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PicMa - AI 사진 복원 & 예술 그림 생성

쉽고 빠르게 사진과 동영상을 프로 수준으로 업그레이드 PicMa는 최첨단 AI 기술을 활용하여 누구나 간편하게 사진과 동영상을 전문가처럼 편집할 수 있는 디자인 툴을 제공합니다 소중한 가족의 추억을 복원하거나 미래 아이의 모습을 예측하고 포옹키스댄스 등 감동적인 순간을 영상으로 만들어 보세요 모든 것이 여러분의 손끝에서 실현됩니다 PicMa의 주요 AI 기능 미래 아이 예측 나와 파트너의 사진을 업로드하면 AI가 미래의 아이 모습을 예측합니다 quotBabyAIquot로 가족의 미래를 미리 확인해 보세요 AI 포옹 영상 quotAI Hug Videoquot 기능으로 과거의 나 자신 또는 멀리 떨어진 소중한 사람과 quot포옹quot하세요 정적인 사진을 감동적인 영상으로 바꿀 수 있습니다 AI 키스 효과 quotAI Kissquot로 사진에 로맨틱한 키스 효과를 추가하여 특별한 순간을 더 달콤하고 감동적으로 만들어 보세요 댄스 효과 사진 quotBreak Dancequot 기능을 활용해 정적인 사진에 생동감을 더하고 추억에 신선함을 불어넣으세요 동영상 품질 향상 동영상의 해상도 색감 전체적인 품질을 빠르게 업그레이드해 더욱 눈에 띄는 고퀄리티 영상을 제작할 수 있습니다 원터치 화질 개선 사람 반려동물 풍경 사진을 한 번의 터치로 최적화하여 매력적인 사진으로 변신시켜 보세요 오래된 사진 복원 스크래치 흐릿함 등 손상을 제거해 소중한 오래된 사진을 새롭게 복원합니다 흑백 사진 컬러화 흑백 사진에 자연스러운 색상을 입혀 더욱 생동감 있고 현대적인 느낌으로 변환합니다 AI 확장 사진의 가장자리를 매끄럽게 확장하여 더 넓고 다양한 구도를 표현할 수 있습니다 AI 제거 사진 속 불필요한 요소를 빠르게 제거하여 더 깔끔하고 아름다운 이미지를 완성하세요 전문 편집 도구 고급 편집 툴로 세부 조정을 통해 이상적인 결과물을 만들어 보세요 AI 필터 창의적인 아트 작품을 제작할 수 있는 AI 필터로 나만의 독특한 스타일을 표현해 보세요 AI 이미지 생성 생성형 AI를 활용해 새로운 시각과 스타일을 탐구하고 나만의 개성 있는 작품을 제작하세요 PicMa를 선택해야 하는 이유 전 세계 수백만 명의 사용자가 PicMa를 경험하고 있습니다 쉽고 효율적이며 창의적인 사진 및 동영상 편집 기능을 체험해 보세요 프로 같은 결과물을 손쉽게 만들어 생활을 더욱 풍요롭게 만드세요 구독 플랜 주간 월간 연간 등 유연한 구독 옵션으로 고급 기능을 해제하세요 모든 결제는 Google Play 계정을 통해 처리되며 갱신 설정도 간편하게 관리할 수 있습니다 문의하기 궁금한 점이나 지원이 필요하다면 아래 이메일로 언제든지 문의해 주세요 picmasupportmagictigerai 더 많은 정보 이용 약관 https//magictigerai/picma/termsofusehtml 개인정보 보호정책 https//magictigerai/picma/privacypolicyhtml 공식 계정을 팔로우하세요 Facebook Facebookcom/PicMaAI Twitter Twittercom/PicMaAI Instagram instagramcom/picmaofficial
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GuruShots: Photo Game

GuruShots is a photography community with over 7 million photography enthusiasts from around the world dedicated to taking your photos to the next level Engage in photography competitions and earn rewards as you discover incredible photos from the worlds most talented photographers including mobile creatives hobbyists and professionals The top 5 photos each month will be displayed on our Connected TVs located in retail store environments around the US reaching millions of viewers The GuruShots photography app makes your photography experience more exciting and rewarding Enjoy fun and challenging gameplay within a community of photographers who constantly share new photos Inspire and be inspired learn photography develop your style and improve your creativity Why choose the GuruShots photo app Play Choose from over 300 new themed photo challenges and contests every month Share photos gain votes and climb the ranks to achieve the ultimate title of Guru Capture fresh photos with your camera or dust off existing ones and compete against other photographers in the worlds greatest photography game Challenge yourself Improve your photography and camera skills through gameplay Earn badges collect achievements and receive recognition for your photography Get instant feedback on your photos from photographers worldwide who share their knowledge to help you become a better photographer Track your progress with realtime ranking Vote on other players photos collect votes and see how you rank compared to others Team Up Join a team or create your own and take on challenges together Chat with other photographers track your teams score in realtime and become social by liking or commenting on photos Move up to Team Leagues and win bigger prizes Showcase Submit your photos to an exhibition challenge for a chance to showcase your work in international photo exhibitions Explore diverse styles themes and genres creating connections through the universal language of photography Discover Our photography app uncovers incredible astrophotography natural photography portrait photography night photography and