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Eine zeitgeme und patientenorientierte Kommunikation wird durch das Patientenportal ermglicht Es schafft die technischen Voraussetzungen fr eine deutliche Vereinfachung klinikinterner Ablufe indem bisher papierbasierte Vorgnge umfassend digitalisiert werden Barrierefreiheit und Mehrsprachigkeit gt 70 Sprachen zeichnen das Patientenportal aus Die App bietet eine Vielzahl an Funktionen Patienteninformationen Wichtige Informationen fr den Aufenthalt Checklisten Anreiseinformationen Hygieneregeln Hausordnung Ansprechpartner amp Telefonnummern Lageplne Speisenauswahl Einfache Auswahl der Speisen ganz ohne Papier Terminbersicht Den Terminplan fr Therapie amp Diagnostik immer dabei Aktuell und bersichtlich mit Tipps zur Vorbereitung Freie Veranstaltungen ber das freiwillige Tages und Wochenprogramm informieren Walkinggruppe Yoga oder Vortrag direkt online einbuchen Anamnesebgen Bgen zu Gesundheitsfragen digital ausfllen Upload von Dokumenten Arztbericht Befund oder Diagnostik Dokumente direkt online hochladen Meinungsumfragen An digitalen Befragungen teilnehmen Patientenfoto Ein Foto in der App fr die persnliche Begrung Integration von Medien Untersttzung von Videos amp Anleitungen fr die Therapie und Nachsorge Medikation Informationen ber Medikamente und den Einnahmezeitpunkt erhalten Benachrichtigungen Push ber Neuheiten und nderungen informiert werden Digitaler Reisefhrer Auskunft ber Sehenswrdigkeiten Ausge Events Kino und Theater in der Umgebung Magazine amp Zeitschriften Eine Auswahl an Tageszeitungen Magazinen und Zeitschriften digital als EPaper Datenschutz amp Sicherheit DSGVO auf Knopfdruck akzeptieren Hinweis Bereitgestellte Funktionen werden von der Klinik zur Verfgung gestellt und variieren je nach Einrichtung
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Introducing Gocare Transform Your Steps into Rewards Welcome to Gocare the innovative step tracker that motivates your journey towards better health by transforming your steps into Care points These points are not just numbers they39re a versatile currency that unlocks a world of services and experiences tailored just for you Why Gocare Gocare isn39t just an app it39s a lifestyle enhancer designed to keep you active engaged and healthy By tracking your daily steps engaging in friendly challenges and accumulating Care points you unlock a treasure trove of exclusive offers exciting prizes and valuable discounts Whether you39re on a solo fitness journey or competing with friends and family Gocare adds that extra layer of fun and fulfillment to your daily activities Privacy Our Top Priority We understand the importance of privacy and security With Gocare rest assured that your data is treated with the utmost confidentiality Your personal information stays private secure and exclusively yours always Device Compatibility amp Language Support Gocare is accessible to a wide audience requiring Android 80 or later and offers multilingual support in Mongolian Russian and English making it your perfect global fitness companion App Permissions To ensure a seamless and integrated experience Gocare requires the following permissions Phone Verification of your email and phone number during signup Optional Permissions Location Enhances the app39s tracking capabilities for exercises and steps and enables route mapping for outdoor activities Camera Allows for quick QR code scanning to effortlessly add friends Physical Activity Empowers the app to accurately count your steps and detect workout sessions Dive into a world where fitness meets fun and rewards Download Gocare today and embark on a path to a healthier more joyful life Let every step you take be a step towards wellness excitement and a wealth of rewarding experiences
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Rally Coach™

Take small steps toward big health improvements with the Rally Coach app Our app has programs for weight loss quitting tobacco diabetes prevention diabetes management and wellness coaching Real Appeal Weight is proven to help you achieve real and lasting results Youll get all the tools you need to reach and maintain a healthy weight like weekly online live coaching sessions and anytime anywhere coach messaging Plus trackers for food activity weight and more to help you live a healthier life Included are separate tracks to help prevent and manage diabetes for you to share listen to and learn more about diabetes to live healthier Quit For Life helps you to quit tobacco using proven tools and strategies Quit for good with live coaches who develop and guide through personalized quit plans Access videos articles text support and more anytime anywhere and stay on track with nicotine replacement therapy like gum and patches delivered right to your door Now featuring enhanced tracks to fit your unique needs Digital Wellness Coaching provides the tools strategies and live coaching for some programs to tackle everyday challenges from eating smarter to financial wellbeing Everyday life is tricky to navigate but this program includes the tools to make life easier Download now Programs and some features on Rally Coach are available to eligible program participants Check with your employer or health care provider to learn which programs are available to you
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TopTreino ficha de treino

Aplicativo leve e gratuito para substituir a ficha de treino da Academia Fcil e prtico para inserir e editar os treinos Opo para compartilhar treinos com os outros usurios Exibe o peso total sries x repeties x peso levantado de cada exerccio e tambm o peso total do treino pra voc ter uma ideia do tamanho do seu esforo Com opo para tirar fotos para inserir nos exerccios ou escolher da galeria com edio de nome e tipo/grupo peso sries e repeties dos treinos alm de anotaes tornando assim o exerccio totalmente editvel Timer ajustvel com contagem de sries e intervalos de descanso entre sries e tambm com alarme no incio e fim de cada srie Opo para cadastrar timers nos exerccios com 10 timers editveis para escolher Exerccios padro com fotos em 3D de 120 tipos de exerccios divididos em 8 categorias Peito Trceps Ombros Pernas Costas Bceps Abdominais e Outros Voc pode cadastrar quantos treinos forem necessrios para guardar todos os seus exerccios com opo para renomear os treinos e editar sua exibio Todos os tipos de grupos musculares podem ser misturados em um treino para guardar o seu treino completo em um s lugar Clculo de IMC com grfico de evoluo e lista de registros Tela com os registros do peso total de todos os seus treinos Agenda de treinos Cadastro de medidas corporais e foto e tambm opo para comparar a evoluo Com caixas de seleo nos exerccios para voc ir marcando os treinos completados e um boto para limpar todas as caixas para iniciar um novo treino Opo para alternar os exerccios e os treinos de posio Com numerao por exerccio e exibio do total de exerccios Opo para selecionar e copiar os exerccios de um treino para outro facilitando o preenchimento dos treinos para quem repete o mesmo treino na semana Tenha seu treino de musculao sempre mo na hora que quiser O App necessita das seguintes permisses de acesso permisso para acessar a Cmera para tirar fotos permisso para acessar a galeria para poder escolher fotos da galeria para utilizar no App
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호