다운로드수 10
0 (0명)
분류 | 라이프스타일 |
버전 | 2.1.0 |
연령 | 3세 이상 |
업데이트 | 2022. 12. 15. |
금주 다운수 | 0 |
누적 다운수 | 10 |
개발사 | Brian Mathews |
다운로드 | |
!소프트웨어 사용범위 위반 시
법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. |
SOTAMT is for licensed amateur radio operators ham radio who want to selfspot selfalert or send predefined SMS messages from remote areas where there is no cellular service no internet and who don39t have access to a satellite communicator If you enjoy SummitsOnTheAir SOTA or ParksOnTheAir POTA this app is for you The app encodes your commands into specially computed FT8/PSK31/RTTY messages composed of your callsign plus a suffix Worldwide monitoring stations skimmers pick up your HF transmission and relay it to PSK Reporter which forwards the message to the SOTAMT server where the suffix is decoded into a command SOTAMT then connects to the official SOTA or POTA or SMS services to carry out your instructions The amazing thing is that you don39t need a computer use your phone or tablet and you don39t need special cables use your phone39s speaker directly into your HF radio39s microphone input The app not only computes the FT8/PSK/RTTY message but can also generate FT8 audio directly no computer needed no dongles no cables and no soundcard interfaces See the https//SOTAmatcom web site for details
The app also comes with reference information on how to use additional 2way services when you DO have internet or cellular or satellite service The instructions can help you
Post a Selfspot
Post a Selfalert
Get a list of recent spots
Get SOTA/POTA information weather callinfo peak info park info
and more
Again check out the web site for complete details
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