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Auction Bid Sniper for eBay

Snipe to win on eBay Myibidder Bid Sniper is a sniper for eBay buyers that places the last seconds bids to increase your chances to win No need to watch for auctions anymore just set a snipe and let the sniper do the job for you Once your snipe is set you don39t need to keep the app running for the snipe to work You can finetune your sniping in the quotPreferencesquot menu You get 10 free credits when you start using the app which can be used towards winning auctions Credits are used for won items only If you did not win an item your bid was too low seller did not accept it etc the snipe can be reused for future listings Auctions won with bids lower than 1000 any currency are free When your balance goes to zero you will get one free credit next day to keep the fun going Good for occasional snipers You can get more credits in the quotBalancequot menu option by buying credits in bulk or get them for free by watching ads This helps to support the service https//wwwmyibiddercom/login/credits A guide for a new user 1 Create an account for sniping using quotCreate Accountquot link on the Login screen 2 Link your eBay account using quoteBay Accountquot menu option after you login Step by step instructions on how to add an item for sniping http//wwwmyibiddercom/forums/viewtopic/3719/howtohowtoaddasnipetoandroidapp/ For those who never used eBay sniper in the past 1 Sniping does not guarantee winning you have to meet eBay39s and seller39s requirements in order to win Also your snipe must be ready added amp activated at least 3 minutes in advance 2 You can stop sniping if you have at least 12 minutes to delete the item from your list or set quotoffquot on quotActivatequot on the Snipe screen and save the change 3 The sniper does not track the current bid in realtime The current bid does not affect sniping anyway Questions Want to get answers Please feel free to ask http//wwwmyibiddercom/forums/ The application uses Myibiddercom service originally named Myibaycom to place your snipes so you can turn off or disconnect your phone after you scheduled your snipe Currently the service processes over 100000 snipes weekly Sniping is done using eBay US by default You can change it in the Preferences By using Myibiddercom service you have to agree to the following terms http//wwwmyibiddercom/login/terms If you switch from another service or a different app don39t hesitate to contact us directly by email to get your credits transferred Please note the reviews on Android Market are NOT for bug reports and suggestions If you want to suggest something or found a bug to be fixed please contact us directly by email or use the following Myibiddercom official forums for bug reports and support http//wwwmyibiddercom/forums/view/10/mobileandroidiosappsupport/ The bonus for those who managed to read until this point If you liked the app and are willing to share a short story on how it helped you please drop a message to the support by email You will get free snipe credits based on your story
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KLINQ: Online Shopping & Deals

Online shopping got a lot more accessible and affordable with KLINQ the largest online store in Kuwait Using this trusted online shopping app you can purchase your favorite products from different brands right from the palm of your hand You will also have access to the best daily deals and hot sales in Kuwait to make sure you never pay full price So if you live in Kuwait and are looking for a reliable shopping app to receive amazing daily deals coupons and discount codes youve come to the right place Download KLINQ for free on your device browse through the list of featured deals and coupons and have fun purchasing your favorite products at lower prices Never pay full price Hot shopping deals discounts offers and coupons KLINQ the secure online shopping app for users in Kuwait comes with a clean and neat design and the interface is so userfriendly that you will get the whole idea as soon as starting to browse through the list of daily deals and hot offers for the first time Amazing daily deals and offers with high discounts support for a range of different categories and products secure payment methods availability on multiple platforms and intuitive interface make KLINQ your 1 choice when it comes to finding the best online shopping app in Kuwait Daily deals at unbeatable prices Discover and enjoy using daily online deals shopping deals coupons and discount codes Make sure to check out the daily deals every day and get the most out of the available coupons and hot deals Savings are automatically applied at checkout so you only need to worry about finding the products and items suiting your needs What types of products are available to buy with promotion codes Using this trusted shopping app you can shop and save money on multiple categories fragrances body care leather goods and bags accessories and many more KLINQ main features at a glance Clean and neat design with a fresh and intuitive interface Secure online shopping app for users in Kuwait Daily deals and coupons Hot deals and discount codes to save money Supports multiple categories fragrances body care leather goods amp accessories Available on multiple platforms Secure payment methods Free to use online store Why dont you give this online shopping app a try Whether you are looking for a secure shopping app in Kuwait to purchase perfumes and fragrances with ease or you are looking for a shopping app to have access to a range of different hot deals and discount codes weve got you covered Since the entire features of this discount app are available for free there is no harm in giving it a try and exploring the features for yourself Download KLINQ for free on your phone or tablet enjoy buying your favorite products at lower prices and save money Dont forget to frequently check daily deals as you may miss some heavy discounts on your favorite perfumes or leather bags Stay tuned and let us know about any bugs questions feature requests or any other suggestions
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Dix pour cent

