handige medicijnwekker instellen Gepersonaliseerde geneesmiddelinformatie bijsluiter inzien De status van uw medicatiebestelling inzien Met de functionaliteit Moet Ik Naar De Dokter kunt u vragen doorlopen waaruit een advies wordt gevormd of u naar de dokter moet Let op de mogelijkheden die beschikbaar zijn in MedGemak zijn afhankelijk van wat uw zorgverlener voor u beschikbaar stelt Uw privacy staat voorop U koppelt MedGemak eenmalig via uw DigiD aan uw account op MijnGezondheidnet Daarna logt u telkens in met een 5cijferige code Niet voor spoed Gebruik MedGemak nooit voor urgente of spoedeisende gevallen U dient hiervoor de bekende spoednummers van uw zorgverlener huisarts of apotheek of de hulpdiensten te bellen MedGemak is een aanvulling op de communicatiemogelijkheden die u heeft met uw zorgverlener Het vervangt deze echter niet Vragen Bekijk de veel gestelde vragen op https//homemijngezondheidnet/veelgesteldevragen/ of de MedGemakpagina https//homemijngezondheidnet/medgemak/
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DVAGO - Pharmacy & Healthcare

Whats New Pakistans Most Trusted Pharmacy DVAGO offers 10000 Original and Temperature Control Medicines amp personal care products delivery within 1 hour in selected cities Our retail stores are currently available in Karachi Hyderabad Multan Bahawalpur Lahore Kasur Sahiwal and Burewala You can get nationwide delivery by Downloading our App amp avail instant Discounts DVAGO is a onestop healthcare APP that will give you access to browse 400 brands of medicines personal care medical appliances and consumer goods like snacks juices amp drinks With our new application we are offering A completely new and easy user interface has been introduced for improved Inshopping experience Performance of app is enhanced to deliver your online medicines more quickly Access to Talk to our Pharmacist feature has been introduced in case you need instant support in terms of medicines usage and dosage Timings of Pharmacist 9AM to 6PM Easier browsing of products and categories Available Products DVAGO online medicine amp healthcare App is in pursuit of changing the online community healthcare shopping seamless and quick It aims to make the process of online pharmacy shopping in Pakistan easy fast and reliable by maintaining a rich inventory of all the essential items and much more All the major product categories that are accessible through our online pharmacy app are as follows Medicine Baby amp Mother Care Personal Care OTC amp Health Needs Foods amp Beverages Nutrition amp Supplements Devices amp Appliances Hygiene amp Household How does DVAGO App work To place your online medicines order with DVAGO follow few simple steps below First download DVAGO Pharmacy amp Wellness app the installation only takes a few moments After installation you can begin browsing through our Medicines amp Consumer product categories Click on Add to Cart the product you decide to buy amp Click on Add to Cart Green Button Proceed to Check out Fill in your Name Contact amp Address details Choose your payment method cash on delivery or payment through card and finish placing your order Your products will be at your doorstep in the next 1 hour To avail bank discounts enter first 6 digits of your bank card in promo section to avail discount on medicines TampCs Apply DVAGO App Features Browse through thousands of products with multiple brands amp prices and choose products that