so much more Special magazine challenges give you the chance to get your photos featured in leading online and print photography magazines Learn Photography Our photo game can help you learn photography as you play Explore photography techniques and valuable tips shared by photographers within the photo community Sell Your Photos You can39t sell photos on GuruShots but you can play with your own photos and win prizes Photography Game Unlike many photography apps and photo editor apps GuruShots makes the way you engage with your photos a more enjoyable and social photography experience Photography Community It doesn39t matter if you use a camera to take photos or your mobile phone camera you are welcome to join our fastgrowing photography community Photo Editor Editing your photos with a photo editor Using filters to create photos Selling or sharing your photos with photographers GuruShots is the perfect photography app to complement these photo editors and photography apps Users retain all copyright interests for all images submitted Connect with fellow photography enthusiasts from all over the world Over 100000 GuruShots members have already shared their photos GuruShots is a oneofakind photography community with members at any level from mobile creators to DSLR camera photographers Download our photosharing app or enjoy it on the web for free Let the fun begin Social Media wwwgurushotscom wwwfacebookcom/gurushots wwwinstagramcom/gurushots wwwyoutubecom/user/gurushots
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PicWish: AI 사진 편집기

가장 쉬운 AI 사진 편집기 앱을 사용해 보세요 배경을 제거하고 사진의 흐림을 제거하여 제품을 돋보이게 만드세요 100 자동 배경 지우개 사진 보정 사진 지우개수정 앱 기술이 필요하지 않습니다 매우 사용하기 쉽습니다 특집 AI 사진 편집 도구를 확인하세요 1 배경 제거제 amp 지우개 배경을 자동으로 제거합니다 수동 지우개도 사용 가능합니다 배경 변경 하나의 프로젝트에 여러 컷아웃 추가 크기 조정 그림자 추가 등 AI로 구동되는 정확한 배경 지우개 2 사진 향상 프로그램 사진의 흐림을 제거하고 전체 사진을 선명하게 만듭니다 3 사진 지우개 amp 수정 접힌 부분 얼룩 텍스트 등을 포함하여 이미지에서 원하지 않는 개체를 제거합니다 4 신분증 사진 증명사진 기준에 맞게 배경 색상과 크기를 변경하세요 2x2 사진과 같은 사용자 정의 및 일반 크기를 사용할 수 있습니다 한 번의 클릭으로 신분증 사진의 흐림 효과를 제거하도록 선택할 수 있습니다 5 배치 모드 한 번에 최대 30개의 이미지를 일괄적으로 제거하거나 향상할 수 있습니다 그것은 가장 쉬운 일괄 배경 지우개 및 사진 향상 도구입니다 배경 지우개 삭제 모드에 대한 새로운 업데이트 단일 사진의 배경을 제거할 때와 동일한 옵션이 있습니다 6 사진 편집 크기 조정 사진에 텍스트 추가 밝기 조정 및 기타 편집 옵션 7 AI 아트 생성기 당신의 아이디어를 현실로 만들어보세요 보고 싶은 것을 설명하세요 PicWish AI는 즉시 멋진 AI 아트웍을 생성합니다 8 비디오 리터치 영상에서 지루한 부분을 즉시 제거합니다 무료 평가판을 원하시나요 PicWish Pro로 업그레이드하면 다음 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다 PicWish 로고 제거 고화질 내보내기 미리보기 이미지 저장 모든 템플릿 모든 기능 잠금 해제 PicWish Pro 구독 구독은 주간 월간 연간 무료 평가판 포함으로 제공됩니다 3일 무료 체험으로 모든 기능을 살펴보세요 평가판 기간이 끝나면 구독료가 청구됩니다 PicWish는 디자이너 리셀러판매자에게 권장되는 AI 사진 편집기입니다 매출을 늘리려면 멋진 제품 사진이 필요합니까 배경 지우개 도구를 사용하면 고품질의 흰색 배경이나 투명한 배경을 사용하여 제품을 강조할 수 있습니다 사진 보정 도구를 사용하여 사진의 흐림을 제거하여 고객에게 선명한 세부정보를 보여주세요 디자인 효율성을 높이고 싶으십니까 PicWish는 일괄 배경 제거제 AI 사진 지우개 및 더 많은 사진 편집기 기능을 제공하여 반복적인 작업에서 벗어나 보다 가치 있고 창의적인 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다 오늘 PicWish를 다운로드하고 귀하의 제품을 밝게 해보세요 약관 https//picwishcom/appterms 개인정보 보호정책 https//picwishcom/appprivacy 사람들은 배경 지우개와 사진 향상 기능을 좋아합니다 이제 PicWish는 작업 흐름 속도를 높이기 위해 더 많은 AI 사진 편집기 기능을 제공합니다 질문 문제 또는 피드백이 있나요 supportpicwishcom으로 문의하세요 비디오 튜토리얼과 디자인 팁을 보려면 TikTok picwishofficial을 팔로우하세요 우리와 함께 Twitter picwishcom에서 PicWish를 공유하고 상품을 받으세요
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Spyne Automotive

