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Elements Of Power System

The app is a complete free handbook of Elements Of Power System which covers important all topics with detailed notes diagrams equations formulas amp course material This Engineering eBook is designed for quick learning revisions references at the time of exams and interviews This app cover most of related topics and Detailed explanation with all the basics topics Some of the topics Covered in the Elements Of Power System app are 1 Single line Diagram of Power system 2 Single line Diagram of Power system 3 Synchronous machine 4 transformer 5 transmission line 6 Busbar 7 circuit breaker and isolator 8 Different kinds of supply system and their comparison 9 Introduction of Supply Systems 10 Two Wire DC System 11 Effect of High Voltage on Volume of Copper 12 Types of Transmission 13 Two Wire DC System with One Line Earthed 14 Three Wire DC System 15 Three Phase Three Wire AC System 16 Three Phase Four Wire AC System 17 Two Wire DC System 18 Three Wire DC System 19 Requirements of a Good Distribution System 20 Radial Distribution System 21 Ring Main Distribution System 22 DC Three Wire System 23 Transmission Line Constants 24 Types of Conductors 25 Skin Effect and Proximity Effect 26 Kelvin39s Law 27 Modified Kelvin39s Law 28 Transmission Line Parameters Introduction 29 inductance of a conductor 30 Inductance of a conductor due to the internal flux 31 Inductance of a conductor due to External flux 32 Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line 33 Flux linkage of one conductor in a group 34 Inductance of composite conduct lines 35 An Alternative approach for finding the expression for inductive reactance 36 Flux Linkages in parallel current carrying conductors 37 Inductance of three phase lines with equilateral and symmetrical spacing 38 Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing 39 Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed 40 inductance of three phase lines with more than one circuit 41 Inductance of three phase double circuit with symmetrical spacing 42 Inductance of three phase doble circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed 43 capacitance of transmission line and Electrical field of a long straight conductor 44 Capacitance of Single Phase Line 45 Potential Difference betweem two points due to a charge 46 Capacitance of a 3ph Line With Equilateral Spacing 47 Capacitance of a three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing 48 Effect of Earth on capacitance of transmission line 49 Bundled conductor and Stranded Conductor 50 Capacitance of three phase line with more than one circuit 51 capacitance of three phase double circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed 52 Methods of Arrangement Conductors 53 Performance of transmission lines 54 Performance of Single Phase Short Transmission Lines 55 Three phase short transmission line 56 Effect of load PF on regulation and efficiency 57 Medium Transmission Lines 58 Nominal T Method 59 Nominal Method 60 Long transmission lines 61 Rigorous method of analysis of long transmission line 62 Generalised Circuit Constants of a Transmission Line 63 Evaluation of ABCD constants or Determination of Generalized Constants for Transmission Lines 64 Surge Impedance Loading SIL 65 Surge Impedance Loading SIL of Transmission Line 66 Power flow through a transmission line 67 Power through Short Transmission Line Equivalent circuit and Phasor diagram 68 Power system Stability 69 Ferranti Effect All topics are not listed because of character limitations Each topic is complete with diagrams equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding This app will useful for quick reference The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app Instead of giving us a lower rating please mail us your queries issues and give us valuable Rating And Suggestion
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Signal - 안전한 메신저

Signal은 개인정보 보호를 핵심 가치로 삼는 메시지 앱입니다 무료이고 사용이 간편하며 강력한 엔드투엔드 암호화를 통해 커뮤니케이션 프라이버시를 확실히 보장합니다 문자 음성 메시지 사진 동영상 스티커 GIF 파일을 무료로 전송하세요 Signal은 휴대폰 데이터 연결을 사용하여 SMS와 MMS 요금이 발생하는 걸 방지합니다 친구와 암호화된 고품질 음성 및 영상 통화를 즐기세요 그룹 통화는 최대 40명까지 지원됩니다 최대 1000명이 참여할 수 있는 채팅 기능으로 관계를 유지하세요 관리자 권한 설정을 통해 그룹 멤버의 게시 및 관리 권한을 제어하세요 24시간이 지나면 자동으로 사라지는 이미지 문자 동영상 스토리를 공유하세요 개인정보보호 설정에서 각 스토리를 볼 수 있는 사용자를 직접 관리하세요 Signal은 개인정보 보호를 위해 설계되었습니다 Signal은 사용자나 사용자가 대화하는 대상에 관해 전혀 알지 못합니다 당사의 오픈 소스 Signal 프로토콜에 따라 Signal은 사용자의 메시지를 읽거나 통화를 들을 수 없습니다 Signal뿐 아니라 그 누구도 할 수 없죠 Signal에는 백도어도 데이터 수집도 타협도 없습니다 Signal은 독립적인 비영리 조직으로 여느 조직과는 다른 종류의 테크 회사입니다 501c3 비영리 조직인 Signal은 광고주나 투자자가 아닌 사용자의 기부를 통해 운영됩니다 기부나 질문 자세한 정보는 https//supportsignalorg/를 방문해 주세요 Signal의 소스 코드를 보려면 https//githubcom/signalapp을 방문하세요 Twitter의 signalapp과 Instagram의 signalapp을 팔로우하세요
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호