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FreePrints Fotodruck

Drucken Sie Ihre Fotos schnell einfach und GRATIS Bestellen Sie Ihre Fotos mit FreePrints der weltweit beliebtesten FotodruckApp bequem vom Handy und Tablets nach Hause GRATIS Jeden Monat schenken wir Ihnen 45 Fotoabzge in 10x15 cm das bedeutet 500 kostenlose Abzge pro Jahr Einfach so kein Abo und keine Verpflichtungen Sie bezahlen lediglich den geringen Versand FreePrints im berblick Jeden Monat 45 gratis Fotoabzge in 10x15 cm bis zu 500 Stck pro Jahr Zustzliche Fotoabzge in 10x15 cm kosten nur 011 pro Foto Es sind weitere Formate von 13x13 cm bis 76x100 cm erhltlich Wahl zwischen mattem und glnzendem PremiumFotopapier Versandkosten ab 199 und nie mehr als 599 egal wie gro Ihre Bestellung ist Vollstndige Preisangaben finden Sie auf unserer Website FreePrintsAppde Erhalten Sie Ihre Fotos ganz einfach ffnen Sie die FreePrintsApp und whlen Sie Ihre Lieblingsfotos direkt vom Smartphone Facebook Dropbox Google Drive und mehr aus Whlen Sie Ihr gewnschtes Format die Anzahl der Bilder und favorisieren Sie glnzendes oder mattes PremiumFotopapier Sie erhalten Ihre Fotodrucke innerhalb kurzer Zeit nach Hause geliefert Qualittsversprechen Damit Sie lange Freude an Ihren wertvollen Erinnerungen haben gehen wir bei der Qualitt keine Kompromisse ein Bedingungslose Zufriedenheitsgarantie FreePrints ist die beliebteste FotodruckApp der Welt Unsere Nutzer lieben FreePrints und wir sind sicher dass Sie auch begeistert sein werden Und wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zu 100 mit Ihren Fotoabzgen zufrieden sind drucken wir Ihre Fotos gerne neu oder erstatten Ihnen die Versandkosten vollstndig zurck Nicht verpassen Sind Sie auch ein Fan von Fotobchern Mit der FreePrints PhotobooksApp knnen Sie genauso schnell und bequem Ihr eigenes Fotobuch am Handy und Tablets gestalten und bestellen Wir schenken Ihnen jeden Monat ein Fotobuch im Format 15x20 cm mit 20 Seiten Sie zahlen lediglich eine geringe Versandgebhr Kein Abo Keine Verpflichtungen FreePrints ist ein Mitglied der wachsenden FreePrintsFamilie von mobilen Apps die sich darauf spezialisiert haben personalisierte Fotoprodukte schnell einfach und kostengnstig herzustellen Weitere Details gibt es in unserer Datenschutzerklrung Wir speichern Ihre Fotos in bereinstimmung mit unseren Nutzungsbedingungen so dass Sie diese in Zukunft fr andere Bestellungen mit FreePrints oder unseren anderen Apps verwenden knnen wenn Sie dies wnschen Ihre Fotos bleiben immer Ihre Fotos nur Sie haben Zugriff darauf Und wir verwenden erstklassige Sicherheitslsungen um sicherzustellen dass Ihre Fotos immer geschtzt sind Weitere Details gibt es in unserer Datenschutzerklrung FreePrints ist ein Mitglied der wachsenden FreePrintsFamilie von mobilen Apps die sich darauf spezialisiert haben personalisierte Fotoprodukte schnell einfach und kostengnstig herzustellen Copyright 20122023 PlanetArt LLC Alle Rechte vorbehalten FreePrints und das FreePrintsLogo sind Marken von PlanetArt LLC
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TikiCam: 프로 HD 뷰티 카메라

TikiCam Pro HD 뷰티 카메라는 사용자가 원할 때 언제든지 더 나은 고품질 사진을 찍을 수 있도록 하는 수많은 기능을 제공합니다 얼굴 인식 색상 효과 장면 모드 화이트 밸런스 노출 보정 버스트 모드 등을 갖춘 Android용 HD 팬시 카메라에는 사진을 편집하고 구성할 수 있는 도구가 가득합니다 체중에 따른 얼굴 편집 운동 계획이 얼굴에 효과를 보여줄 때까지 기다릴 필요가 없습니다 우리의 혁신적인 얼굴 편집 기능은 체중 선호도에 따라 얼굴 구조를 동적으로 조정합니다 더 날씬해 보이거나 더 통통해 보이세요 선택은 당신의 몫입니다 원숭이 가면 Tiki Change Background Collart 앱의 원숭이 마스크 기능으로 재미있게 놀아보세요 당신이 재미있는 것을 목표로 하든 그저 좋고 깔끔한 재미를 목표로 하든 이 기능은 당신을 파티의 삶으로 바꿔줄 것입니다 노화 필터 나이가 들면 어떤 모습이 될지 궁금하시죠 우리의 노화 필터는 미래를 향한 매혹적인 여행으로 여러분을 안내하며 여러분의 나이 많은 모습을 사실적으로 묘사합니다 사진 배경 체인저 흐릿한 배경 때문에 고민하시나요 사진 배경을 쉽게 바꾸세요 배경 erer라고도 알려진 사진 배경 편집기를 사용하면 사진 배경을 쉽게 교체하거나 수정할 수 있습니다 배경 제거 앱 배경 지우개 변경 앱 덕분에 이상적이지 않은 설정으로 인해 완벽한 사진이 망가지는 것에 대해 더 이상 걱정할 필요가 없습니다 네온 셀카 편집자 Neon Selfie Editor로 셀카에 트렌디하고 미래지향적인 느낌을 더해보세요 눈부신 색상과 야광 효과로 평범함을 뛰어넘어 이전과는 다른 빛나는 광채를 선사하세요 헤어스타일 체인저 이 기능을 사용하면 다양한 헤어스타일을 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다 급진적인 변화를 원하시든 미묘한 변화를 원하시든 저희가 도와드리겠습니다 필터로 흐리게 하기 DSLR 카메라360 사진에서 볼 수 있는 전문적인 보케 효과를 얻으세요 필터를 사용한 흐림 효과를 사용하면 전문 카메라 360으로 촬영한 것처럼 사진을 찍을 수 있는 피사계 심도 효과를 만들 수 있습니다 카메라 기능 TikiCam은 다양한 카메라의 장점을 결합하여 비교할 수 없는 사진 편집 경험을 제공합니다 우리의 카메라 기능은 고품질 사진을 보장하는 반면 프로 카메라 모드는 복잡한 설정을 제어할 수 있게 하여 TikiCam을 귀하의 모든 사진 요구 사항을 충족시키는 강력한 카메라 앱으로 만듭니다 TikiCam으로 셀카의 레벨을 높이세요 앱 사진 배경 확장기 고품질의 사용하기 쉬운 사진 앱의 카메라 변경 배경을 다운로드하여 사용해 보세요 너무 많은 카메라와 사진 편집 앱을 사용하면 휴대폰 메모리가 꽤 무거워질 수 있으므로 dispo HD Camera Pro와 같은 앱을 설치하는 것이 더 좋습니다 이를 통해 고품질 사진을 찍을 수 있으며 나중에 강력한 사진 편집 소프트웨어에 필적할 수 있는 편집 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다 이 모든 작업은 동일한 앱에서 수행할 수 있습니다