suit your specific needs Get your products delivered to your doorstep within 1 hour of placing your order Pay online through bank card or use the cash on delivery option as per your own preference Enjoy discounts and deals on your favorite items You can also order medicines by uploading the prescription while ordering the medicine in DVAGO app You can also register complaints regarding the services and our dedicated team will support you in resolving your challenge Call us to talk to our customer services representative at 021111138246 03111138246 Payment Methods DVAGO offers easy payment options like cash on delivery online credit/debit bank card payments Trusted amp Authentic Medical Information DVAGO is Pakistans Most Trusted Pharmacy chain with 10000 medicines and consumer products available for you nationwide We are a change agent in Pakistan to lead community pharmacy concept by playing a responsible role to dispense out reliable trusted and authentic medical content with its sideeffects warnings and administration of medicine along with related information About DVAGO For all your complaints and queries call our customer services representative at 021111138246 03111138246
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QuickMD - Online Healthcare

Addiction Treatment suboxone Weight Loss medication and Urgent Care in the palm of your hand Instantly connect to a doctor by phone video or chat and get a prescription in minutes sent directly to your pharmacy Just 75 for an urgent care visit 99 for Suboxone Rx No hidden fees and no insurance needed We treat the most common urgent care complaints and provide Medication Assisted Treatment39 MAT with buprenorphine all from the convenience of your home Skip the waiting room and save time and money Your prescriptions or refills will be sent directly to your local pharmacy where they will usually be ready for pick up in minutes Additionally we can provide you with an official doctor39s note or return to work note and order most lab tests at your nearest LabCorp location Other features Choose to see an online doctor right away doctor on demand or book an appointment Open 7 days a week 100 confidential doctor app and video visit telehealth technology are HIPAA compliant Moneyback guarantee if we cannot help you your visit is free Ivyleague specialists we only hire toptier physicians all USlicensed Cheaper than other virtual doctor services with hidden subscription fees 30x cheaper than an average ER visit and more affordable than most urgent care clinics Choose between a consultation via video telephone or chatif permitted in your location Our toptrained live doctors can treat the majority of the most common urgent care complaints including opioid addiction teleMAT via telemedicine Prescription Refills up to 3 months Buprenorphine/Suboxone MAT Doctors Notes and Fit to Fly Notes Common Cold Mild Asthma Fevers Flu Influenza Vomiting Diarrhea / Constipation Sore Throat and Strep Throat Stomach upset Ear Pain and Infections Bronchitis Sinusitis Skin Problems and Rashes Hives Erectile Dysfunction ED Bites and Stings Lice Uncomplicated migraines Urinary Tract Infection UTI Male Pattern Hair Loss Alopecia Hypertension GERD HIV Prophylaxis Acne Allergies Pink Eye STD Treatment Gonorrhea/Chlamydia/Syphilis Travel Prescriptions eg Malaria Prophylaxis Vaginitis BV and more Here some examples of medications our doctors may prescribe or refill Suboxone