Spyne helps you capture breathtaking images of your car like never before Its the ultimate AI photography and editing app for Android Powered by advanced AI technology Spyne empowers you to transform your car photos into professionalgrade masterpieces Edit thousands of car images in seconds ensuring exceptional quality and consistency Whether you39re an automobile enthusiast a car dealership or a seller in the automotive industry Spyne is your goto app for capturing stunning visuals that showcase the true beauty of your vehicles Elevate your car photography game with Spyne and make a lasting impression on car enthusiasts and potential buyers Window Shadow Correction Say goodbye to shadows and reflections on car windows with Spyne Easily remove unwanted shadows and capture clear vibrant car images with a single click Upload your image to the app and let our advanced AI technology handle the rest ensuring impeccable visuals that showcase your car in its best light With Spyne achieving shadowfree car photography has always been challenging Number Plate Masking Protect seller privacy by automatically removing number plates with Spyne Safeguard sensitive information while promoting your brand by seamlessly adding your dealership logo in place of the number plate With Spyne you can simultaneously ensure privacy and enhance brand visibility giving your car listings a professional and personalized touch Body Reflection Correction Capture perfect car images with Spyne by effortlessly eliminating distracting reflections on the car body Say goodbye to unwanted glares and achieve a pristine polished look for your car photos With Spyne39s advanced technology you can showcase the car39s true beauty without any distractions making your images stand out with professional elegance Background Enhancement Unleash your creativity with Spyne and photograph your vehicle anywhere you desire Explore a wide selection of studio and showroom backgrounds effortlessly adding them to your car images in seconds Enhance the background to make your car stand out and create a visually captivating impact With Spyne the endless possibilities allow you to showcase your vehicle in any setting you envision Let your car photos tell a compelling story with the perfect background that amplifies its allure 360 Car Photography Revolutionize your car marketing with Spyne39s cuttingedge 360degree image capture feature Ideal for car dealerships Spyne enables you to effortlessly capture immersive 360degree images for online sales and marketing materials Follow the onscreen app guide or take a walkaround video to click pictures from different angles Spyne leverages these images to create a perfect 360degree video providing potential customers with an engaging and comprehensive view of your cars Elevate your online presence and captivate your audience with the immersive power of Spyne39s 360degree technology
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Ente Photos: Private Backups

Ente Photos is the private and safe home for your photos and videos With Ente your photos and videos are stored endtoend encrypted e2ee which means that only you or those authorised by you can view them Keep your photos private with Entes endtoend encryption app locks hidden folder and password protected albums Ente also makes it simple to share your albums with your loved ones You can share them directly with other Ente users endtoend encrypted Why you should use Ente Photos Safe and Private Home for your Photos and Videos App Lock to ensure only you can see your photos Hidden Folders to hide your most private photos and videos Safe sharing with password protected albums End to End Encryption to ensure no one but you can access your photos Never lose your photos again with triple cloud backups Made for you and your family and includes shared albums and partner sharing 5 GB Free Forever FEATURES Encrypted Storage Your photos and videos are encrypted on your device and then automatically backed up to the cloud Original Quality Backups All photos and videos are stored in their original quality including the metadata without any compression or loss in quality App Lock Make sure no one else can see your photos and videos using the built in App Lock You can set a pin or use biometrics to lock the app only for yourself