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Once Upon | Photo Book Creator

Over 5 000 000 photo fans cant be wrong make fantastic photo books and photo prints easily right from your phone with Once Upon Create several books and prints simultaneously and work on them when it suits you Combining your special moments in a personal designed book has never been easier In just a few minutes youll let your pictures live beyond your phone Do it on the go or when relaxing at home How Once Upon works Choose up to 594 images from your phone tablet or computer Write a few captions optional Select from several predesigned layout alternatives Repeat as many times as you wish One book holds up to 200 pages OUR PHOTO BOOKS You select the format of your book once youve created your content We have three alternative formats Softcover Medium Hardcover Medium and Hardcover Large You can also choose to go with glossy or silk matte paper Softcover Medium 20x20 cm Hardcover Medium 20x20 cm album title printed on spine Hardcover Large 27x27 cm album title printed on spine OUR PHOTO PRINTS Get started on a collection made of highquality paper youll definitely want to keep Our prints are available in the 13x18 cm size and you can choose to make them in matte or glossy paper The format will adjust to either landscape or portrait depending on your photo OUR FEATURES Collaborative albums invite as many friends as you like Shuffle function to highlight your favourite layout Captions let you say a little something about every memory Draganddrop to arrange your pages in no time Copy spreads between your albums to keep multiple versions simple Easy image selection with dates sorted by month Google Photos connection and automatic iCloud sync storage we back your images and photo books up to our servers Scandinavian design Our photo books and photo prints are printed in Australia Germany the Netherlands Sweden the UK and the USA Questions or just want to say hi Grab us at happytohelponceuponse Get inspired by fellow photo book fans via our Instagram onceuponapp
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Magic Cut - Photo Editor

Magic Cut offers everything you want to edit pictures A host of stylish effects filters layouts texts custom fonts help you create an eyecatcher even if you39ve never edited a photo before With Magic Cut you can directly post your artworks to Instagram Snapchat WhatsApp Facebook etc Unclock your creativity and edit pictures like a pro 100 Filters for Pictures Gray Scale Mask Solar Sepia Sketch Adjust Brightness Contrast Saturation Hue Warmth Grain Sharpen Auto Fix Duo Tone Vignette Fill Light Black White Photo Collage Maker 100 collage layouts Remix up to 8 pictures into a photo collage instantly Just select several pictures Magic Cut instantly remix them into cool photo collage Photo Effects Fold Effect Glow Effect Slice Effect Panel Effect Shape Effect Motion Effect Smooth Effect Retouch Effect Driping Effect Color Lighting Change Objects Pop Out Effect Double Exposure Neon Glow Effect Glow Line Effect Transparent Objects KEY FEATURES Filters Collage maker More Powerful Effects Powerful and easy photo editing tools About our permissions Magic Cut asks for permissions quotREADEXTERNALSTORAGE WRITEEXTERNALSTORAGE CAMERAquot to read your photos so that we can edit save and take photos We do not use this permission for any other purpose Magic Cut deserves your try right away It is the simplest but the most useful photo effects editor With Magic Cut your moment will be as brilliant as an artwork If you have any problems or suggestions feel free to let us know Email tienductrinhgmailcom
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FreePrints Cards

