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Bible Darby en Français audio

La Bible Darby gratuit avec audio offline Nous vous prsentons une application gratuite pour lire et couter la Bible sur votre portable ou tablette Android Voila la Bible Darby en franais la Bible traduite par le prdicateur protestant anglais John Nelson Darby une Bible qui a pour particularit la clart le respect et la fidlit au texte original John Nelson Darby a fond un mouvement religieux appel Darbysme et a traduit la Bible gratuite en anglais franais et allemand partir des textes originaux en hbreu et grec Cette version en langue Franaise a t publie pour la premire fois en 1859 sous le nom de Nouveau Testament Version nouvelle La Bible complte gratuit apparut en 1885 Elle a connu un succs trs important et a t publie et dite beaucoup de fois et encore aujourdhui est une Bible trs rpandue entre les Franais protestants Fonctionnalits de la Bible Darby gratuite Bible complte  tlcharger gratuitement Bible horsligne capacit de fonctionner en mode dconnect Audio Bible vous pouvez couter la Bible complte Possibilit de marquer enregistrer copier et partager les versets Possibilit de faire une liste de favoris et ajouter des notes Facilit de changer la taille des caractres du texte Lapi marque le dernier verset lu Mode nuit pour changer la luminosit de l39cran et lire confortablement Voici la liste complte de livres de la Bible  Ancien Testament Gense Exode Lvitique Nombres Deutronome Josu Juges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras Nhmie Esther Job Psaumes Proverbes Ecclsiaste Cantique des Cantiques sae Jrmie Lamentations zchiel Daniel Ose Jol Amos Abdias Jonas Miche Nahum Habacuc Sophonie Agge Zacharie Malachie Nouveau Testament Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Actes Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 Corinthiens Galates phsiens Philippiens Colossiens 1 Thessaloniciens 2 Thessaloniciens 1 Timothe 2 Timothe Tite Philmon Hbreux Jacques 1 Pierre 2 Pierre 1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Apocalypse
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NASB 1995 Bible: Offline App

New American Standard Bible free application on Play Google is the perfect tool for easy Bible reading and study This app is completely free and offline allowing you to access the Word of God anytime anywhere With the NASB1995 Bible offline app you can conveniently read the Bible save your progress and easily transition between pages Holy New American Standard also features daily verses that you can edit to suit your needs You can add your favorite verses to your collection and share them with others New American Standard Bible offers a convenient reading and studying plan for 90 days 180 days or a 1 year You can also take advantage of the flexible settings for offline reading and studying making it easy to customize your experience Download the NASB Bible version app on Play Google today and immerse yourself in the Word of God with ease and convenience Enjoy a topnotch Holy NASB 1995 of the Holy Bible reading and study experience with this userfriendly offline application Information about The New American Standard English Bible itself The New American Standard Bible NASB also simply NAS for quotNew American Standardquot is a translation of the Bible in contemporary English The NASB 1995 Bible relies on recently published critical editions of the original Hebrew Aramaic and Greek texts It is known for preferring a literal translation style that generally preserves the structure of the original language when possible formal equivalence rather than an idiomatic style that attempts to match natural English usage The New American Standard Bible is considered by some sources as the most literally translated of major 20thcentury English Bible translations The NASB95 Bible is an original translation from the Hebrew Aramaic and Greek texts It is an update of the American Standard Version ASV Bible NASB95 Bible consideration was given to the latest available manuscripts with an emphasis on determining the best Greek text Primarily of NestleAland39s Novum Testamentum Graece is closely followed The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is also employed together with the most recent information from lexicography cognate languages and the Dead Sea Scrolls NASB 1995 Bible represents recommended revisions and refinements and states that it incorporates thorough research based on current English usage Vocabulary grammar and sentence structure were meticulously revised for greater understanding and smoother reading hence increasing clarity and readability Terms found in Elizabethan English such as quotthyquot and quotthouquot have been modernized while verses with difficult word ordering are restructured Punctuation and paragraphing have been formatted for modernization and verbs with multiple meanings have been updated to better account for their contextual usage
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Fazail Amal Urdu - Complete

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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호