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선병원 국제검진센터

주요기능 센터안내 예약신청 검진결과 조회 상담게시판 공지사항 선병원 국제검진센터에 대한 궁금하신 점은 언제든지 고객상담센터 158870112번 또는 0425892000 로 문의 바랍니다 사용안내 대상 선병원 홈페이지/ App 회원가입 고객 이동통신사 3G/LTE 무선인터넷WiFi 등을 통해 다운로드가 가능하며 이동통신사망3G/LTE 등 이용시에는 정액요금제에서 정해진 용량이 초과된 경우 데이터 요금이 부과될 수 있으니 유의하시기 바랍니다 앱 접근권한에 대한 고지 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률 제 22조의 2 제1항에 따라 선병원 국제검진앱 서비스 제공을 위하여 필요한 접근권한을 아래와 같이 안내해 드립니다 선택적 접근권한 전화 고객센터 및 병원 전화 연결을 위해 사용합니다 저장공간 앱 내부 필요 정보 저장을 위하여 사용합니다 안드로이드 OS 60 미만 버전 스마트폰을 이용하시는 경우 선택적 접근 권한 없이 모두 필수적 접근 권한으로 적용될 수 있습니다 이 경우 운영체제를 60 이상으로 업그레이드하고 앱을 재설치 하셔야 접근 권한 설정이 정상적으로 가능합니다 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도 서비스의 이용이 가능하나 필요한 일부 기능 사용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다 접근권한 변경 방법 휴대폰 설정 gt 애플리케이션앱 관리 gt 국제검진센터 gt 권한
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5 Minute Anesthesia Consult

Download the FREE app and view selected topics Approximately 10 of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the inapp purchase screen ABOUT 5Minute Anesthesia Consul Vital source for the practice and teaching of anesthesiology It presents a collection of 480 diseases and concepts related to the field of anesthesiology Editor Nina SinghRadcliff MD Publisher Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins SPECIAL FEATURES Locate a disease symptom or medication in the fastest possible manner Tap and Hold launch icon to open Last Topic History Favorites Navigate using multiple indices History to open frequently visited pages Bookmarks NEVER FORGET ANYTHING Mark topics with relevant information Voice notes Annotations with scribble doodle or text You choose the method to note this regardless of the context you are in to ensure that the important facts are available whenever you access the topic whether it is tomorrow or six months from now FULL DESCRIPTION The 5Minute Anesthesia Consult provides a readily accessible compilation of anesthesia topics that is useful to students residents physicians certified nurse anesthetists anesthesia assistants and ancillary medical staff Following the highly successful format of the 5Minute Clinical Consult series 480 topics covering risk factors and epidemiology preoperative evaluation intraoperative care and postoperative care The topic specific format of each chapter provides a focused evidencebased yet simplified discussion of Physiology Management CoExisting Disease Surgical Procedure and Drug topics In addition to general operative and perioperative care this comprehensive book also covers subspecialty topics in cardiac neurosurgical obstetric geriatric critical care pediatric regional vascular thoracic and acute and chronic pain Key Features Includes 480 distinct topics covering a wide range of conditions Each entry is presented in a standardized template for easy access to key information Each chapter provides a list of additional complementary topics that are available within the book this allows readers to supplement their knowledge of a given topic Unique to this textbook is the Management section which covers a comprehensive list of perioperative complications and issues which is invaluable for oral board review Chapter topics include a large number of ABA keywords Over 300 expert contributors
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1 Commercial Health Plan for Member Satisfaction in Michigan two out of three years including 1 in Digital Channels Learn more about JD Power awards With convenient access to your health plan details youre more informed when you need care If youre a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan member you can View your deductible and other plan balances See what services your plan covers Check claims and EOBs Check your HSA and FSA account for users that use our Health Equity partner Pay your plan bill for users with nonemployer coverage Find doctors and hospitals in your network Select and view your Primary Care Physician Get access to care including our 24hour nurse line and telehealth Have your virtual ID card handy Compare quality ratings for doctors and procedure costs Research drug prices and coverage requirements Contact customer support Take your health assessment and other wellness services Use our Virtual Assistant to answer questions 24/7 Keep your secure account info updated Use biometric login for faster login The app supports most of our plans but not all If you39re one of these members the app wont work