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The Ken

Experience powerful business journalism that connects the dots with The Ken Asias pioneering media publication Read deeply reported original stories immersive podcasts rich infographics and sharp newsletters from some of the best reporters and writers in the region to understand not just the news but why its happening and what comes next Go ahead and subscribe to our toprate app Youll love it because it lets you Read our stories and newsletters on the go Browse search and save stories and newsletters you want to read while youre travelling commuting or on that flight even without an active internet connection Never encounter a paywall once you have a subscription Paywalled publications need you to be signed in all the time on your browser On our mobile app just login once and its there all the time We deeplink to our mobile app in all the emails we send so this gives you a seamless experience Flip through stunning visual stories about businesses Our infographics are as rich as the stories we write If you are short on time you can simply flip through our infographics and get the story Its perfect for those occasions when you want to visually understand businesses without having to read longform articles Browse and read transcripts of our widely loved podcasts A collection of original podcasts that cover the most interesting workplaces careers and business trends along with candid conversations with founders and business leaders Charting consistently on all major podcast platforms Interact with other subscribers Our community comprises some of the sharpest and most ambitious CXOs leaders executives and students Read their comments reply to them and join the debate All from your phone In addition subscribers can gift and unlock stories for nonsubscribers and personalise their reading experience with features such as dark mode adjustable font sizes and much more Havent made up your mind No problem You can still sign up and enjoy the free experience Subscription Access to The Ken requires a subscription You can purchase a subscription to The Ken via our app You can also sign up for free to experience our journalism and products What you get when you subscribe via our app Complete access to all our productsstories newsletters visual stories and podcasts Unlimited archive access Gift 10 premium stories per month and 5 subscriptions to your loved ones 3 Concurrent Sessions per subscription Device accessBrowser App Mobile iPad Priority access to new product offerings community features and events Daily morning emails and weekly recap emails Get alerts and notifications to stay updated Payment and auto renewal terms If you subscribe to The Ken via this app payment will be charged by Google to your PlayStore Account at confirmation of purchase Your subscription will get automatically renewed unless it is cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period To cancel please turn off autorenew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period You can turn off autorenew at any time from your PlayStore account settings Cancellation takes effect at the end of the current billing period Terms of Use Privacy Policy The Ken https//thekencom/privacypolicy/ Terms and Conditions The Ken https//thekencom/termsandconditions/ Playstore Terms and Conditions https//playgooglecom/intl/enUSus/about/playterms/indexhtml If you have any questions or feedback just email supportthekencom
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Kannada ePaper App - News App

Kannada News Papers App All Kannada ePaper App This Kannada NewsPaper app helps to browse and read all Kannada News Papers and Kannada ePaper in one place Read All Top Kannada News ePaper and News Papers in a single app Now you don39t need to bookmark the websites of your daily newspapers and ePapers All Kannada News Papers and Kannada EPaper App Read all Kannada newspapers and Daily ePaper 1 Kannada NewsPapers app contains all Daily Kannada Newspapers like Prajavani News Kannada Prabha News Udayvani News Vijay Karnataka News Vijaya Vani News Vishwa Vani News Sanjevani News and much more 2 Kannada NewsPapers app contains all Daily Kannada ePaper app like Karnataka Malla ePaper Prajavani ePaper Udayvani ePaper Vijaya Vani ePaper Vijay Karnataka ePaper Vishwa Vani ePaper Samyuktha Karnataka ePaper and much more 3 Kannada NewsPaper app contains all top Karnataka English News Papers like Hindustan Times Times of India Indian Express The Hindu Star of Mysore and much more Using this Kannada News App Using this Kannada ePaper App User can read all Daily Kannada ePapers in 1 app Using this Kannada Newspaper App User can read all Daily Kannada Newspapers in 1 App Using this Kannada News App User can read all Karnataka English News Papers in 1 App Using this Kannada News App User can read all Kannada epaper in Pdf View Main Attractions of this Kannada News App are Latest Kannada epaper Reading in Pdf View All Daily Kannada News Paper Reading in 1 app Features of this App Quick access to all Kannada ePaper App and Newspaper sites Easy to Read all Kannada epaper in Pdf View Download Feature Custom Web Search Easy to take Screenshots Regular ePaper Updates Lightweight Simple and Easy to Use Latest Web News amp ENews Updates Clean Fast and Very Fewer Ads Share ePapers and Kannada News with friends Top Level Karnataka Newspaper and ePaper sites are All Kannada News Paper in this app 1 Prajavani 2 Kannada Prabha 3 Udayvani 4 Vijay Karnataka 5 Vijaya Vani 6 Vishwa Vani 7 Samyuktha Karnataka 8 Sanjevani ENews 9 Praja Pragathi 10 Vartha Bharati 11 Kolara Vani 12 Sudharma Sanskrit 13 Suddi Moola 14 Ee Sanje 15 Janatha Vani 16 Karnataka Malla 17 Kannadamma 18 Kannada Dunia 19 One India ENews 20 Suvarna News Daily Kannada ePaper app are 1 Prajavani ePaper 2 Karnataka Malla ePaper 3 Udayvani ePaper 4 Vijay Karnataka ePaper 5 Vijaya Vani ePaper 6 Vishwa Vani ePaper 7 Samyuktha Karnataka ePaper 8 Sanjevani ePaper 9 Praja Pragathi ePaper 10 Vartha Bharati ePaper 11 Suddi Moola ePaper 12 Ee Sanje ePaper 13 Sudharma Sanskrit ePaper Daily English newspaper in this app 1 Times of India 2 The Hindu 3 Hindustan Times 4 Indian Express 5 Star of Mysore 6 Hans India 7 Deccan Chronicle 8 Bangalore Mirror 9 The Telegraph 10 Asian Age 11 Business Standard 12 The Tribune etc Disclaimer This app never collects user information Only the official websites of the respective News and Magazine site gets the details These thirdparty websites and apps have a separate and independent privacy policy and terms and conditions Please read their privacy policy carefully Infinitrix solution contact Infinitrixsolutiongmailcom
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Somedia E-Paper

