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MedM Care

This brandable partially whitelabel mobile app can automatically capture 20 types of human physiological parameters from over 800 models of Bluetoothenabled personal health monitors sensors and wearables The recorded patient data can then be delivered into RPM portals hospital dashboards electronic health records and other monitoring panels MedM Care can be used in remote patient monitoring programs with as few as 10 health records with a fixed per patient per month cost and no setup fee Monitoring programs can be set up and launched in less than a day allowing patients to leverage the health monitoring devices they already use at home MedM RPM SaaS tool supports measurements and medication reminders configurable thresholds for readings customisable notifications and it can track the time spent by staff on remote physiologic monitoring of patients for billing and reimbursement purposes in accordance with CPT codes MedM Remote Patient Monitoring SaaS Main Features No setup fees Launch with as few as 10 patients Perpatientpermonth licensing Brandable interface Ease of onboarding and enhanced engagement Billing workflow time tracker reports CPT codes for reimbursement Rapid start less than a day 800 connectable Bluetoothenabled smart monitors sensors and wearables https//wwwmedmcom/sensorshtml Data sync with Google Fit Health Connect and other connected health ecosystems Notifications push email SMS newsfeed 20 types of measurements including blood pressure glucose lactate uric acid ketone coagulation also body weight and temperature ECG activity sleep heart and respiration rate SpO2 and more https//wwwmedmcom/rpm/medmcarehtml Integration API Userspecific reminders thresholds and triggers Patient ID numbers MedM Care is designed for chronic disease management senior amp home care research as well as postdischarge pregnancy and health amp wellness monitoring Disclaimer Important Medical Advice Notice This app is not a substitute for professional medical advice Always consult a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations before making any medical decisions Jurisdiction Statement The app collects health and wellness data recorded by hardware sensors and monitors that have the required regulatory clearance to be used in one or several countries of the world Please contact MedM or the manufacturer with questions about regulatory compliance of supported meters
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StrojCHECK® od SangreAzul - In

Verzia 20 aplikcie vyvjanej od roku 2015 nadvzuje na funkn prototypy ktorch testovania sa zastnilo viac ne 200 pacientov kliniky Sangre Azul Aplikcia StrojCHECK od Sangre Azul je inteligentn aplikcia vyvjan MUDrAndrejom Thurzom PhD MPH MHA ktor pomha dodriava potrebn rutiny poas lieby neviditenm strojekom ako naprklad Invisalign Po sksenostiach z vvoja 20152020 sme sa rozhodli zredukova lokalizciu aplikcie len pre Android pouvateov Cieom naprogramovania aplikcie bolo uahi pacientom dodra potrebn disciplnu a zefektvni tak liebu Uahila predovetkm skrtenie asu potrebnho na dosiahnutie vsledku lieby a v neposlednom rade zvila finann dostupnos tejto doteraz ekonomicky vemi mlo dostupnej lieby Princp spory spoval v redukcii potrebnch nvtev pre nevyhnutn servisy resp revzie lieby pri nekoprovan nontrackingu zubov posvanch neviditenm strojekom Zlepenie dslednosti pacienta pri nosen strojeka uetri oetrujcemu lekrovi vrazn mnostvo asu nielen v podobe celkovo kratej lieby ale aj z redukovanie asu quotchairtimequot na zkroky revzi a zlyhvajcich terapi z dvodu slabej compliance pacienta Od roku 2020 sa v ase prepuknutia pandmie aplikcia plne redizajnovala zapracovali sme rzne motivan quotwinning streaksquot zapojili sme vyuitie akcelertorov a umelej inteligencie vrtane napojenia na technolgie Dental Monitoringu Vaka tejto aplikcii nie je potrebn tak mnostvo osobnch nvtev o najm v ase pandmie uahuje vrazne zredukova poet fyzickch nvtev v ambulancii Aplikcia StrojCHECK od Sangre Azul DrThurza bola prv a je zatia stle jedin inteligentn aplikcia pre pacientov na neviditench strojekoch prepjajca kouing pacienta inteligentn pripomna a sledova priamo integrovan do kadodennho generovania zavy z rozpotu lieby a to vetko s prepojenm na socilne siete
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호