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The World of Ayurveda Doctors and Students

NirogStreet is an Ayurveda community exclusively meant for the Ayurvedic doctors and students it is a smartphone based platform that enables both the practitioners and the students to discuss patient cases learn about updates register for workshops and CMEs enroll in courses etc Learn interact contribute to the world of Ayurveda with your experiences insights and queries

Charaka Sutra Chapter 30 verse 26

The utility of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of the sick

On NirogStreet for Ayurveda Doctors app you can discuss Ayurvedic case studies and seek expert advice from other Ayurveda practitioners You can also look for Ayurveda doctor jobs to find suitable appointment opportunities This feature is available in the Ayurveda jobs section on our app Scholars academicians and practising Vaidyas can also read various Ayurveda research papers and enhance their knowledge and take inferences Clinical research in Ayurveda is also updated from time to time on our app so that you can understand and learn about new findings and evidencebased information on many diseases This is not all NirogStreet for Ayurveda Doctors app also has reading sections so that you can peruse articles written by experienced practitioners You can also read a lot of journals of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine on the app We have a resource hub of many study materials important courses and international journal of ayurveda as well

NirogStreet is an ecosystem of Ayurveda It is an initiative to make Ayurveda the first call of treatment for people As a digital platform it brings certified and registered professional practitioners together with a common goal to benefit the societyatlarge Harnessing the power of our dedicated technology patients can reach out to best Ayurveda practitioners on the platform and seek consultation with great ease

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MediCode: ACLS, BLS & PALS

Tired of carrying a set of expandable CPR cards all the time for algorithms Flipping through the cards to find the right one wastes valuable time in emergency health care situations such as cardiac arrest and pediatric urgent care MediCode gives you easy access to all of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation ILCOR algorithms from the palm of your hand and includes multiplechoice practice tests for you to test your skills This Algorithms Practice Tests Megacodes and ebooks app makes it easy for physicians paramedics and nurses to care and save lives Download this health care professionals app for free As health care professionals critical care physicians nurses medical students paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians EMT you save lives every day In times of emergency others turn to you and trust that you will take the right steps to save them or their loved ones But no emergency situation is the same Having a set of tools in your pocket can make all the difference The MediCode app is a simple easytouse resource for all of your ACLS including core ECG rhythms BLS PALS and NR skills needs including CPR and first aid As our gift to you we are making this health care app along with downloadable ebooks available to you for free At Save a Life Certifications by National Health Care Provider Solutions NHCPS the premier provider for online certification and recertification courses we believe that improvements can be made through providing exceptional education and resources Save a Life by NHCPS has compiled a list of the vital Basic Life Support BLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support ACLS Pediatric Advanced Life Support PALS Neonatal Resuscitation NR and CPR and first aid algorithms all of which can be viewed and navigated with the touch of your finger Test your ACLS BLS CPR PALS first aid and ECG knowledge and skills with our free practice tests Each skills test consists of 10 multiplechoice questions that are derived from our provider ebooks and adhere to the latest guidelines Download MediCode and our lifesaving ebooks now and start saving lives Review our newest ECG rhythms and interpretations resource in our ACLS ebook Also check out our CertAlert app to conveniently access all your licenses and certifications in one place anytime anywhere The individual algorithms included in MediCode are BLS Adult BLS Algorithm Pediatric BLS Algorithm ACLS Cardiac Arrest Algorithm Details for Cardiac Arrest Immediate Post CardiacArrest Care Algorithm Bradycardia with Pulse Algorithm Tachycardia with Pulse Algorithm PALS Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Algorithm Details for Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Immediate Post for Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Bradycardia with Pulse/Poor Perfusion Algorithm Pediatric Tachycardia Algorithm NR Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm CPR and First Aid Adult BLS Algorithm Simple Adult BLS Algorithm MediCode is a well organized polished and easy to use health care professionals app that walks you through the many algorithms and practice tests ACLS BLS PALS NR and CPR and First Aid MediCode also provides ebooks including our newest ECG rhythms and interpretations section of our ACLS handbook to enhance your skills in emergency situations
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Blackbook: Decisões Clínicas

Seja protagonista das suas decises clnicas com o apoio do Blackbook O app para mdicos e enfermeiros rene mais de 10 mil contedos entre rotinas e medicamentos Tire suas dvidas e aprimore seus conhecimentos de forma prtica segura e confivel Contedos completos dos livros Blackbook com linguagem acessvel e atualizaes diretamente do seu celular Buscas rpidas eficientes e confiveis para seu dia a dia de trabalho Garantia de ausncia de conflitos com a indstria farmacutica voc quem escolhe o melhor tratamento para seu paciente Calculadoras scores CID10 Meu Blackbook e diversas funcionalidades para voc acessar com rapidez e agilidade Informaes decisivas para seu atendimento mesmo quando estiver sem internet Veja o que voc vai encontrar no app Blackbook Guia de medicamentos Indicaes teraputicas Efeitos colaterais Doses para adultos e crianas Faixas de preo Disponibilidade no SUS Rotinas e condutas mdicas Ateno primria Doenas crnicas Doenas agudas de maior complexidade Neonatologia Emergncias Cuidados nas unidades de internao Suporte s decises clnicas incluindo condutas abordagens tratamento e prescries Informaes organizadas e acessveis para deixar as suas prescries mais rpidas e eficientes Aplicativo para residentes e internos para auxiliar nas melhores prticas e acompanhar por toda a sua carreira A fonte mais confivel de estudos e atualizao profissional O app Blackbook foi idealizado para auxiliar profissionais de sade em condutas e procedimentos do dia a dia Nenhuma de suas informaes substitui as orientaes da relao mdicopaciente Quer enviar suas sugestes reportar falhas ou tirar dvidas sobre o app Blackbook Entre em contato com a nossa equipe pelo email contatoblackbookcombr ou pelo WhatsApp 31 996887607 Termos de uso Blackbook http//blackbookcombr/termos/
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호