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Moodi - mood tracker & diary

Moodi is a selfhelp mood diary and anxiety tracker with effective self care psychological exercises and tools for journaling for mental health to overcome anxiety and depression stress low selfesteem etc Take advantage of this selfhelp CBT therapy and help yourself to raise your mood and motivation and enjoy its antistress effect

A psychological diary is an effective self care practice

Psychologists recommend keeping a psychological diary It can be a mood diary a CBT therapy journal or freeform entries

As the best selfhelp practice it will help you

  • Better understand yourself your thoughts feelings and relationships with people
  • Express emotions and experiences rather than suppressing them and ensure better emotional regulation and stress reduction
  • Approach problemsolving and decisionmaking mindfully
  • Identify sources of stress and anxiety and find ways to cope with them
  • Improve personal development and growth

Selfhelp practices you will find in this mental health therapy app

Negative situations diary

A Negative Situations Diary is a very effective selfhelp technique for solving psychological problems It will help you cope with painful and anxious moments more easily understand how some events affect your feelings and mood and strategize your reactions for similar situations in the future

Make entries about every negative moment track your thoughts mark emotions and select a cognitive distortion With this anxiety tracker you can better understand yourself your behavior and feelings associated with a specific event Help yourself to free your mind from negativity and feel much better By changing your approach to resolving negative situations your reaction to them will also change

Positive moments diary

In the Positive Moments Diary Gratitude Journal you can write down all your positive events good emotions and gratitude It helps you pay attention to the pleasant moments and thus reduce stress and other negative feelings

Everything that causes positive emotions truly matters So use these positive emotions for selfhelp mindfully Whether you had a significant event or something fleeting write it down and mark the emotions you experienced And motivate yourself

Morning diary

With the Morning Diary you can help yourself set up for the day ahead and free your mind from needless worries irrational anxieties and negativity Practice journaling for mental health every morning and you will notice how your energy motivation awareness and creativity rise

Write down your emotions feelings experiences plans and desires every day immediately after you wake up Write down everything that seems important to you at that moment

Evening diary

An Evening Diary is an effective selfhelp practice With it you can track your emotions feelings and thoughts at the end of the day right before going to bed With this mental health tracker you can analyze your day and get rid of unfounded worries stress and tension anxiety and depression All this helps you relax sleep better and recover

Write down your events and impressions of the past day Describe your emotions feelings selfesteem and physical condition in detail Write down the lesson you learn from this day Don39t try to write it correctly just be honest and record things you believe to be important for you at that moment

Download Moodi a CBT therapy journal and mental health tracker Put one of the most effective self care practices on your service Trace and analyze your negative situations and positive moments keep a morning journal and evening mood diary Learn to save and cherish positive feelings and get rid of anxiety and depression

