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OurCal: Shared Calendar

Introducing OurCal the shared calendar that places your privacy at the forefront designed for families couples friends and groups alike Featured by Apple OurCal simplifies the art of coordinating a shared calendar events and tasks for family couples and friends all while ensuring your information is safeguarded by stateoftheart endtoend encryption technology MAKE A SHARED CALENDAR Create your family shared calendar an intimate couple shared calendar a vibrant social shared calendar or an organized group calendar effortlessly You have the freedom to tailor it to your unique needs Invite others to join with a simple link enabling seamless collaboration and share unlimited events for complete schedule syncing REMINDERS amp ALERTS Keep your entire family partner friends or group in the loop with timely reminders updates and message notifications from your calendar For a crucial family gathering an intimate date night a happening social event or an important group meeting never miss a beat as you stay connected with your loved ones and peers CHAT PRIVATELY Each shared calendar boasts a dedicated calendar chat This private chat organizes updates and conversations as they unfold Discuss thoughts make plans and communicate effectively ensuring that everyone is updated CHOOSE YOUR VIEW See all your events at a glance for a comprehensive overview of your family39s activities your romantic rendezvous your social engagements or your group39s commitments Alternatively focus on the agenda for today in a more detailed view IMPORT ANY SHARED CALENDAR Seamlessly import your existing shared calendar from any provider ensuring that you have all your important events and appointments at your fingertips SHARE MEMORIES Share cherished memories through chats Whether it39s sharing photos from a recent family vacation intimate moments from your couples39 retreat snapshots from a memorable social event or important documents within your group like tickets or appointment slips you can seamlessly share and relive special moments with your loved ones or group members in the chat PRIVATE SHARING Your data is fortified with certified endtoend encryption E2EE technology offering an impenetrable shield of privacy and security for your shared calendar This commitment to safeguarding your information is paramount providing your family couple and group with the highest level of confidence and tranquillity as they can rest assured that their schedules remain entirely confidential If you have any inquiries or feedback please contact us hiourcalcom Vote for and submit ideas on ourcalcom/roadmap Press ourcalcom/press Privacy Policy ourcalcom/privacy Terms of Service ourcalcom/terms
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FAD®-Firma Autógrafa Digital®

FAD Firma Autgrafa Digital es una plataforma de firma digital equivalente funcional de la firma en papel Con ella puedes firmar de manera remota desde cualquier dispositivo mvil con total seguridad y apegados a diferentes cumplimientos normativos en todo el mundo Si fuiste requerido para firmar un documento desde FAD accede a l desde el correo electrnico que recibiste CONFIANZA EN LO QUE FIRMAS Obtn evidencia digital 100 atribuible en juicios y ahorra ms del 90 del tiempo invertido en tus procesos de firma Utiliza FAD en contratos seguros de vida factoraje recibos de nmina pagars crditos automotrices consentimiento informado entre muchos otros Transforma tus procesos de firma y cambia la manera de hacer negocios evita riesgos de repudio brinda total certeza jurdica atribuye la firma a la identidad de una persona y evita la suplantacin Cmo funciona Carga el documento a firmar en pdf https//youtube/7UWoY3em1xg Registra a los usuarios que necesites que firmen Asigna los espacios de firma en el documento y enva Firma con el dedo o lpiz ptico y graba la aceptacin del acuerdo Recibe los documentos firmados en formato multimedia Funcionalidades Push Notification al firmante Cdigo de acceso Geolocalizacin del lugar donde se realiz la firma Biometra de la firma y grabacin de la misma Captura de ID Video firma Video acuerdo Prueba de vida al momento de la firma y aceptacin del acuerdo Cdigo de autenticidad y verificacin Constancia de Conservacin Encriptacin de la informacin Validador de documentos multimedia Cumplimiento normativo Leyes modelo para el comercio electrnico de UNCITRAL ONU Reglamentos US ESIGN UETA amp ESIGN Act Nuevo reglamento eIDAS entre otros ordenamientos internacionales y locales Seguridad Cifrado de informacin bajo el estndar AES256 Protocolo de comunicacin privado TLS Almacenamiento de llaves y claves en Keychain del dispositivo Almacenamiento de datos y archivos en una BD cifrada Algoritmo Hash SHA2 de 256 bits para validar la autenticidad e inalterabilidad de la informacin Constancia de conservacin en Blockchain Esta herramienta es un complemento de la plataforma FAD Biometra Conoce todas nuestras modalidades de integracin suscripcin y paquetes de firma mandandonos un mensaje a la pgina https//wwwfirmaautografacom/contacto/ o escribenos al correo holanaatcommx Conoce ms acerca de FAD http//wwwfirmaautografacom/ Aviso de privacidad de FADhttps//trustnaattech/es/politicadeprivacidad
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호