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파킹프렌즈 (주차장검색/주차면공유)

최저가로 예약하자 IoT 공유주차 파킹프렌즈 국내 IoT 공유주차 대표서비스 파킹프렌즈로 가장 저렴하고 획기적인 주차경험을 누려보세요 가장 빠르고 정확한 주차장검색 IoT 기반의 실시간 센서정보로 빠르고 정확하게 주차장 검색하기 나에게 딱 맞는 주차장 검색 옵션 내가 원하는 옵션만 골라서 내 차에 딱 맞는 주차장 예약하기 한눈에 확인하는 주차장 상세 정보 방문하기 전에도 알 수 있는 꼼꼼하고 상세한 주차장 정보 마음 놓고 주차해요 주차 이용 현황 내 차 잘 있는지 궁금하시죠 CCTV로 주차 이용 현황 확인하기 주차 시간을 아껴주는 결제수단 등록 카드 미리 등록하고 더 빠르고 편리하게 결제하기 간편하게 공유하는 결제 영수증 결제내역 캡쳐하지 말고 앱에서 영수증 바로바로 공유하기 필수 접근 권한 위치 위치 정보 전송 등 위치 기반 서비스에서 사용 선택 접근 권한 전화 기기의 인증 상태를 유지하기 위해 사용 주소록 기기의 주소록에 접근하여 번호 정보를 가져오기 위해 사용 저장공간 기기에 사진을 전송하거나 저장하기 위해 사용 카메라 QR 코드 인식 기능을 제공하기 위해 사용 선택 접근권한은 동의하지 않아도 앱을 사용하실 수 있습니다 선택 접근 권한 미동의시 서비스 일부 기능의 정상적인 이용이 어려울 수 있습니다 파킹프렌즈 SNS 친구등록 카카오톡 플러스친구 http//pfkakaocom/xcqxixcC 고객문의 파킹프렌즈를 사용하시면서 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 언제든지 문의해주세요 카카오톡 11문의 http//pfkakaocom/xcqxixcC/chat 고객센터 025226161
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STW eMobil

Bei uns zahlst Du nur was Dein eAuto verbraucht einfach fair und transparent Mit der kostenfreien STW eMobil App erhltst Du Zugang zur ffentlichen ELadeinfrastruktur der STADTWERKE Klagenfurt der beEnergised Community und ber Roaming auch den Zugriff auf eLadestationen von Drittanbietern Einfach downloaden registrieren und profitieren STW eMobil bietet Dir Stationsfinder Landkarte bzw Liste mit Standortbestimmung LiveVerfgbarkeit der eLadepunkte QRScanner Detailinformationen und Preisauszeichnung fr jeden zugnglichen Ladepunkt Rechnungseinsicht fr registrierte User bersicht der durchgefhrten Ladevorgnge fr registrierte User Verwaltung der Kundendaten fr registrierte User Als Vertragskunde nutzt Du im Tarif STW eMobil die STWLadeinfrastruktur in Krnten zum Preis von EUR 033 inkl Steuer pro Kilowattstunde Darber hinaus stehen Dir auch alle ber die beEnergised Community verfgbaren Ladepunkte in sterreich zur Verfgung Die Auswahl des eLadetarifs erfolgt direkt in der STW eMobil App Die RoamingOption ermglicht Dir gegen eine monatliche Grundgebhr die Nutzung zustzlicher Lademglichkeiten in ganz sterreich Die Kosten des jeweiligen Ladevorgangs an fremden Ladestationen werden an Dich weitergegeben Bitte beachte deshalb die Tarifinformation des jeweiligen Ladepunktes Alle weiteren Informationen zu unseren Ladetarifen findest Du direkt in der App sowie auf unserer Website wwwstwat/emobil So einfach funktionierts 1 Lade die STW eMobil App im Store herunter 2 Jetzt registrieren Gib Deine persnlichen Daten ein und akzeptiere die Datenschutzrichtlinien sowie unsere Allgemeinen Ladebedingungen 3 Whle im Men den Punkt Vertrge und Neuen Vertrag erstellen 4 Informiere Dich ber die Tarife direkt in der App und whle Deinen Wunschtarif aus 5 Hinterlege Deine Bankdaten fr die bequeme monatliche Abrechnung per Bankeinzug 6 Profitiere nun von der einfachen fairen und transparenten Nutzung der STWLadeinfrastruktur mittels App QRCode oder direkter Auswahl des Ladepunktes in der Standortbersicht Du hast noch Fragen Unser Team EMobilitt steht Dir gerne fr weitere Informationen zur Verfgung T 43 463 521 484 emobilstwat
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Map Navigation & Live Traffic