Mit der Somedia EPaper App lesen Sie die digitale Originalausgabe Ihrer abonnierten Zeitung uneingeschrnkt und ohne zustzliche Kosten alle verfgbaren Titel siehe unten Ob zu Hause oder von unterwegs hier erhalten Sie die relevanten Nachrichten aus der Sdostschweiz und dem LinthGebiet auf einen Blick EPaper nutzen So funktionierts Wenn Sie noch kein Benutzerkonto haben registrieren Sie sich auf der Webseite Ihrer abonnierten Zeitung Im Anschluss knnen Sie sich in der App mit Ihrer EMail Adresse und Ihrem Passwort anmelden und die digitale Ausgabe Ihrer Zeitung uneingeschrnkt nutzen Lesen auch offline Beim Lesen haben Sie die Wahl zwischen dem Originallayout und einer fr mobile Gerte optimierten Leseansicht Im Bereich Meine Zeitung knnen Sie einzelne Ausgaben Ihrer Titel abspeichern um sie anschliessend auch ohne Internetverbindung lesen zu knnen Abendausgabe Alle Tageszeitungen knnen hier bereits am Vorabend der Publikation gelesen werden Sie finden die Ausgaben ab ca 2030 Uhr auf Ihrem Dashboard Die endgltige Version identisch zur gedruckten steht ab ca 2 Uhr nachts zur Verfgung Zustzliche Funktionen Blttern Sie durchs Archiv unsere Gratiszeitungen spannende Beilagen und Magazine oder nutzen Sie zustzliche Services rund um Ihr Abo wie beispielsweise Adressnderungen Lieferunterbrche oder Ferienumleitungen Kein Abo Wenn Sie noch kein Abo haben knnen Sie direkt in der App einzelne Ausgaben CHF 200 oder ein digitales Monatsabo CHF 2500 kaufen Die Abrechnung erfolgt ber Ihr Apple oder Google Konto Das Monatsabo verlngert sich automatisch Die automatische Verlngerung knnen Sie bis 24 Stunden vor Ende der Laufzeit in den AccountEinstellungen deaktivieren bersicht aller Titel Tageszeitungen Sdostschweiz Bndner Zeitung Sdostschweiz Glarner Nachrichten LinthZeitung Bndner Tagblatt La Quotidiana Wochenzeitungen Aroser Zeitung Davoser Zeitung Klosterser Zeitung Novitats Pschtli Ruinaulta Amtsblatt der Stadt Chur Fegl ufficial Surselva Obersee Nachrichten sowie GratisZeitungen oder Magazine zB Bndner Woche amp Glarner Woche zu finden unter Ausgaben
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호