Show them you care without the cost Send real oneofakind cards without a trip to the shops And do it for next to nothing Now FreePrints the UKs no 1 photo printing service has introduced the only app that gives you one Standard Card every month for free Choose from a stunning collection of customisable designs for every occasion Then personalise the message and add a favourite photo Well print and deliver to your lucky recipients letterbox You just pay for delivery And now you can let us do the writing with our newest feature MagicMessage Just tell us their name the occasion and any other detail youd like and watch the magic happen Make your cards even more personal with our NEW RealScript technology Choose from real handwriting options to address your cards and envelopes in true pentopaper style Our Standard Cards are 7 x 5 18x13cm and printed on premium card paper with a beautiful gloss laminate You create We deliver Order today for delivery in just a few days Well send the card directly to the lucky recipient or to you for handdelivery You can even send to international destinations for a small additional charge or easily schedule your card for delivery at a later date Why not make it Premium Easily upgrade to a folded Premium Card for more space for your message and photos Well print your premium card on a 7 x 5 card with a luxurious glossy exterior and post it in a beautiful stamped envelope Want to make an even bigger impression Upgrade to our big and bold Jumbo card This folded 10x7 glossy card is available for only a very small upcharge Card Packs also available Looking for invitations for your next soire or to announce a new baby or wish them all a Happy Christmas Our Card Packs are the perfect way to buy multiple Premium Cards Customisable cards for every occasion Thank You Birthdays Valentines Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Christmas Grandparents Babies Weddings Graduations Travel Invitations Anniversary amp Love Thinking of You Get Well Soon Congratulations Or just because Heres how it works What do I get for free One Standard Card What do I pay for Delivery 165 additional charge for international destinations Additional cards and upgrades And as with all FreePrints services there are no subscriptions and no commitments We hope youll find yourself coming back month after month to send the very best cards to family and friends for all of your most important events and celebrationsor just to say hello With an average rating of 5 stars our customers show us how much they truly love FreePrints Cards SATISFACTION GUARANTEE You are going to love FreePrints Cards We guarantee it One card and you39ll be hooked And your recipient will love your personalised greeting just as much In fact we guarantee that every card you make will be perfect or your money back ABOUT FREEPRINTS FreePrints Cards is a member of the growing FreePrints family of mobile apps each dedicated to designing personalised products quickly easily and affordably The popular original FreePrints app gives you 500 free 6x4 photo prints a year FreePrints Photobooks gives you a free photo book every month FreePrints Photo Tiles gives you free wall dcor every month And now FreePrints Cards takes the cost out of sending greetings by giving you a FREE Standard Card every month You pay only for delivery Were glad youre here and we believe youll find our apps products and services to be the very best in the world We hope you enjoy using FreePrints Cards Copyright 20122024 PlanetArt LLC All rights reserved FreePrints FreePrints Cards and the FreePrints Cards logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of PlanetArt LLC
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Heic Image Viewer :Heic to jpg

What are HEIC/HEIF Images A HEIC photo HEIC image file is a raster image saved in the High Efficiency Image Format HEIF HEIC files are image file format used by Apple Ios across their devices HEIC pictures are highresolution photos with a tiny file size which makes them easier to share digitally while keeping the photo quality high HEIC Image Viewer allows you to view and decode HEIC images directly on your device HEIC Image Viewer is designed with the intent to every user who want to view HEIC/HEIF images on their device easily HEIC Image Viewer implements an algorithm that automatically scans the users device for all HEIC/HEIF Image presents decodes and displays them in real time making it readily accessible for conversionHEIC to JPG Converter HEIC Image Viewer is an image viewing app and also a converter which has a userfriendly interface and a high speed conversion rate Users can also enjoy the ability to edit images and convert them into various output formats such as PNG JPG WEBP selecting the formats that best fits their need After each conversion and editing process users can print any Images of their choice