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Mediately Databáze Léčiv

Pedstavujeme vm Kontrolu a een lkovch interakc nejdanj funkci aplikace mezi evropskmi lkai Mte pacienta kter bere vce lk a chcete jeho medikaci upravit nebo pidat nov lk A chcete mt jistotu e vte o ppadnch interakcch a stupni jejich zvanosti Nyn si mete lkov interakce zkontrolovat pmo v aplikaci Zadejte a 20 lk nebo innch ltek a zobraz se vm potenciln interakce jejich zvanost a monosti jak je eit Meditately Databze Liv nabz relevantn podporu dky n se mete rozhodovat informovan Jak tedy mete Mediately vyut ve sv praxi Lte pacienta s hypertenz a gastroezofagelnm refluxem Nedvno se u nj navc objevila atypick pneumonie Pacient uv perindopril lerkanidipin a pantoprazol Zvaujete e byste mu pedepsal/a jet klarithromycin ale nevte pesn jak by v danm ppad mohly vzniknout interakce Proto jednodue zadte vechny lky do aplikace a uvidte e klarithromycin me zpsobit zvanou interakci s lerkanidipinem a e tto kombinace byste se ml/a vyvarovat Aplikace vm doporu i alternativy jak situaci eit take se budete moci rozhodnout pro azitromycin A bhem pr dn by se pacient ml ctit mnohem lpe S aplikac mete snadno vyhledvat v offline registru liv s vce ne 10000 lky a mt bezprostedn pstup k interaktivnm klinickm nstrojm a dvkovacm kalkultorm 1 Zskejte informace o vce ne 10000 lcch U kadho lku si mete zobrazit podrobn tyto informace Zkladn informace o lku inn ltka sloen lkov forma tda informace o hrad lku ze systmu veejnho zdravotnho pojitn Dleit informace ze Souhrnu daj o ppravku SPC indikace dvkovn kontraindikace interakce vedlej inky pedvkovn atd ATC klasifikace a podobn lky Balen a ceny Pstup k pln verzi SPC v PDF formtu nutn internetov pipojen 2 Vyhledvejte v irok nabdce interaktivnch diagnostickch nstroj Spolu s kompletn databz lk aplikace obsahuje adu interaktivnch klinickch nstroj a dvkovacch kalkultor kter vyuijete ve va kadodenn praxi CHA2DS2VASc Score for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk skrovac systm pro stratifikaci rizika CMP u pacient s fibrilac sn GCS Glasgow Coma Scale kla hodnotc kvantitativn poruchu vdom u dosplch GFR odhad glomerulrn filtrace podle rovnice MDRD HASBLED skrovac systm pro stanoven rizika zvanho krvcen u pacient s fibrilac sn MELD Model for EndStage Liver Disease skrovac systm pouvan k hodnocen zvanosti chronickch onemocnn jater PERC skre Pulmonary Embolism Ruleout Criteria skrovac systm kritri pro vylouen plicn embolie Wellsova kritria pro plicn embolii Podvejte se jak vm mohou klinick nstroje a kalkulaky dvkovn ulehit prci Pedstavte si nsledujc situaci Lka m v ambulanci pacienta s komunitn pneumoni Rozhodne se lit ho kombinac amoxicilinu a kyseliny klavulanov Nyn mus vypotat sprvn dvkovn Nemus to ale dlat run ani pout hrub odhad Msto toho si vythne mobil klikne na nstroj v aplikaci uren k vpotu dvkovn amoxicilinu a kyseliny klavulanov zad pacientv vk vhu a zobraz se mu doporuen dvka 3 CME Continuous Medical Education Zlepete sv znalosti a zskejte kredity CME z pohodl domova nebo kancele Pette si lnek nebo se podvejte na video kter vs zajm Tmata jsou neustle aktualizovna aby vm pinela uiten poznatky z vaeho oboru 4 Indikan omezen a klasifikace MKN10 V aplikaci tak najdete mezinrodn klasifikaci nemoc MKN10 a ATC klasifikaci liv Tyto klasifikace pravideln aktualizujeme take nejnovj informace mte vdy s sebou Poznmka sti tto aplikace jsou ureny pro zdravotnick pracovnky jako nstroj pro podporu rozhodovn Nen uren pro pacienty a nenahrazuje doporuen lkae
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LifesaverSIM is a gamebased simulator for training lifesaving and casualty care skills on your mobile device Ideal for military and law enforcement personnel highrisk professionals civilians in danger zones and anyone keen to learn lifesaving skills We39ve made LifesaverSIM engaging convenient and easy to use for anyone Learn as you play Dive into immersive simulations to develop your cognitive skills in a dynamic gamelike environment Learn crucial techniques through interactive scenarios honing your abilities in real time Three difficulty levels Begin as a Recruit with stepbystep guidance then progress to Soldier and Commando levels which challenge your skills with strict time limits and minimal room for error Progressive skill development Begin with basic scenarios gradually moving to more complex tasks Your journey through simulation missions is shaped by your performance and newly acquired skills After Action Review Evaluate your performance based on completed actions errors and time efficiency A detailed action log provides insights and suggestions for improvement Access offline Once the app is installed and activated all content is available without an internet connection so you can train anytime anywhere In today39s world with ongoing military conflicts rising crime rates and unpredictable accidents consistent and continuous lifesaving skills training is essential for all Finding a professional instructor and dedicating time to regular exercises can be challenging LifesaverSIM addresses this by offering an intuitive and comprehensive learning solution LifesaverSIM introduces the first TCCC ASM course featuring training missions that range from basic to complex covering various conditions and injuries This course has