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Simple Shift - work schedule

Simple Shift helps you to display your work schedule no matter how complex your working pattern is It is suitable for both recurring schedule and for schedules without repetitive shifts There are no complicated settings and everything is simple and concise One of the main advantages of Simple Shift is the ability to simultaneously display up to 4 different schedules on the calendar with the ability to quickly hide and display them Mark your vacations days off various events Track your working hours and earnings The builtin alarm clock will keep you from oversleeping work And most importantly you will not find any ads here Nice and not overloaded application interface Night mode Display up to 4 schedules at the same time Alarm Different alarm times for different shifts The alarm sound is the same as on the system alarm Counting of working hours For each shift you can set your own working hours You can view the calculated working hours for the selected month in the quotReportsquot section Calculation of earnings Initially this function is disabled You can enable it in the settings For each shift you can set different earnings The rule for calculating earnings can also be set for each shift by shifts or by hours Vacations You can specify your own vacation periods for each schedule Events Add your events or synchronize them with the system calendar of the device Backup and restore all app data Useful for transferring data to another device Interactive widget on the home screen No ads
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Parafuzo Profissionais

A Parafuzo uma plataforma online que conecta clientes com os melhores profissionais de limpeza do Brasil Quer contratar uma faxina para sua casa Este aplicativo apenas para as profissionais parceiros da Parafuzo para contratar uma faxina acesse https//wwwparafuzocom Se voc um prestador e deseja ser nosso parceiro faa seu cadastro aqui wwwparafuzocom/trabalhe EM QUAIS CIDADES A PARAFUZO EST PRESENTE Estamos presentes em mais de 250 cidades contando as capitais e a regio metropolitana So Paulo Jundia Campinas Rio de Janeiro Curitiba Belo Horizonte Florianpolis Porto Alegre Braslia Ribeiro Preto APLICATIVO PARA DIARISTAS PARCEIROS DA PARAFUZO Este aplicativo permite que voc diarista parceiro da Parafuzo encontre a melhor diria para complementar sua agenda A Parafuzo oferece centenas de oportunidades para voc escolher e fazer o seu prprio horrio Encontre uma faxina ou diria de passar roupas no perodo da manh e complemente sua agenda com outra no perodo da tarde aumentando seus ganhos e trabalhando por hora COMO COMEAR Cadastrese na Parafuzo no link https//wwwparafuzocom/trabalhe Assim que voc receber o email com as prximas etapas para finalizar seu cadastro faa o download do aplicativo Depois da confirmao do cadastro aceite faxinas diretamente pelo seu aplicativo e faa sua prpria agenda COMO FUNCIONA O APLICATIVO DE PROFISSIONAIS Entre no aplicativo para verificar ofertas disponveis prximas sua casa Faa o login utilizando seu CPF e sua Senha para visualizar sua agenda e suas ofertas Caso tenha dificuldades com a senha alterea entrando em https//proparafuzocom ou envie um email para contatoparafuzocom Escolha entre centenas de servios disponveis nas cidades principais capitais e regies metropolitanas do pas Dentre elas So Paulo Rio de Janeiro Campinas Curitiba Jundia Braslia Florianpolis Porto Alegre Ribeiro Preto e Belo Horizonte Aceite uma diria e comparea na casa do cliente no horrio marcado para fazer sua faxina ou diria de passar roupas Receba semanalmente os pagamentos de seus clientes diretamente na sua conta bancria IMPORTANTE Sempre mantenha o aplicativo atualizado evite transtornos verificando por atualizaes toda a semana Se voc tiver dificuldades na utilizao do aplicativo envie um email para contatoparafuzocom O aplicativo utiliza seu pacote de dados Para nunca perder uma diria no esquea de carregar um plano de dados de pelo menos 10MB por dia e conectese a WIFI sempre que possvel PRECISA CANCELAR UMA DIRIA Evite faltas cancelando dirias com pelo menos 24 horas de antecedncia Para situaes urgentes ligue para a Parafuzo ou mande um chat pelo aplicativo DVIDAS E FEEDBACKS Se voc tem dvidas ou sugestes para melhorarmos ainda mais o aplicativo da Parafuzo entre em contato conosco pelo email contatoparafuzocom ou envia uma mensagem pelo chat do aplicativo SIGANOS Facebook facebookcom/parafuzocasa Twitter parafuzocasa Instagram parafuzocasa
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AI Keyboard: Chatbot, Grammar

AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar is a revolutionary application designed to transform your typing experience with AI keyboard technology and ChatGPT API powered by the ChatGPT GPT4o mini and GPT4o Designed for seamless use across various writing apps it provides robust grammarchecking support for multiple languages Rewrite complete sentences or adapt to different tones depending on the context of your information delivery AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar assists you in quickly searching for and answering the information you need optimizing clear content and serving as a tool to help you learn and progress swiftly providing analyses to improve essential skills Do you often encounter the following problems Want to improve your writing skills but have no one to provide feedback or improvement suggestions Do you frequently feel stressed when unsure how to resolve a specific work issue Messages sent with grammatical errors make you appear unprofessional and need grammar checks Unsure how to respond when faced with a complex message Spending too much time drafting and revising the same content Sent messages that feel dry and lack tone or personality What problems does AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar solve for you Ask the Chatbot anything you need for all field The AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar provides correct answers based on the knowledge you provide understands your questions and responds like a real person creating a natural flow in your writing It suggests different styles for easy selection With advanced grammarchecking features AI Keyboard automatically corrects English grammar errors ensuring clarity and accuracy in your writing Supported by the ChatGPT API AI Keyboard and the AI writing assistant help you create professional emails messages and social media posts in any writing apps you choose Get instant answers to complex queries saving time and boosting productivity with the help of AI assistant tools based on GPT AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar helps you type faster and makes you a better writer with the support of the integrated AI writing assistant in writing apps Key Features Grammar amp Spelling Grammar checks sentence completion and explanations for each error to deepen your understanding of mistakes Add professionalism to your content and correct grammar instantly in the editor Improve writing skills over time from work emails to personal writings AI Assistant AI Chatbot AI Writer Access your AI assistant to ask about any topic from academic to professional across writing apps Get instant responses using GPT and AI keyboard in writing apps for seamless support AI Reply AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar understands context providing relevant and personalized replies in writing apps Feedback is easy saving time with the AI keyboard Tone Changer AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar enhances your writing style to suit the context of every conversation from professional to friendly Translate to Any Language When working with clients or friends globally AI Keyboard eliminates language barriers Paraphrase Your Text The AI writing assistant will rephrase your sentences ensuring clarity while presenting new ways to convey ideas in writing apps Theme Keyboard amp Font Styles Customize your social media interface with unique fonts and themes AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar offers themes for every mood With over 2000 emojis more than 60 fonts and 100 keyboard themes AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar allows you to express yourself creatively across all popular writing apps Experience the difference AI Keyboard Chatbot Grammar can be made in all your writing apps today
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호