in hard copy for documentation purpose with our inbuilt printing feature all you have to do is connect to a nearby printer and print out directly from our app HEIC to JPG Converter is an effective and simplified image converter that supports all HEIC/HEIF image formats This application is designed to convert your HEIC/HEIF images to the universal image formats for easy viewing and sharing of image files with friends and colleagues HEIC to JPG Converter simplify the conversion process for all your HEIC images on your devices Convert multiple HEIC/HEIF Images with ease saving time and enhancing user experience As many image editing tools and software may not fully support HEIC files or may have limited functionality with them Converting HEIC to JPG allows for easier editing using a broader range of software HEIC to JPG Converter provides a significant advantage by integrating an image editor directly into the app there by providing every users with various tools necessary in making HEIC to JPG Converter more convenient and user friendly These feature gives its users the ability to enhance and edit HEIC Images right on the app you can now adjust image brightness rotate and crop out imperfection to perfect size zoom in and out for more viewing experience and many more HEIC Image Viewer provides its users with a list of all converted HEIC images on the converted image tab in the app These aid accessibility as users can easily access these image to share and delete when not in use HEIC image Viewer also introduced a button to directly browse and import HEIC /HEIF Images into the app from device storage SD card for quick editing and conversion process Download this HEIC Image Viewer to view major HEIC / HEIF images HEIC to JPG Converter converts HEIC images share HEIC images easily and check for image information HEIC to JPG Converter App Features 1HEIC Image viewer 2HEIC to JPG Converter 3Multiple image selection Select multiple images to perform an action 4HEIC to JPG HEIC to PNG HEIC to WEBP 5Save export / share and delete HEIC images 6This app gives a short information of the images which include the image size last date modification 7Print Converted HEIC Images 8Zoom and edit HEIC Images 9Share HEIC images 10Batch conversion 11Import HEIC images to app for fast conversion process 12View images in HEIC photo album How to use our HEIC Image Viewer 1 Download the HEIC Image Viewer App 2 Launch the app and grant permission 3 Open the HEIC images app to view HEIC image 4 Share convert and delete Download app now Useful ideas or feature request are welcome Feel free to contact us via email Thank you for using our HEIC Image Viewer app
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Print al je foto39s snel gemakkelijk en GRATIS met 39s werelds beste fotoprintapp Geen abonnementen Geen verplichtingen Alleen gratis fotoafdrukken Met FreePrints kunt je GRATIS 10x15 foto39s bestellen direct vanaf je Androidapparaat Afgedrukt op jouw keuze van luxueus glanzend of hoogwaardig mat fotopapier ontvang je binnen enkele dagen GRATIS foto39s van professionele kwaliteit voor slechts de bezorgprijs En we beknibbelen nooit op kwaliteit Bestel GRATIS tot 45 fotoafdrukken van 10x15 per maand Dat betekent 500 GRATIS AFDRUKKEN per jaar En bestel andere formaten voor een kleinigheid We bieden ook 13x13 13x18 15x20 20x25 20x30 25x38 30x45 60x90 76x100 FreePrints biedt concurrerende prijzen die gewoon onovertrefbaar zijn en een grotere verscheidenheid aan fotoformaten dan andere fotoprintdiensten Daarnaast is het de handigste en meest betaalbare manier om foto39s vanaf je Androidapparaat af te drukken Je hebt gemakkelijk toegang tot je favoriete foto39s ongeacht waar ze zijn opgeslagen Met een paar tikjes in de app heb je toegang tot je AndroidGallery plus foto39s van Facebook Dropbox Google Drive en Microsoft OneDrive Selecteer de foto39s die je wilt afdrukken snijd ze bij als je dat wilt en je bent klaar We beloven een levendige kleurenreproductie briljante wittinten vervagende afbeeldingen en de garantie dat elke bestelde foto wordt afgedrukt volgens de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen Er is geen abonnement en geen enkele verplichting En met standaard bezorgkosten vanaf slechts 199 en nooit meer dan 599 ongeacht de grootte van de bestelling ben je bij ons altijd aan het juiste adres KENMERKEN 500 gratis 10x15 fotoafdrukken per jaar Professionele