Map Navigation amp Live Traffic offers the most efficient reliable and userfriendly way to navigate through cities towns and remote locations with turnbyturn live Navigation Use the driving direction feature for shortest route find and reach your destination on time Live Traffic Map helps to preplan your route map GPS Route Finder Voice Navigation app is ideal for travelers helping you find the shortest routes Live Traffic Map and Nearby places like hotels hospitals airports subways and gas stations No matter where you are in the world GPS Navigation Route Planner effortlessly pinpoints your current location allowing you to easily share it with friends and family RealTime Map Navigation amp Live Traffic Stay on track with accurate realtime GPS navigation Live Traffic Map amp Voice Navigation ensures you always take the right path avoiding traffic jams roadblocks and other delays Enjoy turnbyturn live Navigation and Route maps to reach your destination effortlessly Voice Navigation Control the Route Finder amp Driving Direction app with its intuitive voice Navigation feature Search for destinations get route live and manage your navigation settings without taking your hands off the wheel by using this amazing voice navigation feature Live Traffic Map Get uptodate with traffic conditions accidents and road closures This Route Finder amp Voice Navigation app analyzes live traffic data to suggest the Shortest route helping you to save time and fuel Find Nearby Places Map Navigation Route Finder helps you to discover nearby places like hotels hospitals restaurants gas stations subways airports and ATMs Live Street View Navigate worldwide like never before with live street view route maps Get a realistic street view of your surroundings making it easier to recognize landmarks and navigate unfamiliar areas with GPS Live Map Navigation Compass Navigate with enhanced precision using the builtin compass feature which allows you to align your driving direction with the Earth39s magnetic field Whether you39re hiking through the wilderness or driving through the city the compass ensures you39re always oriented correctly RealTime Weather Updates Stay prepared for changing weather conditions while on the go The Route Finder GPS Navigation app with realtime weather updates for your current location and your destination Whether it39s rain snow or extreme heat you can adjust your plans and routes accordingly ensuring a safer and more enjoyable journey Personalize your Route Finder Customize your map navigation experience with various map styles route preferences and notification settings Save your favorite places and routes for quick access Key Features of Map Navigation amp Live Traffic RealTime Route Finder GPS Navigation TurnbyTurn Voice Navigation for seamless travel Live Traffic Map for realtime updates Live Street View explore the world like never before Easily navigate around the globe with Driving Direction Find Nearby Places like hotels airports and landmarks Stepbystep Live GPS Map Navigation worldwide Compass for directional accuracy Realtime Weather Updates for Route planning Find your current location amp share with your family amp friend Get the Map Navigation amp Live Traffic app now for seamless turnbyturn navigation with Live Traffic Map Have any questions or need assistance about GPS Route Finder Navigation app Contact to our dedicated support team at livemapnavigationgmailcom with a screenshot of the problem you are facing right now
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Transportify - Deliver Smarter

Transportify39s smart and userfriendly app is your onestop delivery solution for cargo shipping RoRo shipment and 3PL logistics needs Our low prices awardwinning same day delivery service freight forwarder services and many benefits as a bulk carrier ensure a fast affordable and worryfree experience WHAT DOES TRANSPORTIFY OFFER Delivery cargo shipping RoRo shipment and 3PL logistics services This is the app for all your delivery needs in the Philippines Transportifys userfriendly app offers same day delivery service and freight forwarder solutions ensuring an affordable and reliable experience WHAT ARE OUR ADVANTAGES 1/ Affordable Price Our full truckload interisland shipping and cargo forwarding service is the most costeffective and reliable cargo shipping and delivery services in the market Count on Transportify for cargo shipping 3PL logistics and same day delivery services all at the best price in the delivery industry 2/ Massive Fleet Our massive fleet of over 50000 vehicles amp trucks includes 20 different shapes and sizes to meet your needs Whether you39re sending a few kilos or up to 28 tons Transportify is a bulk carrier and has the right vehicle for you 3/ Wide Service Area With intracity intercity and interisland options our nationwide delivery services extend across short and long distances Entrust your goods to us and to our reliable freight forwarder partners for nationwide delivery 4/ AwardWinning Service Join our satisfied customers and experience awardwinning delivery service from our professional drivers Our reputation for reliability and excellence in logistics has garnered praise from industry experts and media outlets 5/ Always Open 24/7 Transportify39s operations cargo shipping freight forwarder services like RoRo shipment and support lines never close We are open 24/7 including weekends and all holidays Our drivers and CS agents support you no matter the day or time 6/ Free Insurance Transportify a known bulk carrier ensures that every booking comes with free goods insurance up to the limit in the app It is provided by OONA formerly MAPFRE one of the Philippines largest and most respected insurance companies 7/ RealTime Tracking Always know where your vehicle and goods are even through RoRo shipment with live map tracking in our app and receive realtime status updates 8/ User Friendly App Transportify39s app is the most userfriendly yet powerful app in the market Use it to access live map tracking status updates digital photos and signatures digital documents and live chat to stay in touch with your driver and our CS team 9 Loved By Businesses amp Individuals Transportify is the 1 same day delivery service app in the Philippines for a reason Wildly popular with businesses and individuals Transportify39s combination of lowest price high quality numerous benefits and 24/7 CS live support are an unbeatable combination for a fast and affordable RoRo shipment and worryfree 3PL logistics experience and freight forwarder service ARE YOU A HIGHVOLUME BUSINESS Discover how upgrading to a premium business account can revolutionize your operations with extra benefits and features designed especially as the bulk carrier for highvolume bookers Personal account manager Monthly postpay invoicing Upgraded insurance Php 3 million / booking Advanced procedures and instructions Advanced document handling and return More CS support options CONTACT US wwwtransportifycomph infotransportifycomph Deliveree Indonesia supportiddelivereecom Deliveree Thailand supportthdelivereecom Deliveree Philippines known as Transportify supporttransportifycomph
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호