buprenorphine PrEP Truvada Synthroid levothyroxine Crestor rosuvastatin Ventolin albuterol Viagra sildenafil Nexium esomeprazole Advair Diskus fluticasone Lyrica pregabalin Spiriva tiotropium Januvia sitagliptin Zofran ondansetron Lipitor atorvastatin Prinivil lisinopril Prisolec omeprazole Glucophage metformin Norvasc amlodipine Zocor simvastatin Lopressor metoprolol Cozaar Losartan Hydrochlorothiazide Lasix furosemide Neurontin gabapentin Prednisone Zoloft sertraline Flomax tamsulosin Carvedilol Coreg Oleptro Trazodone Antibiotics eg Amoxicillin Keflex Ciprofloxacin buprenorphine Suboxone as part of medicationassisted treatment MAT and more Please note that our online doctors cannot prescribe highrisk prescription drugs via telemedicine eg controlled substances with the exception of Suboxone and can only prescribe medications when it is safe to do so If we cannot help you get a refund a refund can only be requested if no prescription or doctor39s note was provided If you are unsure if we can take care of your problem send us a message go to our quickmd website or call us at 18888QUICKMD
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RemoteLink 2

RemoteLink 2는 보청기에 대해 세심하면서 향상된 제어 기능을 제공합니다 따라서 어떤 환경에서든 청취 경험을 원하는 대로 설정할 수 있고 보청기를 분실한 경우 보청기를 찾을 수 있으며 필요할 때 청력 관리 전문가로부터 원격 지원을 받는 등 다양한 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다 특정 앱 기능을 이용하려면 특정 보청기 모델 또는 펌웨어 업데이트가 필요할 수 있습니다 펌웨어 업데이트와 관련하여 도움이 필요할 경우 보청기 전문가에게 문의하십시오 RemoteLink 2를 이용하면 다음을 할 수 있습니다 보청기 볼륨 및 다양한 설정 조정예 원격 마이크 소음 제거 사운드 및 스트리밍 이퀄라이저 다양한 청취 상황에 따라 사전 정의된 프로그램 간을 전환 배터리 잔량 모니터링 분실한 경우 보청기를 찾을 수 있도록 지원 SpeechBooster를 사용해 배경 소음을 제거하고 대화에 집중해야 할 때 음성을 향상시킴 사운드 이퀄라이저를 사용해 주변 소리를 원하는 대로 맞춤 설정 MyDailyHearing 기능을 이용해 보청기 착용 시간 목표를 설정하고 추적 개인별 맞춤 청취 경험을 위해 스트리밍 이퀄라이저 사용 청력 관리 전문가와 실시간 영상 통화를 통해 가정에서 편안하게 보청기를 조정하고 상담을 받을 수 있음 보청기에 페어링된 무선 액세서리 취급 여러 TV 어댑터 또는 기기예 EduMic ConnectClip를 스트리밍에 사용하거나 원격 마이크로 사용 가능
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AI 피부과 피부 스캐너: 건강상태 자가진단 및 미용

피부 건강 관리를 위한 AI 피부 스캐너 Skinive AI Skin Scanner Skinive AI는 피부 건강을 스마트폰 사진과 인공지능AI 기술로 모니터링하여 위험한 피부 문제를 식별하고 피부 상태를 추적하는 앱입니다 피부과 전문가들이 신뢰하는 Skinive는 즉각적인 자가진단과 위험 평가 맞춤형 피부 관리 조언을 24시간 제공하여 피부 건강과 미용을 지켜줍니다 Skinive Scaner 주요 기능 1 건강한 피부 유지 지원 여드름 피부 암 습진 피부 질환 등을 포함한 다양한 피부 문제를 검사할 수 있습니다 진료 2 스마트폰으로 간편하게 피부 상태를 진단하고 자가진단 결과를 통해 피부 건강을 관리하세요 3 AI 기반의 피부 진단 및 뷰티 스캐너 사진 한 장으로 정확한 피부 분석 결과를 제공합니다 Skinive Beauty scanner 의 차별화된 특징 피부암과 같은 심각한 피부 질환의 초기 징후를 분석합니다 자외선 노출로 인한 피부 손상까지 확인해보세요 여드름 습진 피부염 등 다양한 피부 문제를 진단하고 맞춤형 피부 관리 조언을 제공합니다 지속적인 사용으로 피부 변화를 추적하고 스킨케어 루틴을 맞춤 관리할 수 있습니다 Skinive AI skin scanner 는 신뢰할 수 있는 의료용 피부 스캐너입니다 Skinive 얼굴분석 는 CE 인증을 받은 피부과 앱으로 3000000회 이상의 피부 평가 및 위험 검사를 통해 피부 건강을 관리하고 있습니다 피부암 진단을 포함해 300000건 이상의 피부 질환을 조기에 발견하는 데 기여했습니다 및 기타 피부질환 Skinive는 피부과 전문의를 대체할 수 있나요 Skinive dermatology scanner 는 사전 진단 도구로 피부톤 최종 진단이나 치료를 제공하지 않습니다 그러나 집에서 자가 검사를 통해 피부 상태를 파악하고 필요한 경우 피부과 전문의 방문을 권장합니다 피부에 변화가 생기거나 이상이 느껴지면 즉시 전문가에게 상담받는 것이 좋습니다 dermatologist 무료 기능 및 프리미엄 구독 혜택 Skinive 스캐너 스킨 는 기본 기능을 무료로 제공하며 프리미엄 구독으로 무제한 진단 광고 제거 AI 카메라 및 고급 기능을 제공합니다 구독료는 사회적 기여로 더 건강하고 안전한 세상을 만들기 위한 Skinive의 사명에 동참하게 됩니다 지금 다운로드하고 피부 건강을 지켜보세요 피부미용 피부암 습진 여드름 등 피부 질환을 예방하고 더 건강하고 아름다운 피부를 유지하세요 Skinive는 안전하고 간편한 자가진단 및 피부 관리 솔루션을 제공합니다 웹사이트 wwwSkinivecom 문의 supportskinivecom Use skin symptom checker dermatology app to protect from eczema psoriasis acne for your skin health amp beauty
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호