fotoafdrukken in verschillende formaten Hoogwaardige fotoafdrukken in luxe glanzende of premium matte afwerkingen Tot 45 gratis individuele 10x15 fotoafdrukken per maand Gemakkelijk inloggen en toegang tot Facebook Dropbox Google Drive en Microsoft OneDrive Betalen met iDEAL Standaard verzending en afhandeling vanaf slechts 199 en nooit meer dan 599 Je foto39s afgedrukt en bij je thuis besteld in slechts enkele dagen Wat gebeurt er met mijn foto39s nadat u ze hebt afgedrukt We bewaren uw foto39s in overeenstemming met onze gebruiksvoorwaarden zodat u ze als u dat wilt voor andere bestellingen in de toekomst kunt gebruiken met behulp van FreePrints of van onze andere apps Uw foto39s blijven altijd uw foto39s alleen u hebt toegang tot de foto39s Wij maken gebruik van de beste beveiligingsoplossingen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw foto39s altijd beschermd zijn Meer details vindt u in onze privacyverklaring FreePrints maakt deel uit van de groeiende familie mobiele apps van FreePrints die allemaal gericht zijn op het snel gemakkelijk en betaalbaar ontwerpen van gepersonaliseerde producten Nu verkrijgbaar FreePrints Photobooks geeft u elke maand een gratis fotoboek voor alleen de bezorgkosten ook geen abonnementen en geheel vrijblijvend Copyright 20122023 PlanetArt LLC Alle rechten voorbehouden FreePrints en het FreePrints logo zijn handelsmerken van PlanetArt LLC
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Camera for iPhone 16 Pro Max

Do you wish to use the quotCamera for iPhone 16 Pro Maxquot to take a stunning photo Do you want to record that priceless moment with the quotSelfie Camera For iPhone 16 Pro Maxquot The iPhone 16 Camera iCamera OS 18 is something you like right You39re looking for a Selfie Camera for an Phone 14 for an Android device right Want your phone to have an OS 18 camera like the iPhone 16 The selfie camera on the iPhone 16 is available for you Try this Best Selfie Camera for iPhone 16 to make your selfies better or use IPhone 16 Camera Selfie Camera for iPhone 16 to capture breathtaking panoramas Fans of icamera products can obtain the same experience on their Android phone for free by using our app with OS 18 It39s an incredibly great program with a userfriendly UI that is simple to use With our Camera for iPhone 16 Pro Max you may benefit from the OS 18 camera experience With the iCamera 16 you can instantly snap highquality pictures Every benefit of your phone or tablet has been utilized in the Camera for iPhone 16 You may quickly and effectively capture quality images with the aid of the Camera 16 Pro Max With the greatest professional die degrees OS18 Camera HD has upgraded OS17 Camera HD Pro Max by utilizing all the benefits of your phone An outstanding and cool professional camera is offered with the iPhone 16 pro camera app We offer flawless editing a variety of lovely modes autofocus enchanted filters face stickers unique shooting mode and filters iPhone 16 Pro Max Video HD Record steady videos in HD and take pictures of any scenes you find interesting while viewing videos VIDEO HD quotCamera For iPhone 16quot Simple video recording You may simultaneously record videos and take pictures Highlight features of iPhone 16 Camera Cinematic Video Mode Automatic face beauty feature Make your look more beautiful An HD camera allows you to snap highresolution selfies A variety of filters and top beauty effects Enhances the beauty and interest of images Shortvideo mode enables you to automatically record videos of 15 30 or 60 seconds Constant firing Optional video quality in camera settings Supports professional camera mode Supports 11 34 and 916 aspect ratios for photographs and videos Optional video and video quality incamera settings Fullscreen mode square mode or 3 4 mode for taking pictures Shutter sound can be muted Save HD photos and videos in your Gallery Take pictures in the iCamera OS 16 OS 17 or OS 18 style Utilize the back camera to create HD videos and take beautiful photos Use the front camera to capture a magical selfie with a style camera OS 16 OS 17or OS 18 Come and try taking a selfie with the HD Camera OS 18 right away It is incredibly quick and simple Download the OS18 Camera HD app for iphone 16 to capture images with the silent shutter sound and other features like a continuous shutter zoom and antiblur Thank you
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호