for you FEP members with a PPO plan MESSA members Blue Cross Complete Medicaid members Heres an overview of the permissions associated with our app and why they are needed Identity Google Play services needs this in order to send you push notifications BCBSM wont use anything related to your identity that isnt associated with your account with us WiFi connection This access allows the BCBSM app to check for an active internet connection which allows the app to function correctly Photos and other media We use this access to deliver PDFs to you and to display your virtual ID card BCBSM will not access or use your pictures or saved files for any other reason Questions about the app Please visit bcbsmcom/app 19962024 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association We provide health insurance in Michigan
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슈가 지니 - 혈당과 당뇨병 관리

미국의 건강 매체인 헬스라인에서 quot2019년 최고의 당뇨 관리 앱quot으로 선정된 슈가 지니는 간편하고 쉽게 혈당 혈압 체중 약물 식단 운동을 기록할 수 있으며 혈당 기록에 따라 당뇨 관리에 도움이 되는 피드백을 전달해 드리고 있습니다 슈가 지니의 주요 서비스 소개 혈당 혈압 몸무게 식사 약물 모두 한 번에 기록 슈가 지니 앱 하나에 나의 당뇨병 관리와 관련된 건강 상황들을 모두 간편하게 기록하세요 대시보드 혈당 관리 상황을 한눈에 확인 대시보드에서 최근 혈당 기록을 분석한 그래프와 표를 볼 수 있습니다 혈당이 목표 범위 내에 머물러 있는지 식전과 식후의 혈당 변화도 한 눈에 확인하세요 파트너 추가 가족 친구 병원과 함께 관리하는 나의 혈당 가족 친구 병원을 파트너로 추가하면 파트너가 나의 혈당 상태에 대한 알림을 받을 수 있고 파트너의 격려와 관심의 메세지도 받을 수 있습니다 특히 병원을 파트너로 추가하면 내원하지 않아도 의사가 나의 혈당 관리 상태 확인이 가능하기 때문에 의사의 관심과 혈당 관리 제안 등을 얻을 수 있습니다 건강/운동 관련 앱과 동기화 기존에 사용중인 아이폰 건강앱 안드로이드 구글핏 핏빗 등의 체중 걸음수의 데이터를 자동으로 슈가 지니에 동기화하여 편리하게 건강관리를 할 수 있어요 혈당/혈압/인슐린펜/체중계 등 각종 기기와 연동 사용중인 기기와 연동하여 자동으로 혈당/혈압 수치를 동기화할 수 있어 직접 기록하지 않아도 됩니다 또 까먹지 않도록 혈당 측정 알림도 전송해 드리고 있어요 나의 혈당 관리 내역을 PDF파일로 출력 나의 혈당 관리를 한 눈에 확인할 수 있는 PDF파일을 의사에게 공유하여 의사가 나에게 더 딱 맞는 치료법을 제공할 수 있어요 예측 당화혈색소 수치 안내 기록한 혈당 데이터가 일정 수 만큼 쌓이면 당화혈색소를 예측해드립니다 이 예측을 통해 현재 관리 효과를 확인할 수 있어요 정확한 당화혈색소 수치는 꼭 병원에서 검사를 통해 확인하셔야 합니다 당뇨병 같은 만성 질환이 관리하기 쉽지 않다는 것을 잘 압니다 슈가 지니가 여러분의 건강 관리에 도움이 될 수 있기를 간절히 바랍니다 슈가 지니에 대해 더 알고 싶다면 홈페이지에 방문해 보세요 https//wwwhealth2synccom/ko 개발자 연락처 886 287976661
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Calendar Clock Dementia Clock

Calendar Clock provides structure and increases selfreliance in people with cognitive disorders Take control of your life with Calendar Clock the essential App for those affected by memory problems such as from Dementia and Alzheimer39s Empower yourself or your loved ones with Calendar Clock the indispensable app designed to cater specifically to the needs of the elderly individuals with dementia and those affected by memory problems This comprehensive tool combines a clock agenda reminders and personal messages to provide a seamless and supportive experience for individuals facing memory impairment or a reduced sense of time How it works 1 Install this Calendar Clock app of the device on which it should be used 2 Install the Calendar Clock Administrator app on a device which should be used to control the settings/messages/alarms of this device 3 Connect the two apps and control this app remotely Key Features Simple and Free Download and start using Calendar Clock immediately free of charge Universal Compatibility use Calendar Clock across a wide range of devices both new and old large or small Time at a Glance View the time of day in either analogue or digital format keeping you oriented throughout the day Customizable Appearance Personalize the look and feel of Calendar Clock to suit your preferences with a variety of customizable colour schemes Video calling Administrators can always start a video connection to make sure everything is okay Offline Access Use Calendar Clock even without an internet connection ensuring constant availability Comprehensive Menu Access an intuitive menu screen that can be easily disabled simplifying the user experience FullScreen Mode Maximize the visibility and focus on Calendar Clock by utilizing the immersive fullscreen mode Weather Updates Stay informed about the current temperature and weather conditions in your preferred city Cherished Memories Display multiple photos alongside the clock allowing you to reminisce and stay connected with your loved ones Smart Alarms and Confirmations Set reminders and receive reading confirmations to stay on top of important tasks and appointments Soothing Chimes Enable clock chimes to create a calming atmosphere and enhance time perception Multilingual Support Available in multiple languages including Bulgarian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Finnish French German Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Italian Lithuanian Norwegian Bokml Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish UK English and US English Administrator Connectivity Enhance functionality by linking Calendar Clock with the dedicated quotCalendar Clock Administratorquot app Caretakers professionals relatives or friends can remotely schedule edit and delete messages and reminders ensuring seamless coordination Minimalist Design Enjoy a clutterfree interface with clear large letters that facilitate effortless usage Experience the power of Calendar Clock and transform your daily routine into a wellorganized and connected journey Download now and discover the convenience of staying on top of your schedule while fostering meaningful connections with those around you Privacy and data processing The app allows you to save calendar items and personal messages and settings on the Calendar Clock system via a secure connection This data is only accessible to people with your permission Calendar Clock stores this data only so that it can be changed by the administrators We do not process or analyse this data and it can also be deleted at any time upon request For more information on this see our Privacy Policy or contact us
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We are the first service in India to offer the information about the Clinical Studies at various CROs across India We have information from 9 States and 18 Cities of India and over 50 CROs / Pharma Companies about their studies CRO123 offers All CRO list or selection of a city View the study overview Read the details of each study for requirements durations specifications methods remuneration basic protocols etc Sort the study by the criteria offered for your planning Search studies by the criteria offered Get alert for new studies Get Contact number of the study in charge Read the information in 7 languages with translated titles Send your contact information to the CROs for project participation consideration CROs can also be searched by the CRO code assigned to each CRO by CRO123 Contact individual CROs for their cro123 code Get calls from CROs for project participation as per the discretion of the CRO/Pharma company Over 1000 studies posted as on 2021 end of year CRO123 offers new study information daily Obtain the project details in one click from the website / app without contacting the CROs or Pharma Companies or the recruiters Know the correct remuneration and the details of a study Decide the study of your convenience based on many parameters like Gender Location Remuneration Age group BMI Study length Screening Date suitability Food plan Stay length batch size housing plan etc Payment Process CRO123 has its basic information service free The value added service is chargeable There is also a free trial for a limited count for value added service After the count is over a payment is required As the free trial is over a link Payment link will appear under the user name on top right side Click the link Two payment options will show Paytm and Razorpay For online payments via Paytm click on Paytm option It will show the user details amount payable and the QR code for payment Scan the QR code It will open the Paytm payment app Pay the amount as per the process of paytm The paid service will be activated when the amount is credited to the account of CRO123 Once activate the link under the user name will be changed It will show the paid service validity date For online payments via Razorpay click on Razorpay option It will open a form with the user details amount payable and email field Enter the email Click on Continue It will open the Razorpay payment app Pay the amount as per the process of Razorpay The paid service will be activated when the amount is credited to the account of CRO123 Once activate the link under the user name will change It will show the paid service validity date The duration of the paid service is of 30 days At end of the same the amount has to be paid again for 30 more days No refunds for any payments done for the above service The price for the value added service may change at anytime without prior intimation to the users of cro123com Permissions Explained Identity To complete the sign up To easy login steps Photos/Media/Files To Generate Id card for further process with the companies Camera/Microphone To allow to take your photo to create the photo Id card
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호