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Otrohetsakuten r precis vad namnet antyder En akutmottagning fr dig som p ett eller annat stt drabbats av otrohet Nr du befinner dig i kris hjlper det alltid med en tydlig struktur som hjlper dig att frst och f en visuell bild av hur en frndring kan se ut Drfr r Otrohetsakuten uppbyggd i fem tydliga processer som enkelt kan fljas steg fr steg Hr fr du hjlp och std att hantera bde knslor och agerande genom hela fasen frn misstnkt till uppdagad otrohet vidare till att reparera frhllandet Det finns ocks tv uppfljande processer som dels hjlper er bygga en starkare ppnare och lyckligare relation framver dels utvecklar den egna medvetenheten Du fr rd std och kunskap samt utrymme att skriva ner egna reflektioner och tankar naturligtvis helt anonymt Du fr ocks tillgng till en chat dr du kan stlla personliga frgor eller lyfta specifika hndelser som du behver hjlp att bearbeta Otrohetsakuten finns tillhands i din mobil nrhelst du behver den och fungerar dels som std genom de olika stadier som fljer p otrohet dels som en frdjupande utbildning i relations och krishantering Du fr mjlighet att blddra runt i appen ta del av inledande texter samt mnga frgor amp svar innan du tar beslut om att prenumerera Otrohetsakuten Lter dig vara helt anonym Kostar lika mycket som ett enda mte hos parterapeuten Finns p bde svenska och engelska r tillgnglig dygnet runt alla dagar Kan arbetas med individuellt eller tillsammans som par Fungerar ven som hemlxa fr att snabbare uppn resultat hos andra terapeuter Ger mjlighet till stor personlig utveckling samtidigt som relationen inte bara lks utan ocks strks infr framtiden Kan fungera som ett verktyg fr att skapa en god kommunikation och msesidig respekt ven fr par som vljer att g skilda vgar Bakgrund Otrohetsakuten r skapad av Anneli stling och bygger p vetenskapliga modeller inom psykologin samt mngrig forskning kring parrelationer Anneli arbetar som parterapeut och har specialiserat sig p otrohetsproblematik vilket ocks gett henne mnga rs erfarenhet av problemlsning runt de frgorna Innan hon bytte bana s arbetade Anneli med riskanalyser i utvecklingsprocesser p stora fretag Den erfarenheten har pverkat hennes stt att frlita sig p konkreta och strukturerade processer ven i arbetet som parterapeut Mer information om fakta forsknings och inspirationskllor finns i appen I Otrohetsakuten guidas man individuellt eller som par steg fr steg genom samma processarbete som man fljer p parterapeutens mottagning Syftet med appen r att n ut till fler som behver std och vgledning men som kanske inte har mjlighet rd tid eller viljan att g till en terapeut Betalning och prisinformation Betalning sker inuti Applikationen Du behver kpa en mnadsprenumeration fr att f tillgng till alla funktioner i appen Vi kp av en prenumeration fr du tillgng till alla kapitel och chatt med en professionell rdgivare Du har tillgng till alla delar under tiden din prenumeration lper Betalning debiteras med 99 SEK fr en mnads prenumeration drefter frnyas prenumeration mnadsvis fr 99 SEK per mnad Betalning debiteras p Androidkontot vid bekrftelse av kp Kontot debiteras fr frnyelse inom 24 timmar fre utgngen av den aktuella perioden39 Prenumerationen frnyas automatiskt ifall du inte sger upp det senaste 24 timmar innan slutdatumet Prenumerationer kan hanteras av anvndaren och automatisk frnyelse kan stngas av genom att g till anvndarens kontoinstllningar efter kp Ls mer om vra Allmnna villkor och Integritets policy https//appotrohetsakutense/termslangsvSE
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Misericórdias Saúde

Transforme a sua sade e as suas finanas com a Misericrdias Sade A nica app que cuida do seu plano de sade e permite que realize pagamentos acumule cashback e tenha controlo das suas despesas num nico lugar de forma simples e intuitiva Por onde comear Se j cliente efetue o seu registo com o nmero de Carto Misericrdias Sade faa login na rea de cliente navegue pela interface intuitiva e comece a usufruir de totais vantagens da app de imediato Acesso 24h/7d onde quer que esteja Mantenhase sempre informado sobre o estado do seu plano e dos seus pagamentos com notificaes teis e lembretes Verifique as condies includas atualize os seus dados pessoais aceda s condies contratuais e ao manual do cliente Consulte os prestadores mais prximos de si e contactenos em caso de dvida Tudo na palma da sua mo Carto Misericrdias Sade Aceda virtualmente ao seu carto MS que deve usar nos nossos prestadores parceiros com acesso a desconto exclusivos e para acumular cashback Em caso de perda ou extravio do carto fsico pea aqui a sua 2 via Pagamentos integrados a sua carteira dentro da app Associe os seus cartes bancrios dbito/crdito Realize pagamentos com o telemvel para uma experincia rpida segura e sem complicaes nos parceiros MS aderentes atravs da tecnologia QR Code Receba notificaes de pagamento e consulte o histrico dos mesmos Gesto de Cashback Acumule cashback com os pagamentos realizados Consulte o Cashback acumulado e utilizeo quando estiver disponvel Programa de Benefcios Verifique o estado de pagamento do seu plano Consulte o perodo de oferta mensalidades liquidadas com cashback e com carto bancrio Consulte o cashback que falta para liquidar as prximas mensalidades e tenha conhecimento do valor e de quando o pode gastar no Marketplace MS Marketplace MS Explore o Marketplace da Misericrdias Sade e utilize o cashback remanescente para adquirir produtos ou servios em diversas reas Pesquise pelo nome do parceiro ou localize os mais prximos de si para aproveitar ao mximo os seus benefcios Agendamento de atos mdicos Navegue pela nossa seleo de parceiros de sade e faa marcaes com facilidade atravs da app Agende consultas/ servios online ou presenciais da especialidade pretendida de acordo com o horrio que mais se adapte a si Pea um mdico ao domiclio Acompanhe o seu histrico de sade Descubra j a app Misericrdias Sade e aproveite os seus benefcios Mantenhase informado sobre as ltimas novidades e atualizaes Faa o download agora e simplifique a gesto do seu plano de sade e da sua vida
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William Mayo One of the Mayo brothers who built Mayo Clinic was once asked about the definition of an ideal medical institute His answer was An institute that is based on three pillars of Service Education and Research all three equal and strong interrelating and intersupporting one another There are twenty million people in India suffering from different kinds of kidney diseases Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre is one of the largest institutes in the world based on three pillars of service education and research catering the needs of all classes of patients with kidney diseases It is located in Civil Hospital Campus Asarwa Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat of India The institute was established on October 7 1981 on an auspicious ninth day of Navratri Institute of Transplantation Sciences was established as its sister institute in the year of 1997 Today it stands on the western end of the civil hospital campus occupying an area of 15000 sq mts and total built up area of 20000 sq mts it can boast to be largest tertiary care center of its kind in the world It has 400 indoor beds for Nephrology Urology and Transplantation The primary objective of the institute is to establish operate promote run and manage institutions engaged in service education and research pertaining to the field of Nephrology Urology Transplantation Hematology Autoimmune and Genetic disorders The institute has been registered under Societies Registration Act as vide no Guj/1232/Ahmedabad dated 29111986 and is registered as a public trust vide no F/1173/Ahmedabad dated 29111986 The institute is recognized as Institute of National Importance by Department of Science and Technology Govt of India
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IceWatch the young and colourful brand launches its SMARTWATCH which surfs both on current trends and on the brand39s DNA The watch faces remind the brand39s best designs and offer you colourful festive and fun backgrounds enough to keep your watch matching your mood everyday   Compatible with all smartphones the watch ICE JUNIOR will make your daily life energetic with its various functionalities   1Sport track the number of steps covered distance and calories burned during your day 2Watch Faces changes and customisation A wide range of watch face selection and customisation available when connecting to the APP 3Sleep find out the total length of your sleep periods as well as the deep and light sleep phases you experienced during your last night 4Heart Rate Measure your heart rate on request or throughout the day connected and set by the APP 5Workout choose your sport activity and analyse your data 6Weather view the weather conditions for the day available on selected watch faces 7Notification Synchronize the information of other applications on your mobile phone incoming call information and SMS to your connected watch connected and set by APP 8Funny Games Number pairs 3 to win Fly a plane and Basketball ICE widget Enter emergency contact information directly from the app to the watch And many more timer alarm clock stopwatch screen brightness and settings The watch can be used alone without connecting the APP with limited functions Please see user manual for details
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심플 스테퍼