Safe amp Secure Sharing Share your private photos and videos with secure links and additional layers of security such as passwords link expiration and access removal Hide your Photos Hide your most private photos and videos to the Hidden folder which is password protected by default Never Lose your Photos Ente stores the encrypted backups in 3 different location including an underground nuclear shelter guaranteeing your photos and videos are absolutely safe Save Space on Your Phone Never worry about running out of space on your phone again Photos and videos that are safely backed up can be removed from your device39s storage in just a tap Collect Photos Went to a party and want to collect all the photos in one place Just share a link with your friends and ask them to upload Add your Family All of Entes plans support upto 6 family members so you can have one single home for your familys photos and videos Shared Albums Share selected albums and folders with your family and friends with ease Partner Sharing Share your camera album with your partner so they can automatically see your photos on their device Intuitive userfriendly app Photos and videos are presented in a userfriendly grid view where you can easily jump to any date to revisit your memories Image and Video editor to add the finishing touches crop rotate and perfect that photo or video you just took Collages Combine multiple photos together in beautiful collages Multiple layout options available Cast on TV Sit with your family and cast your photos and videos securely to the big screen Widget Support See your photo right on your phones home screen with beautiful widgets that show your most important memories Cross Platform Ente Photos is available on iOS Android Windows Mac Linux and the web so you can access your photos and videos from any device you have Opensource and audited Ente Photos uses open source software so that anyone can check Entes code which has also been audited by thirdparty experts SUPPORT We take pride in offering human support If you are our paid customer you can reach out to teamenteio and expect a response from our team within 24 hours
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Sikh Men Dress Pics

Latest sikh suit app introduce it for completely free and once it is introduced you can utilize it even without web Sikh Men Dress Pics New Suit app is just an excellent app here you can try different Fashion dress Suit Simply select any of your photos from display and after that choose any of Sikh Dress outlines which you like the most and set your photo in it utilizing pivot and zoom alternatives Each Sikh Men Dress Pics New Suit and Dresses is designed with beautiful App This Latest Sikh Men Dress Pics New Suit app has a best collection of all type of dress suits party wear and other all clothes for sikh so you will get easily your loved one suit Try new collection of men purpose developed new app quotSikh Men Dress Pics Newquot FREE Download These suits will gives you handsome lookSikh Men Dress Pics New app contains few of most attractive and cool designs which can make your look Features Enter text with different font color and style Very easy to use this suits Friendly interface No need internet connection required HD quality dress suits provided Take image with gallery or Take new image with camera Select your favorite dress suit to fit photo on face Select your favorite suit to edit and decorate your lovely photos Zoom in Zoom Out Rotate and Move features provided After decorate your photo suit directly saved your SD card Finally send and share your dress suit via social network sites through your friends and family members if you like this app plz send your feedback amp suggestions to makermyappsgmailcom
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호