been created in collaboration with expert instructors and validated by military veterans with years of experience in practice training and real combat operations The training campaign is aligned with TCCC guidelines and NATO standards and covers all the aspects of providing care on the battlefield Two phases of care Under Fire and Tactical Field Care Massive bleeding control assessing for unrecognized wounds limb tourniquet application wound packing and pressure bandage Airway management identifying and clearing obstructions opening the airway Respiration assessment and treating chest trauma applying and burping chest seal Shock recognition and hemorrhage control Hypothermia prevention and preevac procedures New Courses on the Horizon We39re expanding our course list to include essential training for everyone such as Stop the Bleed CPR and Basic Life Support Plus we39re developing advanced courses in tactical combat casualty care for those aiming to become Combat Lifesavers and Combat Medics Subscription details LifesaverSIM offers a limited number of training missions for free To get unlimited access you can subscribe on a monthly or sixmonth basis at a discounted rate Subscriptions automatically renew 24 hours before the end of the current period and your credit card will be charged If you change your mind you can cancel at any time in your store profile All Ukrainian citizens regardless of their location can access LifesaverSIM39s advanced features for free upon verification through the Diia app If you need help or have questions contact us at supportlifesaversimcom Download our app today and start learning and improving your lifesaving skills in an innovative and engaging way Prepare for situations where your actions could save lives
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Ich bin AOK NAVIDA Deine digitale Gesundheitsassistentin Ob Du gesund bleiben mchtest oder Untersttzung beim Gesundwerden brauchst ich bin immer fr Dich da Mit individuellen Gesundheitsangeboten Deiner AOK und ausgewhlten Partnern begleite ich Dich auf Deinem Weg zu einem gesnderen Alltag Zuverlssig Egal wann egal wo ich helfe Dir Dein Wohlbefinden zu strken Einfach Mit meiner intuitiven Bedienung findest Du mhelos den Weg zu einem gesnderen Alltag Sicher Deine Daten sind geschtzt denn fr mich steht Sicherheit an erster Stelle Gesundheit ist komplex aber sie muss nicht kompliziert sein mit AOK NAVIDA Lade mich jetzt herunter und entdecke wie ich Dich auf Deinem Weg zu einem gesnderen Leben untersttzen kann VORAUSSETZUNG Um die App in vollem Umfang nutzen zu knnen musst Du bei der AOK PLUS oder AOK BadenWrttemberg versichert sein Zustzlich bentigst Du Deine Zugangsdaten fr das Onlineportal Meine AOK Du hast noch keine Zugangsdaten Die Registrierung kannst Du bequem in der AOK NAVIDAApp vornehmen SICHERHEIT Deine Daten sind bestmglich geschtzt dazu ist die AOK als gesetzliche Krankenkasse verpflichtet Wenn Daten erhoben oder gespeichert werden erfolgt dies anonymisiert BARRIEREFREIHEIT Die AOK legt groen Wert auf eine mglichst barrierefreie Nutzung der App https//wwwaokde/pk/versichertenservice/appnavidabarrierefreiheit/ WEITERENTWICKLUNG Hilf mit AOK NAVIDA zu einer noch besseren App fr alle Fragen Wnsche und Bedrfnisse rund um Deine Gesundheit zu machen Sende mir Dein Feedback und Deine Anregungen SUPPORT Du hast noch Fragen Antworten findest Du auf https//wwwaokde/pk/versichertenservice/appnavidasupport/ Dir gefllt die App Dann hinterlasse doch eine positive Bewertung hier im Store
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VetGuide Medicina Veterinária

Um guia completo de suporte s decises clnicas mdicas veterinrias auxiliando no atendimento de animais de pequeno porte animais de produo e tambm animais silvestres O aplicativo possui mais de 3000 textos das diversas reas de atuao como por exemplo anlises clnicas doenas infecciosas cirurgia vacinas calculadoras nutrio e emergncia Alm disso o VetGuide oferece um bulrio com os principais medicamentos utilizados na prtica clnica facilitando seu diaadia H ainda uma seo especial para estudantes de medicina veterinria com questes comentadas atlas de histologia anatomia e outros temas Nossa misso contruibuir para uma medicina veterinria de excelncia com contedos precisos e de alta qualidade utilizando as melhores referncias bibliogrficas para te auxiliar na hora da tomada de deciso Todos os contedos so desenvolvidos por profissionais especialistas em cada rea trazendo segurana para voc Conte tambm com a funcionalidade de atualizao de contedo para adicionar novos contedos ao seu aplicativo E caso queira enviar dvidas ou sugestes acesse o recurso quotFale Conoscoquot no seu aplicativo Tenha mais agilidade consultando o VetGuide abra o app busque o tpico e tenha a resposta que precisa Fcil e rpido Facilidade para encontrar um contedo 100 Offline Veja os contedos mesmo sem internet Contedos simplificados direto ao ponto com imagens e vdeos Contedos sempre atualizados Constantemente nossa equipe revisa e inclui novos contedos PLANO DE ASSINATURA Plano Mensal autorrenovvel Valor R 2990/ms O cancelamento pode ser feito a qualquer momento Poltica de privacidade https//wwwvetguidecombr/privacidade Termos de uso https//wwwvetguidecombr/termos
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호