심플 스테퍼Simple Stepper로 매일의 걸음을 손쉽게 기록해보세요 앱을 설치하고 실행만 하면 됩니다 깔끔하고 단순한 디자인 덕분에 복잡함 없이 활동에 집중할 수 있습니다 심플 스테퍼의 주요 기능 실시간 진행 상황 스마트폰 알림 영역에서 걸음 수가 실시간으로 업데이트됩니다 언제든지 목표를 확인하세요 개인화된 일일 목표 프로필을 설정하고 개인 목표를 정하세요 걸음 수뿐만 아니라 예상 칼로리 소모량과 이동 거리도 확인할 수 있습니다 히스토리 모든 기록이 날짜별로 저장됩니다 목표를 달성한 날과 그렇지 않은 날을 한눈에 확인하세요 간단한 수정 기능 잘못 기록된 걸음 수는 당일에 바로 수정할 수 있습니다 운동 모드 산책 하이킹 등 특정 활동을 위해 걸음 수를 별도로 기록하세요 활동 알림 꾸준히 움직일 수 있도록 부드럽게 알림을 받아보세요 맞춤형 디자인 밝은 테마와 어두운 테마 중 선택해 앱을 꾸며보세요 다국어 지원 한국어를 포함해 영어 중국어 프랑스어 이탈리아어 포르투갈어 러시아어 스페인어 우크라이나어를 지원합니다 걸음 측정 중지 기능 휴식하거나 운전 중일 때 걸음 기록을 수동으로 중지할 수 있습니다 데이터 보안 및 편리함 내장된 백업 기능으로 기록 데이터를 안전하게 저장하고 복원하거나 새 기기로 이전할 수 있습니다 기술에 익숙한 사용자라면 데이터를 PC로 전송하여 추가로 활용할 수도 있습니다 심플 스테퍼Simple Stepper는 무료이며 광고를 통해 운영됩니다 선택적으로 구독을 통해 광고를 제거하고 앱 개발을 지원할 수 있습니다 심플 스테퍼 커뮤니티에 합류하여 매일의 걸음을 기록하고 더 활기찬 생활을 시작하세요
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호