Dcouvrez 10 l39application gratuite qui vous rembourse 10 sur vos achats du quotidien COMMENT A MARCHE 10 vous permet de gagner de l39argent sur vos courses du quotidien grce au cashback 1/ Shopper faites vos courses dans votre magasin habituel supermarch drive livraison pharmacie etc 2/ Cagnotter scannez votre preuve dachat ticket de caisse dans lapplication ou envoyez la par mail 3/ Encaisser recevez 10 du montant dpens sur les marques Partenaires dans votre Cagnotte 4/ Vous rcuprez votre argent partir de 5 cagnotts POURQUOI CHOISIR 10 Cest lappli qui vous fait conomiser le plus dargent Bnficiez dun cashback immdiat et garanti de 10 sur vos marques prfres du quotidien et accdez a de nouvelles offres exclusives chaque semaine Pssst utilisez les codes promos et rductions dans vos magasins favoris et scannez vos preuves dachat sur 10 pour cumuler les conomies Ca marche partout Profitez de cashback sur des centaines de marques partenaires produit alimentaires et nonalimentaires et dans nimporte quel magasin Ca marche dans les supermarchs Carrefour Leclerc Intermarch Super U Auchan LIDL etc mais aussi dans nimporte quel autre magasin en fonction des deals disponibles pharmacie Dcathlon FNAC etc Cest facile Pas de dmarches compliques vous recevez vos gains directement sur votre compte instantanment Vous recevez des notifications sur les nouvelles promotions disponibles pour ne jamais manquer une bonne affaire REJOIGNEZNOUS Tlchargez 10 gratuitement maintenant et boostez votre pouvoir d39achat avec 10
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STO - 에스티오

취향에는 믿음이 필요합니다 스스로 자신의 취향을 믿고 존중할 수 있어야 합니다 그렇게 쌓인 취향들이 나를 설명해줄 때 우리는 그것을 개성이라 부릅니다 나를 알아가는 과정 속에서 삶의 가치를 정의할 수 있는 모든 이들을 응원합니다 각자의 개성을 공유하고 즐기는 공간 STO입니다 1 DISCOVER 새로운 브랜드 발견 한국 디자이너 브랜드를 한 곳에서 모아 볼 수 있는 STO STO가 엄선한 독창적이고 트렌디한 브랜드부터 나의 취향에 맞는 브랜드까지 당신에게 어울리는 매력적인 아이템을 만나보세요 2 DELIVERY 믿을 수 있는 배송 시스템 이 또한 새로운 경험 내 집에서 쉽고 빠르게 구매하는 해외 배송 합리적인 배송비 안심할 수 있는 반품 서비스 당신의 선택을 누구보다 소중히 여기는 STO에서 안전하고 편안하게 쇼핑하세요 3 STAMP 당신을 위한 웹 매거진 오직 STO에서만 만날 수 있는 자체 제작 콘텐츠 실시간 트렌드를 퀄리티 있게 선별해 빠르게 보여 드립니다 K트렌드 패션 피플 라이프스타일을 포함한 다양한 컬쳐를 즐길 수 있는 흥미로운 스토리를 확인하세요 지금 앱 다운하면 드리는 혜택 신규 가입 시 총 5000엔 분의 웰컴 쿠폰팩이 자동 지급됩니다 알림을 켜두면 브랜드 신상품 발매 재입고 소식을 받아보실 수 있어요 STO Contact Instagram stoofficial Email supportstojp 고객센터 앱 내 11 문의 평일 0900 1800 Minimum supported app version 210
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호