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Turning Point Ministries

The Official Turning Point App Introducing TurningPoint the next step in our digital ministry Gain instant ondemand access to over 1200 Biblestrong messages and more Recently redesigned the Turning Point app is one of the best ways to connect with the ministry of Dr David Jeremiah Now you can watch and listen to Dr Jeremiah39s messages offline and save your phone data The updated app features a customized and streamlined experience where you can read daily devotionals with the correlating Scripture enjoy video and audio messages and catch up on all the latest Bible Study articles and ministry newsdirectly from the app Bible Strong Partners also have access to their exclusive benefits through the updated Turning Point app App features Watch television broadcasts by downloading or streaming Listen to radio broadcasts by downloading or streaming Access daily devotionals Catch up on all the latest Bible study articles and news from Dr Jeremiah Additional features for TurningPoint subscribers Stream or download more than 40 years of Biblestrong messages the deepest archive of messages we39ve ever made available Access a deeper archive of radio and television messages OnDemand access to an extended library of additional teaching series Manage key account information directly from the app Watch your library of digital audio and video messages in the app Note WiFi internet is required for noncellular network connected devices data usage rates may apply when connected to a cellular carrier network A higher star rating of our app will allow more people to experience sound Bible teaching About Us As the broadcast ministry of Dr David Jeremiah Turning Point39s mission is to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an everchanging world through sound Bible teaching We are dedicated to strengthening the spiritual walk of our viewers and listeners by providing Bible Strong print audio and video Bible study resources For more information about Turning Point please visit wwwDavidJeremiahorg Privacy Policy https//turningpointplusorg/privacyoriginmobileapp Terms amp Conditions https//turningpointplusorg/termsoriginmobileapp
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MIIA Colombia

MIIA se ha creado con la visin de transformar completamente el bienestar de las mascotas Esta innovadora solucin se basa en dos ideas de negocio fundamentales En primer lugar busca proporcionar la mejor cobertura de salud para el cuidado integral de las mascotas En segundo lugar MIIA permite a los usuarios acceder a conectividad social y tecnologa innovadora en Colombia mediante un microchip integrado en el collar del perro Este microchip puede ser ledo por cualquier dispositivo con tecnologa NFC permitiendo identificar al animal y recopilar tanto la informacin de la mascota como los detalles de contacto del dueo en caso de prdida Nuestro producto se basa en tres plataformas clave una landing page para que los usuarios conozcan los servicios y planes de MIIA un cotizador que ayuda a los usuarios a seleccionar el mejor plan y una pasarela de pagos para finalizar el proceso de compra Adems contamos con un backoffice que permite a la administracin de MIIA gestionar usuarios Finalmente para los usuarios finales ofrecemos una aplicacin mvil completa Con esta app los usuarios pueden configurar el chip de ltima generacin de sus mascotas activar el estado de prdida que se actualizar automticamente en la landing del chip ver el historial de lecturas del chip recibir notificaciones y recordatorios sobre vacunacin y desparasitacin y acceder a sus datos de mascotas centralizados Estas funcionalidades ofrecen una experiencia completa e integrada para los dueos de mascotas todo en un solo lugar
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ТРК Сити Молл

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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호